86 research outputs found

    Populismo democrático y movilización política. El ascenso al poder de Hugo Chávez en su contexto histórico-político

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    El artículo pretende elaborar una definición del concepto “populismo” acorde al contexto latinoamericano y a las características específicas de las democracias regionales, partiendo de diversas definiciones clásicas y actuales. La autora alude al surgimiento de fenómenos llamados neopopulistas en las últimas dos décadas del siglo XX. Establece una comparación entre el neopopulismo, vinculado a una política económica determinada, y el concepto de democracia delegativa, orientado al análisis de la calidad institucional. A continuación de una retrospectiva histórica, la autora se dedica a analizar el caso específico de Venezuela y el carácter del primer período del régimen populista liderado por Hugo Chávez.The article aims to develop a definition of “populism” according to the Latin American context and the specific characteristics of regional democracies, based on various classic and current definitions. The author refers to the emergence of so-called neo-populist phenomena during the last two decades of the twentieth century. She establishes a comparison between neo-populism, which is a concept linked to a particular economic policy, and the concept of delegative democracy, which is orientated to the analysis of institutional quality. After elaborating an historical retrospective, the author discusses the specific case of Venezuela and the character of the first period of the populist regime led by Hugo Chavez.Fil: Sereni, Cristina Andrea. Fundación Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    The Varieties of Indispensability Arguments

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    International audienceThe indispensability argument (ia) comes in many different versions that all reduce to a general valid schema. Providing a sound ia amounts to providing a full interpretation of the schema according to which all its premises are true. Hence, arguing whether ia is sound results in wondering whether the schema admits such an interpretation. We discuss in full details all the parameters on which the specification of the general schema may depend. In doing this, we consider how different versions of ia can be obtained, also through different specifications of the notion of indispensability. We then distinguish between schematic and genuine ia, andargue that no genuine (non-vacuously and non-circularly) sound ia is available or easily forthcoming. We then submit that this holds also in the particularly relevant case in which indispensability is conceived as explanatory indispensability

    Frege\u27s Constraint and the Nature of Frege\u27s Foundational Program

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    Recent discussions on Fregean and neo-Fregean foundations for arithmetic and real analysis pay much attention to what is called either ‘Application Constraint’ ( ) or ‘Frege Constraint’ ( ), the requirement that a mathematical theory be so outlined that it immediately allows explaining for its applicability. We distinguish between two constraints, which we, respectively, denote by the latter of these two names, by showing how generalizes Frege’s views while comes closer to his original conceptions. Different authors diverge on the interpretation of and on whether it applies to definitions of both natural and real numbers. Our aim is to trace the origins of and to explore how different understandings of it can be faithful to Frege’s views about such definitions and to his foundational program. After rehearsing the essential elements of the relevant debate (§1), we appropriately distinguish from (§2). We discuss six rationales which may motivate the adoption of different instances of and (§3). We turn to the possible interpretations of (§4), and advance a Semantic (§4.1), arguing that while it suits Frege’s definition of natural numbers (4.1.1), it cannot reasonably be imposed on definitions of real numbers (§4.1.2), for reasons only partly similar to those offered by Crispin Wright (§4.1.3). We then rehearse a recent exchange between Bob Hale and Vadim Batitzky to shed light on Frege’s conception of real numbers and magnitudes (§4.2). We argue that an Architectonic version of is indeed faithful to Frege’s definition of real numbers, and compatible with his views on natural ones. Finally, we consider how attributing different instances of to Frege and appreciating the role of the Architectonic can provide a more perspicuous understanding of his foundational program, by questioning common pictures of his logicism (§5)

    Opinión pública y democracia en Carl Schmitt: el legado de Weimar para el análisis de la democracia actual

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    A partir del año 2001, el enfoque central de los estudios sobre la democracia estuvo dirigido a la cuestión de la seguridad, la inclusión y exclusión, la identidad y la pertenencia frente a la renovada amenaza del terrorismo global; todos ellos conceptos y cuestiones de los que se ocupó Carl Schmitt hace casi un siglo. Sus escritos y su correspondencia con publicistas y periodistas de la época de la República de Weimar no son anacrónicos. La esfera pública alemana de los años anteriores a 1933 se asemeja por su pluralidad más a la realidad occidental-global de hoy que a la de los años marcados por el conflicto bipolar de la “Guerra Fría”, y las problemáticas fundamentales respecto a la democracia, como la legitimidad, el poder o el conflicto permanecen actuales. La obra de Schmitt nos proporciona instrumentos preventivos. Escribió durante el auge de la República de Weimar, supo diagnosticar sus fallas y debilidades y pronosticar la inevitable concentración de poder, causada tanto por características jurídicas de su Constitución como por los intereses económicos y privados que llevaron a la des-politización y neutralización técnica hasta desembocar en el totalitarismo más terrible de la historia.Fil: Sereni, Cristina Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Sede Andina. Centro de Estudios en Ciencia, Tecnología, Cultura y Desarrollo; ArgentinaXIII Congreso Nacional y VI Congreso Internacional sobre DemocraciaRosarioArgentinaUniversidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionale

    O Conceito de legitimidade como sucedâneo da justiça política: Os conceitos de legitimidade política e obediência no pensamento de Carl Schmitt e sua relação com o conceito aristotélico de justiça política na sua interpretação tomística

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    El presente trabajo busca explorar dentro del pensamiento jurídico schmittiano su recepción del concepto aristotélico de justicia política en su interpretación tomista. Con este fin la autora establece la interdependencia de los conceptos de legitimidad y obediencia y compara el concepto de obediencia en la recepción tomista de Aristóteles con el concepto de obediencia en Schmitt, quien pretende trascender el positivismo jurídico en su búsqueda de un orden jurídico efectivo. Seguidamente desarrolla la relación existente entre el concepto de legitimidad propuesto por el filósofo y jurista alemán y los tipos de legitimidad en Santo Tomás. Finalmente, analiza la respectiva vinculación del concepto de legitimidad con la efectividad de los poderes vigentes en la Constitución de la República de Weimar.This paper seeks to explore within Schmittian legal thought, receipt of the Aris-totelian concept of political justice in his Thomist interpretation. To this end, the author establishes the interdependence of the concepts of legitimacy and obedience and compares the concept of obedience in the Thomist reception of Aristotle with the concept of obedience in Schmitt, who seeks to transcend legal positivism in his search for an effective legal system. Then, it develops the rela-tionship between the concept of legitimacy proposed by the German philosopher and jurist and types of legitimacy in St. Thomas. Finally, it analyzes the respective link to the concept of legitimacy with the effectiveness of existing powers in the Constitution of the Republic of Weimar.Le présent travail cherche explorer dans la pensée juridique de Schmitt sa réception du concept d’Aristotélicien de justice politique dans son interprétation thomiste. Avec ce propos l’auteur établi l’interdépendance des concepts de légitimité et obéissance et fait la comparaison du concept de l’obéissance dans la réception thomiste d’Aristóteles avec le concept d’obéissance chez Schmitt qui prétend répandre le positivisme juridique dans la recherche d’un ordre juridique effectif. Aussitôt, elle développe un rapport existant entre le concept de légitimité proposé par le philosophe et juriste allemand et le types de légitimité chez Saint Thomas. Finalement, elle analyse le respectif lien du concept de légitimité avec le caractère effectif des pouvoirs en vigueur dans la constitution de la république de Weimar.O presente trabalho busca explorar dentro do pensamento jurídico schmittiano sua recepção do conceito aristotélico da justiça política na sua interpretação tomística. Com esta finalidade a autora estabelece uma interdependência dos conceitos de legitimidade e obediência e compara o conceito de obediência na recepção tomística de Aristóteles com o conceito de obediência em Schmitt, quem tem a pretensão de transcender o positivismo jurídico na busca de uma ordem jurídica efetiva. Seguido disto, desenvolve a relação existente o conceito de legitimidade proposto pelo filosofo alemão e os tipos de legitimidade no Santo Tomás. Finalmente, analisa-se a respectiva vinculação do conceito de legitimidade com a efetividade dos poderes vigentes na Constituição da República de Weimar.Fil: Sereni, Cristina Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; Argentina. Fundación Bariloche; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Argentin


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    Le livre va paraitra en 2010 chez l'éditeur Carocci, à Rome.Il s'agit d'une introduction à la philosophie des mathématiques, axée en particulier sur la question du platonisme.Una introduzione alla filosofia della matematica, incentrata in particolare sul problema del platonismo

    Integrated tools for quality promotion and project control

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    Public administrations, called upon to integrate the principles and criteria of Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) and Environmental Social, Governance (ESG) in the planning, design and production of their investments, now find themselves operating within new decision-making scenerios and models, in the very broad framework of standards, including specialised ones, certification protocols and framework levels for sustainability assessment and reporting. This paper reports on a research experience aimed at defining tools and guidelines to incentivise and assess the environmental and social quality of projects and works (a collaboration between Agenzia del Demanio and Politecnico di Milano). It documents the challenges, limits and opportunities arising from overlapping compulsory regulations, standards and voluntary certification protocols for the qualification of public works

    La Legitimidad del poder en la filosofía política de Hermann Heller

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    El artículo se ocupa de la noción de legitimidad política en las obras filosóficas del gran teórico del Estado Hermann Heller (Teschen, 1891-Madrid, 1933). Para Heller, la específica cuestión de la legitimidad del poder se resuelve a partir de la misión que obligatoriamente le incumbe a la autoridad soberana de positivar, aplicar y custodiar los principios ético-jurídicos fundamentales. Son estos mismos principios suprapositivos los que miden el valor del Estado y de la Política y la rectitud del derecho positivo. Este anclaje de la Política en la función jurídica (en sentido substancial, no procedimental) del Estado y de su órgano decisorio define la relación entre poder y Derecho, a la vez que impugna por la base tanto la pretensión positivista cuanto la identificación de la legitimidad del ejercicio del poder con la legitimación sociológica provista por las ideologías que sustentan las distintas formas históricas de régimen

    The Ship of Theseus Puzzle

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    Does the Ship of Theseus present a genuine puzzle about persistence due to conflicting intuitions based on “continuity of form” and “continuity of matter” pulling in opposite directions? Philosophers are divided. Some claim that it presents a genuine puzzle but disagree over whether there is a solution. Others claim that there is no puzzle at all since the case has an obvious solution. To assess these proposals, we conducted a cross-cultural study involving nearly 3,000 people across twenty-two countries, speaking eighteen different languages. Our results speak against the proposal that there is no puzzle at all and against the proposal that there is a puzzle but one that has no solution. Our results suggest that there are two criteria—“continuity of form” and “continuity of matter”— that constitute our concept of persistence and these two criteria receive different weightings in settling matters concerning persistence