160 research outputs found

    Globalization of R&D and China – Empirical Observations and Policy Implications

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    As one of the world’s largest recipients of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), China is emerging as a key global player in Research and Development (R&D). This rapid increase in R&D investment is mainly attributed to the effort of strengthening the indigenous innovation capacity of domestic actors and, to an increasing extent, to the process of globalization of R&D with multinational enterprises as key driving force. This paper provides a detailed overview of the relative importance of foreign R&D in China based on quantitative mapping in terms of R&D inputs, outputs and local linkages in R&D-related activities, combined with an in-depth description of the nature of foreign R&D activities. Our empirical observation suggests that the growing importance of China in the globalization of R&D is more than a ‘flash-in-the-pan’. On one hand, China is facing new challenges, but at the same time is attempting to seize the “window of opportunity” to compete for knowledge and human resources through structural adjustments and new policy initiatives. On the other hand, multinational enterprises from OECD countries are not only intensifying, but also diversifying their activities in a larger number of R&D intensive sectors in China. In such a rapid and dynamic development, China seems to emerge not only as an important source of R&D but also a key magnet of global R&D operations.China; R&D; Globalization; Multinationals

    Intermittent fasting promotes axonal regeneration through the gut microbiome derived metabolite: Indole-3-Propionic acid

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    Spontaneous functional mammalian axonal regeneration following injury fails. High density and fast axon regeneration across distances are needed for efficient repair in humans. These are likely influenced by complex neuronal intrinsic and extrinsic metabolic and signalling mechanisms. Environmental factors such as exercise and diet have been shown to affect metabolism and signalling promoting health and repair processes in several diseases. Intermittent fasting (IF) has been shown to increase synaptic plasticity and neurogenesis that partially share molecular mechanisms with axonal regeneration. Recent publications showed that IF was followed by enhanced functional recovery following spinal cord injury. We hypothesized that IF would promote axonal regeneration after injury by a combinatorial effect of systemic and cell intrinsic mechanisms influencing neuronal metabolism and regenerative signalling pathways. Hence, we studied axonal regeneration after sciatic nerve injury in fasting (IF) versus non-fasting animals to discover that IF significantly promotes axonal regeneration. We next found IF-dependent upregulation of gut bacteria-derived indole metabolites and identified indole-3-propionic acid (IPA) as a key factor in IF dependent axonal regeneration. IPA treatment in ad libitum-fed mice increased axonal regeneration after injury. Further, RNA sequencing transcriptomic analysis from dorsal root ganglia neurons suggests that neutrophils and interferon gamma play an important role in IPA-dependent axonal regeneration. These studies offer both a novel mechanism and they have the potential to provide a novel translational approach for nerve repair and functional recovery after injury.Open Acces

    China: From Shopfloor to Knowledge Factory

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    Realising innovation opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa

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    The aim of the document is to identify and discuss a number of growth paths that might be explored to promote innovationdriven development in Sub-Saharan Africa. The document adopts a broad perspective of innovation, examining framework conditions, fundamental prerequisites, drivers and focal areas for innovation. The document addresses a spectrum of issues andtopics ranging from regional and global integration, the promises of inclusive innovation, the priorities and approaches for diversifying African economies, and the role of universities and the state in development. Although some of these themes are not included in traditional debates on innovation, we deem them to be of critical importance when analysing innovation as an engine of growth andfor ensuring an environment in which development outcomes are achieved through innovation

    Institutional Analysis of Legal Change: The Case of Corporate Governance in China

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    During the last three decades, China has undergone a period of unprecedented institutional change. The gradual market transition of the economy and China’s integration into the WTO have created a strong demand for new laws and regulations. For institutional economics this period provides a unique opportunity to study the qualities, implications, and driving forces of distinct legal arrangements and their impact on economic development in transition economies. Empirical research not only provides insight into China’s emerging legal system, it also promises important feedback effects for the field of institutional economics. In this Essay we argue that meaningful analysis of legal change in transition economies, such as China’s, must look beyond change of law in the books; it requires analysis of institutional frameworks that shape social behavior, which in turn explain the effectiveness of changes in the law. Using the example of corporate governance, we show that changes in the law have not sufficiently been matched by changes in institutional conditions, explaining why, in spite of far-reaching judicial reform, Chinese corporate governance still displays significant weaknesses in practice

    Shifting patterns in international research cooperation

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    The global scientific landscape has changed dramatically since the end of the Cold War. The scientific rise of China, as well as other emerging countries, has coincided with a rapid, perhaps unprecedented, increase in international academic cooperation. However, in recent years, mounting geopolitical friction and other developments are shaping a new context which is starting to affect the trajectory and patterns of scientific collaboration.This document is part of a series of reports aimed at covering the development of international scientific cooperation against the backdrop of changes in the international rules-based global order, global research ethics and norms, and increasingly urgent global societal challenges which require international coordination and cooperation within research, development, and regulation. We believe that this analysis can provide relevant insights for academia, industry, and government

    Media Work as Field Advancement: The Case of Science Media Center Germany

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    In the wake of the news industry’s digitization, novel organizations that differ considerably from traditional media firms in terms of their functional roles and organizational practices of media work are emerging. One new type is the field repair organization, which is characterized by supporting high-quality media work to compensate for the deficits (such as those which come from cost savings and layoffs) which have become apparent in legacy media today. From a practice-theoretical research perspective and based on semi-structured interviews, virtual field observations, and document analysis, we have conducted a single case study on Science Media Center Germany (SMC), a unique non-profit news start-up launched in 2016 in Cologne, Germany. Our findings show that, in addition to field repair activities, SMC aims to facilitate progress and innovation in the field, which we refer to as field advancement. This helps to uncover emerging needs and anticipates problems before they intensify or even occur, proactively providing products and tools for future journalism. This article contributes to our understanding of novel media organizations with distinct functions in the news industry, allowing for advancements in theory on media work and the organization of journalism in times of digital upheaval

    Comparación entre los efectos de la dexmedetomidina, el fentanilo y el esmolol en la prevención de la respuesta hemodinámica a la intubación

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    ResumenJustificación y objetivosLa laringoscopia y la intubación pueden causar una respuesta hemodinámica. Varios medicamentos pueden ser usados para controlar esa respuesta. En este estudio, nuestro objetivo fue comparar los efectos de la dexmedetomidina, el fentanilo y el esmolol sobre la respuesta hemodinámica.MétodosNoventa pacientes programados para cirugías electivas con intubación endotraqueal, estado físico ASA I-II, y edades entre 21 y 65 años, se incluyeron en el estudio prospectivo, aleatorizado y doble ciego. Las presiones arteriales medias, sistólicas, diastólicas y las frecuencias cardíacas se midieron cuando los pacientes llegaron al quirófano y se registraron como valores basales. Los pacientes fueron aleatorizados en 3 grupos: el grupo i (n=30) recibió 1μg/kg de dexmedetomidina con infusión en 10min; el grupo ii (n=30) recibió 2μg/kg de fentanilo; el grupo iii recibió 2mg/kg de esmolol 2min antes de la inducción. Los pacientes fueron intubados en 3min. Las presiones medias, sistólicas y diastólicas y las frecuencias cardíacas fueron medidas antes de la inducción, antes de la intubación y durante los minutos 1, 3, 5 y 10 después de la intubación.ResultadosCuando los niveles basales fueron comparados entre los grupos, verificamos que en los minutos 5 y 10 la postintubación, las frecuencias cardíacas en el grupo i y las presiones arteriales medias, sistólicas y diastólicas en el grupo iii eran más bajas que en otros tiempos medidos (p<0,05).ConclusionesLa dexmedetomidina fue superior en la prevención de la taquicardia. El esmolol previno el aumento de las presiones arteriales medias, sistólicas y diastólicas después de la intubación. Concluimos que son necesarios algunos estudios adicionales para descubrir una estrategia que prevenga tanto el aumento de la presión arterial sistémica como la frecuencia cardíaca.AbstractBackground and objectivesLaryngoscopy and intubation can cause hemodynamic response. Various medications may be employed to control that response. In this study, we aimed to compare the effects of dexmedetomidine, fentanyl and esmolol on hemodynamic response.MethodsNinety elective surgery patients who needed endotracheal intubation who were in American Society of Anesthesiology I–II group and ages between 21 and 65 years were included in that prospective, randomized, double-blind study. Systolic, diastolic, mean arterial pressures, heart rates at the time of admittance at operation room were recorded as basal measurements. The patients were randomized into three groups: Group I (n = 30) received 1 μg/kg dexmedetomidine with infusion in 10 min, Group II (n = 30) received 2 μg/kg fentanyl, Group III received 2 mg/kg esmolol 2 min before induction. The patients were intubated in 3 min. Systolic, diastolic, mean arterial pressures and heart rates were measured before induction, before intubation and 1, 3, 5, 10 min after intubation.ResultsWhen basal levels were compared with the measurements of the groups, it was found that 5 and 10 min after intubation heart rate in Group I and systolic, diastolic, mean arterial pressures in Group III were lower than other measurements (p < 0.05).ConclusionsDexmedetomidine was superior in the prevention of tachycardia. Esmolol prevented sytolic, diastolic, mean arterial pressure increases following intubation. We concluded that further studies are needed in order to find a strategy that prevents the increase in systemic blood pressure and heart rate both

    Morphometrische Korrelate des Arbeitsgedächtnisses anhand neuropsychologischer Testverfahren

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    Defizite im Bereich des Arbeitsgedächtnisses (AG) und exekutiver Funktionen gelten schon lange als Endophänotyp psychiatrischer Erkrankungen. Dies wirft die Frage auf, wie Struktur und Funktion des Arbeitsgedächtnisses bei gesunden Probanden zusammenhängen. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, mit Hilfe verschiedener morphometrischer Verfahren und der Diffusions-Tensor- Bildgebung neuroanatomische Korrelate, sowie Netzwerkstrukturen des Arbeitsgedächtnisses im gesunden Gehirn darzustellen. Es erfolgte der Einschluss von 681 gesunden Probanden, welche an einer neuropsychologischen Testung (NPT) und einer MRT-Messung teilnahmen. Als neuropsychologische Testverfahren zur Erfassung der Arbeitsgedächtnisleistung diente der Buchstaben-Zahlen-Test (BZT). Um die Spezifität der Ergebnisse für das AG zu kontrollieren, wurde der Zahlen-Symbol-Test (ZST) verwendet. Die strukturelle Analyse der T1-Bilddaten erfolgte mittels Voxel-basierter Morphometrie und Oberflächen-basierter Morphometrie unter Nutzung der SPM Toolbox CAT12. Es wurden sowohl die regionale Volumetrie, die Kortexdicke und die Kortexgyrifizierung in Zusammenhang mit der Testleistung erfasst. Die DTI Daten wurden mit Trakt-basierten Analysen in FSL analysiert. Auf struktureller Ebene zeigten sich bihemisphärisch in frontalen und parietalen Arealen, sowie precuneal und cuneal signifikant negative Korrelationen der Kortexdicke mit dem ZST. Linkshemisphärisch konnte im Bereich des inferioren Parietallappens und des medialen bis superioren Temporallappens eine signifikant negative Korrelation der Gyrifizierung mit dem ZST dargestellt werden. Es konnte kein Zusammenhang zwischen lokalen Hirnvolumina und der NPT gefunden werden. Auf Trakt-Ebene konnte links-, sowie rechtshemisphärisch eine signifikante positive Korrelation zwischen der Arbeitsgedächtnisleistung und der fraktionellen Anisotropie (FA) im Fasc. longitudinalis superior und in dessen temporalem Anteil aufgezeigt werden. In Zusammenhang mit der Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit konnte bihemisphärisch eine signifikant erhöhte FA im anterioren Thalamusstiel, Fasc. occipitalis inferior, Fasc. longitudinalis inferior, Fasc. longitudinalis superior, dessen temporalem Anteil und dem Fasc. uncinatus aufgezeigt werden. Rechtshemisphärisch waren weiter im Limbischem System, speziell dem Gyrus cinguli, und dem Forceps minor signifikante positive Korrelationen mit der FA darstellbar. Die Ergebnisse der Analysen der NPT in Zusammenhang mit der Hirnvariation überschneiden sich zu großen Teilen, sodass vermutet wird, dass beide Prozesse ähnliche neuronalen Strukturen zur Verarbeitung nutzen. In Zusammenschau mit der aktuellen Literatur untermauert die vorliegende Arbeit das Vorliegen eines kortikalen sowie subkortikalen frontoparietalen, -temporalen und -striatalen Neuronennetzwerkes bei der Nutzung kognitiver Funktionen