106 research outputs found

    The Influence of Economic Literacyon Consumption Behaviour Mediated by Local Cultural Values and Promotion

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    This research aims to know the influence of economics literacy on the students\u27 consumption behavior through local cultural values and promotions. The mediation used is based on the theories, the empirical studies and the previous studies.Quantitative approach was used in this study. The population was the Pamekasan Senior High Schools students (Class XI IPS, academic year 2012/2013). Proportional random sampling was conducted to take the samples in the population. The data was collected by using the questionnaire and test. Path analysis was used to analyze the data.The findings showe that the economic literacy level influences directly and significantly on the local cultural values, while affected negatively significant on the promotion. Also the economic literacy level influences directly and negatively significant on the consumption behavior. Contrary, the local cultural values influence directly, positively and significantly on the consumption behavior similar to the promotion. Moreover, the economic literacy level influences indirectly and significantly on the consumption behavior through the local cultural values. Similar to the local cultural values, the promotion aspect had the same influence direction. Therefore, this research provided evidence that the economic literacy affected consumption behaviour which are moderated through the value of local culture and promotion aspect

    Penanggulangan Krisis Legitimasi Hukum melalui Hukum Progresif

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    Practice of law enforcement in Indonesia are degraded to the lowest point in NKRI history. Corruption seems to be a common activity performed by public officials as well as communal done, whether they are sporadic and are structured. Even in some cases, corruption is legalized by the state policy. Law loses its legitimacy as a tool of social engineering. Provide further explanation of how to break the deadlock of law inforcement by Progressive Law in Indonesia, and simultaneously address the crisis of legitimacy of law in Indonesia. That the law can still be accepted by society as an institution where justice must be found, then the law must always be prepared to move in accordance with the changes taking place in society. To implement the action level should be preceded by agreement on the law enforcement component of law enforcement that "pro rakyat" by improving the enforcement of Human Resources. The next action is a growing culture of the welfare of law enforcement and social justice by emphasizing the philosophical and sociological dimensions than merely a normative juridical dimension. In addition, policy makers need to formulate laws and regulations that have a progressive legal substance, the substance of the law in accordance with the values ​​and moral ethics of living in a society that formed the law is the law that berkearifan and conscience

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Take and Give Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Terpadu Siswa Kelas VIII Semester Genap SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Metro Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017

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    The learning process shouldbe supported by the interaction between students and teachers. Students who have no interest at the time of study should be given the solution, because it will impacts for low student in learning outcomes. One of the solutions is to improve less interesting learning processthat is by applying cooperative learning model take and give type. The problem formulation in this research “is there any influence of using cooperative learning model take and give type to wards the students\u27 learning outcomes in Social Science at VIII Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in even semester of 2016/2017?” The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of cooperative learning take and give typetowards the students\u27 learning outcomes in Integrated Social Science at VIII Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in even semester of 2016/2017?. Data collection techniques used in this study are observation, interview, documentation and test. Hypothesis in this study is “There is a positive influence of usingcooperative learning model take and give type to wards the students\u27 learning outcomes in Integrated Social Science at VIII Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in even semester of 2016/2017?. Population in this study is all students of VIII Grade, and the determination of the sample by using cluster random sampling selected to be the sample is class VIIIB as an experimental class and class VIIIC as a control class. Next, see from simple linear regression calculation can be known that the hypohtesis is received because thit> ttab can be seen at the real level 5% thet is2,6589 > 1,70 and on a real level 1% thet is 2,6589 > 2,47. Therefore, there is a positive influence of usingcooperative learning model take and give type to wards the students\u27 learning outcomes in Integrated Social Science at VIII Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in even semester of 2016/2017

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Minuman Fungsional dari Irisan Buah Kering Mahkota Dewa

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    Buah mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl) mengandung zat-zat aktif yang mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode pengolahan dan jenis pemanis terhadap kadar dan aktivitas antioksidan minuman mahkota dewa. Kombinasi perlakuan terbaik yang memiliki kadar dan aktivitasantioksidan paling tinggi adalah kombinasi perlakuan perendaman dan jenis pemanis madu yang ditunjukkan dengannilai total fenol sebesar 11,01 ppm, penghambatan peroksida sebesar 83,02 %, dan penghambatan malonaldehida(MDA) sebesar 67,54 %. Kemampuan terhadap penghambatan pembentukan peroksida dan MDA tersebut lebih besardari α tokoferol

    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Unsafe Action pada Pekerja di Bagian Pengantongan Urea

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    Number of work accidents is increasing. Based on the theory proposed by Heinrich stated that accidents in general industry 88 % are caused by unsafe acts, 10 % unsafe conditions , and 2 % inevitable. So the potential of accidents can be reduced through improved management of K3 by focusing on unsafe action. Based on data collection, this study uses observational methods are analyzed analytically and based on the research design, this study is a cross-sectional study. The aims of this study were to analyze association between the worker characteristics include length of service, age, marital status, education level, motivation, and knowledge with unsafe action in the urea bagging PT Pupuk KalimantanTimur. Objectives of this study consisted of 41 people working on the urea bagging with using simple random sampling formula. the majority of respondents have a service life<20 years, equal to the age of 43 years, highly educated (high school / equivalent), all respondents married, have a good motivation to safe behavior, and have not good knowledge about K3 and unsafe action. The results of this study showed that there is association between knowledge workers with unsafe action with the significant value p = 0.000 (C = 0.667). The conclusion of this study is the better of knowledge workers, unsafe action will decrease. The suggestion of this research is to provide training and guidance is scheduled to increase knowledge workers about K3 and unsafe action.Keyword : characteristics of workers , knowledge, unsafe actio


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    This research aims to determine educators' strategies in learning science and science using the inquiry learning method at Kembangan Utara 08 Petang State Elementary School. Data sources were obtained from research journals, expert theories and books. And it can be concluded that the inquiry learning method strategy has a very positive impact on students' abilities, both cognitive, affective and psychomotor. It is necessary to manage time and strengthen learning support tools so that learning outcomes run optimally


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    This research aims to determine educators' strategies in learning science and science using the inquiry learning method at Kembangan Utara 08 Petang State Elementary School. Data sources were obtained from research journals, expert theories and books. And it can be concluded that the inquiry learning method strategy has a very positive impact on students' abilities, both cognitive, affective and psychomotor. It is necessary to manage time and strengthen learning support tools so that learning outcomes run optimally