22 research outputs found

    In vitro effect of temperature on dentin bond strength of universal adhesive systems

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength (SBS) of two universal adhesives (Universal Single Bond and All Bond Universal) and a two-step self-etch adhesive system (Clearfil SE Bond) to dentine at various temperatures. Materials and Methods: One hundred and twenty dentin specimens were divided randomly to 12 groups, according to adhesive systems (Universal Single Bond and All Bond Universal, Clearfil SE Bond)  and temperature  ( 4ºC, 20 ºC, 36ºC, 55ºC) used. Dentin specimens were prepared (n :10, adhesives were applied, and composite cylinders were polymerized. Statistical analysis of the SBS data was performed using Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s Honestly Significant Differences post-hoc test. Results: The Clearfil SE Bond was shown to have higher SBS than the universal adhesives at all temperatures; however, there was no statistically significant difference (P>0.05). In both groups, the lowest SBS values were observed in the samples at 4°C while the highest SBS values were observed in the samples at 55°C. In this case, there was a statistically significant difference (P 0.05). En todos los grupos, los valores más bajos de SBS se observaron en las muestras a 4°C, mientras que los valores de SBS más altos fueron obtenidos en las muestras a 55°C (P <0.05). Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren que la efectividad de un adhesivo puede aumentar si se precalienta a 36°C o superior, antes de usarlo  inmediatamente después de sacarlo del refrigerador o a temperatura ambiente.

    In Vitro Comparison of ICDAS And DIAGNOdent Pen in The Diagnosis and Treatment Decisions of Non-Cavitated Occlusal Caries

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    The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of the ICDAS and the DIAGNOdent Pen in the diagnosis of occlusal caries lesions without cavitation, and for basing treatment decisions on the results obtained. Eighty permanent molar teeth that were healthy and non-cavitated or that had an initial occlusal lesion were evaluated. All teeth were investigated using DIAGNOdent Pen and ICDAS by four examiners. Histological evaluation of teeth was performed using stereomicroscopy by a histologist and different experienced dentist. For evaluation of the data, weighted kappa values (kw), sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and likelihood ratio (LR+) values of the tests were calculated. The diagnostic results obtained using the DIAGNOdent Pen were found to correlate better with the results obtained from histological sections than those obtained using ICDAS. When the treatment decisions of the observers depending on the results of ICDAS, and ICDAS and DIAGNOdent Pen combination were compared with the decisions made based on histological examinations, the decisions based on ICDAS and DIAGNOdent Pen combined (kw: 0.522) were more accurate than the ones based on ICDAS (kw: 0.415) alone. In conclution, professional experience is an effective factor in diagnosing occlusal caries lesions without cavitation with ICDAS and in making treatment decisions for them. DIAGNOdent Pen is sufficient in diagnosing occlusal caries lesions without cavitation.El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la eficacia de ICDAS y de DIAGNOdent Pen en el diagnóstico de lesiones de caries oclusales no cavitadas. Ochenta molares permanentes sanos y no cavitados fueron utilizados. Todos los dientes fueron investigados usando DIAGNOdent Pen e ICDAS por cuatro examinadores. La evaluación histológica de los dientes se realizó mediante estereomicroscopía por un histólogo y por un dentista con previa experiencia. Los resultados diagnósticos obtenidos con el DIAGNOdent Pen se correlacionan mejor con los resultados obtenidos a partir de las secciones histológicas cuando comparados a los obtenidos utilizando ICDAS. Las decisiones basadas en el uso combinado de ICDAS y DIAGNOdent Pen (kw: 0.522) fueron más precisas que los basados en ICDAS (kw: 0.415). En conclusión, la experiencia profesional es un factor eficaz en diagnóstico de lesiones de caries oclusal sin cavitación con ICDAS y en la toma de decisiones de tratamiento. DIAGNOdent Pen es una herramienta confiable para diagnosticar lesiones de caries oclusales sin cavitación

    GIS-based optimal site selection for the solar-powered hydrogen fuel charge stations

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    Energy consumption which is the most critical input in daily life is increasing constantly because of the growth of the world population and development of the devices. The transportation industry which is responsible for almost half of all worldwide emissions is switching to innovative devices run on renewable energy. Renewable-powered charging stations are important for reducing the environmental impact of vehicles. The objective of the study was to determine the best hydrogen charge station locations and rates which are supplied by coupled solar power plants. The GIS-based assessment was carried out with proper data from data sources such as Copernicus Land Monitoring (CLC 2018), and Global Solar Atlas (GSA). For the determination of suitable regions for solar power plants, eight sub-criteria were assessed under technical (C1), accessibility (C2), and environmental (C3) main criteria. Afterward, the obtained result map layer and suitability of the six determined water bodies, located in the study region, were investigated by assuming the buffer zone value. Results showed that the study area had suitable regions of 38.1&nbsp;km2&nbsp;indicating that %22.4 of it was convenient for the solar power plant investments. While Cihanbeyli Lake does not have the highest suitable region, the biggest suitable area inside the buffer zone of lakes was determined as the Ağcaşayar Dam. The maximum annual solar production level is obtained as 1,919 MWh/year in the Ağcaşayar Dam, with a hydrogen production of 34,933 tons/year. Consequently, the Ağcaşayar Dam is the best suitable destination for a hydrogen fuel station in Kayseri.</p

    Glaucoma awareness in a general eye clinic

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    Amaç: Genel olarak Kırıkkale şehrinde halkın glokom bilgi ve bilinç düzeyini değerlendirebilmek amacıyla, göz hastalıkları polikliniği'ne başvuran kişilere glokom ile ilgili sorular yöneltmek, glokom konusundaki bilinç düzeyini etkileyen temel faktörleri irdelemek. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları Polikliniğine 1-30 Mart 2001 tarihleri arasında başvuran hastalara, çalışma için özel olarak hazırlanmış değerlendirme formları dağıtıldı. Değerlendirme formları kişisel özellikler(eğitim durumu, yaş, cinsiyet), glokom için risk faktörü taşıma (diabetes mellitus, hipertansiyon, kap damar hastalığı) ve glokom bilincine yönelik (glokom nedir biliyor musunuz, sizde glokom mevcut mu?) sorular olmak üzere üç ana bölümden oluşmaktaydı. Bulgular: Toplam 305 olgu çalışma kapsamına alındı. Katılımcıların %61'inin glokom nedir biliyor musunuz, şeklindeki 7 nolu soruya, "hayır" yanıtı verdiği belirlendi. Eğitim düzeyi yükseldikçe, bu soruya verilen olumlu yanıt oranlarının da istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde arttığı gözlendi. Kadın katılımcıların %31.4'ü ve erkek katılımcıların ise %46.7'si 7 nolu soruya olumlu yanıt verebilmişti ve aradaki farklılık istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı. Onbir olgu, ailesinde glokomlu hasta olduğunu belirtirken, bunların sadece 3'ü glokomun ailevi karakter gösterdiğini biliyordu. Sonuç: Glokom ve tanıda geç kalmanın doğurabileceği kötü sonuçlar hakkında toplumun daha fazla bilgilendirilmesi gereklidir.Purpose: We surveyed a population visiting general eye clinic, to evaluate public awareness about glaucoma and question the factors influencing their awereness. Materials and Methods: We distrubuted a questionnaire randomly in a General Eye Clinic Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Kırıkkale University. The special questionnaire consisted of questions about personal characteristics, risk factors for glaucoma, and awareness of glaucoma. Results: We evaluated 305 of the 318 forms filled correctly. We determined that 61% of the subjects were unaware of glaucoma. We also found that education was a determinant of glaucoma awareness and there was a trend toward enhanced glaucoma awareness in educated people. Male subjects were significantly well informed about glaucoma than female (46.7% versus 31.4%). Eleven subjects had a person suffering from glaucoma in their families. However, only 3 of them knew that they had higher risk for glaucoma. Conclusion: Although glaucoma awareness was found low generally, educated respondents were less likely to be unaware of glaucoma. Therefore the population needs to be informed about glaucoma and its complications due to late diagnosis

    Effects of moderate myopia on the central visual field

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    Amaç: Orta derece miyopinin merkezi görme alanına etkilerini araştırmak. Yöntem: Orta derecede (sferik değeri, -3 D ile -6 D) miyop 21 olgunun 30 gözü ile yaş ve cinsiyet açısında eşleştirilmiş 15 emetrop (sferik değeri, 1 D ile -l D) olgunun 25 gözüne Humphrey bilgisayarlı otomatik perimetrenin 30-2 programı ile akromatik ve mavi-sarı perimetre uygulandı. Orta derece miyopların fovea hassasiyeti, ortalama retina hassasiyeti, üst ve alt görme alanı ortalama hassasiyeti ve 10 derecelik dairesel alanların (1. bölge: merkezi 10, 2. bölge: 10-20, 3. bölge: 20-30) ortalama retina hassasiyeti emetrop olguların sonuçları ile Student's t testi" kullanılarak karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Akromatik perimetre ile görme alanı ortalama hassasiyeti (p0.001), üst yarı hassasiyeti (p0.002) ile görme alanının üst yarısında 3. bölgenin hassasiyeti (p0.001) miyop olgularda daha düşük tespit edildi. Mavi-sarı perimetre ile görme alanı ortalama hassasiyeti (p0.00002), üst (p0.00001) ve alt yarı (p0.02) hassasiyetleri ile üst yarıda nazal kısımda da-ha belirgin olmak üzere, 2. bölge (p0.04) ve 3. bölge (p0.0001) hassasiyetleri miyoplarda da-ha düşük saptandı. Sonuç: Daha önce yüksek miyoplarda bildirildiği gibi, orta derece miyopî de üst yarıda da-ha belirgin olmak üzere, yaygın retina hassasiyet azalmasına neden olmaktadır. Miyopiye bağlı değişiklikler mavi-sarı perimetrede daha belirgindir. Glokomlu miyop olguların görme alanının değerlendirilmesinde bu değişikliklerin bilinmesi hekime patolojik bulguların ayrılmasında yar-dımcı olacaktır.Aim: To investigate whether moderate myopia has any effects on the central visual field. Material and methods: This study included 30 eyes of 21 healthy, moderate myopes (sphere, -3 D to -6 D) and 25 eyes of 15 age and sex-matched healthy emmetropes (sphere, 1 D to -1 D). Each subject underwent central 30-2 threshold testing bilaterally using Humphrey automated achromatic perimetry and blue-on-yellow perimetry. Foveal threshold, mean retinal sensitivity, mean superior sensitivity, mean inferior sensitivity, and mean sensitivities of concentric areas (area 1, central 10°; area 2, 10°-20°; area 3, 20°-30°) from both groups were statistically compared using Student's t test.Results: Using achromatic perimetry, moderate myopes had significantly lower mean sensitivity (p0.001), mean superior sensitivity (p0.002), and mean sensitivity of area 3 in the superior field (p0.001) than did emmetropes. Using blue-on-yellow perimetry, myopes also had significantly lower mean sensitivity (p0.00002), mean superior sensitivity (p0.00001), mean inferior sensitivity (p0.02), and mean sensitivities of area 2 (p0.04) and area 3 (p0.0001) in the superior field than did emmetropes. The decrease in superior field is more remarkably in nasal part of the concentric areas. Conclusions: As previously reported for high myopia, moderate myopia is also associated with a diffuse decrease in retinal sensitivity, particularly in superior part of the visual field. These changes are more remarkably in blue-on-yellow perimetry. When evaluating the visual field of myopic subject with glaucoma, knowledge of these changes may help practitior to ditinguish pathological defects from physiological one

    Effects of microalbuminuria on the central visual field in noninsulin-dependent diabetics

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    Amaç: Retinopati saptanmayan tip-2 (insüline bağımlı olmayan) diabetli olgularda mikroalbuminürinin merkezi görme alanına etkisini ve bu etkiyi saptamada hangi perimetrinin daha faydalı olduğunu araştırmak. Yöntem: Tip-2 diabet tanısıyla en az 5 yıldır izlenen, retinopati saptanmayan olgular mikroalbuminüri mevcudiyetine göre iki gruba ayrıldı (mikroalbuminüri grubu; 15 olgunun 21 gözü, normoalbuminüri grubu; 19 olgunun 31 gözü). Olguların görme alanları, Humphrey görme alanı analizörü II (model 750) ve 30-2 programı kullanılarak elde edildi. Görme alanı foveadan başlanarak 0-10, 10-20 ve 20-30 dereceler arasında üç konsantrik bölgeye ayrıldı. Bu bölgelerde tespit edilen duyarlılıklar, toplam retina duyarlılığı, görme alam üst ve alt yarı duyarlılıkları ile fovea eşik değerleri Student testi kullanılarak istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: İki grup arasında yaş, cinsiyet, diabet süresi, kan şekeri, HbAlc değerleri ve pupilla çapları açısından fark tespit edilmedi. Akromatik perimetride, mikroalbuminürili olgularda görme alanı üst yarı duyarlılığının ve merkezi 20-30 derece içindeki duyarlılığın daha az olduğu gözlendi. Mavi-sarı perimetride ise ortalama retina duyarlılığı, üst yarı duyarlılığı ve 10 derece-lik konsantrik alanların duyarlılığı mikroalbuminürili olgularda anlamlı olarak daha düşük bulundu. Sonuç: Çalışmamız sonucunda, mikroalbuminürinin eşlik ettiği ve klinik olarak retinopati saptanmayan tip-2 diabetli olgularda retina duyarlılık kaybının, görme alanı üst yansında ve bu bölgenin midperiferinde daha belirgin olabileceği ve bu duyarlılık kaybının saptanmasında mavi-sarı perimetrinin daha faydalı olabileceği kanısına varılmıştır.Purpose: To evaluate the effects of microalbuminuria on the central visual field in noninsulin dependent (type-2) diabetics without retinopathy and to determine which perimetry was more useful in the detection of visual field defects. Material and Method: We studied 21 eyes of 15 microalbuminuric patients and 31 eyes of 19 normoalbuminuric patients with disease duration at least 5 years. Static perimetry was performed using the 30-2 program of a Humphrey Field Analyzer 750. The central 3.0° of the visual field was divided 3 concentric rings beginning at the fovea and extending to 10°, from 10° to 20° and from 20° to 30°. The mean sensitivity of the fovea, the mean sensitivity of the central 30°, the mean sensitivities of the upper and lower central visual field and the mean sensitivities of the concentric rings were analyzed using Student's t test. Results: Age, gender, duration of disease, levels of glucose, HbAlc and diameter of pupil are similar in two groups. By achromatic perimetry, the mean sensitivity of the upper visual field and the mean sensitivity outside the 20° of the visual field were significantly lower in microalbuminuric patients than that in normoalbuminuric ones. By blue-on-yellow perimetry, the mean sensitivity of the central 30°, the mean sensitivity of the upper visual field and the mean sensitivities of the concentric rings were lower in microalbuminuric patients than that in normoalbuminuric ones. Conclusions: Our study suggests that the mean sensitivity of the visual field, particularly in the upper half of the visual field, in noninsulin-dependent diabetics without retinopathy but with microalbuminuria is lower than that in normoalbuminuric ones. In addition, this study also suggests that blue-on-yellow perimetry is more useful than achromatic perimetry in the detection of these defects

    The efficacy of long-term cyclosporin-A therapy in ocular Behçet's disease

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    Amaç: Behçet hastalığına bağlı göz tutulumunun tedavisinde uzun süreli ve düşük doz cylosporin-A (Cs-A) tedavisinin etkinliğini ve güvenilirliğini araştırmak. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları A.D.'da, ortalama 32.4 ay (18-40 ay) Cs-A tedavisi almış olan 12 oküler Behçet hastasının 24 gözü çalışma kapsamına alındı. Tüm hastalarda tam oftalmik ve sistemik muayeneyi takiben, tam kan, tam idrar, karaciğer ve böbrek fonksiyon testlerinden oluşan kan biyokimyası incelemeleri yapıldı. Göz tutulumunun ne zamandır mevcut olduğu, daha önce kullanılan sistemik ilaçlar ve yılda geçirilen atak sayısı kayıt edildi. Beş mg/kg/gün dozda Cs-A ile tedaviye başlandı ve ortalama 2 ay içinde 3mg/kg/gün dozuna geçildi. Atak gözlenen olgularda tedaviye oral prednizon (0.8 mg/kg/gün) eklendi ve atağın hafiflemesi ile birlikte uygun doz düşümü ile kesildi. Tedavi süresince kan basıncı, tam kan, tam idrar ve kan biyokimyası ölçümleri düzenli olarak yinelendi. Bulgular: Hastaların yaş ortalaması 22-36 yıl arasında değişmekteydi (ortalama 28.9 yıl). Tüm olgularda iki taraflı göz tutulumu izlendi. Tedavi öncesi, hasta başına düşen yıllık atak sayısı ortalama 2.60.8 iken, tedavi sonrasında 0.60.5'di ve aradaki farklılık istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p0.001). Görme keskinliği 5 hastanın 10 gözünde artarken (%41.7), 6 hastanın 12 gözünde (%50) değişiklik olmadı. Bir hastada ise görme keskinliği optik atrofi ve katarakt nedeniyle azalmıştı. Sonuç: Uzun süreli, düşük doz Cs-A tedavisi, nüksleri azaltmada ve görmenin korunmasında etkin ve güvenilir bir tedavi yöntemidir.Purpose: To investigate the long term efficacy of low dose use of cyclosporin-A (Cs-A). Material and Methods: This study was carried out in Kırıkkale University Hospital between 2000-2004. Twentyfour eyes of 12 patients with ocular Behcet's disease using CsA for at least 1 year were included the study. All patients underwent complete ophthalmological and systemic examinations. Renal and liver function tests, complete blood counts, and urine analysis were performed. The period of ocular involvement and mean number of attacks per patient were recorded before and after the treatment. Five mg/kg/days CsA was started in the patients with severe posterior uveitis and this dose was tapered gradually over 2 months to a maintenance dose of 3 mg/kg/days. During the treatment laboratory tests were repeated periodically. When an exacerbation developed, oral prednisone was added to the therapy. Patients were evaluated weekly during the first month and monthly thereafter. Results: All of the patients presented with bilateral panuveitis. Eleven of them were previously treated with corticosteroids and colchicine. The mean CsA administration period was 32.4 months with a range of 18-40 months. The mean number of attacks per patient before and after the treatment were 2.6±0.8 and 0.6±0.5 respectively. The decrease in the mean number of attacks per patient was statistically significant (P<0.001). Visual acuity improved in 5 patients and unchanged in 6 patients, deteriotated in 1 patients. The reason for the decreasein the visual acuity of this patient was cataract in one and optic atrophy in the other eye. No ocular attacks occurred in 3 patients. All the patients tolerated the long term treatment of CsA. Conclusions: The treatment approach with long term and low dose Cs-A play a positive role in the management of ocular Behçet's disease especially preventing recurrences