173 research outputs found
Terremotos y reconstrucción. Proyectos y experiencias de Italia
This contribution aims to give an account of the experience gained by a group of professors from the University "G. d'Annunzio de Chieti-Pescara" which have been involved in the repairment of damage caused by the disastrous earthquake that affected the region of Abruzzo in 2009. The experience refers to the work done within the framework of some Reconstruction Plans, whose implementation has been based on several conservation and restoration principles considered essential for any intervention work on Historic Heritage.Esta contribución tiene como objetivo difundir la experiencia ganada por un grupo de profesores de la Universidad "G. d'Annunzio” de Chieti-Pescara implicados en la reparación de los daños producidos por el desastroso terremoto que afectó a la región de Abruzzo en 2009. La experiencia se refiere en particular al trabajo realizado en algunos Planes de Reconstrucción de centros dañados, para cuya realización se han adoptado determinados principios de conservación y restauración que se consideran esenciales para cualquier intervención sobre el patrimonio histórico
Earthquakes and reconstruction. Projects and experiences from Italy
Esta contribución tiene como objetivo difundir la experiencia ganada por un grupo de
profesores de la Universidad "G. d'Annunzio” de Chieti-Pescara implicados en la
reparación de los daños producidos por el desastroso terremoto que afectó a la región de
Abruzzo en 2009.
La experiencia se refiere en particular al trabajo realizado en algunos Planes de
Reconstrucción de centros dañados, para cuya realización se han adoptado determinados
principios de conservación y restauración que se consideran esenciales para cualquier
intervención sobre el patrimonio histórico.This contribution aims to give an account of the experience gained by a group of
professors from the University "G. d'Annunzio de Chieti-Pescara" which have been
involved in the repairment of damage caused by the disastrous earthquake that affected
the region of Abruzzo in 2009.
The experience refers to the work done within the framework of some Reconstruction
Plans, whose implementation has been based on several conservation and restoration
principles considered essential for any intervention work on Historic Heritage
El patrimonio industrial vinculado con la presencia del agua. Similitudes y diferencias entre la provincia de Cádiz y la región de Abruzzo (Italia)
Para la comprensión de la evolución industrial de una región o provincia no solamente es necesaria una labor de documentación y difusión específica
sino que creemos igual de necesaria una aproximación metodológica que permita el máximo aprovechamiento de los esfuerzos y recursos que se
destinan a esta actividad. En esta ocasión se plantea realizar un análisis comparativo entre dos realidades concretas y alejadas las una de la otra, aunque como veremos con múltiples puntos de contacto, para ensayar nuevas metodologías que permitan una mejor y más eficaz labor de comprensión y protección del patrimonio industrial.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Castles and fortified villages in the central Apennines of Italy. History and conservation
[EN] The areas of the central Apennines of Italy constitute a particularly interesting research laboratory with
its perched towns and its castles. Here there is a close link between the quantity of fortifications and the
prevailing mountainous terrain. This has fixed in the history of the places a condition of correspondence
that acts as a counterpoint to all its culture, from the economy to the costumes to the forms of the settlement.
The inhabited centers also managed to guard the territory, like the numerous castles built during the
Middle Ages close to rocky and harsh slopes. This because they are located in places that due to the altitude were naturally fortified, but which at supplement were enhanced with closed and compact building
fabrics. The fortified villages have often elicited, with their walled houses and the steep and narrow
streets, the representations of travelers-artists from the nineteenth century like the Dutchman Maurits
Cornelis Escher.
The purpose of this contribution is to draw attention to the reality of an architectural heritage that goes
beyond the isolated episode of the feudal castle to create a network with natural and anthropic contexts
of wider horizon. These are today subject to severe loss of identity due to the marginal position they often find themselves in and also to the action of the many earthquakes that have raged over time.Serafini, L. (2020). Castelli e borghi fortificati nell’Appennino centrale d’Italia. Storia e conservazione. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1393-1400. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.11364OCS1393140
When form is substance. Castles of Puglia and the art of building
[EN] On the basis of first-hand architectural surveys based on an integrated approach (topographical, aero-photogrammetric, digital terrestrial photogrammetric, 3D laser acquisitions), both at small and large scales, this contribution intends to draw attention to the reality of fortified buildings that, due to the richness of their palimpsests and the singularity of their transformations, can serve as research laboratories and reference points for all others. In addition to increasing historical research, the aim is also to provide new arguments for the reasons of conservation. When they have not disappeared or been violated by incon-gruous interventions, the heritage of Apulia's fortified factories is in fact in a precarious condition, if not in a state of ruin, thus requiring new ways of protection and reconnection with the reference landscapes.De Cadilhac, R.; Serafini, L. (2024). When form is substance. Castles of Puglia and the art of building. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2024.2024.1811
Pratiche di recupero dei centri abbandonati. Esperienze dall’Abruzzo e dal Molise
The interior areas of Abruzzi and Molise are littered with abandoned centres, primarily small towns and villages. We see total abandonment, mainly in mountainous areas. Partial abandonment impacts almost all of the rest of the territory, including places that had previously undergone rapid industrialization like Val Vibrata, Val di Sangro and Valle del Trigno. As in the rest of the country, here innumerable experiences are underway to limit abandonment and revive ancient settlements. However, the results have not always lived up to expectations. Tourism and cultural promotion was behind well-known interventions in S. Stefano di Sessanio, in L’Aquila, where a talented entrepreneur from the north bought the village, aiming to transform its old houses into rooms for tourists, and the similar case of Castel del Giudice in Campobasso. The same can be said for the experiments underway, especially during the summer season, in Castelbasso and Ripattoni di Bellante in Teramo, where cultural initiatives and artistic promotion are testing forms of territorial marketing. Based on ongoing research and the soon-to-be-published volume, this contribution reports on attempts to revitalise abandoned centres in Abruzzo and Molise, discussing their limits and objectives. The objectives include pairing the recovery of housing with the design of abandonment and selection of large-scale museum criteria in the territory, to draw the areas back into the network with their landscape and promotion of their residual identity. Pratiche di recupero dei centri abbandonati. Esperienze dall’Abruzzo e dal MoliseSoprattutto nei piccoli comuni e nelle frazioni, le aree interne dell’Abruzzo e del Molise sono disseminate di centri abbandonati. L’abbandono totale riguarda soprattutto le zone montane; quello parziale quasi tutto il resto del territorio, e anche i luoghi che hanno conosciuto fenomeni di rapida industrializzazione come la val Vibrata, la val di Sangro e la valle del Trigno.Come nel resto del Paese, anche qui sono numerose le esperienze in atto per arginare il fenomeno dell’abbandono e rivitalizzare antichi insediamenti con esiti però non sempre all’altezza delle aspettative. Il turismo e la promozione culturale hanno veicolato i noti interventi realizzati a S. Stefano di Sessanio, in provincia dell’Aquila, comprato da un abile imprenditore del nord per trasformare le sue vecchie case in stanze per turisti, e quello, simile, di Castel del Giudice in provincia di Campobasso. Lo stesso si può dire per le esperienze in corso, a Castelbasso e Ripattoni di Bellante in provincia di Teramo, dove iniziative culturali e di promozione artistica tentano forme di marketing territoriale. Sulla scorta delle ricerche in corso e del volume in fase di pubblicazione, il contributo intende fare il punto sui tentativi di rivitalizzazione dei centri abbandonati dell’Abruzzo e del Molise per discuterne limiti e obiettivi. Tra gli obiettivi c’è anche la possibilità di affiancare, al recupero abitativo, la progettazione dell’abbandono e la scelta di criteri di musealizzazione su larga scala del territorio, rimesso in rete col paesaggio e valorizzato nelle sue identità residue.Soprattutto nei piccoli comuni e nelle frazioni, le aree interne dell’Abruzzo e del Molise sono disseminate di centri abbandonati. L’abbandono totale riguarda soprattutto le zone montane; quello parziale quasi tutto il resto del territorio, e anche i luoghi che hanno conosciuto fenomeni di rapida industrializzazione come la val Vibrata, la val di Sangro e la valle del Trigno. Come nel resto del Paese, anche qui sono numerose le esperienze in atto per arginare il fenomeno dell’abbandono e rivitalizzare antichi insediamenti con esiti però non sempre all’altezza delle aspettative. Il turismo e la promozione culturale hanno veicolato i noti interventi realizzati a S. Stefano di Sessanio, in provincia dell’Aquila, comprato da un abile imprenditore del nord per trasformare le sue vecchie case in stanze per turisti, e quello, simile, di Castel del Giudice in provincia di Campobasso. Lo stesso si può dire per le esperienze in corso, a Castelbasso e Ripattoni di Bellante in provincia di Teramo, dove iniziative culturali e di promozione artistica tentano forme di marketing territoriale. Sulla scorta delle ricerche in corso e del volume in fase di pubblicazione, il contributo intende fare il punto sui tentativi di rivitalizzazione dei centri abbandonati dell’Abruzzo e del Molise per discuterne limiti e obiettivi. Tra gli obiettivi c’è anche la possibilità di affiancare, al recupero abitativo, la progettazione dell’abbandono e la scelta di criteri di musealizzazione su larga scala del territorio, rimesso in rete col paesaggio e valorizzato nelle sue identità residue. Recovery Practices in Abandoned Centres. Experiences from Abruzzo and MoliseThe interior areas of Abruzzi and Molise are littered with abandoned centres, primarily small towns and villages. We see total abandonment, mainly in mountainous areas. Partial abandonment impacts almost all of the rest of the territory, including places that had previously undergone rapid industrialization like Val Vibrata, Val di Sangro and Valle del Trigno. As in the rest of the country, here innumerable experiences are underway to limit abandonment and revive ancient settlements. However, the results have not always lived up to expectations. Tourism and cultural promotion was behind well-known interventions in S. Stefano di Sessanio, in L’Aquila, where a talented entrepreneur from the north bought the village, aiming to transform its old houses into rooms for tourists, and the similar case of Castel del Giudice in Campobasso. The same can be said for the experiments underway, especially during the summer season, in Castelbasso and Ripattoni di Bellante in Teramo, where cultural initiatives and artistic promotion are testing forms of territorial marketing. Based on ongoing research and the soon-to-be-published volume, this contribution reports on attempts to revitalise abandoned centres inAbruzzo and Molise, discussing their limits and objectives. The objectivesinclude pairing the recovery of housing with the design of abandonmentand selection of large-scale museum criteria in the territory, to draw theareas back into the network with their landscape and promotion of their residual identity
Luoghi dell’abbandono. I centri minori dell’Abruzzo e del Molise
The abandonment phenomenon in Italy over the past fifty years has been greatest in minor centres, directly proportional to their concentration in the various regional territories. Abruzzo and Molise are significant from this point of view. In these regions, the proportion of minor centres exceeds 90%; it includes mainly mountain villages where abandonment is the distinctive feature and reflects a widespread and fragmented phenomenon. Although barely detectable in municipal statistics, because of the agricultural and pastoral tradition, which until relatively recently had withstood economic and social ups and downs, it is seen in numerous districts and rural villages scattered throughout the territory, escaping detection in broad surveys. Both regions also continue to suffer from the aftermath of recent earthquakes: in 2002 in Molise, where reconstruction has not yet been fully completed after almost twenty years, and in 2009 and again in 2015-2016 in L'Aquila, when the Abruzzi provinces were battered again after being already severely tried and where reconstruction is still uncertain. This contribution uses statistical data and the vast literature on the subject produced over decades of research and studies on the regions, to provide a foretaste of a soon-to-be-published volume, and an update on the local situation of abandonment, analysing the causes and effects in order to consider a possible future. The occasion is valuable not only for a constructive and beneficial comparison with other Italian and foreign situations, but also to construct a dynamic, multi-scalar approach capable of emancipating itself from highly evocative one-off situations, and open to a broader scale of recovery for the entire territory and to network individual local regions. Luoghi dell’abbandono. I centri minori dell’Abruzzo e del MoliseL’abbandono insediativo che è in corso in Italia da circa cinquant’anni ha trovato, come è noto, il suo luogo di elezione nei centri minori, con un’entità direttamente proporzionale alla concentrazione di questi nei vari territori regionali. L’Abruzzo e il Molise costituiscono una realtà significativa da questo punto di vista. Il numero dei centri minori, prevalentemente montani, supera qui il 90%: l’abbandono ne è la cifra distintiva ed è solo la spia di un fenomeno diffuso e frammentario, difficilmente rintracciabile attraverso le statistiche comunali, poiché la tradizione agricola e pastorale, che fino a tempi relativamente recenti ne ha retto le sorti economiche e sociali, si è espressa attraverso numerose contrade e frazioni rurali sparse sul territorio, che sfuggono alle rilevazioni statistiche a maglia larga. Su entrambe le regioni pesano inoltre i postumi degli ultimi terremoti, quello del 2002 in Molise, la cui ricostruzione dopo quasi vent’anni non è stata ancora del tutto completata, e quelli del 2009 dell’Aquila, e poi ancora del 2015-2016, che hanno infierito su province abruzzesi già fortemente provate e la cui vicenda ricostruttiva è ancora incerta. Sulla scorta dei dati statistici e della vasta letteratura sull’argomento, prodotta in decenni di ricerche e studi sul territorio delle due regioni, il presente contributo intende fornire l’anticipazione di un volume specifico di prossima pubblicazione, per fare il punto della situazione locale relativa all’abbandono, analizzandone le cause e gli effetti come base per prefigurarne un futuro possibile. L’occasione è preziosa non solo per un confronto costruttivo e salutare con altre situazioni italiane e straniere ma anche per la costruzione di un percorso dinamico e multiscalare capace di emanciparsi da situazioni puntuali, per quanto suggestive, e aprirsi alla scala più ampia del recupero del territorio e della messa in rete delle singole realtà locali. L’abbandono insediativo che è in corso in Italia da circa cinquant’anni ha trovato, come è noto, il suo luogo di elezione nei centri minori, con un’entità direttamente proporzionale alla concentrazione di questi nei vari territori regionali. L’Abruzzo e il Molise costituiscono una realtà significativa da questo punto di vista. Il numero dei centri minori, prevalentemente montani, supera qui il 90%: l’abbandono ne è la cifra distintiva ed è solo la spia di un fenomeno diffuso e frammentario, difficilmente rintracciabile attraverso le statistiche comunali, poiché la tradizione agricola e pastorale, che fino a tempi relativamente recenti ne ha retto le sorti economiche e sociali, si è espressa attraverso numerose contrade e frazioni rurali sparse sul territorio, che sfuggono alle rilevazioni statistiche a maglia larga. Su entrambe le regioni pesano inoltre i postumi degli ultimi terremoti, quello del 2002 in Molise, la cui ricostruzione dopo quasi vent’anni non è stata ancora del tutto completata, e quelli del 2009 dell’Aquila, e poi ancora del 2015-2016, che hanno infierito su province abruzzesi già fortemente provate e la cui vicenda ricostruttiva è ancora incerta. Sulla scorta dei dati statistici e della vasta letteratura sull’argomento, prodotta in decenni di ricerche e studi sul territorio delle due regioni, il presente contributo intende fornire l’anticipazione di un volume specifico di prossima pubblicazione, per fare il punto della situazione locale relativa all’abbandono, analizzandone le cause e gli effetti come base per prefigurarne un futuro possibile. L’occasione è preziosa non solo per un confronto costruttivo e salutare con altre situazioni italiane e straniere ma anche per la costruzione di un percorso dinamico e multiscalare capace di emanciparsi da situazioni puntuali, per quanto suggestive, e aprirsi alla scala più ampia del recupero del territorio e della messa in rete delle singole realtà locali. Places of Abandonment. Minor Centres in Abruzzo and MoliseThe abandonment phenomenon in Italy over the past fifty years has been greatest in minor centres, directly proportional to their concentration in the various regional territories. Abruzzo and Molise are significant from this point of view. In these regions, the proportion of minor centres exceeds 90%; it includes mainly mountain villages where abandonment is the distinctive feature and reflects a widespread and fragmented phenomenon. Although barely detectable in municipal statistics, because of the agricultural and pastoral tradition, which until relatively recently had withstood economic and social ups and downs, it is seen in numerous districts and rural villages scattered throughout the territory, escaping detection in broad surveys. Both regions also continue to suffer from the aftermath of recent earthquakes: in 2002 in Molise, where reconstruction has not yet been fully completed after almost twenty years, and in 2009 and again in 2015-2016 in L'Aquila, when the Abruzzi provinces were battered again after being already severely tried and where reconstruction is still uncertain. This contribution uses statistical data and the vast literature on the subject produced over decades of research and studies on the regions, to provide a foretaste of a soon-to-be-published volume, and an update on the local situation of abandonment, analysing the causes and effects in order to consider a possible future. The occasion is valuable not only for a constructive and beneficial comparison with other Italian and foreign situations, but also to construct a dynamic, multi-scalar approach capable of emancipating itself from highly evocative one-off situations, and open to a broader scale of recovery for the entire territory and to network individual local regions
Surgery for Recurrent Pancreatic Cancer: Is It Effective?
Despite improvements to surgical procedures and novel combinations of drugs for adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapies for pancreatic adenocarcinoma, the recurrence rate after radical surgery is still high. Little is known about the role of surgery in the treatment of isolated recurrences of pancreatic cancer. The aim of this study was to review the current literature dealing with surgery for recurrent pancreatic cancer in order to examine its feasibility and effectiveness. An extensive literature review was conducted according to the 2009 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and 14 articles dealing with re-resections for recurrent pancreatic adenocarcinoma were analyzed, focusing on the characteristics of the primary neoplasm and its recurrence, the surgical procedures used, and patient outcomes. Data were retrieved on a total of 301 patients. The interval between surgery for primary pancreatic cancer and the detection of a recurrence ranged from 2 to 120 months. The recurrence was local or regional in 230 patients, and distant in 71. The median overall survival was 68.9 months (range 3-152) after resection of the primary tumor, and 26.0 months (range 0-112) after surgery for recurrent disease. The disease-free interval after the resection of recurrences was 14.2 months (range 4-29). Although data analysis was performed on a heterogeneous and limited number of patients, some of these may benefit from surgery for isolated recurrence of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Further studies are needed to identify these cases
Safety and Efficacy of Surgery for Metastatic Tumor to the Pancreas: A Single-Center Experience
Pancreatic metastases from other neoplasms are rare. The role of surgery for this clinical entity is unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of resection in patients with pancreatic secondary lesions. We observed 44 patients with pancreatic metastases from other tumors. Renal cell carcinoma was the most common primary tumor (n = 19, 43.2%). Thirty-seven patients underwent surgery, and pancreatic resection with curative intent was feasible in 35 cases. Fifteen patients (43.2%) experienced major postoperative complications (Clavien-Dindo > 2), and postoperative mortality rate was 5.4%. The median overall survival and disease-free survival were 38 (range 0–186) and 11 (range 0–186) months, respectively. Overall survival and disease-free survival were significantly longer for pancreatic metastases from renal cell carcinoma when compared to other primary tumors. Multivariate analysis confirmed a pathological diagnosis of metastasis from RCC as an independent prognostic factor for overall survival (OR 2.48; 95% CI, 1.00–6.14; p = 0.05). In conclusion, radical resection of metastases to the pancreas is feasible and safe, and may confer a survival benefit for selected patients. There is a clear benefit of metastasectomy in terms of patient survival for metastases from renal cell carcinoma, while for those with other primary tumors, surgery seems to be mainly palliative
The Role of Positron Emission Tomography in Clinical Management of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) of the pancreas represent a heterogeneous group of tumors, increasingly diagnosed in clinical practice. An early differential diagnosis between malignant and benign lesions is crucial to patient management and the choice of surgery or observation. The therapeutic approach is currently based on a patient's clinical, biochemical, and morphological characteristics. The latest published International Consensus Guidelines (ICG) make no mention of the role of metabolic assessments of IPMNs. The aim of this study was to review the current literature, examining the role of 18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) in IPMN management. An extensive literature review was conducted according to the 2009 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, and 10 articles were analyzed in detail, focusing on the value of PET as opposed to other standard imaging criteria. Data were retrieved on 419 patients. The 18-FDG-PET proved more sensitive, specific, and accurate than the ICG criteria in detecting malignant IPMNs (reaching 80%, 95%, and 87% vs. 67%, 58%, and 63%, respectively). Metabolic assessments may be used as an additional tool for the appropriate management of patients with doubtful imaging findings
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