2,333 research outputs found

    Weak field limit of Reissner-Nordstrom black hole lensing

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    We study gravitational lensing by a Reissner-Nordstrom (RN) black hole in the weak field limit. We obtain the basic equations for the deflection angle and time delay and find analytical expressions for the positions and amplifications of the primary and secondary images. Due to a net positive charge, the separation between images increases, but no change in the total magnification occurs.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Emotion word processing: does mood make a difference?

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    Visual emotion word processing has been in the focus of recent psycholinguistic research. In general, emotion words provoke differential responses in comparison to neutral words. However, words are typically processed within a context rather than in isolation. For instance, how does one's inner emotional state influence the comprehension of emotion words? To address this question, the current study examined lexical decision responses to emotionally positive, negative, and neutral words as a function of induced mood as well as their word frequency. Mood was manipulated by exposing participants to different types of music. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions—no music, positive music, and negative music. Participants' moods were assessed during the experiment to confirm the mood induction manipulation. Reaction time results confirmed prior demonstrations of an interaction between a word's emotionality and its frequency. Results also showed a significant interaction between participant mood and word emotionality. However, the pattern of results was not consistent with mood-congruency effects. Although positive and negative mood facilitated responses overall in comparison to the control group, neither positive nor negative mood appeared to additionally facilitate responses to mood-congruent words. Instead, the pattern of findings seemed to be the consequence of attentional effects arising from induced mood. Positive mood broadens attention to a global level, eliminating the category distinction of positive-negative valence but leaving the high-low arousal dimension intact. In contrast, negative mood narrows attention to a local level, enhancing within-category distinctions, in particular, for negative words, resulting in less effective facilitation

    Imprints of deviations from the gravitational inverse-square law on the power spectrum of mass fluctuations

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    Deviations from the gravitational inverse-square law would imprint scale-dependent features on the power spectrum of mass density fluctuations. We model such deviations as a Yukawa-like contribution to the gravitational potential and discuss the growth function in a mixed dark matter model with adiabatic initial conditions. Evolution of perturbations is considered in general non-flat cosmological models with a cosmological constant, and an analytical approximation for the growth function is provided. The coupling between baryons and cold dark matter across recombination is negligibly affected by modified gravity physics if the proper cutoff length of the long-range Yukawa-like force is > 10 h^{-1} Mpc. Enhancement of gravity affects the subsequent evolution, boosting large-scale power in a way that resembles the effect of a lower matter density. This phenomenon is almost perfectly degenerate in power-spectrum shape with the effect of a background of massive neutrinos. Back-reaction on density growth from a modified cosmic expansion rate should however also affect the normalization of the power spectrum, with a shape distortion similar to the case of a non-modified background.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures; submitted to MNRA

    Cosmological Parameter Determination in Free-Form Strong Gravitational Lens Modeling

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    We develop a novel statistical strong lensing approach to probe the cosmological parameters by exploiting multiple redshift image systems behind galaxies or galaxy clusters. The method relies on free-form mass inversion of strong lenses and does not need any additional information other than gravitational lensing. Since in free-form lensing the solution space is a high-dimensional convex polytope, we consider Bayesian model comparison analysis to infer the cosmological parameters. The volume of the solution space is taken as a tracer of the probability of the underlying cosmological assumption. In contrast to parametric mass inversions, our method accounts for the mass-sheet degeneracy, which implies a degeneracy between the steepness of the profile and the cosmological parameters. Parametric models typically break this degeneracy, introducing hidden priors to the analysis that contaminate the inference of the parameters. We test our method with synthetic lenses, showing that it is able to infer the assumed cosmological parameters. Applied to the CLASH clusters, the method might be competitive with other probes.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Testing the limits of contextual constraint: interactions with word frequency and parafoveal preview during fluent reading

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    Contextual constraint is a key factor affecting a word's fixation duration and its likelihood of being fixated during reading. Previous research has generally demonstrated additive effects of predictability and frequency in fixation times. Studies examining the role of parafoveal preview have shown that greater preview benefit is obtained from more predictable and higher frequency words versus less predictable and lower frequency words. In two experiments, we investigated effects of target word predictability, frequency, and parafoveal preview. A 3 (Predictability: low, medium, high) × 2 (Frequency: low, high) design was used with Preview (valid, invalid) manipulated between experiments. With valid previews, we found main effects of Predictability and Frequency in both fixation time and probability measures, including an interaction in early fixation measures. With invalid preview, we again found main effects of Predictability and Frequency in fixation times, but no evidence of an interaction. Fixation probability showed a weak Predictability effect and Predictability-Frequency interaction. Predictability interacted with Preview in early fixation time and probability measures. Our findings suggest that high levels of contextual constraint exert an early influence during lexical processing in reading. Results are discussed in terms of models of language processing and eye movement control

    Early EEG correlates of word frequency and contextual predictability in reading

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    Previous research into written language comprehension has been equivocal as to whether word frequency and contextual predictability effects share an early time course of processing. Target word frequency (low, high) and its predictability from prior context (low, high) were manipulated across two-sentence passages. Context sentences were presented in full, followed by word-by-word presentation (300 ms SOA) of target sentences. ERPs were analysed across left-to-right and anterior-to-posterior regions of interest within intervals from 50 to 550 ms post-stimulus. The onset of significant predictability effects (50–80 ms) preceded that of frequency (P1, 80–120 ms), while both main effects were generally sustained through the N400 (350–550 ms). Critically, the frequency-predictability interaction became significant in the P1 and was sustained through the N400, although the specific configuration of effects differed across components. The pattern of findings supports an early, chronometric locus of contextual predictability in recognising words during reading

    Utilização racional de touros em monta natural.

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    Gravitational lensing by stars with angular momentum

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    Gravitational lensing by spinning stars, approximated as homogeneous spheres, is discussed in the weak field limit. Dragging of inertial frames, induced by angular momentum of the deflector, breaks spherical symmetry. I examine how the gravito-magnetic field affects image positions, caustics and critical curves. Distortion in microlensing-induced light curves is also considered.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; to appear in MNRA

    Word-Initial Letters Influence Fixation Durations during Fluent Reading

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    The present study examined how word-initial letters influence lexical access during reading. Eye movements were monitored as participants read sentences containing target words. Three factors were independently manipulated. First, target words had either high or low constraining word-initial letter sequences (e.g., dwarf or clown, respectively). Second, targets were either high or low in frequency of occurrence (e.g., train or stain, respectively). Third, targets were embedded in either biasing or neutral contexts (i.e., targets were high or low in their predictability). This 2 (constraint) × 2 (frequency) × 2 (context) design allowed us to examine the conditions under which a word’s initial letter sequence could facilitate processing. Analyses of fixation duration data revealed significant main effects of constraint, frequency, and context. Moreover, in measures taken to reflect “early” lexical processing (i.e., first and single fixation duration), there was a significant interaction between constraint and context. The overall pattern of findings suggests lexical access is facilitated by highly constraining word-initial letters. Results are discussed in comparison to recent studies of lexical features involved in word recognition during reading

    Imprints of deviations from the gravitational inverse-square law on the power spectrum of mass fluctuations

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    Deviations from the gravitational inverse-square law would imprint scale-dependent features on the power spectrum of mass density fluctuations. We model such deviations as a Yukawa-like contribution to the gravitational potential and discuss the growth function in a mixed dark matter model with adiabatic initial conditions. Evolution of perturbations is considered in general non-flat cosmological models with a cosmological constant, and an analytical approximation for the growth function is provided. The coupling between baryons and cold dark matter across recombination is negligibly affected by modified gravity physics if the proper cut-off length of the long-range Yukawa-like force is ≳10 h−1 Mpc. Enhancement of gravity affects the subsequent evolution, boosting large-scale power in a way that resembles the effect of a lower matter density. This phenomenon is almost perfectly degenerate in power-spectrum shape with the effect of a background of massive neutrinos. Back-reaction on density growth from a modified cosmic expansion rate should, however, also affect the normalization of the power spectrum, with a shape distortion similar to the case of a non-modified backgroun