43 research outputs found

    Accelerating Industrial Applications: The Development of Basic GPU Kernels for the New Block AMG Algorithms for Solving SLE with Explicitly Calculated Sparse Basis

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    AbstractNowadays, GPU computations are playing significant role in supercomputing technologies. This work is a part of a project dealing with solving problems of modeling hydro- and aerodynamics where linear algebra operations are frequently used and occupy most of execution time. In despite of the fact that GPUs are traditionally used for solving high sized problems, in our project we need to solve many tasks of low sizes. Because of this, modern library's solutions such as cuBLAS (1) and cuSPARSE (2) are not suitable enough for that, so we have a task of implementation more efficient functions for concrete linear algebra operations taking into account its specialties

    Multiplication of Air Accidents Frequency and Hazard Desirability Coefficients for ICAO Safety Risk Tolerability Matrix Solution

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    Using mathematical method of priorities arrangement, also known as problem “about leader”, air accidents frequency and hazard desirability coefficients were found. Those coefficients are proposed by ICAO for safety risk tolerability matrix solution. Integral index of mentioned parameters combinations hazard is found with help of Harrington desirability function. Risk levels determination index is introduced for researched matrix

    Intercomparison of ozone vertical profile measurements by differential absorption lidar and IASI/MetOp satellite in the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere

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    This paper introduces the technique of retrieving the profiles of vertical distribution of ozone considering temperature and aerosol correction in DIAL sounding of the atmosphere. The authors determine wavelengths, which are promising for measurements of ozone profiles in the upper troposphere–lower stratosphere. An ozone differential absorption lidar is designed for the measurements. The results of applying the developed technique to the retrieval of the vertical profiles of ozone considering temperature and aerosol correction in the altitude range 6–15 km in DIAL sounding of the atmosphere confirm the prospects of ozone sounding at selected wavelengths of 341 and 299 nm with the proposed lidar. The 2015 ozone profiles retrieved were compared with satellite IASI data and the Kruger model

    DIAL measurements of the vertical ozone distribution at the Siberian lidar station

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    The paper presents the results of DIAL measurements of the vertical ozone distribution at the Siberian lidar station. Sensing is performed according to the method of differential absorption and scattering at wavelength pair of 299/341 nm, which are, respectively, the first and second Stokes components of SRS conversion of 4th harmonic of Nd:YAG laser (266 nm) in hydrogen. Lidar with receiving mirror 0.5 m in diameter is used to implement sensing of vertical ozone distribution in altitude range of 6-16 km. The temperature correction of zone absorption coefficients is introduced in the software to reduce the retrieval errors

    The Influence of Parents’ Mutual Support on the Socialization of Children with Special Needs in Rehabilitation Centres: Neuropsychological Aspects

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    The article presents theoretical and methodological aspects of social support for families with adolescents with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in rehabilitation centres. In particular, it describes the process and results from the implementation of the author’s work with mutual support groups of parents of adolescents with MSDs. The article aims to determine and quasi-experimentally verify the methods of rehabilitation of individuals with MSDs and prove their effectiveness in rehabilitation centres with the involvement of parents. During the implementation of the programme, social work with families in centres for social rehabilitation of children with MSDs consists of the following main areas: family therapy, family psychoprophylaxis, providing social assistance to families, mediation in resolving family conflicts, family counselling, social and pedagogical work with families.  The content and forms of social and pedagogical work with the family are determined by a group of the following factors: a family type, problems in the family; areas of professional training of the specialist providing services to the family. The quasi-experimental group (EG) consists of 40 leavers from the Vinnytsia Centre for Social Rehabilitation of Children with Special Needs “Promin”, who are diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and six leavers with mild mental disorders. The control group (CG) consists of 40 individuals diagnosed with cerebral palsy and seven individuals with mild mental disorders. The age requirement for EG is 14-19 years old. The formative experiment also involves 27 parents of children with MSDs. The measures taken during the experiment have contributed to developing the skills of conscious psychological separation from constant parental care, taking responsibility for their lives, setting real-life goals and destroying the position of helplessness in individuals with MSDs. The article shows that a set of causes and factors affecting families’ well-being positively or negatively determines the interpersonal relationships and the traditions of family education. The international relevance of the article lies in the effective combination of social support for families with adolescents with MSDs in rehabilitation centres and parents’ involvement. The author’s methodology forms the basis for the new aspects of synergistic family and institutional rehabilitation and support.</p


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    The methodology of using the photosynthesizing pigment system of the phototrophic bacteria as an integrated indicator of the environment state has been formulated. The transfer time of the excitation energy from basic light-collecting antenna of the green bacterium to the minor one (20 - 60 ps), transfer time of the energy from light-collecting antenna on the reaction centres among purple bacteria (60 ps) and selection time of the charges in the photoactive reaction centres of the purple bacteria (6 ps) have been calculatedAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Hydrographic and erosional dissection pattern as an indicator of landform type of the Malozemelskaya and Bolshezemelskaya Tundra

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    The paper describes the methodology and presents the results of the calculation of the spectral characteristics of the terrain for the territory of the Bolshezemelskaya and Malozemelskaya Tundra (the north of the European part of Russia). There are nine terrain clusters, differing in the topographic dissection pattern. Their geomorphological interpretation is given. Three clusters characterize mountainous and coarsely hilly terrain with the depth of dissection from 150 m and more. The others are low and elevated terrains with much lower depths of dissection (up to 50 m) and different patterns of interposition of landforms

    Вплив способів усунення викидів у динамічних рядах вантажопотоків на їх статистичні характеристики

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    Types of the data aggregate spikes of the time series were analyzed taking as an example the incoming freight flows at the industrial enterprise. Effect of the method of correction of abnormal series levels on its quantitative characteristics and the trend component was established. The ranges of deviation from the mean value of actual data were determined. Decrease in dispersion for one-step correction up to 20 % and up to 99 % for iterative correction was determined. It was established that the degree of correlation of the time series levels weakly reacts to the method of correction of abnormal values. Methods of elimination of the trend and cyclic components by iterative correction of abnormal observations by means of different estimators were considered. As a result of partial robust processing of abnormal values, an updated time series was obtained/ This time series can be used further for modeling and predicting indicators studied for different systems. It was established that the remaining parts of the deterministic actual series accumulate in themselves about 75 % of dispersion of the actual series for one-step correction and 54 % for iterative correction. On average, 6 % of the actual series dispersion is the share of the trend for all methods of correction (except VOS and MO). Исследовано влияние различных способов цензурирования аномальных значений на статистические характеристики и свойства динамического ряда грузопотока предприятия. В результате фильтрации аномальных значений формируется обновленный динамический ряд. Этот ряд в дальнейшем может использоваться для моделирования и прогнозирования исследуемого показателя в различных системахДосліджено вплив різних способів цензурування аномальних значень на статистичні характеристики і властивості динамічного ряду вантажопотоку підприємства. В результаті фільтрації аномальних значень формується оновлений динамічний ряд. Цей ряд в подальшому може використовуватися для моделювання і прогнозування досліджуваного показника в різних система