31 research outputs found

    Morphological pattern of non-diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

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    Abstract. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of kidney biopsy performed with an appropriate indication to diagnosis and treatment in diabetic patients with nephropathy. Methods: In this retrospective study 32 type 2 diabetes patients who underwent kidney biopsy in a single center between 2012-2019 were included. Kidney biopsy indications were determined as patients with diabetes without diabetic retinopathy and with proteinuria above 1 g/day. Results: Diabetic (DN) and non-diabetic (NDN) nephropathies were diagnosed with renal biopsy. In 14 (43.7%) of 32 patients, NDN was reported in histopathological evaluation. Membranous nephropathy was detected in 4 of these patients, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) in the other 4 patients, light chain disease in 2 patients, IgA nephropathy in 2 of the patients, minimal change nephropathy in another patient, and finally AA amyloid in one patient. NDRD seen superimposed on DN (DN + interstitial nephritis and DN + FSGS) was observed in 2 patients. DN was detected in 16 (50%) of 32 type 2 diabetic patients. Conclusion: Kidney biopsy in patients with type 2 diabetes is an important tool for diagnosing NDN, choosing the right treatment tactics and determining kidney prognosis

    Predictors of graft outcome in renal transplant recipients with antibody-mediated rejection

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    Abstract. Active and chronic antibody-mediated rejection (ABMR) is a common cause of graft failure. Prognostic markers of this complication are not well defined. We aimed to find out the demographic, histopathological and clinical characteristics of transplant recipients who developed ABMR and evaluate the impact of these features,  and anti-rejection treatment modalities on graft survival.   Methods. Thirty-two patients who developed ABMR (22 male; mean age 40.59±12.52 years) were included in this study. Data were evaluated retrospectively and graft survival was analyzed. All transplant biopsies were evaluated according to Banff's 2013 classification. Results. Among the 32 cases, 26  were transplanted from living donors. Mean serum creatinine at the time of biopsy was 1.99 ±0.09 mg/dL. Proteinuria was  1566.06±353.92 mg/day at the time of biopsy.  The need for hemodialysis was significantly related with initial creatinine (p = 0.003); creatinine after three months (p < 0.001) and final creatinine (p < 0.001) as well as initial proteinuria (p = 0.005); proteinuria after three months (p < 0.001) and final proteinuria (p < 0.001). 6 cases showed diffuse C4d positivity, 26  cases showed focal c4d positivity. Five of 6 patients with diffuse C4d staining in renal biopsy were hemodialyzed at first and third months despite anti-rejection therapy (p=0.029 and 0.041,  respectively). Mean survival time was 1654.67±220.40 (95% CI 1222.68-2086.66) days for focal staining C4d cases and 366.16±36.44 (95% CI 294.73-437.60) days for diffuse staining C4d cases. The difference was statistically significant (p=0.012). Two of the patients died, 15 experienced graft loss and 17 survived with functioning grafts. Mean survival time between anti-rejection treatment modalities showed no statistical significance (p=0.15) Conclusions. Serum creatinine, proteinuria at the time of biopsy, diffuse peritubular C4d staining were significantly associated with graft survival. Early diagnosis is important to improve success in the treatment of ABMR and graft surviva


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    In the title compound, C24H15NO2, the oxazole ring is oriented at dihedral angles of 10.09 (4) and 6.04 (4)° with respect to the mean planes of the naphthalene ring systems, while the two naphthalene ring systems make a dihedral angle of 4.32 (3)°. Intra­molecular C—H⋯N hydrogen bonds link the oxazole N atom to the naphthalene ring systems. In the crystal, inter­molecular weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into centrosymmetric dimers. π–π contacts between the oxazole and naphthalene rings and between the naphthalene ring systems [centroid–centroid distances = 3.5947 (9) and 3.7981 (9) Å] may further stabilize the crystal structure. Three weak C—Hâ‹ŻÏ€ inter­actions also occur


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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C18H11NO2S, contains two crystallographically independent mol­ecules. In one mol­ecule, the oxazole and thio­phene rings are oriented at dihedral angles of 17.40 (9) and 18.18 (7)° with respect to the naphthalene ring system, while the oxazole and thio­phene rings are oriented to each other at a dihedral angle of 0.86 (9)°. In the other mol­ecule, the corresponding angles are 3.05 (8), 9.62 (6) and 7.02 (8)°, respectively. In each mol­ecule, a weak intra­molecular C—H⋯N hydrogen bond links the oxazole N atom to the naphthalene group. Weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonding is present in the crystal structure. π–π stacking between the oxazole and thio­phene rings, between the thio­phene and naphthalene rings, and between the oxaozole and naphthalene rings, [centroid–centroid distances = 3.811 (2), 3.889 (2), 3.697 (2) and 3.525 (2) Å] may further stabilize the crystal structure

    Explaining XGBoost predictions with SHAP value: a comprehensive guide to interpreting decision tree-based models

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    Understanding the factors that affect Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and how they affect them is frequently important in sectors where data and data science are crucial. Machine learning is utilized to model and predict pertinent KPIs in order to do this. Interpretability is important, nevertheless, in order to fully comprehend how the model generates its predictions. It enables users to pinpoint which traits have aided the model’s ability to learn and comprehend the data. A practical approach for evaluating the contribution of input attributes to model learning has evolved in the form of SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations offer an index for evaluating the influence of each feature on the forecasts made by the model. In this paper, it is demonstrated that the contribution of features to model learning may be precisely estimated when utilizing SHAP values with decision tree-based models, which are frequently used to represent tabular data

    Social representation of events in world history: crosscultural consensus or Western discourse? How Turkish students view events in world history

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    Özer, Serap (Dogus Author) -- ErgĂŒn, Gökçe (Dogus Author)The perceptions of historical events are considered to be an important cultural, political, and social psychological variable. Earlier studies have shown a crosscultural consensus on historical events that are considered to be important. It has been indicated that a strong Western-Christian European template dominates the view of which events are considered to be important events in history, by many samples across the world. It was the aim of this study to test this finding with a Turkish sample, which would represent some unique characteristics in that it is Muslim, comes from an Empire background, and has undergone a recent nation-building process. College students (n = 372) responded to a questionnaire that was utilized in seven other countries. It was shown that Turkish students were not Eurocentric as expected by the literature: They were highly sociocentric; they gave importance to events related to Turkish history. They were similar to their European counterparts in that war and violence were given primary importance when selecting events as important in history. However, they did not behave as predicted by earlier literature: They did not see Western European events as having a primary importance in history but gave at least equal importance to events that originated from Ottoman Empire roots. The results were discussed in terms of the unique cultural and historical variables that contribute to the identity and social psychological attributions of Turkish students. Further research should focus on not only which events are considered as important historical events but also the reasons behind these. © 2013 Copyright International Union of Psychological Science

    JADE Etmen Çerçevesinde Çok Etmenli Bir Ders Yönetim Sisteminin SABRO Metodolojisi Kullanılarak GeliƟtirilmesi

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    Complex system design and problem-solving areas, intelligent agent systems is becoming increasingly common in academic studies, and the use of market. Using software agents, complex multi-user software systems can be designed as exhibit intelligent behavior with features that can produce autonomous decisions. In this study, using the JADE agent development framework, meet the standards of FIPA a multi agent course management system designed and implemented. By following the system in the selected scenario and using agent-based software development environment described how to implement all phases. The software has been designed, follow the steps in the methodology of SABRO, and the factors determining the mapped roles, interactions with the system shown was designed ontolog

    Melamin Formaldehit Tutkalıyla Üretilen Kompozit Levhaların Bulanık Mantık Yöntemiyle Analizi

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    Bu makalede; çay atıklarının oduna alternatif bir kaynak olarak yonga ve lif levha gibi kompozit malzemelerin ĂŒretilmesinde kullanılabilirliğinin araƟtırılması amacıyla çay (Camillia Sinensis) atığı ve kızılçam (Pinusbrutia) yonga/lif belirli oranlarda karÄ±ĆŸtırılıp 5 grup kompozit levha ĂŒretilmiƟ, levhalar ĂŒzerinde mekanik ve fiziksel deneyler yapılarak elde edilen sonuçlar, bulanık mantık yöntemiyle modellenmiƟtir

    O Medo da COVID-19 e Fatores Relacionados que Afetam a AutoeficĂĄcia do Aleitamento Materno durante a Pandemia

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    Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar os nĂ­veis de autoeficĂĄcia do aleitamento materno durante a pandemia, comparĂĄ-los de acordo com vĂĄrias caracterĂ­sticas e examinar a relação entre o medo da COVID-19 e a autoeficĂĄcia do aleitamento materno. MĂ©todo: Os dados do presente estudo descritivo e transversal foram coletados por meio de uma pesquisa baseada na web com 392 mĂŁes, entre junho e agosto de 2021. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram o FormulĂĄrio de Dados de Introdução, o FormulĂĄrio Breve de Escala de AutoeficĂĄcia do Aleitamento Materno e a Escala de wMedo da COVID-19. Resultado: A pontuação mĂ©dia de autoeficĂĄcia do aleitamento materno foi de 56,18 ± 8,24, enquanto a pontuação mĂ©dia de escala de medo da COVID-19 foi de 21,77 ± 6,14. Ter um grande medo da COVID-19, amamentar com mais frequĂȘncia nesse perĂ­odo e suspeitar da COVID-19 afetou positivamente as pontuaçÔes de autoeficĂĄcia do aleitamento materno, enquanto concluir o ensino fundamental teve um efeito negativo na mesma autoeficĂĄcia.ConclusĂŁo: Foi afetado positivamente a autoeficĂĄcia do aleitamento materno daqueles que tinham medo da COVID-19, que amamentavam com mais frequĂȘncia durante a pandemia e que tinham um nĂ­vel educacional mais elevado.Objective: This study aimed to determine the breastfeeding self-efficacy levels of mothers during the pandemic period, to compare them according to various characteristics, and to examine the relationship between the fear of COVID-19 and breastfeeding self-efficacy. Method: The data of this descriptive and cross-sectional were collected through a web-based survey of 392 mothers between June and August 2021. The data collection tools were the Introductory Data Form, the Breast-feeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form, and the Fear of COVID-19 Scale. Results: The mean score for breastfeeding self-efficacy was found to be 56.18 ± 8.24, while the mean score for the Fear of COVID-19 scale was 21.77 ± 6.14. Having a high fear of COVID-19, breastfeeding more frequently in this period, and suspecting that they had COVID-19 affected the breastfeeding self-efficacy scores positively, whereas graduating from primary school had a negative effect on self-efficacy. Conclusion: The breastfeeding self-efficacy of mothers who were fearful of COVID-19, who breastfed more frequently during the pandemic, and who had a higher education level were positively affected.Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar los niveles de autoeficacia de lactancia materna durante la pandemia, compararlos segĂșn diversas caracterĂ­sticas y examinar la relaciĂłn entre el miedo al COVID-19 y la autoeficacia de lactancia materna. MĂ©todo: Los datos del presente estudio descriptivo y transversal se recopilaron a travĂ©s de una encuesta basada en la web con 392 madres, entre junio y agosto de 2021. Las herramientas de recopilaciĂłn de datos fueron el Formulario de Datos de IntroducciĂłn, el Formulario Breve de Escala de Autoeficacia de Lactancia Materna y la Escala de Miedo al COVID-19. Resultado: La puntuaciĂłn media de autoeficacia de lactancia materna fue de 56,18 ± 8,24, mientras que la puntuaciĂłn media de escala de miedo al COVID-19 fue de 21,77 ± 6,14. Tener un gran miedo al COVID-19, amamantar con mayor frecuencia en este perĂ­odo, y sospechar de COVID-19 afectĂł positivamente los puntajes de autoeficacia de lactancia materna, mientras que graduarse de la escuela primaria tuvo un efecto negativo en la misma autoeficacia. ConclusiĂłn: ConclusiĂłn: Se afectĂł positivamente la autoeficacia de lactancia materna de aquellas que tenĂ­an miedo al COVID-19, que amamantaron con mayor frecuencia durante la pandemia y que tenĂ­an un mayor nivel educativo


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    Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmanın amacı TĂŒrkiye’deki çay (Camellia Sinensis) bitkisinin levha ĂŒretiminde kullanılabilirliğini araƟtırmaktır. ÇalÄ±ĆŸmada çay (Camellia Sinensis) atığı ile Kızılçam (Pinus Brutia) sırasıyla % 100-0, % 75-25, % 50-50, % 25-75, % 0-100 oranlarında karÄ±ĆŸtırılmÄ±ĆŸtır. Üre formaldehit tutkalı kullanılarak basınçlı pres altında her bir tutkal tĂŒrĂŒ ve karÄ±ĆŸÄ±m oranı için 15 levha ĂŒretilmiƟtir. Levhalar ĂŒzerinde eğilme dayanımı, yĂŒzeye dik çekme, kalınlığına ƟiƟme ve elastikiyet modĂŒlĂŒ deneyleri yapılmÄ±ĆŸtır. Bu deneyler sonucunda elde edilen sayısal değerler bulanık mantık yöntemi ile modellenmiƟ, gerçek değerler bulanık mantık değerleri ile karĆŸÄ±laƟtırılmÄ±ĆŸtır