2,518 research outputs found

    Anomalous edge plasma transport, neutrals, and divertor plasma detachment

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    An impact of neutrals on anomalous edge plasma transport and zonal flow (ZF) is considered. As an example, it is assumed that edge plasma turbulence is driven by the resistive drift wave (RDW) instability. It is found that the actual effect of neutrals is not related to a suppression of the instability \textit{per se}, but due to an impact on the ZF. Particularly, it is shown that, whereas the neutrals make very little impact on the linear growth rate of the RDW instability, they can largely reduce the zonal flow generation in the nonlinear stage, which results in an enhancement of the overall anomalous plasma transport. Even though only RDW instability is considered, it seems that such an impact of neutrals on anomalous edge plasma transport has a very generic feature. It is conceivable that such neutral induced enhancement of anomalous plasma transport is observed experimentally in a detached divertor regime, which is accompanied by a strong increase of neutral density

    Russian Soldiers of the Kwantung Army: a Myth of Russian Samurais

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    Review of the book: Yakovkin E. V. Russian soldiers of the Kwantung army. – M. : Veche, 2014. – 320 p.The article was submitted on 04.12.2013.Рецензия на книгу: Яковкин Е. В. Русские солдаты Квантунской армии. – М. : Вече, 2014. – 320 с.The article reviews the book by E. V. Yakovkin Russian Soldiers of the Kwantung Army (Moscow : Veche, 2014) noting the timely character of the book on this little-studied subject, but is on many occasions critical of the work. According to the reviewer, the book in question makes an impression of a secondary one, and lacks sources; the author makes ungrounded conclusions and has a biased research approach, which is inappropriate for present-day historical studies.В рецензии, посвященной книге Е. В. Яковкина «Русские солдаты Квантунской армии» (М. : Вече, 2014), оценивается актуальность и малоизученность темы в российской историографии, но при этом высказываются многочисленные критические замечания. По мнению рецензента, монографии присущи вторичность, недостаточность источниковой базы, необоснованность выводов и предвзятость исследовательской позиции, особенно странная для современной исторической науки

    Modeling of spectral and statistical properties of a random distributed feedback fiber laser

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    For the first time we report full numerical NLSE-based modeling of generation properties of random distributed feedback fiber laser based on Rayleigh scattering. The model which takes into account the random backscattering via its average strength only describes well power and spectral properties of random DFB fiber lasers. The influence of dispersion and nonlinearity on spectral and statistical properties is investigated. The evidence of non-gaussian intensity statistics is found

    Visual Modeling of Integrated Constructs in Mathematics As the Base of Future Teacher Creativity

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    Visual modeling concept of integrated constructs (essence) of mathematical objects in teacher training of humanistic area is presented as technology of education in problem solving. The main goal of innovative approach is student’s activity in mathematics on generating of concrete essence manifestations on concepts, methods, theorems, algorithms, procedures and so on. Such student’s activity should be: · Success in an area of actual interests and person’s experience and reached by perception; · Have high level of variability in visual modeling; · Success in domain of reflection process stimulation. Similar creative behavior of persons is typical for actors, dancing, and figure skating and so on. Now we show that such technology will be fruitful for teacher training in mathematics for humanistic specialties

    Three-Phase Freak Waves

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    In the article, we describe three-phase finite-gap solutions of the focusing nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation and Kadomtsev-Petviashvili and Hirota equations that exhibit the behavior of almost-periodic "freak waves". We also study the dependency of the solution parameters on the spectral curves

    Семья Янковских: социальная адаптация русских эмигрантов в Корее (1920-е — начало 1940-х гг.)

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    One of the most important problems in the study of йmigrй communities is the problem of social adaptation of emigrants to the conditions of the new sociocultural environment. This issue is analysed both at the level of emigration as a whole or a regional emigrant colony and at the level of an individual family or individual. This article is devoted to the analysis of the “clan” model of emigrants’ social adaptation proposed by the author with reference to the Far Eastern Yankovsky family, who emigrated to Korea. Based on materials of private sources, mainly memoir literature, the author identifies the factors that ensured the success of the adaptation process of the Yankovsky clan. These factors include the Yankovsky family type and method of socialisation, which implied the younger generation’s focus on family values with their strong national component and family professional sphere; the presence of serious family capital and its rational implementation; belonging to the family culture of the frontier and a fairly favourable social context of colonial Korea. At the same time, two opposite trends were simultaneously operating. Belonging to the frontier culture created favourable conditions for the integration of the family into the new sociocultural environment, and the leading role of the national component in the system of family values, orientation towards its preservation and maintenance, contributed to the diasporisation of the émigré community. The “clan” model of Russian emigrants’ social adaptation can be used to study the process of adaptation of large emigrant families to the new sociocultural environment in other countries of the Far East and, above all, Northern Manchuria (Harbin).Одной из наиболее важных проблем в изучении эмигрантских сообществ является проблема социальной адаптации эмигрантов к условиям новой социально-культурной среды, анализируемая как на уровне эмиграции в целом или региональной эмигрантской колонии, так и на уровне отдельной семьи или индивида. Настоящая статья посвящена анализу предложенной нами «клановой» модели социальной адаптации эмигрантов на примере дальневосточного семейства Янковских, эмигрировавшего в Корею. Основываясь на материалах источников личного происхождения, главным образом мемуарной литературе, мы выделили факторы, обеспечившие успешность процесса социальной адаптации клана Янковских. К таким факторам были отнесены характерные для Янковских тип семьи и способ социализации, ориентировавший младшее поколение на семейные ценности с их сильным национальным компонентом и семейную профессиональную сферу; наличие серьезного семейного капитала и его рациональная реализация; принадлежность семьи к культуре фронтира и достаточно благоприятный социальный контекст колониальной Кореи. При этом одновременно действовали две противоположные тенденции: принадлежность к культуре фронтира создавала благоприятные условия для интеграции семьи в новую социально-культурную среду, а ведущая роль национального компонента в системе семейных ценностей, ориентация на его сохранение и поддержание способствовали диаспоризации эмигрантского сообщества. «Клановая» модель социальной адаптации русских эмигрантов может быть использована для изучения процесса приспособления крупных эмигрантских семей к новой социально-культурной среде в других регионах Дальнего Востока и, прежде всего, в Северной Маньчжурии (Харбин)

    Research of Radial Forces and Torque of Bearingless Synchronous Machine

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    Bearingless synchronous machine (BSM) is an electrical machine which rotor is suspended by electromagnetic forces (not ball bearings). It allows achieving ultra-high rotation speed and significantly extending area of electric drive application. Nowadays there are different variants of the machines with the structural design and the searching  of optimal solution is going on. The basic calculation parameters of bearingless machines are radial forces that can withstand the rotor from external load and torque produced on the shaft. This article describes the theoretical results based on a computer model that produces the finite element method and experimental study of the BSM prototype


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    The objectives of the study are to analyze the transients in heated pipelines using the finite element method and the achievement of reduction of energy losses during transportation of liquids in pipelines with electric heating systems by determining the optimal operating conditions and design parameters of the pipeline and electric heating syste

    Exact expectation values of local fields in quantum sine-Gordon model

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    We propose an explicit expression for vacuum expectation values of the exponential fields in the sine-Gordon model. Our expression agrees both with semi-classical results in the sine-Gordon theory and with perturbative calculations in the Massive Thirring model. We use this expression to make new predictions about the large-distance asymptotic form of the two-point correlation function in the XXZ spin chain.Comment: 18 pages, harvmac.tex, 2 figure