8 research outputs found
Rahvusvahelistumise väljakutsed – Eesti arstide kogemused ja plaanid
Eesti liitumine Euroopa Liiduga on lihtsustanud arstide võimalusi asuda tööle välismaale. Eestis lõpetatud arstiõpet tunnustatakse. Eestis on viimastel aastatel räägitud peatselt tekkivast arstide puudusest, kuna riigi tervishoiusüsteemi vabadele arstikohtadele on raske arste leida. Viimasest lähtudes ei ole arstide siirdumine muudesse maadesse soovitav. Eesti arstide küsitluste abil on uuritud, milliseid kogemusi, mõtteid, käsitlusi ja arusaame on meie arstidel rahvusvahelisest tervishoiu-tööturust. Uuritud on ka, milline on olnud areng 1990. aastatel ja millised tegurid soodustavad arstide rahvusvahelist koostööd.
Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (10): 707–70
80 aastat XVIII ülemaailmsest karskuskongressist ja XII Põhjamaade karskuskongressist Tartus 1926. aastal
Massiline karskusliikumine hoogustus Eestis 19. sajandi lõpul. 20. sajandi alguseks kujunes see ülemaaliseks ettevõtmiseks. Selles osalesid aktiivselt eesti haritlased ja üliõpilased. 1926. a korraldati Tartus 18. ülemaailmne karskuskongress, samal ajal ka 12. Põhjamaade karskuskongress ning 3. ülemaailmne üliõpilaste karskus kongress.
Eesti Arst 2006; 85 (4): 255–26
Tegevusteraapia – kas ikka veel uus eriala?
Tegevusterapeudid on tegevuse ja tegevusvõime edendamise spetsialistid, kel on kõrgharidus. Neid on koolitatud Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkoolis aastast 2000. Eriala on kiiresti arenenud ja tegevusterapeute töötab nüüdseks nii rehabilitatsioonikeskustes, haiglates, tugikeskustes, hooldekodudes kui ka abivahendikeskustes; nii laste, noorukite, täiskasvanute kui ka eakatega, kellel on funktsiooni- või tervisehäire, näiteks neuroloogilised, ortopeedilised, traumaatilised või reumatoloogilised probleemid. Tegevusterapeutide tööga rahulolu uuringust selgus, et vastajad olid rahul oma elukutse ja töökoha valikuga. Töötavaid tegevusterapeute iseloomustab kuus faktorit: head suhted kolleegidega, ülekoormus tööl, motiveeritus, pettumus (eelkõige töötasuga), iseseisvus ning emotsionaalselt raske töö. Samal ajal on nad rahul oma valitud elukutsega.Eesti Arst 2014; 93(9):541–54
Online versus postal questionnaires: a comparison between two data collection methods
Objectives : The purpose of this article is to find out differences between surveys using paper and online questionnaires. The author has deep knowledge in the case of questions concerning opinions in the development of survey based research, e.g. the limits of postal and online questionnaires.
Methods : In the physician studies carried out in 1995 (doctors graduated in 1982-1991), 2000 (doctors graduated in 1982-1996), 2005 (doctors graduated in 1982-2001), 2011 (doctors graduated in 1977-2006) and 457 family doctors in 2000, were used paper and online questionnaires. The response rates were 64%, 68%, 64%, 49% and 73%, respectively.
Results : The results of the physician studies showed that there were differences between methods. These differences were connected with using paper-based questionnaire and online questionnaire and response rate. The online-based survey gave a lower response rate than the postal survey. The major advantages of online survey were short response time; very low financial resource needs and data were directly loaded in the data analysis software, thus saved time and resources associated with the data entry process.
Conclusions : The current article helps researchers with planning the study design and choosing of the right data collection method
Multi-source remote sensing data reveals complex topsoil organic carbon dynamics in coastal wetlands
Coastal wetlands are considered important stores of blue carbon, containing some of the largest stores of pedologic and biotic carbon per unit area on the planet. These ecosystems are however highly sensitive to Climate Change and changes in the management practices. It is of utmost importance to address relevant ecosystem scales in order to fully understand carbon dynamics in coastal wetlands. In this regard, Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can provide spatial scales detailed enough to address the fine scale patters of topsoil organic carbon accumulation in coastal wetlands. This study demonstrates the use of multispectral and photogrammetric data derived from UAVs to accurately map plant communities and topsoil organic carbon concentration in coastal wetlands. The overall accuracies from the classification of plant communities ranged from 88% to 97% whereas RMSE for topsoil organic carbon concentration ranged from 2.44% to 0.74%. By combining both models, site-specific variations in topsoil carbon concentrations among plant communities were unveiled. Open pioneer communities consistently showed the lowest topsoil organic carbon concentration, while the concentrations vary considerably across plant communities characterized by denser vegetation coverage. Furthermore, Sentinel-1 radar data was used to assess the spatial patterns of flood frequency. GAMs were used to combine flood frequency with the plant communities and topsoil organic carbon models, as well as an aboveground biomass (AGB) model from a previous study. GAMs revealed a stronger effect than flood frequency on topsoil organic carbon. Regarding flooding, increased flood frequency generally led decreased topsoil organic concentrations across communities and sites. However, the relative contribution of flood frequency to topsoil organic carbon concentration in Baltic coastal wetlands depends strongly on the location of the wetland and the nature of the floods. Higher flood frequencies could lead to increased topsoil organic carbon in wetlands subject to the input of estuarine sediments. Lastly, the integration of remote sensing platforms constitutes an effective tool for revealing spatial heterogeneity of carbon storage in coastal wetlands
Severe deficiency of Vitamin D has no negative effect on physical performance during military training
Decreased physical fitness and inferior physical performance are risk factors and potentially life threatening in the combat situation. To examine the effect of Vitamin D on physical performance a prospective longitudinal 10-month study of young male conscripts in the Estonian Army was designed. The hypothesis of the study was, that severe deficiency of Vitamin D has a negative effect on physical performance.
All conscripts (n = 410) entering the 10-month military service in July 2015 at the Kuperjanov Battalion were asked to participate. A total of 98 male conscripts volunteered to participate initially.
Study design and data collection
A prospective longitudinal study with a 10-month follow-up period was performed. The Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) test was performed three times, the hand grip strength and blood serum values of 25(OH)D, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcium (Ca) were measured four times.
A significant decrease in the levels of 25(OH)D compared with the baseline values were found, with a lowest mean value of 31.9 nmol/l in March 2016 (p 25nmol/L.
The main finding of the present study was that severe deficiency of 25(OH)D were common among male conscripts during the winter season, but had no negative effect on physical performance in terms of the APFT test and hand grip strength test.
Severe deficiency of Vitamin D during the winter season are common but have no negative effect on physical performance in young physically active men in military service
Väetamise ABC
Käesolev vihik on oluliselt täiendatud trükk 1998-nda aasta väljaandest. Põhjalikumalt on lahti kirjutatud, haljasväetisi, külvikordi ja viljavaheldust, sõnniku kasutamist ning
väetamise majanduslikku tasuvust käsitlevad peatükid. Väetamissoovitused ja normide
täpsustused on esitatud tabelitena, millele lisatud lühikesed selgitavad tekstid. Vihiku
lõpus on näidis, milline võiks olla põllumehe väetiste kasutamise plaan ja juhendid selle
täitmiseks käesolevas vihikus toodud materjalide põhjal. Et looduses ei ole kahte ühesugust
põldu, siis on loomulik, et siin toodud nõuanded ei suuda arvestada kõiki põldude eripärasid,
kuid asjast huvitunud põllumees võib selle vihiku soovituste abil väetada oma põlde
kartmata oluliselt eksida. Loomulikult on siin toodud väetamise soovitustes ainult väike
osa teadmistest, mida aastakümnete jooksul on sel alal kogutud ja otstarbekas on hankida
lisateavet vastava ala spetsialistidelt või seda ala käsitlevast kirjandusest.
Kuna mitme tabeli sisu on omavahel seotud, tuleks tutvuda kogu vihiku materjaliga.
Autorid tänavad kõiki, kes vihiku koostamisele ja väljaandmisele kaasa aitasid