626 research outputs found

    Response of porous SMA: a micromechanical study

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    Lately porous shape memory alloys (SMA) have attracted great interest as low weight materials characterized by high energy dissipation capability. In the present contribution a micromechanical study of porous SMA is proposed, introducing the simplifying hypothesis of periodic distribution of voids. The mechanical response of the heterogeneous porous medium is derived by performing nonlinear finite element micromechanical analyses considering a typical repetitive unit cell made of a circular hole in a dense SMA matrix and prescribing suitable periodicity and continuity conditions. The constitutive behavior and the dissipation energy capability of the porous Nitinol are examined for several porosity levels. Numerical applications are performed in order to test the ability of the proposed procedure to well capture the overall behavior and the key features of the special heterogeneous material

    Integrated methodologies for 3D deformation analysis at Ischia Island (Italy): state of the art, prospectives and modelling.

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    Ischia Island, located SW of Naples (Italy), has been characterized by both explosive and effusive activity with the last eruption occurred in 1302. Subsequent dynamics, characterized by seismic activity with the strongest events occurred in 1881 and 1883 and a diffuse hydrothermal phenomena, shows a significant subsidence in the S and NW sectors. The presence of the active volcanoes in a very densely area needs continuous monitoring of the dynamics related to the pre-eruptive processes. Ground deformation studies are an important precursor because are linked to magma overpressure and migration. In particular, the geodetic monitoring system is mainly based on GPS and Precise levelling techniques. Here, we present a study of the surface deformation occurring in the island based on Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) referred to as Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) technique. Levelling surveys carried out between 1990 and 2003 on the Mt Epomeo resurgent block record negative dislocations on the northern and southern flanks with a maximum subsidence rate of 1.27 cm/yr. This deformation is not associated with cooling, crystallization or lateral drainage of magma and cannot be explained by a pressure point or prorate ellipsoid source. The data show that between 1990 and 2003 Mt Epomeo has been affected by a subsidence with two maxima located on its northern and southern sectors. Then, the 1992–2003 time interval and SAR data acquired by the European Remote Sensing (ERS) satellites from ascending and descending orbits have been used, thus allowing us to discriminate the vertical and east–west components of the displacements. A validation of the DInSAR results has been carried out first by comparing the vertical deformations estimated from the SAR data with those measured from the spirit levelling network that is present in the area. The deformation is due to the closure of cracks associated with ENE–WSW to E–W preexisting faults along which degassing processes occur. We propose that the recorded dislocations reflect a decrease in the fluid pressure within these cracks

    Subsidence due to crack closure and depressurization of hydrothermal systems: a case study from Mt Epomeo (Ischia Island, Italy)

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    Levelling surveys carried out between 1990 and 2003 on the Mt Epomeo resurgent block (Ischia Island) record negative dislocations on its northern and southern flanks with a maximum subsidence rate of 1.27 cm yr)1. This deformation is not associated with the cooling, crystallization or lateral drainage of magma and cannot be explained by a pressure point or prolate ellipsoid source. Results from dislocation models and the available structural and geochemical information indicate that the subsidence is due to crack closure processes along two main ENE–WSW and E–W preexisting faults, which represent the preferred pathway of CO2 degassing from the hydrothermal system located beneath Mt Epomeo. The monitoring of the dislocations and CO2 flux along these faults could give useful information on the dynamics of the hydrothermal system

    Multiaxial Fatigue Crack Propagation of an Edge Crack in a Cylindrical Specimen Undergoing Combined Tension-Torsion Loading

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    A three-dimensional crack propagation simulation of a hollow cylinder undergoing coupled traction and torsion loading conditions is performed by the Dual Boundary Element Method (DBEM). The maximum tension load and torque are equal to 40 kN and 250 Nm respectively. Specimens, made of Al alloys B95AT and D16T, have been experimentally tested with in-phase constant amplitude loads. The Stress Intensity Factors (SIFs) along the front of an initial part through crack, initiated from the external surface of the hollow cylinder, are calculated by the J-integral approach. The crack path is evaluated by using the Minimum Strain Energy Density (MSED) criterion whereas the Parisâ law, calibrated for the material under analysis, is used to calculate crack growth rates. A cross comparison between DBEM and experimental results is presented, showing a good agreement in terms of crack growth rates and paths

    Mechanical behavior of chemically-treated hemp fibers reinforced composites subjected to moisture absorption

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    Natural Fibers Reinforced Composites (NFRC) are finding much interest as substitutes for glass- or carbon-reinforced composites thanks to their lightness, easy handling, processing and recyclability. However, their polarity makes them incompatible with hydrophobic thermoplastic matrices, leading to extended moisture adsorption which causes the debonding between fibers and matrix, affecting, thus, the mechanical properties of NFRCs. In the present work, NFRCs were manufactured using hemp fibers previously chemically treated with NaOH alkali solutions or (3-Glycidyloxypropyl) trimethoxysilane (GPTMS) solutions of various concentrations. To assess the effectiveness of the used chemical treatments in hindering the moisture adsorption and the entailed mechanical failure of the NFRCs, untreated and treated hemp fibers based composites were subjected to moisture adsorption test and then to tensile testing as a function of the chemical treatment, temperature and concentration of reagents. The results show that the treatments with 5 wt% of both NaOH and GPTMS are the most effective, reducing composites' water uptake from 7.74% to 6.46% and 5.58% respectively at room temperature, and from 9.67% to 8.19% and 8.13% respectively at 50 °C. Moreover, the comparison between the mechanical testing results carried out before and after the moisture adsorption test, shows that the water uptake induces mainly a stiffness decrease (about 50% when alkali treatments were used and about 60% using silane treatment), while not significantly affect the loading capability of the composites regardless of chemical treatment. However, the specimen obtained using 5 wt% GPTMS is more effective in the prevent the failure of the composite induced by water uptake

    BEM Simulation and Experimental Test of a FML Full Scale Aeronautic Panel Undergoing Biaxial Static Load

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    This paper concerns the numerical and experimental characterization ofthe static and fatigue strength of a flat stiffened panel, designed as a fiber metal laminates (FML) and made of Aluminum alloy and Fiber Glass FRP. The panel is full scale and was tested under both static and fatigue biaxial loads, applied by means of an in house designed and built multi-axial fatigue machine. The static test is simulated by the Boundary Element Method (BEM) in a two-dimensional approach (only allowance for membrane stresses). The strain gauge outcomes are compared with corresponding numerical results, getting a satisfactory correlation. After the static test, an initial notch is created in the panel and the aforementioned biaxial fatigue load is applied, causing a crack initiation and propagation; the related experimental initiation times and crack growth rates are provided

    Parametric simulation of LVI test onto CFRP plates

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    The paper deals with the study of the structural behaviour of laminated composite plates under low velocity impacts. Three test cases, respectively with 6J, 10J and 13J impact energies have been experimentally carried out under ASTM D7136 (American Standard Test Method for Measuring the Damage Resistance of a Fiber –Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite to a Drop-Weight Impact) requirements. Within this work, virtual simulations of such impact tests have been developed by using the finite element code Abaqus®. The numerical model, based on explicit finite element theory, allows predicting the onset and evolution of both inter-laminar and intra-laminar damages. The former have been considered by using special-purpose elements (cohesive elements); the latter thanks to Hashin criteria. For validation purpose, numerical results have been compared with the experimental ones. After the validation phase, a parametric analysis has been numerically performed; the size of the panel support fixture has been considered as main parameter

    Ionospheric error analysis in gps measurements

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    The results of an experiment aimed at evaluating the effects of the ionosphere on GPS positioning applications are presented in this paper. Specifically, the study, based upon a differential approach, was conducted utilizing GPS measurements acquired by various receivers located at increasing inter-distances. The experimental research was developed upon the basis of two groups of baselines: the first group is comprised of "short" baselines (less than 10 km); the second group is characterized by greater distances (up to 90 km). The obtained results were compared either upon the basis of the geometric characteristics, for six different baseline lengths, using 24 hours of data, or upon temporal variations, by examining two periods of varying intensity in ionospheric activity respectively coinciding with the maximum of the 23 solar cycle and in conditions of low ionospheric activity. The analysis revealed variations in terms of inter-distance as well as different performances primarily owing to temporal modifications in the state of the ionosphere

    Neural networks for fatigue crack propagation predictions in real-time under uncertainty

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    Crack propagation analyses are fundamental for all mechanical structures for which safety must be guaranteed, e. g. as for the aviation and aerospace fields. The estimation of life for structures in presence of defects is a process inevitably affected by numerous and unavoidable uncertainty and variability sources, whose effects need to be quantified to avoid unexpected failures or excessive conservativism. In this work, residual fatigue life prediction models have been created through neural networks for the purpose of performing probabilistic life predictions of damaged structures in real-time and under stochastically varying input parameters. In detail, five different neural network architectures have been compared in terms of accuracy, computational runtimes and minimum number of samples needed for training, so to determine the ideal architecture with the strongest generalization power. The networks have been trained, validated and tested by using the fatigue life predictions computed by means of simulations developed with FEM and Monte Carlo methods. A real-world case study has been presented to show how the proposed approach can deliver accurate life predictions even when input data are uncertain and highly variable. Results demonstrated that the “H1-L1” neural network has been the best model, achieving an accuracy (Mean Square Error) of 4.8e-7 on the test dataset, and the best and the most stable results when decreasing the amount of data. Additionally, since requiring only very few parameters, its potential applicability for Structural Health Monitoring purposes in small cost-effective GPU devices resulted to be attractive

    Global Study: Participation in One Health Networks and Involvement in COVID-19 Response Activities

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    PURPOSE: This global study examined whether being part of a One Health Network (OHN) was associated with being involved in COVID-19 response activities at the early stages of the pandemic. Barriers to workforce involvement in the pandemic response and the perceived value of OHN activities were studied to inform future targeted evidence-based strategies for workforce capacity-building. METHODS & MATERIALS: We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study, using an online questionnaire that was globally distributed in July-August 2020. With a snowball sampling approach via OHN listservs, social media, and further sharing, we aimed to reach individuals in the global health workforce across locations, organizations, and sectors to survey their participation in OHN activities and involvement in COVID-19 response. RESULTS: The sample included 1050 respondents from various types of organizations and work sectors, from 94 countries across all WHO regions. Being part of an OHN was positively associated with involvement in the COVID-19 response (odds ratio: 1.8, 95% confidence interval: 1.3 - 2.4). The OHN activities most indicated as useful during COVID-19 pandemic by the survey respondents included 'increased public awareness of One Health' and 'networking with professionals across sectors with common interests'. Overall, 44% of survey respondents who were part of an OHN found OHN activities very or extremely helpful to their COVID-19 response. Lack of opportunities was a commonly reported barrier to involvement in COVID-19 response globally, and lack of funding was a barrier particularly in the WHO Africa region. CONCLUSION: This study provides a snapshot of the multisectoral response to COVID-19 and an assessment of the contribution of OHNs. The lessons learned during this pandemic can be used to identify measures to improve global health capacity, including OHN activities to build and strengthen workforce response to future global health challenges
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