121 research outputs found

    Characterization of a novel type of HIV-1 particle assembly inhibitor using a quantitative Luciferase-Vpr packaging-based assay

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    The HIV-1 auxiliary protein Vpr and Vpr-fusion proteins can be copackaged with Gag precursor (Pr55Gag) into virions or membrane-enveloped virus-like particles (VLP). Taking advantage of this property, we developed a simple and sensitive method to evaluate potential inhibitors of HIV-1 assembly in a living cell system. Two proteins were coexpressed in recombinant baculovirus-infected Sf9 cells, Pr55Gag, which formed the VLP backbone, and luciferase fused to the N-terminus of Vpr (LucVpr). VLP-encapsidated LucVpr retained the enzymatic activity of free luciferase. The levels of luciferase activity present in the pelletable fraction recovered from the culture medium correlated with the amounts of extracellular VLP released by Sf9 cells assayed by conventional immunological methods. Our luciferase-based assay was then applied to the characterization of betulinic acid (BA) derivatives that differed from the leader compound PA-457 (or DSB) by their substituant on carbon-28. The beta-alanine-conjugated and lysine-conjugated DSB could not be evaluated for their antiviral potentials due to their high cytotoxicity, whereas two other compounds with a lesser cytotoxicity, glycine-conjugated and ε-NH-Boc-lysine-conjugated DSB, exerted a dose-dependent negative effect on VLP assembly and budding. A fifth compound with a low cytotoxicity, EP-39 (ethylene diamine-conjugated DSB), showed a novel type of antiviral effect. EP-39 provoked an aberrant assembly of VLP, resulting in nonenveloped, morula-like particles of 100-nm in diameter. Each morula was composed of nanoparticle subunits of 20-nm in diameter, which possibly mimicked transient intermediates of the HIV-1 Gag assembly process. Chemical cross-linking in situ suggested that EP-39 favored the formation or/and persistence of Pr55Gag trimers over other oligomeric species. EP-39 showed a novel type of negative effect on HIV-1 assembly, targeting the Pr55Gag oligomerisation. The biological effect of EP-39 underlined the critical role of the nature of the side chain at position 28 of BA derivatives in their anti-HIV-1 activity

    NMR Spectroscopy Can Help Accelerate Antiviral Drug Discovery Programs

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    Small molecule drugs have an important role to play in combating viral infections, and biophysics support has been central for contributing to the discovery and design of direct acting antivirals. Perhaps one of the most successful biophysical tools for this purpose is NMR spectroscopy when utilized strategically and pragmatically within team workflows and timelines. This report describes some clear examples of how NMR applications contributed to the design of antivirals when combined with medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, X-ray crystallography and computational chemistry. Overall, these multidisciplinary approaches allowed teams to reveal and expose compound physical properties from which design ideas were spawned and tested to achieve the desired successes. Examples are discussed for the discovery of antivirals that target HCV, HIV and SARS-CoV-2

    The inhibition of assembly of HIV-1 virus-like particles by 3-O-(3',3'-dimethylsuccinyl) betulinic acid (DSB) is counteracted by Vif and requires its Zinc-binding domain

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    International audienceBackground: DSB, the 3-O-(3',3'dimethylsuccinyl) derivative of betulinic acid, blocks the last step of protease-mediated processing of HIV-1 Gag precursor (Pr55Gag), which leads to immature, noninfectious virions. When administered to Pr55Gag-expressing insect cells (Sf9), DSB inhibits the assembly and budding of membrane-enveloped virus-like particles (VLP). In order to explore the possibility that viral factors could modulate the susceptibility to DSB of the VLP assembly process, several viral proteins were coexpressed individually with Pr55Gag in DSB-treated cells, and VLP yields assayed in the extracellular medium.Results: Wild-type Vif (Vifwt) restored the VLP production in DSB-treated cells to levels observed in control, untreated cells. DSB-counteracting effect was also observed with Vif mutants defective in encapsidation into VLP, suggesting that packaging and anti-DSB effect were separate functions in Vif. The anti-DSB effect was abolished for VifC133S and VifS116V, two mutants which lacked the zinc binding domain (ZBD) formed by the four H(108)C(114)C(133)H(139) coordinates with a Zn atom. Electron microscopic analysis of cells coexpressing Pr55Gag and Vifwt showed that a large proportion of VLP budded into cytoplasmic vesicles and were released from Sf9 cells by exocytosis. However, in the presence of mutant VifC133S or VifS116V, most of the VLP assembled and budded at the plasma membrane, as in control cells expressing Pr55Gag alone.Conclusion: The function of HIV-1 Vif protein which negated the DSB inhibition of VLP assembly was independent of its packaging capability, but depended on the integrity of ZBD. In the presence of Vifwt, but not with ZBD mutants VifC133S and VifS116V, VLP were redirected to a vesicular compartment and egressed via the exocytic pathway

    Localization of HIV-1 Vpr to the nuclear envelope: Impact on Vpr functions and virus replication in macrophages

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>HIV-1 Vpr is a dynamic protein that primarily localizes in the nucleus, but a significant fraction is concentrated at the nuclear envelope (NE), supporting an interaction between Vpr and components of the nuclear pore complex, including the nucleoporin hCG1. In the present study, we have explored the contribution of Vpr accumulation at the NE to the Vpr functions, including G2-arrest and pro-apoptotic activities, and virus replication in primary macrophages.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to define the functional role of Vpr localization at the NE, we have characterized a set of single-point Vpr mutants, and selected two new mutants with substitutions within the first α-helix of the protein, Vpr-L23F and Vpr-K27M, that failed to associate with hCG1, but were still able to interact with other known relevant host partners of Vpr. In mammalian cells, these mutants failed to localize at the NE resulting in a diffuse nucleocytoplasmic distribution both in HeLa cells and in primary human monocyte-derived macrophages. Other mutants with substitutions in the first α-helix (Vpr-A30L and Vpr-F34I) were similarly distributed between the nucleus and cytoplasm, demonstrating that this helix contains the determinants required for localization of Vpr at the NE. All these mutations also impaired the Vpr-mediated G2-arrest of the cell cycle and the subsequent cell death induction, indicating a functional link between these activities and the Vpr accumulation at the NE. However, this localization is not sufficient, since mutations within the C-terminal basic region of Vpr (Vpr-R80A and Vpr-R90K), disrupted the G2-arrest and apoptotic activities without altering NE localization. Finally, the replication of the Vpr-L23F and Vpr-K27M hCG1-binding deficient mutant viruses was also affected in primary macrophages from some but not all donors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results indicate that the targeting of Vpr to the nuclear pore complex may constitute an early step toward Vpr-induced G2-arrest and subsequent apoptosis; they also suggest that Vpr targeting to the nuclear pore complex is not absolutely required, but can improve HIV-1 replication in macrophages.</p

    Direct Vpr-Vpr Interaction in Cells monitored by two Photon Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) encodes several regulatory proteins, notably Vpr which influences the survival of the infected cells by causing a G2/M arrest and apoptosis. Such an important role of Vpr in HIV-1 disease progression has fuelled a large number of studies, from its 3D structure to the characterization of specific cellular partners. However, no direct imaging and quantification of Vpr-Vpr interaction in living cells has yet been reported. To address this issue, eGFP- and mCherry proteins were tagged by Vpr, expressed in HeLa cells and their interaction was studied by two photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results show that Vpr forms homo-oligomers at or close to the nuclear envelope. Moreover, Vpr dimers and trimers were found in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus. Point mutations in the three α helices of Vpr drastically impaired Vpr oligomerization and localization at the nuclear envelope while point mutations outside the helical regions had no effect. Theoretical structures of Vpr mutants reveal that mutations within the α-helices could perturb the leucine zipper like motifs. The ΔQ44 mutation has the most drastic effect since it likely disrupts the second helix. Finally, all Vpr point mutants caused cell apoptosis suggesting that Vpr-mediated apoptosis functions independently from Vpr oligomerization.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We report that Vpr oligomerization in HeLa cells relies on the hydrophobic core formed by the three α helices. This oligomerization is required for Vpr localization at the nuclear envelope but not for Vpr-mediated apoptosis.</p

    Capsicumicine, a new bioinspired peptide from red peppers prevents staphylococcal biofilm in vitro and in vivo via a matrix anti-assembly mechanism of action

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    Staphylococci are pathogenic biofilm-forming bacteria and a source of multidrug resistance and/or tolerance causing a broad spectrum of infections. These bacteria are enclosed in a matrix that allows them to colonize medical devices, such as catheters and tissues, and that protects against antibiotics and immune systems. Advances in antibiofilm strategies for targeting this matrix are therefore extremely relevant. Here, we describe the development of the Capsicum pepper bioinspired peptide “capsicumicine.” By using microbiological, microscopic, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) approaches, we demonstrate that capsicumicine strongly prevents methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm via an extracellular “matrix anti-assembly” mechanism of action. The results were confirmed in vivo in a translational preclinical model that mimics medical device-related infection. Since capsicumicine is not cytotoxic, it is a promising candidate for complementary treatment of infectious diseases

    APOBEC3A Is a Specific Inhibitor of the Early Phases of HIV-1 Infection in Myeloid Cells

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    Myeloid cells play numerous roles in HIV-1 pathogenesis serving as a vehicle for viral spread and as a viral reservoir. Yet, cells of this lineage generally resist HIV-1 infection when compared to cells of other lineages, a phenomenon particularly acute during the early phases of infection. Here, we explore the role of APOBEC3A on these steps. APOBEC3A is a member of the APOBEC3 family that is highly expressed in myeloid cells, but so far lacks a known antiviral effect against retroviruses. Using ectopic expression of APOBEC3A in established cell lines and specific silencing in primary macrophages and dendritic cells, we demonstrate that the pool of APOBEC3A in target cells inhibits the early phases of HIV-1 infection and the spread of replication-competent R5-tropic HIV-1, specifically in cells of myeloid origins. In these cells, APOBEC3A affects the amount of vDNA synthesized over the course of infection. The susceptibility to the antiviral effect of APOBEC3A is conserved among primate lentiviruses, although the viral protein Vpx coded by members of the SIVSM/HIV-2 lineage provides partial protection from APOBEC3A during infection. Our results indicate that APOBEC3A is a previously unrecognized antiviral factor that targets primate lentiviruses specifically in myeloid cells and that acts during the early phases of infection directly in target cells. The findings presented here open up new venues on the role of APOBEC3A during HIV infection and pathogenesis, on the role of the cellular context in the regulation of the antiviral activities of members of the APOBEC3 family and more generally on the natural functions of APOBEC3A

    A K cation-induced conformational switch within a loop spanning segment of a DNA quadruplex containing G-G-G-C repeats 1 1Edited by I. Tinoco

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    International audienceWe have identified a unique structural transition (in slow exchange on the NMR time scale) in the tertiary fold of the d(G-G-G-C-T4-G-G-G-C) quadruplex on proceeding from Na+ to K+ as counterion in aqueous solution. Both monovalent cation-dependent conformations exhibit certain common structural features, which include head-to-tail dimerization of two symmetry-related stem-hairpin loops, adjacent strands which are antiparallel to each other and adjacent stacked G(syn).G(anti). G(syn).G(anti) tetrads in the central core of the quadruplexes. The Na and K cation stabilized structures of the d(G-G-G-C-T4-G-G-G-C) quadruplexes differ in the conformations of the T-T-T-T loops, the relative alignment of G.C base-pairs positioned opposite each other through their major groove edges and potentially in the number of monovalent cation binding sites. We have identified potential K cation binding cavities within the symmetry-related T-T-T-G segments, suggesting the potential for two additional monovalent cation binding sites in the K cation-stabilized quadruplex relative to its Na cation-stabilized counterpart. Modeling studies suggest that the major groove edges of guanine residues in Watson-Crick G.C base-pairs could potentially be bridged by coordinated K cations in the d(G-G-G-C-T4-G-G-G-C) quadruplex in KCl solution in contrast to formation of G.C.G.C tetrads for the corresponding quadruplex in NaCl solution. Our results defining the molecular basis of a Na to K cation-dependent conformational switch in the loop spanning segment of the d(G-G-G-C-T4-G-G-G-C) quadruplex may have relevance to recent observations that specific K cation coordinated loop conformations within quadruplexes exhibit inhibitory activity against HIV integrase
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