16 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The concept of «sovereignty» is taken to be interpreted as a property of state power to beindependent of any other authority, both within the state and outside it, i.e. have absolute legal supremacy. In essence, the sovereignty of the state is the sovereignty of its elite, the so-called political class that controls ownership of natural resources, capital and a system of bureaucratic management. It is important to bear in mind that recognizing the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties as an integral part of the legal system of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as federal legislation and legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, does not disclose the notion of a legal system that is ambiguously defined in the scientific world . States have the right, in accordance with the principle of not interfering inthe internal affairs of the state, independently, without outside interference and any pressure, to establish their political, economic systems, dispose of natural resources, develop them independently or concessionally, impose taxes and other charges, establish customs rules, regime of stay of foreigners on its territory.Key words: State, society, sovereignty, norms of international law, international legal custom, human rightsand freedom


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    The article analyzes a number of issues related to the pre-trial cooperation agreement. It is noted that in order to improve the quality of cases in a particular order at the conclusion of pretrial agreement on cooperation it is advisable to comply strictly with the requirements of substantive and procedural law in considering cases in the order of Chapter 40.1 of the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation, to take into account the opinion of the victim at the conclusion of pretrial agreement on cooperation, the possibility of case consideration in a special order, as well as other issues


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    Purpose: The aim of the study is to investigate extremism as a complex inter-branch concept which complicates law enforcement practice. Methodology: This is an analytic-dialectical research whose data are obtained through the analysis of historical, legal and sociological texts and data. Main Findings: When defining extremism in the basic law of anti-extremist legislation, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the phenomenon, the concept of which should be formulated, is manifested in different spheres of social and political life. In conclusion, extremism creates an ideological basis for terrorism, but the acts of terrorism go beyond the concept of extremism. Applications: This article can be used by regional schools, cultural organizations and universities. Novelty/Originality: In this study, correlation between the phenomena of terrorism and extremism has been studied on the basis of definition for terrorist act given in part 1 of article 205 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation


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    Purpose: The article analyzes the hypotheses about the Carpathian and Azov ancestral home of the Serbian tribes and the political role of the territory of ancient Raska in the formation of medieval Serbian statehood via comparative legal and historical methods. Methodology: The methodological basis of this study is the dialectical method of cognition of social and legal phenomena and the concepts in their development and interdependence. Data was obtained from scientific, historical, and legal documents. Main Findings: The drafters of the Law sought to overcome the disparity in court proceedings and bring legal norms into a certain system, taking into account the needs of feudalism. The author comes to the conclusion that the preservation of Serbian ethnic identity influenced the restoration of statehood in the XIX century due to the spiritually and economically self-governing zadruge. Applications: This research can be used by historical organizations, educational organizations as well as by history scholars. Novelty/Originality: Serbian people and Turkish conquest has been studied using historical-legal documents

    Insurance as a Component of The Marketing Mechanism to Develop Aquaculture

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    The study aims at assessing the current aquaculture insurance in the Russian market. Due to this, it is necessary to understand the role of the aquaculture industry in the economy and determine its development in Russia, as well as to assess the modern concepts and processes of the aquaculture insurance. According to the general conclusions of the study, the fish farmers’ need in insurance varies depending on the type and size of aquaculture enterprises, the financial structure of their business, and the types of the grown aquatic organisms. In the study it is indicated that the aqua-insurance has not yet become a marketing instrument to minimize economic risks for most fish farmers. This is mainly due to the fact that the aquaculture industry in Russia is still relatively small, and therefore there is a lack of knowledge and experience in the aquaculture insurance. However, the Russia’s strategic position, an extensive fund of inland waters and marine areas, and a diverse species composition of farmed and cultivated aquatic biological resources make the aquaculture development rather attractive for business development. Thus, in the study it is concluded that in case of the further development of fish farming, the demand for knowledge and experience in the area of aquaculture insurance will increase


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    Purpose: The article is devoted to the study of egalitarian principles of medieval Czech statehood and the legal system. Methods: The authors pay special attention to the peculiarities of family self-government of the Czech communities, the institution of hazing in land law and the mechanism of reconciliation as an alternative to the death penalty. Findings: The paper proves that tribal remnants of the customary law of the ancient Czech people in the medieval era contributed to the preservation of egalitarian democratic principles of public administration and justice

    Perfectionist premises of the thesis on the convertibility of the existing and the Good and Their possible subjectivist critique

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    This paper puts forward and provides grounds for the two following statements: 1) The thesis about the convertibility of the existing and the good formulated in scholastic tradition can be regarded as quite a natural inference from the perfectionist conception of good, which was one of the most infl uential axiological theories in the history of European thought from Plato up to the Enlightenment; 2) Since this classical version of perfectionism is a radically objectivist axiological theory, this thesis can also be characterised as radically objectivist and, therefore, its relevance depends on the basic choice between objectivism and subjectivism in axiology. In order to substantiate the fi rst statement, I off er a brief outline of the basic principles of perfectionist axiology. Then I demonstrate that the thesis about good and being being convertible can be rather easily deduced from these premises. In order to substantiate the second statement, I argue that despite some general diffi culties in distinguishing between objectivism and subjectivism in axiology, one can rather unambiguously single out what may be called “radically objectivist” theories (i.e. those implying that at least some values can exist without any subjective consciousness whatsoever), and, since classical perfectionism belongs to this type of theories, the inferences from them, such as the thesis in question, can make no sense within subjectivist axiological framework

    Innovative Educational Technology for the Use of Modern CAD Systems for the Formation of Professional Competences of Students of Radio Engineering Specialties

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    The basic principles of application of innovative educational technology on the basis of modern systems of automated design for higher educational institutions for students of radio engineering specialties are considered. Methods of forming competences in students for independent use of automated design systems in simulation of complex elements of autonomous information and control systems are shown. Features of modern CAD systems such as PTC Creo Parametric and Altair FEKO are described for their opportunities in teaching process in technical university. The results of simulation and calculations obtained by students during their individual tasks are given. 3D-models of microwave devices developed by students are discussed for formation of competences in electromagnetic simulation by numerical methods in special CAD systems. Especially, aspects of relationship between capabilities of students to create 3D-models and to calculate current distribution in microwave systems are discussed