22 research outputs found

    A note on functional equivalence between intertemporal and multisectoral investment adjustment costs

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    Kim (2003, JEDC) shows functional equivalence between intertemporal and multisectoral investment adjustments costs in a linearized RBC model. From an identification point of view, two parameters are not separately distinguishable, they enter as a sum into the linearized solution. We demonstrate that estimating the quadratic approximation of the model provides means to extract more information on the structural parameters from data and thus estimate both parameters that are unidentiable under the log-linearized model

    Forecasting with second-order approximations and Markov-switching DSGE models

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    This paper considers the out-of-sample forecasting performance of first- and second-order perturbation approximations for DSGE models that incorporate Markov-switching behaviour in the policy reaction function and the volatility of shocks. The results suggest that second-order approximations provide an improved forecasting performance in models that do not allow for regime-switching, while for the MS-DSGE models, a first-order approximation would appear to provide better out-of-sample properties. In addition, we find that over short-horizons, the MS-DSGE models provide superior forecasting results when compared to those models that do not allow for regime-switching (at both perturbation orders).http://link.springer.com/journal/106142020-11-04hj2020Economic

    DSGE model estimation on base of second order approximation

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    This article compares properties of different non-linear Kalman filters: well-known Unscented Kalman filter (UKF), Central Difference Kalman Filter (CDKF) and unknown Quadratic Kalman filter (QKF). Small financial DSGE model is repeatedly estimated by maximum quasi-likelihood methods with different filters for data generated by the model. Errors of parameters estimation are measure of filters quality. The result is that QKF has reasonable advantage in quality over CDKF and UKF with some loose in speed.DSGE, QKF, CDKF, UKF, quadratic approximation, Kalman filtering

    Forecasting using a Nonlinear DSGE Model

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    A medium-scale nonlinear dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model was estimated (54 variables, 29 state variables, 7 observed variables). The model includes an observed variable for stock market returns. The root-mean square error (RMSE) of the in-sample and out-of-sample forecasts was calculated. The nonlinear DSGE model with measurement errors outperforms AR (1), VAR (1) and the linearised DSGE in terms of the quality of the out-of-sample forecasts. The nonlinear DSGE model without measurement errors is of a quality equal to that of the linearised DSGE model

    Physical Rehabilitation in the Health of Persons Overweight

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    На підставі аналізу спеціальних літературних джерел, сучасних науково-методичних знань і результатів практичного досвіду визначено роль і місце фізичної реабілітації осіб із надлишковою масою тіла в системі охорони здоров’я. Основною причиною ожиріння й надлишкової ваги можна вважати енергетичну незбалансованість між калоріями, які надходять в організм, і калоріями, що витрачаються. У зв’язку з цим обґрунтовано необхідність використання засобів фізичної реабілітації та елементів комплексної терапії в осіб із надлишковою масою тіла. Фізичний аспект реабілітації передбачає заходи з відновлення працездатності осіб із надлишковою масою тіла за допомогою застосування не лише фізичних факторів, а й проведення наростаючих за інтенсивністю фізичних тренувань. Визначено їхні принципи, завдання та форми проведення. Based on the analysis of special literature, modern scientific and methodological knowledge and the results of practical experience in the role and place of physical rehabilitation of persons with overweight in the health care system. The main cause of obesity and overweight can be considered an energy imbalance between calories that enter the body and calories expended. In this connection, the necessity of the use of physical rehabilitation and elements of complex therapy in people with excess body weight. The physical aspect involves the rehabilitation measures for the rehabilitation of disabled persons overweight by applying not only physical factors, but also of increasing the intensity of physical training. Define their principles, objectives and modalities of

    Temperature Sensitivity of Topsoil Organic Matter Decomposition Does Not Depend on Vegetation Types in Mountains

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    Rising air temperatures caused by global warming affects microbial decomposition rate of soil organic matter (SOM). The temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition (Q(10)) may depend on SOM quality determined by vegetation type. In this study, we selected a long transect (3.6 km) across the five ecosystems and short transects (0.1 km) from grazed and ungrazed meadows to forests in the Northwest Caucasus to consider different patterns in Q(10) changes at shift of the vegetation belts. It is hypothesized that Q(10) will increase along altitudinal gradient in line with recalcitrance of SOM according to kinetics-based theory. The indicators of SOM quality (BR:C, respiration per unit of soil C; MBC:C, ratio of microbial biomass carbon to soil carbon; soil C:N ratio) were used for checking the hypothesis. It was shown that Q(10) did not differ across vegetation types within long and short transects, regardless differences in projective cover (14-99%) and vegetation species richness (6-12 units per plot). However, Q(10) value differed between the long and short transects by almost two times (on average 2.4 vs. 1.4). Such a difference was explained by environmental characteristics linked with terrain position (slope steepness, microclimate, and land forms). The Q(10) changes across studied slopes were driven by BR:C for meadows (R-2 = 0.64; negative relationship) and pH value for forests (R-2 = 0.80; positive relationship). Thus, proxy of SOM quality explained Q(10) variability only across mountain meadows, whereas for forests, soil acidity was the main driver of microbial activity


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    The functional diagram of a grain-cleaner with two ducts and certain air speed characteristics is described. Each pneumatic duct is segmented into blocks with various probabilistic characteristics of the airflow velocity distribution, various density composition and terminal velocities of each component. The mathematical expressions averaging the air separation indices full-width of two sequentially operating pneumatic ducts are defined. A stochastic quasi-static mathematical model of the operation process of a grain-cleaner with two pneumatic ducts is developed. The air-separation process at the specified manufacturing characteristics of the heap components, their fractional value in the heap, and of the structure of the airflow entering the pneumatic ducts, is simulated. The results of the parametric air-flow classification synthesis, the technological characteristics of its operation are described; the heap fractional makeup and measurable characteristics in each separated fraction are given; the possibility of the air-flow classification of the crushed haulm heap on the controlled factions with the output of 0,689 kg/(m∙s) is defined

    Localization and Functional Roles of Components of the Translation Apparatus in the Eukaryotic Cell Nucleus

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    Components of the translation apparatus, including ribosomal proteins, have been found in cell nuclei in various organisms. Components of the translation apparatus are involved in various nuclear processes, particularly those associated with genome integrity control and the nuclear stages of gene expression, such as transcription, mRNA processing, and mRNA export. Components of the translation apparatus control intranuclear trafficking; the nuclear import and export of RNA and proteins; and regulate the activity, stability, and functional recruitment of nuclear proteins. The nuclear translocation of these components is often involved in the cell response to stimulation and stress, in addition to playing critical roles in oncogenesis and viral infection. Many components of the translation apparatus are moonlighting proteins, involved in integral cell stress response and coupling of gene expression subprocesses. Thus, this phenomenon represents a significant interest for both basic and applied molecular biology. Here, we provide an overview of the current data regarding the molecular functions of translation factors and ribosomal proteins in the cell nucleus