37 research outputs found

    Alteration of maternal serum irisin levels in gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Objectives: The aim of our study was to compare serum irisin concentrations in pregnant women with and without ges­tational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Material and methods: This study was performed at the Tertiary Care Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecol­ogy, between January 2014 and April 2014. A total of 45 pregnant women with GDM (diabetes group) and 41 BMI- and age-matched healthy pregnant women (control group) were recruited. Maternal serum irisin levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit at 24–28 weeks of gestation. An association between maternal serum irisin lev­els and metabolic parameters was analyzed. Body mass index, serum levels of glucose, insulin and irisin were tested and analyzed in the study group and controls. Results: Pregnant women with GDM had significantly higher fasting plasma glucose (p = 0.001), first-hour OGTT glucose (p = 0.001), second-hour OGTT glucose (p = 0.001), and fasting insulin (p = 0.045) levels as compared to controls. Serum irisin levels were 1.04 ± 0.3 and 1.3 ± 0.2 in pregnant women with GDM and healthy pregnant controls, respectively (p = 0.001). Correlation analysis between irisin levels and anthropometric and biochemical parameters in patients with gestational diabetes revealed that none of the investigated parameters correlated with serum irisin level. Conclusions: Our results suggest that serum irisin levels might be introduced as a novel marker for GDM, with decreased levels of irisin being indicative of GDM

    Effect of ODA-MMT (Octadecyl amine-montmorillonite), DMA-MMT (Dimethyldidodecyl ammonium-montmorillonite) with S-1-dodecyl-S-(?, ?' – dimethyl-? ' acetic acid) trithiocarbonate as polimers on BRCA-1, BRCA-2 and Caspase-3 gene expressions in MCF-7 cells in vitro

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    YÖK Tez ID: 418703Günümüzde kanser, tedavisi tam anlamıyla mümkün olmayan bir hastalıktır. Kanser türlerinden biriside kadınlarda en sık rastlanan meme kanseridir. Bazı genlerde meydana gelen mutasyonlar, bazı kadınları meme ve diğer kanser türlerine karşı daha "yatkın" hale getirmektedir. Bu kalıtsal değişikliklerin olduğu genler arasında en çok bilinenler BRCA-1 ve BRCA-2 genleridir. BRCA-1 ve BRCA-2 genlerindeki mutasyonlar meme ve over kanserlerinin çok büyük bir bölümünde kanserleşme nedenidir. Meme kanserine neden olan bu genlerden başka, genlerinde olup olmadığı da halen araştırılmaktadır. Çalışmamızda, ODA-MMT ve DMA-MMT polimerlerinin MCF-7 hücre hattında BRCA-1, BRCA-2 ve Kaspaz-3 genlerinin ekspresyon seviyelerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla MCF-7 hücreleri değişik miktarlardaki polimerler ile muamele edilmiştir. Herhangi bir polimer ile muamele edilmeyen grup kontrol grubu olarak değerlendirilmiştir. İlk olarak polimerlerin hücreler üzerindeki sitotoksik etkisi ve antiproliferatif etkisi real-time analyzer cihazı (RTCA) ile araştırılmıştır ve ODA-Raft kopolimeri hücreler için en toksik kopolimer olarak bulunmuştur. Daha sonra apoptotik ve nekrotik indeksin saptanması için ise ikili boyama ve anexin-5 boyama metodu kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen verilere göre apoptotik etkiler kopolimelerinin düşük konsantrasyonlarında gözlemlenmiş ve konsantrasyonlardaki artış apoptotik etkiyi dahada arttırmıştır. Ayrıca yüksek konsantrasyondaki ODA-Raft kopolimerinin apoptotik etkisinin yüksek konsatrasyonlardaki DMA-MMT, DMA-Raft ve ODA-Raft kopolimerlerinden daha fazla olduğu bulunmuştur. Son olarak polimerlere maruz kalmış MCF-7 hücrelerindeki BRCA-1, BRCA-2 ve Kaspaz-3 genlerinin ekspresyon seviyeleri Real-Time PCR yöntemi ile saptanmıştır. ODA-Raft ve DMA -Raft kopolimerlerinin Kaspaz-3 gen ekspresyon seviyesinin artmasında etkili olduğu bulunmuştur.Today, cancer is a disease for which total cure is not possible. One of the cancer types is the breast cancer that is frequently seen in women. Gene mutations occur in particular genes that make some women more "prone" to mammary cancer and other cancer types. Among the well-known genes that cause such hereditary alterations are BRCA-1 and BRCA-2. Mutations in BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 genes constitute a carcinogen factor in a considerable amount of mammary and ovary cancers. Involvement of genes other than these genes causing the mammary cancer is still a subject of research. Our study has examined the impact of the ODA-MMT and DMA-MMT polimers on the MCF-7 cells of BRCA-1, BRCA-2, and Caspase-3 genes expression levels. MCF-7 cells have been treated with varying amounts of polimers. The group not treated with any polimer is considered as the control group. First, the cytotoxic effect and the anti-proliferative impact of the polimers were examined by real-time analyzer apparatus (RTCA) and the ODA-Raft has been determined as the most toxic copolymer for MCF-7 cells. Later double and anexin-5 staining method have been used to assess the apoptotic and necrotic indexes. Considering the obtained data, copolymers of the apoptotic impacts have been observed at lower concentrations and increase in concentrations have further increased the apoptotic effect. Furthermore, it is established that the apoptotic effect of the ODA-Raft copolymer in high concentrations are more than DMA-MMT, DMA-Raft, and ODA-Raft copolymers. Finally, expression levels of BRCA-1, BRCA-2, and Caspase-3 genes in MCF-7 cells exposed to polimers have been determined by the Real-Time PCR method. It has been found that the ODA-Raft and DMA -Raft copolymers are affective in increasing the Caspase-3 gene expression level

    İnsan spontan düşüklerinde Brusella bakterilerinin rolü

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.ÖZET Çalışmamızda spontan abortus ve missed abortus yapmış 17-45 yaş arası 100 hastadan alınan kandan Wright testi ve Rose-Bengal testi çalışılmış, steril şartlar da alman düşük materyelinden özel besiyerlerine kültür yapılmıştır. Olguların hepsinden olumsuz sonuç alınması nedeni ile Brusella bakterilerinin habitue abortuslara neden olmadığı kanısına varılmıştı

    A Case of Healthcare Associated Pneumonia Caused by Chryseobacterium indologenes in an Immunocompetent Patient

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    Chryseobacterium indologenes is nonmotile, oxidase, and indole positive Gram-negative aerobic bacilli which is widely found in plants, soil, foodstuffs, and water. It can colonize hospital environment due to ability to survive in chlorine-treated water supplies. Chryseobacteria can also colonize patients via contaminated medical devices such as respirators, intubation tubes, humidifiers, intravascular catheters, and prosthetic valves. Immune suppression, comorbidities, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, and extreme age are other important risk factors for Chryseobacterium infections. We report a case of an 82-year-old male admitted to our hospital with the complaint of altered mental status with history of trauma, and recent orthopedic and neurosurgery operations. He was transferred to neurosurgery intensive care unit due to respiratory failure. Urine culture yielded extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) (+). E. coli and C. indologenes were isolated from transtracheal aspirate. He was treated with ertapenem, and levofloxacin and discharged with full recovery

    Risk Factors That Increase Insulin Need in Patients with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

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    ÖZET Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı gestasyonel diyabetes mellitus (GDM) olgularında insülin tedavisi gereksinimini artıran risk faktörlerini incelemekti. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya gebeliğin 24-28. haftalarında 75 gr oral glukoz tolerans testi (OGTT) ile GDM tanısı konulan 128 gebe alındı. Hastaların demografik özellikleri, tanı anındaki açlık insülin ve HbA1c düzeyleri değerlendirildi. Hastaların gebelik süresince %35,2’sinde insulin gereksinimi oldu. Araştırmaya alınan olgular gebelik izleminde insülin tedavisi gereken olgular (insulin grubu) (n=45) ile sadece diyet ile izlenen olgular (diyet grubu) (n=83) şeklinde iki gruba ayrıldı. Bulgular: İnsülin grubunun yaş ortalaması diyet grubununkine göre anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti (32±0,6’ya karşın 34,7± 0,6; p=0.004). Gebelik öncesi vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ) değerleri insulin grubunda anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti (29±0,6’ya karşın 32± 0,8 kg/m2; p=0.004). OGTT esnasındaki açlık kan şekeri (AKŞ) insulin grubunda 101,6± 2,1 mg/dl iken, diyet grubunda 92,7± 1,1 mg/dl idi (p<0.001). OGTT 1.saat plazma glukozu düzeylerinde iki grup arasında anlamlı fark yok iken (p=0.069), 2.saat plazma glukozu insulin grubunda 159,1± 6,8 mg/dl, diyet grubunda 143,1± 3,7 mg/dl idi (p= 0.027). Tanı anındaki HbA1c değerleri insulin grubunda anlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulundu (4,9± 0,1’e karşın 5,3± 0,1; p= 0.001). İki grubun açlık insulin düzeyleri ve HOMA-IR değerleri arasında anlamlı fark bulunmadı (p=0.908, p=0.073). Sonuç: GDM’li hastalarda yaş, ailede diyabet öyküsü, gebelik öncesi vücut kitle indeksi, açlık kan şekeri ve HbA1c izlemde insülin tedavisi gereksinimi açısından önemli risk faktörleri olarak bulunmuştur.Objective: Our aim was to determine the risk factors associated with the need for insulin therapy in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Material and Method: We enrolled 128 pregnant women who were diagnosed GDM by 75 gr oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) at 24-28 week gestational weeks. The demographic features, insulin and HbA1c levels were evaluated. 35,2% of the patients needed insulin therapy during pregnancy. We compared patients with GDM who needed insulin therapy during pregnancy (insulin group) and women treated with diet alone (diet group). Results: The patients treated with insulin were older than the patients in diet group (32,0±0,6 vs, 34,7± 0,6; p=0.004). Prenatal body mass index (BMI) was significantly higher in the insulin group compared to the diet group (29±0,6 vs, 32± 0,8 kg/m2; p=0.004).While the mean fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels was 101,6± 2,1 mg/dl in the insulin group, it was 92,7± 1,1 mg/dl in the diet group (p<0.001). While there was not a difference in OGTT 1 hour- plasma glucose levels between the two groups (p=0.069), 2 hour- plasma glucose levels were 159,1± 6,8 mg/dl in the insulin group and 143,1± 3,7 mg/dl in the diet group (p= 0.027). HbA1c level was significantly higher in the insulin group compared to the diet group (4,9± 0,1 vs, 5,3± 0,1; p= 0.001). There was not a difference in fasting insulin levels and HOMA-IR between the two groups (p=0.908, p=0.073). Conclusion: Age, family history of diabetes, prenatal BMI, FPG and HbA1c were found to be risk factors associated with insulin need in patients with GDM

    Alterations of thyroid volume and nodular size during and after pregnancy in a severe iodine-deficient area

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    WOS: 000344176900017PubMed: 24811142ObjectiveThe effects of pregnancy on thyroid nodules were investigated in a few number of studies. We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of thyroid nodules, the changes in size, volume and number of nodules during pregnancy and after delivery in pregnant women. Design and methodsThis prospective study was performed in a severe iodine-deficient area and included 83 pregnant women (mean age 30455years). We evaluated thyroid hormone levels, ultrasound examination of thyroid and urine iodine concentration (UIE) at each trimester and at 3-month post-partum period (PP). All patients with thyroid nodules >1cm underwent fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) after the last visit at the PP. ResultsTwenty-six women had thyroid nodules on thyroid ultrasonography at the first trimester. the volume of single/dominant nodule showed enlargement during pregnancy and remained at the PP; however, it was not significant (first trimester: 083 +/- 08ml; second trimester: 092 +/- 1ml; third trimester: 099 +/- 12ml; PP: 092 +/- 12ml). the maximum diameter of single/dominant nodule in the third trimester of pregnancy (126 +/- 54mm) was greater than the first trimester (119 +/- 48mm) (P=0002). the number of nodules did not change during pregnancy. the mean TV increased during pregnancy and remained 3months after delivery (P<0001), and the maximum value of TV was reached in the third trimester (142 +/- 79ml). FNAB results revealed a 66% prevalence of malignancy among the nodules. ConclusionsThyroid nodules were present in 301% of pregnant women. While size of the single/dominant thyroid nodule increased significantly during pregnancy, the number of nodules did not change