137 research outputs found

    Organic animal breeding and production; quality assessment of raw materials and products

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    There is an increased need for the products of ecological/organic animal breeding origin (products from agro-units with ecological qualification or units to go organic). I present the analysing processes and the quality preferences concerning human nutrition. They are dealing with the protection of origin, prevention of adulteration and food safety questions. Furthermore they present examples for the advantages of indigenous, traditional breeds used in the organic production

    Az állattenyésztési kapacitás fogalma és szerepe a régiókban

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    The concept of the animal breeding capacity (Seregi, 2009) has been determined for the definition of the supporting capacity and comparability of different geographical regions. Its dimension is: large animal/territory (ha). The supporting capacity is based on a calculation considering the generative (sometimes the invasive) races and the indigenous races and species. In the location and housing of the animals traditions are taking into consideration; the materials of animal breeding, the human support, the produced raw materials and products and their marketing are also linked to the rural particularities. The authors consider the determination of the yield of a crucial importance. The quantification number of the yield is the meat-equivalent, which shows the quantity of the produced raw materials in kilograms. This represents the quantity independent from the animal species and races, housed on the given region. Not only the meat, but the milk and the egg quantity are expressed in this way, too. The yield expressed in meat-equivalent can also be used for financial counts as incomes and expenses. In the present work two regions are compared: the West Transdanubian and North Plain regions. The related publications are available at the authors

    A ló- és lovassportokhoz, oktatásukhoz kapcsolható marketing és vidékfejlesztés kérdései : Példák Ausztriából, Erdélyből és Magyarországról

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    The human-animal relation is the most "personal" at horse species. The authors present some basic information about the horse breeding and try to give an overview about the topics of the title, based on their own professional experiences. They give standpoints for marketing, educational and labour ethics, for the cultured recreation, and for the rural development and tourism. They give examples from the past and present situation (in Austria and Hungary), and future trends (in Romania, Transylvania). These are very different from the conceptions, which use to consider this topic mainly as sport subject
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