13 research outputs found

    The Design and Optimization of a Compressive-Type Vector Sensor Utilizing a PMN-28PT Piezoelectric Single-Crystal

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    Underwater sensors that detect the distance and direction of acoustic sources are critical for surveillance monitoring and target detection in the water. Here, we propose an axial vector sensor that utilizes a small (~1 cm3) compressive-type piezoelectric accelerometer using piezoelectric single crystals. Initially, finite element analysis (FEA) was used to optimize the structure that comprised piezoelectric Pb(Mb1/3Nb2/3)O3-28%PbTiO3 single crystals on a tungsten seismic mass. The receiving voltage sensitivity (RVS) was enhanced through geometric optimization of the thickness and sensing area of the piezoelectric material and the seismic mass. The estimated maximum RVS of the optimized vector sensor was −212 dB. FEA simulations and practical measurements were used to verify the directivity of the vector sensor design, which exhibited a dipole pattern. The dipole beam pattern was used to obtain cardioid patterns using the simulated and measured results for comparison. The results clearly showed the feasibility of using the proposed piezoelectric single-crystal accelerometer for a compressive-type vector sensor. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.1

    Design of an Acoustic Bender Transducer for Active Sonobuoys

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    Recent underwater vehicles can operate with a much lower level of noise, which increases the need for an active sonobuoy with a high detection performance. These active sonobuoys mainly use bender transducers as a projector that emits sound waves. In this study, we designed a high-performance bender transducer and verified the validity of the design through experiments. For this purpose, first we analyzed the variation of the peak transmitting voltage response (TVR) level and peak TVR frequency of the bender transducer, in relation to its structural parameters. The performance of the bender transducer was analyzed using the finite element method. Then we derived the optimal structure of the bender transducer to achieve the highest TVR. Based on the design, a prototype of the bender transducer was fabricated and its acoustic properties were measured to confirm the validity of the design

    A Novel Versatile Approach for Underwater Conformal Volumetric Array Design

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    In this study, we present a novel approach to the design of a conformal volumetric array composed of M × N convex subarrays in two orthogonal curvilinear directions for underwater acoustic imaging for mine detection. Our design targets require that the proposed array transducer has three-dimensional half-power beamwidths of 85° and 25° in either of its convex subarray parts, while also reaching a peak transmitting voltage response above 147 dB. The radiated sound pressure of the subarrays was independently derived as a function of their geometrical parameters. The resulting directional factors were then combined to analyze the beam profile of the entire array. The design was finally optimized to minimize the ripple level. To validate this theoretical design, the structure was modeled and analyzed using the finite element method. The comparison between the resulting beam pattern from the finite element analysis and the analytical computation showed an excellent compliance. The method advanced is a simple and systematic analytical model to facilitate the development of new conformal volumetric arrays for underwater mine detection

    The Design and Optimization of a Compressive-Type Vector Sensor Utilizing a PMN-28PT Piezoelectric Single-Crystal

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    Underwater sensors that detect the distance and direction of acoustic sources are critical for surveillance monitoring and target detection in the water. Here, we propose an axial vector sensor that utilizes a small (~1 cm3) compressive-type piezoelectric accelerometer using piezoelectric single crystals. Initially, finite element analysis (FEA) was used to optimize the structure that comprised piezoelectric Pb(Mb1/3Nb2/3)O3-28%PbTiO3 single crystals on a tungsten seismic mass. The receiving voltage sensitivity (RVS) was enhanced through geometric optimization of the thickness and sensing area of the piezoelectric material and the seismic mass. The estimated maximum RVS of the optimized vector sensor was −212 dB. FEA simulations and practical measurements were used to verify the directivity of the vector sensor design, which exhibited a dipole pattern. The dipole beam pattern was used to obtain cardioid patterns using the simulated and measured results for comparison. The results clearly showed the feasibility of using the proposed piezoelectric single-crystal accelerometer for a compressive-type vector sensor

    Precise evaluation of the material constants of [011]-poled mangan-doped 0.32Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-0.39Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.29PbTiO3 single crystals

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    Recently, there has been a surge of interest in [011]-poled Mn: PIN-PMN-PT piezoelectric single crystals for high-power transducers. These crystals boast impressive electromechanical coupling coefficients, piezoelectric constants in the transverse mode, and excellent heat resistance due to their high mechanical quality factor. To effectively design transducers using these crystals, understanding their material constants is crucial. Our study focused on determining these constants by employing the resonance method. We created eleven different resonators, analyzed their impedance spectra, and derived seventeen elastic compliance, piezoelectric, and dielectric constants. The precision of the obtained material constants was enhanced by minimizing the difference between the impedance spectra found through finite element analyses and actual measurements of each resonator. The accuracy of these derived constants was validated by comparing the impedance spectra obtained from analysis with those measured experimentally. This novel approach demonstrated a capability to derive more precise material constants than prior studies. These refined material constants hold the potential to enable more precise and effective design of acoustic transducers constructed from the single crystals

    Analytic Approaches for Keeping High Braking Efficiency and Clamping Efficiency of Electro Wedge Brakes

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    The transfer from engine drive vehicles to electric vehicle has been proceeding due to fuel exhaustion, higher fuel costs, and environmental restrictions. This trend has also led to a transition in brake system from the hydraulic brake system to the electric brake system, which uses electric power. This electric brake system has led to an enhancement of safety and eco-friendliness due to a reduction braking distance, a rapid-response property, and the elimination of braking oil. However, one of the big problems to solve for practical usages is the need of a high power motor to enable braking forces as strong as those of hydraulic brake systems. Therefore, it is necessary to develop high efficiency electro mechanical brakes with a proper reinforcement mechanism to solve this problem. In this paper, we describe a wedge structure that has a self-reinforcing effect; we propose a proper actuating direction for a movable wedge to obtain greater clamping efficiency and braking efficiency, which will mean a better relation of the motor force as the input to the braking force as the output. Further, we propose the method to keep the most braking efficiency and clamping efficiency without reference to the variations of frictional coefficient. © 2015, Korean Society for Precision Engineering and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.1