17 research outputs found

    Зміст та структура самоосвітньої компетентності учнів закладів професійно-технічної освіти

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    Various approaches to understanding the essence of self-education make it possible to determine that self-education is based on the knowledge, skills, abilities and methods of learning activities acquired in the process of learning, manifested as an independent cognitive activity carried out by those who study.The article outlines the main approaches to the essence of self-education, identifies the essential characteristics of self-education (goals of self-education, management of self-education, peculiarities of activity, conditions for the implementation of self-education) and components of self-education, defines the concept of "self-educational competence" – an integrated personality characteristic that includes knowledge, skills, and experience of self-education, personal qualities that manifest themselves in the need, ability and readiness to implement a certain type of activity aimed at achieving personal, professional and social self-realization of a person, is characterized by personal and professional values that determine the readiness and ability of an individual to carry out self-education activities successfully, describes the main components of the process of forming self-educational competence of future qualified workers It was emphasized that the main criteria of the effectiveness of the process of self-education is the formation of the intellectual sphere of the individual, his/her readiness for self-education, professionalization, self-regulation, subjectivity and socialization.The structure of self-education competence of future skilled workers of the machine-building industry is presented, in which the components are represented, which are grouped into two blocks: variative (molding) and invariant. In turn, the variational consists of five interrelated components: needs-motivational, orientational-cognitive, operational-activity, reflexive-estimating, and organizational-volitional. Their characteristics are presented.The structural components of self-educational competence are guidelines, which determine the direction of further scientific research, vectors of the substantiation of theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of self-educational competence of a future skilled workerРазличные подходы к пониманию сути самообразования позволяют определить, что самообразование основана на знаниях, умениях, навыках и способах учебной деятельности, приобретенных в процессе обучения, проявляется как самостоятельная познавательная деятельность, осуществляемая учащимся.В статье показаны основные подходы к сути самообразования, определены сущностные характеристики самообразования (цели самообразовательной деятельности, управления самообразованием, особенности деятельности, условия осуществления самообразования) и составляющие самообразовательной деятельности, дано определение понятию «самообразовательная компетентность» – это интегрированная характеристика личности, которая включает в себя знания, умения, навыки и опыт самообразования, личностные качества, которые проявляются в необходимости, способности и готовности к реализации определенного вида деятельности, направленной на достижение личной, профессиональной и социальной самореализации человека, характеризуется личностными и профессиональными ценностями, которые обусловливают готовность и способность личности успешно осуществлять самообразовательную деятельность, охарактеризованы основные составляющие процесса формирования самообразовательной компетентности будущих квалифицированных рабочих. Подчеркнуто, что основными критериями эффективности процесса самообразования является формирование интеллектуальной сферы личности, ее готовность к самообразованию, профессионализация, саморегуляция, субъективность и социализация.Приведенная структура самообразовательной компетентности будущих квалифицированных рабочих машиностроительной отрасли, в которой отражаются составляющие, сгруппированные в два блока: вариативный (формовочный) и инвариантный. В свою очередь, вариативный состоит из пяти взаимосвязанных компонентов: потребностно-мотивационного, ориентационно-когнитивного, операционно-деятельностного, рефлексивно-оценочного и организационно-волевого. Подано их характеристики.Структурные компоненты самообразовательной компетентности являются ориентирами, которые определяют направление дальнейшего научного поиска, векторы обоснование теоретических и методических аспектов развития самообразовательной компетентности будущего квалифицированного рабочегоРізноманітні підходи до розуміння суті самоосвіти дозволяють визначити, що самоосвіта ґрунтується на знаннях, вміннях, навичках та способах навчальної діяльності, набутих у процесі навчання, проявляється як самостійна пізнавальна діяльність, яка здійснюється тим, хто навчається.У статті унаочнено основні підходи до суті самоосвіти, визначені сутнісні характеристики самоосвіти (цілі самоосвітньої діяльності, управління самоосвітою, особливості діяльності, умови здійснення самоосвіти) та складові самоосвітньої діяльності, дано визначення поняттю «самоосвітня компетентність» – це інтегрована характеристика особистості, яка містить у собі знання, уміння, навички та досвід самоосвіти, особистісні якості, які проявляються у потребі, здатності та готовності до реалізації певного виду діяльності, спрямованої на досягнення особистісної, професійної та соціальної самореалізації людини, характеризується особистісними та професійними цінностями, які зумовлюють готовність і здатність особистості успішно здійснювати самоосвітню діяльність, охарактеризовано основні складові процесу формування самоосвітньої компетентності майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників. Підкреслено, що основними критеріями ефективності процесу самоосвіти є формування інтелектуальної сфери особистості, її готовність до самоосвіти, професіоналізація, саморегуляція, суб’єктивність та соціалізація.Наведена структура самоосвітньої компетентності майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників машинобудівної галузі, в якій відображаються складові, що згруповано у два блоки: варіативний (формувальний) та інваріантний. У свою чергу, варіативний складається з п’яти взаємозалежних компонентів: потребнісно-мотиваційного, орієнтаційно-когнітивного, операційно-діяльнісного, рефлексивно-оцінного та організаційно-вольового. Подано їх характеристики.Структурні компоненти самоосвітньої компетентності є орієнтирами, які визначають напрям подальшого наукового пошуку, вектори обґрунтування теоретичних і методичних аспектів розвитку самоосвітньої компетентності майбутнього кваліфікованого робітник

    Agricultural Insurance in China

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    The system of agricultural insurance is a key sector of the state economy and the development of agricultural sector in general. As we may see now China is one of the leading agricultural countries showing good indicators of agricultural products export. By the aid of this insurance program farmers have become secure and make a significant contribution to the development of rural economy and, as a result, economy of the whole country. This article is aimed at the history of agricultural insurance market, its success and failures, its establishment as a separate mechanism since 2007, though the agricultural insurance goes back to 1980s. The article analyzes the structure of agricultural insurance systems, focuses on the sustainable development of the agricultural sector after the introduction of the new insurance campaign of 2007

    Microbiome Responses to an Uncontrolled Short-Term Diet Intervention in the Frame of the Citizen Science Project

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    Personalized nutrition is of increasing interest to individuals actively monitoring their health. The relations between the duration of diet intervention and the effects on gut microbiota have yet to be elucidated. Here we examined the associations of short-term dietary changes, long-term dietary habits and lifestyle with gut microbiota. Stool samples from 248 citizen-science volunteers were collected before and after a self-reported 2-week personalized diet intervention, then analyzed using 16S rRNA sequencing. Considerable correlations between long-term dietary habits and gut community structure were detected. A higher intake of vegetables and fruits was associated with increased levels of butyrate-producing Clostridiales and higher community richness. A paired comparison of the metagenomes before and after the 2-week intervention showed that even a brief, uncontrolled intervention produced profound changes in community structure: resulting in decreased levels of Bacteroidaceae, Porphyromonadaceae and Rikenellaceae families and decreased alpha-diversity coupled with an increase of Methanobrevibacter, Bifidobacterium, Clostridium and butyrate-producing Lachnospiraceae- as well as the prevalence of a permatype (a bootstrapping-based variation of enterotype) associated with a higher diversity of diet. The response of microbiota to the intervention was dependent on the initial microbiota state. These findings pave the way for the development of an individualized diet.</p

    Content and Structure of the Self-educational Competence of Students in Professional and Technical Education Instittions

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    Various approaches to understanding the essence of self-education make it possible to determine that self-education is based on the knowledge, skills, abilities and methods of learning activities acquired in the process of learning, manifested as an independent cognitive activity carried out by those who study.The article outlines the main approaches to the essence of self-education, identifies the essential characteristics of self-education (goals of self-education, management of self-education, peculiarities of activity, conditions for the implementation of self-education) and components of self-education, defines the concept of "self-educational competence" – an integrated personality characteristic that includes knowledge, skills, and experience of self-education, personal qualities that manifest themselves in the need, ability and readiness to implement a certain type of activity aimed at achieving personal, professional and social self-realization of a person, is characterized by personal and professional values that determine the readiness and ability of an individual to carry out self-education activities successfully, describes the main components of the process of forming self-educational competence of future qualified workers It was emphasized that the main criteria of the effectiveness of the process of self-education is the formation of the intellectual sphere of the individual, his/her readiness for self-education, professionalization, self-regulation, subjectivity and socialization.The structure of self-education competence of future skilled workers of the machine-building industry is presented, in which the components are represented, which are grouped into two blocks: variative (molding) and invariant. In turn, the variational consists of five interrelated components: needs-motivational, orientational-cognitive, operational-activity, reflexive-estimating, and organizational-volitional. Their characteristics are presented.The structural components of self-educational competence are guidelines, which determine the direction of further scientific research, vectors of the substantiation of theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of self-educational competence of a future skilled worke

    Folklore Tale for Young Children Precuring a Polyculture Textbook

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    The development of benevolent relationships between people of different races and ethnicities living in the same areas, such as the city of Moscow is highly relevant modern issue can be beneficially addressed in early childhood. This article discusses challenges of multicultural education in Moscow preschools and kindergartens. Folk tales characterized as an early precursor of a textbook for children who do not attend a school and cannot read. The article depicts the ability of folk tales to introduce young children to different ethnic cultures such as everyday lives and households, traditions, and models of behavior. Data collected in Moscow preschools and kindergartens is presented and discussed. The objectives of this research were to study, analyze and draw conclusions from the collected data to find out what folk tales are used in preschools of multicultural Moscow. It was concluded that full potential of folk tales was never utilized in multicultural education. Furthermore, objectives to make new pedagogical technology for multicultural education based on folk tales were defined based on this study

    Retention Time Prediction with Message-Passing Neural Networks

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    Retention time prediction, facilitated by advances in machine learning, has become a useful tool in untargeted LC-MS applications. State-of-the-art approaches include graph neural networks and 1D-convolutional neural networks that are trained on the METLIN small molecule retention time dataset (SMRT). These approaches demonstrate accurate predictions comparable with the experimental error for the training set. The weak point of retention time prediction approaches is the transfer of predictions to various systems. The accuracy of this step depends both on the method of mapping and on the accuracy of the general model trained on SMRT. Therefore, improvements to both parts of prediction workflows may lead to improved compound annotations. Here, we evaluate capabilities of message-passing neural networks (MPNN) that have demonstrated outstanding performance on many chemical tasks to accurately predict retention times. The model was initially trained on SMRT, providing mean and median absolute cross-validation errors of 32 and 16 s, respectively. The pretrained MPNN was further fine-tuned on five publicly available small reversed-phase retention sets in a transfer learning mode and demonstrated up to 30% improvement of prediction accuracy for these sets compared with the state-of-the-art methods. We demonstrated that filtering isomeric candidates by predicted retention with the thresholds obtained from ROC curves eliminates up to 50% of false identities

    Comparative Prediction of Gas Chromatographic Retention Indices for GC/MS Identification of Chemicals Related to Chemical Weapons Convention by Incremental and Machine Learning Methods

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    During on-site verification activities conducted by the Technical Secretariat of Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, identification by gas chromatography retention indices (RI) data, in addition to mass spectrometry data, increase the reliability of factual findings. However, reference RIs do not cover all the possible chemical structures. That is why it is important to have models to predict RIs. Applicable only for narrow data sets of chemicals with a fixed scaffold (G- and V-series gases as example), the non-learning incremental method demonstrated predictive median absolute and percentage errors of 2–4 units and 0.1–0.2%; these are comparable with the experimental bias in RI measurements in the same laboratory with the same GC conditions. It outperforms the accuracy of two reported machine learning methods–median absolute and percentage errors of 11–52 units and 0.5–2.8%. However, for the whole Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) data set of chemicals, when a fixed scaffold is absent, the incremental method is not applicable; essential machine learning methods achieved accuracy: median absolute and percentage errors of 29–33 units and 0.5–2.2%, depending on the machine learning method. In addition, we have developed a homology tree approach as a convenient method for the visualization of the CWC chemical space. We conclude that non-learning incremental methods may be more accurate than the state-of-the-art machine learning techniques in particular cases, such as predicting the RIs of homologues and isomers of chemicals related to CWC

    False Positive Results of Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) Quantitation in Dried Blood Spots (DBS): The Influence of Alcohol Vapors

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    The role of phosphatidylethanol (PEth) as an alcohol consumption marker is increasing in clinical and forensic medicine. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of hygiene increased, and it became common practice to use disinfectants almost everywhere. This paper highlights a possible source of false positive results (by the vapors of alcohols during the blood spot drying process) in dried blood spots (DBS) by LC-MS/MS quantitation of PEth. To achieve this, the PEth quantitation method was validated according to FDA guidelines. Additionally, the synthesis of phosphatidyl derivatives by phospholipase D (PLD) in the presence of methanol and 2-propanol vapors during the DBS process was determined. Each PEth-negative sample from a healthy male patient incubated in the presence of ethanol vapor becomes PEth-positive. After 4 h of DBS drying, teetotalers become &ldquo;moderate drinkers&rdquo;. It is necessary to avoid using alcohol-containing disinfectants in treatment rooms, where DBS is sampled

    Analysis of <sup>16</sup>O/<sup>18</sup>O and H/D Exchange Reactions between Carbohydrates and Heavy Water Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

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    Mono- and polysaccharides are an essential part of every biological system. Identifying underivatized carbohydrates using mass spectrometry is still a challenge because carbohydrates have a low capacity for ionization. Normally, the intensities of protonated carbohydrates are relatively low, and in order to increase the corresponding peak height, researchers add Na+, K+, or NH4+to the solution. However, the fragmentation spectra of the corresponding ions are very poor. Based on this, reliably identifying carbohydrates in complex natural and biological objects can benefit frommeasuring additional molecular descriptors, especially those directly connected to the molecular structure. Previously, we reported that the application of the isotope exchange approach (H/D and 16O/18O) to high-resolution mass spectrometry can increase the reliability of identifying drug-like compounds. Carbohydrates possess many –OH and –COOH groups, making it reasonable to expect that the isotope exchange approach would have considerable potential for detecting carbohydrates. Here, we used a collection of standard carbohydrates to investigate the isotope exchange reaction (H/D and 16O/18O) in carbohydrates and estimate its analytical applications

    False Positive Results of Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) Quantitation in Dried Blood Spots (DBS): The Influence of Alcohol Vapors

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    The role of phosphatidylethanol (PEth) as an alcohol consumption marker is increasing in clinical and forensic medicine. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of hygiene increased, and it became common practice to use disinfectants almost everywhere. This paper highlights a possible source of false positive results (by the vapors of alcohols during the blood spot drying process) in dried blood spots (DBS) by LC-MS/MS quantitation of PEth. To achieve this, the PEth quantitation method was validated according to FDA guidelines. Additionally, the synthesis of phosphatidyl derivatives by phospholipase D (PLD) in the presence of methanol and 2-propanol vapors during the DBS process was determined. Each PEth-negative sample from a healthy male patient incubated in the presence of ethanol vapor becomes PEth-positive. After 4 h of DBS drying, teetotalers become “moderate drinkers”. It is necessary to avoid using alcohol-containing disinfectants in treatment rooms, where DBS is sampled