20 research outputs found

    Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intellectual (Savi): Its Effectiveness to Teach Writing From the Perspective of Students' Critical Thinking

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    SAVI is a method used in teaching and learning process which has four main aspects, they are Somatic, it is learning by moving and doing; Auditory, it is learning by talking and hearing; Visual, it is learning by observing and seeing; Intellectual, it is learning by problem solving and reflecting. This article refers to an experimental study on the effectiveness of SAVI to teach writing at one of senior high school in Metro, Lampung. The samples were two classes namely experimental class which was taugh using SAVI and control class which was taught by TSTS. Each class consisted of two groups based on the level of critical thinking (high and low). To gain the data, two instruments were used namely writing test and critical thinking test. The data were, then, analysed by using Multifactor Analysis of Variance ANOVA 2X2 and Tukey test. Before conducting the ANOVA test, pre-requisite test namley normality and homogeneity test were conducted. The findings of this research are: (1) SAVI is more effective than TSTS (2) The students with high critical thinking have better writing skill than those having low critical thinking; and (3) There is an interaction between teaching methods and students' critical thinking in teaching writing. Therefore, it is recommended for English teachers to implement SAVI in teaching writing activities because this method gives positive contribution in improving the students writing skill and facilitating the students' critical thinking to produce a good text


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    Educational values can influence people’s behaviour and daily life. Besides, educational values can create good characters of human beings. This study aims :  1) to find out educational values in English Islamic song lyrics of Sami Yusuf album and 2) to analyze educational values in English Islamic song lyrics of Sami Yusuf album. This research is a content analysis study that includes descriptive analysis. The data collecting techniques used by researchers were observation and documentation. The result shows the educational values that are found in Sami Yusuf’s song lyrics deal with honesty, courage, peace, self-reliance & potential, self-discipline & moderation, loyalty & dependability, respect, love, sensitive & unselfishness, kindness & friendliness, and justice & mercy. The highest educational value that is found is honesty which is 19%, while the least are peace, respect, and love that are only found once with a percentage of 3% each of them. Therefore, it is recommended for English teacher to use English Islamic song lyrics in Sami Yusuf album as a medium in teaching and learning. Teachers do not have to worry because the songs in this album contain a variety of positive values that can be used in the learning process


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    ABSTRACT Linda Septiyana. S891408022. 2015. Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intellectual (SAVI): Its Effectiveness to Teach Writing from the Perspective of Students’ Critical Thinking (An Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 3 Metro in the academic year 2015/2016). A Thesis. First Consultant: Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed, Ph.D.; Second Consultant: Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd. English Education Department, Graduate Progam, Sebelas Maret University. This research aims to verify whether: (1) SAVI is more effective than TSTS to teach writing; (2) The students who have high critical thinking have better writing skill than those who have low critical thinking; and (3) There is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ critical thinking in teaching writing. This experimental study was conducted at the eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 Metro in the academic year 2015/2016. The sample of this research was taken using cluster random sampling. The sample of this research was two classes; XI-IPA-2 as an experimental class and XI-IPA-1 as a control class. The experimental class was taught using SAVI, while the control class was taught using TSTS. Each class consisted of two groups based on the level of critical thinking (high and low). The instruments for collecting the data were writing test (to measure the writing skill) and critical thinking test (to measure the critical thinking level). The data were analyzed in term of their frequency distribution, normality of the sample distribution, and the data homogeneity. Then, the data were analyzed using Multifactor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test 2×2 and TUCKEY test. Research findings shows that: (1) SAVI differs significantly from TSTS to teach writing because Fo > Ft and qo (between A1 and A2) > qt; (2) students having high critical thinking differ significantly from those having low critical thinking because Fo > Ft and qo (between B1 and B2) > qt; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ critical thinking in teaching writing because Fo > Ft, and the result of Tukey test shows that: (a) for the students having high critical thinking, SAVI method differs significantly from TSTS method to teach writing because qo (between A1B1 and A2B1) > qt; and (b) for the students having low critical thinking, TSTS method differs significantly from SAVI method to teach writing because qo (between A1B2 and A2B2) > qt. Finally, the results of this research imply that SAVI is an effective method to teach writing. The research also shows that the effect of SAVI depends on the students’ critical thinking. Therefore, should the teachers implement SAVI, they have to be able to improve the students’ critical thinking. Keywords: writing, Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intellectual (SAVI), Two Stay Two Stray, critical thinking, experimental stud

    Pembinaan Keterampilan Berbahasa Inggris Melalui Media Lagu Bagi Anak -Anak Usia Dini di TPA Al-Iman

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    ABSTRAK Pelaksanaan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melatih keterampilan berbahasa Inggris anak-anak di TPA Al-Iman. Media yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah media lagu yang berhubungan dengan materi kosakata Bahasa Inggris. Peserta pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu anak-anak yang ada di TPA AL-Iman Totokaton Punggur. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meningkatnya keterampilan berbahasa Inggris dan pembelajaran yang lebih mudah dipahami dan menyenangkan bagi anak-anak di TPA Al-Iman.   Kata Kunci: Keterampilan Bahasa Inggris, Lagu, Media, Anak Usia Dini


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    This purpose of this study to improve EFL students' descriptive writing and their learning activity by using Carousel Feedback technique in secondary school. The subjects of this study were 26 students at Madrasah Aliyah Ma'arif 09 Kotagajah. This enquiry was piloted in two cycles. Each sequence consists of four phases, planning, action, observation, and reflection. The material used in this research is a text description of public figures. The results showed that there were 84,6% of students passed the MMC in the second Post Test. Before the research was conducted, only 15,4% of students were able to pass the MMC. In addition, significant developments are able to be seen from the students' responses and teacher explanations. The students seem to be more effective during the learning course. Based Therefore, Carousel Feedback technique can be used to progress EFL students writing in descriptive manuscrip

    Optimalisasi Peran Kader Posyandu Kelompok Lansia di Desa Sumberejo Pesisir Barat

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    Abstrak Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan tim dosen dan mahasiswa Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro di Desa Sumberejo Kecamatan Bangkunat Kabupaten Pesisir Barat yang merupakan daerah dengan penduduk yang sebagian besar bermata pencaharian sebagai petani kebun. Komoditas hasil bumi di sini yang paling banyak adalah pisang dan pepaya. Setelah melakukan identifikasi masalah ditemukanlah hal-hal yang menjadi fokus dari kajian tersebut. Dimana daerah ini merupakan salah satu daerah yang baru saja mengalami pemekaran dengan segala prasarana dan fasilitas yang ada terbatas bahkan belum dapat dikatakan memadai. Dari segi pendidikan tenaga medis dan lain sebagainya masih dikatakan kurang. Bahkan yang menjadi tenaga kerja pendidik dan tenaga medis kebanyakan berasal dari daerah lain atau bukan asli dari masyarakat di sini. Menurut hasil wawancara kepada salah satu warga hal tersebut terjadi sebab masyarakat di daerah ini masih sedikit kesadarannya dalam segi pendidikan. Mereka cenderung lebih memilih  bekerja di kebun yang merupakan mata pencaharian pokok masyarakat di sini. Karena hal itulah perlu adanya pengoptimalisasian kader-kader yang bergerak di bidangnya seperti kesehatan khususnya kesehatan kelompok lanjut usia (lansia). Sebab di daerah ini banyak terdapat lansia yang masih sedikit kesadaran mengenai kesehatan. Padahal sudah ada wadah dan prasarana yang disediakan melalui posyandu lansia. Peran kader sangat dibutuhkan untuk menyadarkan atau menumbuhkan kesadaran dalam diri masyarakat khususnya lansia melalui usaha optimalisasi peran kader posyandu lansia di Desa Sumberejo. Kata Kunci: Kader posyandu, Pengoptimala

    Development of Islamic Text-Based Reading Materials with a Genre-Based Approach

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    This study aims to develop Islamic text-based reading materials with a Genre-Based Approach as teaching materials for compulsory subjects for Islamic University students. The study used a Research and Development approach, where the data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. Qualitative data were analyzed using interactive analysis and quantitative data analysis used percentages. The research participants consisted of lecturers and 50 students from the Islamic Education Department. The data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. The result of this study indicated that designing Islamic text-based reading teaching materials with a genre-based approach is exceedingly needed. The content of the book consists of the following components: cover, preface, table of content, explanation text, recount text, descriptive text, narrative text, discussion text, hortatory text, news item text, references, and about the writer. Furthermore, the student's responses to the teaching materials designed were 0% disagreed, 13% less agreed, 52% agreed, and 35% strongly agreed. The average score is 3.22 and, if converted on a table with a scale of 4, includes it in a very good category. Therefore, an Islamic text-based reading material with a genre-based approach is worth applying by the students of the Islamic Education Department. &nbsp


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    Extensive listening is a way to practice listening skill thoroughly. Listening to various recordings, videos, and interviews on the same topic will help to get context in a real situation, and will help to learn more vocabulary. The objective of this research was to find out students’ perceptions in learning extensive listening by using cartoon movies. This study used a qualitative method. The research was done at SMK Trisakti Jaya Bandar Lampung for the 10th grade students (N=38). Data gathering was done by conducting observation, questionnaire and interview. The result showed that they agree learning English through extensive listening by using cartoon movies as the listening materials help them a lot to develop their listening skill. Based on the observations, questionnaires and interviews, it can be concluded that most of the students think that it is very helpful, and faster for them in learning English with extensive listening technique. Most students thought that learning extensive listening by using cartoon movies can be carried out in the learning process


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    Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendampingan kepada anggota kelompok sadar wisata di Desa Gunung Rejo, Kecamatan Way Ratai mengenai pengelolaan ekowisata, yang meliputi konsep ekowisata, tata kelola, pemeliharaan fisik ekowisata, promosi dan analisis potensi sumberdaya masyarakat.  Pengabdian ini diawali dengan analisis social yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan metode Appreciative Inquiry yang meliputi tahap Discover, Dream, Design, dan Destiny. Sasaran kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah anggota kelompok sadar wisata (POKDARWIS) desa gunung rejo yang terlibat aktif dalam pengelolaan desa wisata. Kelompok Sadar Wisata diberi pelatihan, sosialisasi, pendampingan dan pemberdayaan mengenai pengelolaan ekowisata. Hasil pengabdian ini menunjukkan motivasi yang yang sangat baik dari kelompok sadar wisata dalam merencanakan pengelolaan ekowisata, mengembangkan ekowisata melalui pemenuhan sarana sesuai dengan kebutuhan, pemeliharaan asset wisata, dan promosi serta pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat sekitas tempat wisata

    Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Kreatif Masyarakat Melalui Pengolahan Makanan Tradisional Kerupuk Dapros Di Desa Gunung Rejo

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    Ekonomi kreatif juga dapat dikatakan sebagai penciptaan nilai tambah yang berbasis ide yang lahir dari kreativitas sumber daya manusia dan berbasis pemanfaatan ilmu pengetahuan, termasuk warisan budaya dan teknologi. Desa Gunung Rejo, Dusun Kali Pasir memiliki pelaku usaha yang masih minim, rata-rata penduduk di sana hanya mengandalkan petani sebagai mata pencahariannya. Tujuan dari Pengabdian ini adalah mendampingi masyarakat di Desa Gunung Rejo dalam pengolahan makanan tradisional Kerupuk Dapros sebagai upaya meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat. Pelaksanaan Pengabdian ini menggunakan metode ESD (Education for Sustainable Development). ESD adalah metode pembelajaran untuk mendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan, yaitu jenis pembelajaran yang memberikan kesadaran jiwa wirausaha yang inovatif fan kreatif.  Program yang dilakukan meliputi: 1) Penyuluhan untuk meningkatkan jiwa wirausaha, 2) Pelatihan mengolah makanan tradisonal Kerupuk Dapros, 3) Pelatihan packaging/labeling sehingga kemasan menjadi lebih menarik dan memasarkan produk. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah tumbuhnya kesadaran masyarakat desa Gunung Rejo berjiwa wirausaha yang mandiri