30 research outputs found

    U-Pb single zircon grain dating of Present fluvial and Cenozoic aeolian sediments from Gabon: consequences on sediment provenance, reworking, and erosion processes on the equatorial West African margin

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    U-Pb ages obtained from detrital zircon from terrigenous sediments are used to determine the sources. Present fluvial sand-bars of the Ogooue river yield age spectra of detrital zircons in agreement with Archean and Early Proterozoic Sources found in the drainage. The large proportion of Late Proterozoic zircons cannot be derived from primary erosion of the watershed basement rocks, since there is no formation of that age in the area. This later group of zircons is in good agreement with reworking of the aeolian Paleogene Bateke Sands, by regressive erosion in the upper reaches of the Ogooue river, as they contain a majority of Late Proterozoic age zircons. The sources of Late Proterozoic zircons in the Bateke Sand are very distant, and transported and reworked - at least in part - by aeolian processes. Our results, together with the widely distributed Paleogene sediments over continental Africa, suggests that Paleogene was it time of subdued erosion of the cratonic areas and extensive reworking, transport and deposition within continental Africa. In contrast, our results from the Ogooue river indicate active present incision of the cratonic area, erosion of the previous continental sediments, and export of the river bed-load to the continental margin. This temporal evolution of erosion-transport-deposition is correlated with the drastic climate change that occurred during the Cenozoic, leading to a more efficient mechanical erosion, and it correlates with the increase of terrigenous flux to the margin, observed during the Neogene

    An introduction to Lithosphere dynamics of sedimentary basins – The Circum-Mediterranean basins and analogues

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    During the past decade, the objective of the Task Force Sedimentary Basins of the International Lithosphere Program (ILP) has been the encouragement of the dialogue among researchers studying the basin fill and the whole lithospheric structure. The ILP 2013 annual meeting of the Task Force Sedimentary Basin held in Marseille (October 14–18th) was aimed at reviewing the current research on the possible links between deep and shallow processes in the Mediterranean region. More than a hundred scientists from academy and industry attended the conference, which involved a two day-long field trip to the Pyrenean and Alpine Forelands of Provence. Research areas represented at the 2013 ILP annual meeting included all disciplines pertaining to geology, geophysics

    Geological controls on focused fluid flow associated with seafloor seeps in the Lower Congo Basin

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    A synthesis of backscatter imagery coupled with a large 3D seismic dataset in the Lower Congo Basin (LCB) reveals a patchy distribution of features interpreted to be associated with fluid seepage from 300 m to 2500 m water depth. With the exception of one region of anomalous backscatter positive-relief mounds, all inferred seep sites occur in negative-relief pockmarks. The extensive 3D seismic dataset in the LCB offers a unique opportunity to study the plumbing system that is feeding surface cold seep systems, and in general, to reconstruct the relationship between tectonics and fluid flow in continental margins. The fluid seeps in the LCB are associated with morphologically, stratigraphically or tectonically controlled focused fluid flow. The integration of the geophysical datasets, backscatter imagery coupled to 3D seismic, clearly indicates that fluid seeps are not randomly distributed, but their seabed organization reflects 1) the location of the underlying structure (reservoir or trap) where the fluids are coming from, 2) the geometry and morphology of the reservoir/trap, and 3) the discontinuities in the sedimentary column along which fluids have migrated. In the LCB seafloor pockmarks are always associated with underlying tectonic structures (fault zones, salt diapirs, polygonal faults) or buried sedimentary bodies (turbiditic channels, erosional surfaces), whereas they never occur above sub-horizontal parallel-stratified fine-grained sediments. Even if triggering processes can not be clearly defined here, we propose a model of seafloor fluid seep organization, which represents a new tool for identifying the geometry of flow pathways and the underlying buried bodies where the fluids are originating from. This qualitative 3D model provides insight into the geohydrologic processes of continental margins

    Isolated seafloor pockmarks linked to BSRs, fluid chimneys, polygonal faults and stacked Oligocene-Miocene turbiditic palaeochannels in the Lower Congo Basin

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    Based on high-resolution 3D seismic data sets, we document the subsurface reservoir architecture and organization of a portion of the Oligocene–Miocene stratigraphy within the Congo Basin, offshore southwestern Africa. Within the 3D seismic volume, we have identified four levels of turbiditic palaeochannels, which are separated by low-amplitude continuous reflectors interpreted as hemipelagic sediments. Geochemical analyses on sediment samples taken within overlying seafloor pockmarks reveal the presence of thermogenic gases and oils, suggesting that deep-seated fluids have migrated through both the channel deposits and the impermeable layers between them, forming a conduit to the surface. Deep thermogenic fluids produced within Cretaceous source rocks are preferentially entrapped within coarse-grained turbiditic Oligocene–Miocene palaeochannels. We show in this study that the vertical stacking pattern of turbiditic palaeochannels allows the best pathway for fluids migration. Once the fluids migrate to the upper layer (i.e., Upper Miocene) of palaeochannels, they can reach the seafloor via migration along a highly faulted interval composed of polygonal faults. They are temporarily inhibited below an interpreted 300-m-thick gas hydrate layer marked by a strong BSR on seismic profiles. Fluids accumulate under the hydrate stability zone to form a thick layer of free gas. The generation of excess pore fluid pressure in the free gas accumulation leads to the release of fluids along faults of the highly faulted interval forming pockmarks on the seafloor. Ultimately, we show in this study that fluids are progressively concentrated in the sedimentary column and aligned pockmarks on the seafloor may represent a focused fluid flow from stacked turbiditic palaeochannels

    The long-term evolution of the Congo deep-sea fan: A basin-wide view of the interaction between a giant submarine fan and a mature passive margin (ZaiAngo project)

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    We have integrated the relatively unknown distal domains of the Lower Congo basin, where the main depocenters of the Congo submarine fan are located, with the better-constrained successions on the shelf and upper slope, through the analysis of thousands of km of 2D seismic reflection profiles off-shore the Congo-Angola passive margin. The basin architecture is depicted by two ca. 800-km-long regional cross sections through the northern (Congo) and southern (Angola) margin. A large unit deposited basinward of the Aptian salt limit is likely to be the abyssal-plain equivalent of the upper-Cretaceous carbonate shelf that characterized the first post-rift deposits in West-equatorial African margins. A latest-Turonian shelf-deepening event is recorded in the abyssal plain as a long period (Coniacian-Eocene) of condensed sedimentation and basin starvation. The onset of the giant Tertiary Congo deep-sea fan in early Oligocene following this event reactivates the abyssal plain as the main depocenter of the basin. The time-space partitioning of sedimentation within the deep-sea fan results from the interplay among increasing sediment supply, margin uplift, rise of the Angola salt ridge, and canyon incision throughout the Neogene. Oligocene-early Miocene turbidite sedimentation occurs mainly in NW-SE grabens and ponded inter-diapir basins on the southern margin (Angola). Seaward tilting of the margin and downslope salt withdrawal activates the up-building of the Angola escarpment, which leads to a northward (Congo) shift of the transfer zones during late Miocene. Around the Miocene-Pliocene boundary, the incision of the Congo submarine canyon confines the turbidite flows and drives a general basinward progradation of the submarine fan into the abyssal plain The slope deposition is dominated by fine-grained hemipelagic deposits ever since. Results from this work contribute to better understand the signature in the ultra-deep deposits of processes acting on the continental margin as well as the basin-wide sediment redistribution in areas of high river input

    Evidences of early to late fluid migration from an Upper Miocene turbiditic channel revealed by 3D seismic coupled to geochemical sampling within seafloor pockmarks, Lower Congo Basin

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    Using high quality 3D seismic data within the Lower Congo Basin (LCB), we have identified pockmarks that are aligned above the sinuous belt of a buried turbiditic palaeo-channel, 1000 m beneath the seafloor. Geochemical analyses on cores (GC traces), taken in the centre of four of these pockmarks along this channel, show no clear evidence for migrated oil. But, some features of the GC traces, including elevated baselines (UCM>34 ?g/g) and a broad molecular weight range of n-alkanes with little odd–even preference, may be interpreted as indicating the presence of thermogenic hydrocarbons in the cores.Seismic profiles show that these pockmarks developed above two main features representative of pore fluid escape during early compaction: (1) closely spaced normal faults affecting the upper 0–800 ms TWT of the sedimentary column. This highly faulted interval (HFI) appears as a hexagonal network in plane view, which is characteristic of a volumetrical contraction of sediments in response to pore fluid escape. (2) Buried palaeo-pockmarks and their underlying chimneys seem to be rooted at the channel–levee interface. The chimneys developed during early stages of burial and are now connected to the HFI.This study shows that the buried turbiditic channel now concentrates thermogenic fluids that can migrate through early chimneys and polygonal faults to reach the seafloor within some pockmarks. Using a multidisciplinary approach within the Lower Congo Basin, combining 3D seismic data and geochemical analyses on cores, we trace the fluid history from early compaction expelling pore fluids to later migration of thermogenic hydrocarbons

    Latest-cretaceous/palaeocene karsts with marine infillings from Languedoc (South of France), palaeogeographic, hydrogeologic and geodynamic implications

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    The Latest Cretaceous/Paleocene paleokarsts from Bas-Languedoc (South of France) are characterized by : 1) exokarstic paleosurfaces (sink holes, pinnacles, canyons) which are mostly superimposed onto the Late Jurassic limestones and partly filled up with breccias and sandy clays containing Paleocene planktonic foraminifera; 2) endokarstic cavities filled up by sandy pelites and laminated mudstones with similar micropaleontological assemblage. All these cavities constitute three cut-and-filled paleokarstic systems. A general model of formation for this polyphase system is proposed. These paleosurfaces are generated by a Latest Cretaceous tectonic phase and Paleocene movements associated with eustatic rises inducing rapid floodings. During Upper Danian-Lower Selandian times three successive base levels drops, whose cumulated duration could be as long as 3 Ma, have induced several hundred metres of incisions within the exposed Jurassic carbonate series. A paleogeographic reconstruction shows three main marine gulfs which extend towards NE the EW Pyrenean thrust belt ("Pyrenean Paleocene Trough", PPT) located on the axis of the future Pyrenees. The similarity of the facies and micropaleontological content in the two domains suggests connexions between the marine Paleocene deposits of Bas-Languedoc and the PPT. It could thus explain the succession of the same tectono-eustatic events. We propose, as an hypothesis, that the rapid sea-level changes, as recorded by the imbricated karstic paleomorphologies, could be induced by the closing and the opening of a strait in the Eastern part of the PPT acting as a sill. This would be controlled by tectonic movements along the active orogenic axis of the Pyrenean Range and eustatic variations of the Paleocene World Ocean. The karstic systems developed during these low-stand episodes may have been later reactivated after the Early Selandian and more specifically during the Messinian desiccation event. This late evolution may have generated deep flooded karsts, now situated below the present sea level. Such karsts, partly inherited from Paleocene, could be important aquifers of economic interest

    Marine karstic infillings: evidence of extreme base level changes and geodynamic consequences (Paleocene of Languedoc, south of France)

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    Late Jurassic platform carbonates of Languedoc (southern France) are deeply incised by Late Miocene canyons, allowing the observation of karst systems filled with sediments containing evidences of marine origin. Field and structural relationships as well as new biostratigraphic data (planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils) provide a Latest Cretaceous-Earliest Paleocene age for the major karstification and a Paleocene (Danian-Selandian) age for the sedimentary filling. The ≥ 350 m vertical extent of this karst system and its subsequent marine filling gives a minimum amplitude for the base-level variation responsible for the karstification and then the marine flooding events. The observations suggest that at least, two marine successive events occurred in the Late Danian then in Selandian time. The large amplitude of base level is not in agreement with eustatic sea-level change, and the rate of base-level change is too fast for tectonic uplift and subsidence within the tabular, poorly deformed studied area. We propose a model of a silled endoreic basin, which was dessiccated and karstified over hundreds of meters, when it was disconnected from the World Ocean, and later suddently transgressed by the Paleocene sea and the karst flooded, when the bounding sill was submerged. Such a model is similar, although with significant differences, with the later Messinian-Zanclean event that affected the Mediterranean realm