9 research outputs found

    Evidence for a Behaviourally Measurable Perseverance Trait in Humans

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    The aim was to create and study a possible behavioural measure for trait(s) in humans that reflect the ability and motivation to continue an unpleasant behaviour, i.e., behavioural perseverance or persistence (BP). We utilised six different tasks with 54 subjects to measure the possible BP trait(s): cold pressor task, hand grip endurance task, impossible anagram task, impossible verbal reasoning task, thread and needle task, and boring video task. The task performances formed two BP factors. Together, the two-factor solution is responsible for the common variance constituting 37.3% of the total variance in the performances i.e., performance times. Excluding the impossible anagram task, the performance in any given task was better explained by performances in the other tasks (i.e., “trait”, η2 range = 0.131–0.253) than by the rank order variable (“depletion”, i.e., getting tired from the previous tasks, η2 range = 0–0.096)

    Evidence for a Behaviourally Measurable Perseverance Trait in Humans

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    The aim was to create and study a possible behavioural measure for trait(s) in humans that reflect the ability and motivation to continue an unpleasant behaviour, i.e., behavioural perseverance or persistence (BP). We utilised six different tasks with 54 subjects to measure the possible BP trait(s): cold pressor task, hand grip endurance task, impossible anagram task, impossible verbal reasoning task, thread and needle task, and boring video task. The task performances formed two BP factors. Together, the two-factor solution is responsible for the common variance constituting 37.3% of the total variance in the performances i.e., performance times. Excluding the impossible anagram task, the performance in any given task was better explained by performances in the other tasks (i.e., “trait”, η2 range = 0.131–0.253) than by the rank order variable (“depletion”, i.e., getting tired from the previous tasks, η2 range = 0–0.096)

    Ruokavaliomuutoksen vaikutukset ja muutosta tukevat politiikkayhdistelmät : RuokaMinimi-hankkeen loppuraportti

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    RuokaMinimi-hanke tarkasteli ravitsemussuositusten mukaisen syömisen ja kuluttajan ruokahävikin vähentämisen vaikutusta ruokavalion ilmastovaikutukseen. Hanke arvioi myös, miten ilmasto- ja ravitsemushyötyjä tuottava ruokavaliomuutos vaikuttaisi suomalaiseen maa- ja elintarviketalouteen ja minkälaisilla politiikkakeinoilla ja toimenpiteillä muutosta voidaan tukea. Hankkeen tulosten mukaan ruokavalion ilmastovaikutusta voidaan vähentää 30–40 prosenttia ruokavaliota muuttamalla ja pitämällä huolta peltojen hiilivarastosta. Ilmastoystävällinen ja ravitsemussuositusten mukainen keskimääräinen ruokavalio voi pitää sisällään erilaisia yksilöllisiä ruokavalioita. Keskimääräistä lihankulutusta pitäisi kuitenkin vähentää selvästi. Peltojen hiilidioksidipäästöjen vähentäminen täydentää ruokavaliomuutoksen vaikutusta erityisesti eläinperäisiä tuotteita sisältävissä ruokavalioissa. Ilmastohyötyjä tuottava ruokavaliomuutos mullistaisi maa- ja elintarviketalouden. Tuotannon arvo voisi kuitenkin säilyä nykytasolla elintarviketaloudessa. Maatalouden tuotannon arvon säilyminen edellyttää, ettei eläintuotanto poistu kokonaan. Muutos edellyttää uusia arvoketjuja ja investointeja kasviperäisten tuotteiden tuotantoon. Julkinen ohjaus voi tukea alan omia toimia vahvoilla strategisilla tavoitteilla ja säädöksillä sekä taloudellisten ja tiedollisten ohjauskeinojen yhdistelmillä läpi ruokajärjestelmän.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä

    Self-reported, parent-reported and physiological stress in 6 – 12 year-old children with selective mutism in comparison to child psychiatric patients with mainly externalizing symptoms

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    Tavoitteet. Stressi on yhteydessä psykiatriseen sairastavuuteen lapsilla. Valikoiva puhumattomuus on ahdistushäiriö, jonka keskeisin oire on vaikeudet puhua tietyissä tilanteissa, vaikka puheenkehitys on edennyt normaalisti. On ehdotettu, että lapsilla, joilla on ahdistushäiriö on enemmän stressiä kuin lapsilla, joilla on ulospäinsuuntautuvia oireita. Tutkimustietoa ei kuitenkaan ole riittävästi, ja tulokset ovat ristiriitaisia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia stressiä lapsilla, joilla on valikoivaa puhumattomuutta. Verrokkeina on lapsia, joilla on pääasiassa ulospäinsuuntautuvia oireita. Tutkimus pyrkii valottamaan stressin roolia erilaisissa lastenpsykiatrisissa potilasryhmissä. Tällä saattaa olla merkitystä potilaiden tuki- ja hoitotoimien valinnassa. Menetelmät. Tutkimukseen osallistui 21 6 – 12-vuotiasta lasta, joilla oli valikoivan puhumattomuuden diagnoosi (F94.0). Lapset olivat tutkimuksen aikana hoidossa lastenpsykiatrian poliklinikalla. Verrokkiryhmä koostui 25 samanikäisestä lapsesta, jotka olivat arviointijaksolla lastenpsykiatrian poliklinikalla ulospäinsuuntautuvien oireiden vuoksi. Lasten vanhemmat täyttivät oirekyselyt (Child Behavior Checklist; Frankfurt Scale of Selective Mutism) ja vastasivat kysymykseen lapsensa päivittäisestä stressistä. Lapset täyttivät stressikyselyn (Perceived Stress Scale), jonka lisäksi lapselta mitattiin sydämen sykevälivaihtelua. Aineiston analysointiin käytettiin varianssianalyysia ja lineaarista regressioanalyysia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Lapsilla, joilla oli valikoivaa puhumattomuutta, oli enemmän fysiologista stressiä (ts. matalampi sykevälivaihtelu) kuin lapsilla, joilla oli pääasiassa ulospäinsuuntautuvaa oireilua. Lapsen itse- tai vanhemman raportoiman stressin osalta ryhmät eivät eronneet toisistaan. Tulosten perusteella, eri psykiatriset potilasryhmät saattavat erota fysiologisen stressin määrässä. Tutkimus tukee erilaisten mittausmetodien sisällyttämistä tulevaisuuden tutkimuksiin lasten stressistä, sillä kyselyiden ja fysiologisten stressimittausten antamat tulokset eivät välttämättä ole yhtenevät. Valikoivan puhumattomuuden oireiden vakavuus ei ollut yhteydessä lapsen stressiin. Tulokset ovat alustavia, mutta ne kannustavat tutkimaan lisää stressin merkitystä lapsilla, joilla on valikoivaa puhumattomuutta sekä muilla lastenpsykiatrisilla potilailla.Objective. Childhood stress is a risk factor for psychiatric disorders. Selective mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder, which is characterized by consistent difficulties to speak in certain situations, without difficulties in speech development. It is suggested that children with anxiety disorders have higher amount of stress than children with externalizing disorders. However, the literature is scarce and there are also contradicting results. Stress in children with SM have not been previously studied in comparison to other psychiatric disorders. The aim of the current study is to examine self-reported, parent-reported and physiological stress among children with a diagnosis of selective mutism in comparison to child psychiatric patients with mainly externalizing symptoms. The study aims to enlighten the role of stress in different patient groups. It might make a difference when choosing interventions for child psychiatric patients. Methods. The participants were 21 6 – 12 year-old children with a diagnosis of SM (F94.0). The children were currently receiving treatment in a child psychiatry outpatient clinic. The control group consisted of 25 children who had been referred to child psychiatric evaluation and treatment for externalizing symptoms. Parents filled out questionnaires of the child’s symptoms (Child Behavior Checklist; Frankfurt Scale of Selective Mutism) and answered to a question concerning the child’s daily stress. The children filled out a questionnaire about daily stress (Perceived Stress Scale), in addition to which the child’s heart rate variability (HRV) was measured. Analysis of variance and linear regression analysis were used to examine level of stress in the two groups. Results and discussion. A higher amount of physiological childhood stress (i.e. lower HRV) was observed in children with selective mutism than in children with mainly externalizing symptoms. No difference in the children’s self- or parent-reported stress was found between the groups. The current study suggests there might be differences in physiological stress between different pediatric patient groups and emphasizes the importance of combining questionnaire-based and physiological measures in future studies as they may lead to different results. There was no association between the severity of selective mutism and the child’s stress. The results are preliminary, thus future studies should focus on selective mutism and childhood stress as it might result implications for the etiology and treatment of selective mutism

    A measure for assessment of beneficial and harmful fortitude: Development and initial validation of the Sisu Scale

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    Sisu is a Finnish cultural concept that denotes determination and resoluteness in the face of adversity. We propose that sisu will supplement the English-language based research on mental fortitude traits. Sisu has not been the focus of systematic research until very recently. We sought to validate the sisu construct and its sub-factor structure as postulated in a recent qualitative study. We investigated associations of sisu with other measures of mental fortitude and well-being. More generally we aimed to enrichen the cross-cultural understanding of human experience of overcoming adversity across life’s challenges. We describe and validate a questionnaire that effectively measures both beneficial and harmful sisu, each comprising three sub-factors. Beneficial sisu was associated with other measures of fortitude, but less with personality dimensions. We also confirmed the existence of an independent harmful sisu factor. Beneficial sisu was associated with higher well-being and lower depressive symptoms, and harmful sisu with lower well-being and higher levels of stress, work stress and depressive symptoms. Together the two factors were superior compared to pre-existing measures when predicting well-being-related variables. Results suggest that Sisu Scale may provide a valuable addition to research on mental fortitude, resilience and their consequences for well-being

    A measure for assessment of beneficial and harmful fortitude:development and initial validation of the Sisu Scale

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    Sisu is a Finnish cultural concept that denotes determination and resoluteness in the face of adversity. We propose that sisu will supplement the English-language based research on mental fortitude traits. Sisu has not been the focus of systematic research until very recently. We created a new questionnaire measuring sisu (the Sisu Scale), sought to validate the sisu construct and its sub-factor structure as postulated in a recent qualitative study. We investigated associations of sisu with other measures of mental fortitude and well-being. More generally we aimed to enrichen the cross-cultural understanding of human experience of overcoming adversity across life's challenges. We describe and validate a questionnaire that effectively measures both beneficial and harmful sisu, each comprising three sub-factors. Beneficial sisu was associated with other measures of fortitude, but less with personality dimensions. We also confirmed the existence of an independent harmful sisu factor. Beneficial sisu was associated with higher well-being and lower depressive symptoms, and harmful sisu with lower well-being and higher levels of general stress, work stress and depressive symptoms. Together the two factors were superior compared to pre-existing measures when predicting well-being-related variables. Results suggest that the new Sisu Scale we developed may provide a valuable addition to research on mental fortitude, resilience and their consequences for well-being.</p