284 research outputs found

    Goethe’nin Kur’an-ı Kerim ile Buluşması

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    İslam dininin kutsal kitabı olan Kur’an-ı Kerim’in Orta Çağ Hristiyan Batı dünyasında yüzyıllar boyu ön kabullerle incelendiği ve uzun polemiklere konu edildiği bilinmektedir. Kur’an’ın farklı ve nispeten daha objektif okumaları ancak Aydınlanma dönemi sürecin-de kilisenin hegemonyasının kırılması sonrasında mümkün olabilmiştir. Alman şair Jo-hann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) bu yeni perspektifin en önemli temsilcilerinden biridir. Gençlik yıllarından itibaren Kur’an ile meşgul olan Goethe, farklı meallere ve kaynaklara da müracaat ederek Kur’an hakkında zengin bir bilgi birikimine sahip olmuş-tur. Yapılacak yüzeysel bir inceleme, onun Kur’an ve İslam dünyasından aldığı ilhamları meşhur Doğu-Batı Divanı’nda şiirlerine yansıttığını göstermeye yetecektir. Elinizdeki bu makalede kısaca Kur’anʼın Hristiyan Batı dünyasındaki algısı anlatılacak, ardından Goet-he’nin Kur’an ile olan meşguliyeti ortaya konulacaktır. Son bölümdeyse, Kur’an’ın Doğu-Batı Divanı’ndaki yansımalarının izi sürülecektir

    Treatment of an amniotic band syndrome with fetoscopic surgery: A case report

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    Objective: This study aimed to present an amniotic band syndrome case who underwent intrauterine fetoscopic surgery. Case: On ultrasound examination, edema was detected at the distal of the right upper extremity. The constrictive amniotic band tangling around the extremity at the upper part of the right elbow and around the umbilical cord was detected during the fetoscopic examination. The amniotic band was released by using endoscopic scissors and grasper. It was observed that the right hand was at the flexion position and was able to return to the neutral position on neonatal examination. Conclusion: Releasing amniotic band with fetoscopic surgery in amniotic band syndrome cases is an efficient method to prevent progressive destruction in the extremities and the procedure-related complications seem to be acceptable

    Bonesetter choice of Turkish society in musculoskeletal injuries and the affecting factors

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    Objective: In this study, it was aimed to investigate the demographic features, administration reasons and educational status of the patients who were presented to the bonesetters for orthopedic complaints. Methods: 96 (26 males, 70 females) patients were included in this study, who filled a questionnaire out of 1926 patients went to bonesetters between June and December 2012. All the patients were recorded regarding demographic features, first application places, educational status, administration reasons, and complication rates. Results: 87 patients (90.6%) preferred bonesetters as the first application place. The mean age of the patients was 31±16.1 years. The most common reason was advices of the family members or relatives (40.6%). The educational status was not significant in administration rate, but low educational status has significant correlation with more complication rates. Sixteen patients developed sequels (16.6%). The effect of bonesetters’ treatment was mostly found to be placebo. Conclusion: Bonesetter is a country reality when prevalence was taken in notice. However, the similarity of their results to placebo ones, having no education, having no legal rights, paying no tax make this issue a great problem. The solution of this problem is depended to increase health programs to inform public and to increase government superintension. J Clin Exp Invest 2013; 4 (4): 472-44

    Unilateral Nevoid Telangiectasis: Report of Five Cases

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    Unilateral nevoid telangiectasia (UNT) is a rare cutaneous disorder characterized by superficial telangiectasias distributed unilaterally. UNT can be congenital or acquired. Acquired UNT may be seen during pregnancy, puberty, and in association with cirrhosis and hepatitis C. Besides, the disease has been reported in healthy individuals. In the etiology, elevated blood estrogen levels and/or increased estrogen and progesterone receptors in the involved skin are suggested to cause this disorder. Here, we present four male patients aged 26-33 years, without an identified underlying disease and an 18-year-old female hepatitis B carrier with diagnosis of acquired UNT. Since UNT is seen rarely, it is discussed in the light of the literature data

    Does Accident Remind Us of Negligence - or Does Negligence Remind Us of Accident? - Case Report

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    In this study, a child case who was admitted to the hospital with a history of falling from a height, and forensic medical consultation was requested due to a conflict between severe clinical findings and history, will be presented and attention will be drawn to the fact that abuse and neglect can underlie every accident, especially in children. A 3-year-old girl was referred to the hospital by her refugee family with a history of falling from a height of 4 meters onto a concrete floor at noon. The case with twin spouses; it was found that he was unconscious, scalp left temporo-parietal edema, abrasions on the left forehead, and hematoma on the eyelids. In your examinations; right femur fracture, left parietal bone fracture, left orbital superior bone fracture, parenchymal hemorrhage adjacent to the left lateral ventricle and contusion in the left lung were detected. In Intensive Care; it was found that he was intubated and sedated, his general physical appearance and development were normal, he was found to be normal in terms of hygiene, and his genital area examination was normal. Childhood physical traumas are situations that need to be investigated thoroughly, may be caused by neglect and abuse, and a multidisciplinary approach should be exhibited. In this regard, child health professionals; they can play important roles in many stages, from prevention, reporting and treatment to child protection and monitoring services

    Astronomical Site Selection for Turkey Using GIS Techniques

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    A site selection of potential observatory locations in Turkey have been carried out by using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) coupled with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and satellite imagery which in turn reduced cost and time and increased the accuracy of the final outcome. The layers of cloud cover, digital elevation model, artificial lights, precipitable water vapor, aerosol optical thickness and wind speed were studied in the GIS system. In conclusion of MCDA, the most suitable regions were found to be located in a strip crossing from southwest to northeast including also a diverted region in southeast of Turkey. These regions are thus our prime candidate locations for future on-site testing. In addition to this major outcome, this study has also been applied to locations of major observatories sites. Since no goal is set for \textit{the best}, the results of this study is limited with a list of positions. Therefore, the list has to be further confirmed with on-site tests. A national funding has been awarded to produce a prototype of an on-site test unit (to measure both astronomical and meteorological parameters) which might be used in this list of locations.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Experimental Astronom

    Injury to the lacrimal apparatus after endoscopic sinus surgery: Surgical implications from active transport dacryocystography

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    In order to evaluate the lacrimal drainage system injury after functional endoscopic sinus surgery, surgical records and postoperative active transport dacryocystography imaging of 31 patients were analyzed. Presence of the lacrimal bone dehiscence and no passage of the contrast material into the inferior meatus were noted as the signs of injury to the lacrimal canal on active transport dacryocystography. Bony dehiscence was detected in 53.2% of the operated sides but 20% of the nonoperated sides. No passage of the contrast material into the inferior meatus was observed in 14.9% of the operated sides. There were no cases of epiphora postoperatively. The lacrimal drainage system injury was more frequently observed on the left sides operated. We conclude that lacrimal drainage system injury might occur in various extents during functional endoscopic sinus surgery. However, it does not necessarily result in postoperative epiphora. Performing the middle meatal antrostomy in posteroinferior direction, and uncinectomy with backbiting forceps or a shaver might help in reducing the lacrimal injury. Active transport dacryocystography can be adopted as an alternative diagnostic tool in detection of the lacrimal injury. (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2001;124:308-12.) Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) has gained popularity among otorhinolaryngologists since its first introduction in mid-70s. The primary reason is probably that it enables direct visualization of intranasal anatomic structures and pathologies. Although the procedure seems to be easy to perform, it is indeed a delicate operation, and surgical injury to the neighboring structures does still occur. Various important complications such as cerebrospinal fluid leak and blindness have been reported following FESS. 1 Nevertheless, lacrimal injury is frequently overlooked. Lacrimal drainage system (LDS) is one of the most vulnerable structures to the surgical trauma in the course of FESS due to its intimate anatomic localization. Epiphora after LDS injury has been reported to range from 0.3 to 1.7%. 2-4 However, LDS injury does not necessarily result in epiphora. Asymptomatic cases, which had the intraoperative occult damage, have also been reported in 15% of the patients undergoing endoscopic ethmoidectomies. 3 Therefore, assessing the anatomic integrity and function of the LDS is important. Several methods have been used for evaluation of the LDS. METHODS AND MATERIALS In order to examine the degree and type of possible injury to the LDS, 31 patients who underwent FESS at the otorhinolaryngology department of Celal Bayar University School of Medicine in Manisa, Turkey, were postoperatively evaluated with ATD. Clinical records regarding the age and gender of the patients, diagnosis, type of operation, and surgical findings as well as the period between the operation and ATD evaluation were retrospectively analyzed. Patients who had preoperative epiphora or previous dacryocystorhinostomy operation were excluded from the study. The parameters studied on ATD examination for the evaluation of the LDS injury were the integrity of the bony lacrimal canal and its patency, which was indicated by observation of the nonionic contrast material in the inferior meatus. Operative and ATD findings were analyzed separately on the left and right sides in each patient. In unilateral cases, ATD findings on the nonoperated side were also recorded as a control group. The side differences in all surgical interventions and differences in findings between the operated and the nonoperated sides in unilateral cases were statistically analyzed. A t test was used in statistical analysis for the comparison of the percentages. All patients were operated on using the technique of FESS described by Stammberger 1 and Kennedy et a

    Diagnostic performance of low-dose chest CT to detect COVID-19: A Turkish population study

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of low-dose chest computed tomography (CT) in patients under investigation for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).METHODSThis retrospective study included 330 patients suspected of having COVID-19 from March 15 to April 16, 2020. We examined 306 patients upon initial presentation using both CT and real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR). The diagnostic performance of CT was calculated using rRT-PCR as a reference. Clinical and laboratory data, CT characteristics, and lesion distribution were assessed for patients with a confirmed diagnosis via rRT-PCR.RESULTSA total of 250 patients were finally diagnosed with COVID-19. Clinical and laboratory findings included myalgia or fatigue (76%), fever (64.8%), dry cough (60.8%), elevated levels of C-reactive protein (86.4%), procalcitonin (62%), and D-dimer (58.2%), increased neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) (54.8%), and lymphopenia (34%). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of the initial CT scan were 90.4% (95% IC, 86%–93%), 64.2% (95% IC, 50%–76%), 91.8% (95% IC, 88%–94%), and 60% (95% IC, 49%–69%), respectively. The percentage of patients diagnosed on the initial rRT-PCR test was 51.6% (n=129). Most frequent CT characteristics of COVID-19 in the subgroup of rRT-PCR-positive patients were multiple lesion (97.4%, n=220), followed by bilateral involvement (88.5%, n=200), peripheral distribution (74.3%, n=168), ground-glass opacity (GGO) (69.2%, n=157), subpleural curvilinear opacity (41.6%, n=104), and mixed GGOs (27.6%, n=67).CONCLUSIONrRT-PCR may produce initial false negative results. For this reason, typical CT findings for COVID-19 should be known especially by radiologists. We suggest that patients with typical CT findings but negative rRT-PCR results should be isolated, and rRT-PCR should be repeated to avoid misdiagnosis

    Malignant melanoma of the stomach presenting in a woman: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Malignant melanoma is reported to metastasize to all organs of the human body. Although it is common for it to metastasize to the gastrointestinal tract, a melanoma located primarily in the gastric mucosa is an uncommon tumor. Gastrointestinal metastases are rarely diagnosed before death with radiological and endoscopic techniques.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>In this case report the clinical course and treatment of a woman with melanoma of the stomach, without any other detectable primary lesion, is presented and discussed. A 55-year-old Turkish woman presented to our clinic with complaints of muscle pain and bone pain in the left side of her chest. During an upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy, dark cherry-colored, light elevated, round-shaped lesions were taken from her gastric fundus and from the first part of her duodenum. Biopsies from these samples were determined to be malignant melanoma by the pathologist.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Metastatic malignant melanoma cases should be examined through endoscopy for gastrointestinal metastases.</p