124 research outputs found

    Automatic modeling of virtual humans and body clothing

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    Highly realistic virtual human models are rapidly becoming commonplace in computer graphics. These models, often represented by complex shape and requiring labor-intensive process, challenge the problem of automatic modeling. The problem and solutions to automatic modeling of animatable virtual humans are studied. Methods for capturing the shape of real people, parameterization techniques for modeling static shape (the variety of human body shapes) and dynamic shape (how the body shape changes as it moves) of virtual humans are classified, summarized and compared. Finally, methods for clothed virtual humans are reviewe

    4D Facial Expression Diffusion Model

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    Facial expression generation is one of the most challenging and long-sought aspects of character animation, with many interesting applications. The challenging task, traditionally having relied heavily on digital craftspersons, remains yet to be explored. In this paper, we introduce a generative framework for generating 3D facial expression sequences (i.e. 4D faces) that can be conditioned on different inputs to animate an arbitrary 3D face mesh. It is composed of two tasks: (1) Learning the generative model that is trained over a set of 3D landmark sequences, and (2) Generating 3D mesh sequences of an input facial mesh driven by the generated landmark sequences. The generative model is based on a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM), which has achieved remarkable success in generative tasks of other domains. While it can be trained unconditionally, its reverse process can still be conditioned by various condition signals. This allows us to efficiently develop several downstream tasks involving various conditional generation, by using expression labels, text, partial sequences, or simply a facial geometry. To obtain the full mesh deformation, we then develop a landmark-guided encoder-decoder to apply the geometrical deformation embedded in landmarks on a given facial mesh. Experiments show that our model has learned to generate realistic, quality expressions solely from the dataset of relatively small size, improving over the state-of-the-art methods. Videos and qualitative comparisons with other methods can be found at https://github.com/ZOUKaifeng/4DFM. Code and models will be made available upon acceptance

    Exopolysaccharide of Enterococcus faecium L15 promotes the osteogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells via p38 MAPK pathway

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    Abstract Background Bone has important functions in the body. Several researchers have reported that the polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharide derived from microbes can promote osteogenic differentiation of stem cells. Enterococcus faecium, a lactic acid bacterium (LAB), produces several bioactive metabolites and has been widely applied in the food and nutraceutical industries. The exopolysaccharide (EPS) from LAB has also been extensively examined for its postbiotic effects and for its in vivo and in vitro functionalities. However, studies on promoting bone differentiation using polysaccharides from LAB are lacking. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of E. faecium L15 extract and EPS on osteogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) and to identify the underlying mechanisms. Methods hDPSCs were obtained from dental pulp tissue, and L15 extract and EPS were isolated from L15. Gene and protein expression of the osteogenic differentiation markers were analyzed with qPCR and western blotting and the possible signaling pathways were also investigated using western blotting. Osteogenic differentiation potential was examined by alkaline phosphatase (ALP) staining and alizarin red s (ARS) staining. In addition, osteogenic differentiation potential of L15 EPS was explored in ex vivo culture of neonate murine calvaria. Results The calcium deposition and ALP activity were enhanced by addition of L15 extract or EPS. The expression levels of RUNX2, ALP, and COL1A1 mRNA and the protein expression levels of RUNX2, ALP, and BMP4 were increased in hDPSCs treated with the L15 extract or EPS. The L15 EPS treatment enhanced phosphorylation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). The L15 EPS-induced increases in RUNX2, ALP, and BMP4 expression were suppressed by the p38 MAPK inhibitor SB203580. The promoting effect of L15 EPS on osteogenic differentiation was not only seen in hDPSCs, but also in osteoblast precursors. ALP activity and the expression of RUNX2, ALP, and COL1A1 increased in the L15 EPS-treated osteoblast precursors. In addition, L15 EPS increased bone thickness of neonate murine calvaria in ex vivo culture. Conclusions The stimulatory effect of L15 extract and EPS on osteogenic differentiation occurred through the p38 MAPK pathway, and L15 EPS enhanced new bone formation in neonate murine calvaria. These data suggest that L15 EPS has therapeutic potential applicable to bone regeneration

    Clinical relevance of ground glass opacity in 105 patients with miliary tuberculosis

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    SummaryBackgroundAfter the application of chest computed tomography (CT), ground glass opacity (GGO) was introduced as one of major accompanying findings of miliary tuberculosis (MT) in addition to miliary nodules. However, little is known about whether GGO is associated with the clinical manifestations and outcomes of MT. Therefore, the present study examined the clinical relevance of GGO in patients with MT.MethodsChest radiographs and CT scans of MT patients were retrospectively reviewed. Clinical manifestations and outcomes were compared in terms of the extent of GGO revealed by chest CT.ResultsConfirmed 105 MT patients were included. GGO was observed in 70 (67%) patients. MT patients with an extent of GGO >50% (n = 21) had symptoms of shorter duration, more frequent dyspnea, and more pronounced changes in the levels of acute phase reactants. Miliary nodules were less discernible on CT in those with an extent of GGO >50%. MT patients with an extent of GGO >50% were significantly associated with a longer hospital stay (p = 0.02) and with acute respiratory failure (p < 0.001) than those with an extent of GGO ≤50%. However, mortality among MT patients was not associated with the extent of GGO.ConclusionMT patients with an extent of GGO >50% had more rapidly progressive manifestations and a greater potential for delayed diagnosis and poorer prognosis. Nevertheless, mortality was not higher in confirmed MT patients with an extent of GGO >50% than in those with an extent of GGO ≤50%

    A two-photon fluorescent probe for lysosomal zinc ions

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    The selective detection of zinc ions in lysosomes over that in cytosol is achieved with a fluorescent probe, which enabled the fluorescence imaging of endogenous zinc ions in lysosomes of NIH 3T3 cells as well as mouse hippocampal tissues by two-photon microscopy under excitation at 900 nm.open

    Terminal fucosylation of haptoglobin in cancer-derived exosomes during cholangiocarcinoma progression

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    BackgroundCholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a silent tumor with a high mortality rate due to the difficulty of early diagnosis and prediction of recurrence even after timely surgery. Serologic cancer biomarkers have been used in clinical practice, but their low specificity and sensitivity have been problematic. In this study, we aimed to identify CCA-specific glycan epitopes that can be used for diagnosis and to elucidate the mechanisms by which glycosylation is altered with tumor progression.MethodsThe serum of patients with various cancers was fractioned into membrane-bound and soluble components using serial ultracentrifugation. Lectin blotting was conducted to evaluate glycosylation. Proteins having altered glycosylation were identified using proteomic analysis and further confirmed using immunoblotting analysis. We performed HPLC, gene analysis, real-time cargo tracking, and immunohistochemistry to determine the origin of CCA glycosylation and its underlying mechanisms. Extracellular vesicles (EV) were isolated from the sera of 62 patients with CCA at different clinical stages and inflammatory conditions and used for glycan analysis to assess their clinical significance.ResultsThe results reveal that glycosylation patterns between soluble and membrane-bound fractions differ significantly even when obtained from the same donor. Notably, glycans with α1-3/4 fucose and β1-6GlcNAc branched structures increase specifically in membrane-bound fractions of CCA. Mechanically, it is primarily due to β-haptoglobin (β-Hp) originating from CCA expressing fucosyltransferase-3/4 (FUT 3/4) and N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-V (MGAT5). Newly synthesized β-Hp is loaded into EVs in early endosomes via a KFERQ-like motif and then secreted from CCA cells to induce tumor progression. In contrast, β-Hp expressed by hepatocytes is secreted in a soluble form that does not affect CCA progression. Moreover, evaluation of EV glycosylation in CCA patients shows that fucosylation level of EV-Hp gradually increases with tumor progression and decreases markedly when the tumors are eliminated by surgery.ConclusionThis study suggests that terminal fucosylation of Hp in cancer-derived exosomes can be a novel glycan marker for diagnosis and prognosis of CCA. These findings highlight the potential of glycan analysis in different fractions of serum for biomarker discover for other diseases. Further research is needed to understand the role of fucosylated EVs on CCA progression

    Brain structural correlates of subjective sleepiness and insomnia symptoms in shift workers

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    BackgroundStudies on the brain structures of shift workers are limited; thus, this cross-sectional study aimed to compare the brain structures and the brain structural correlates of subjective sleepiness and insomnia symptoms between shift workers and non-shift workers.MethodsShift workers (n = 63) and non-shift workers (n = 58) completed questionnaires assessing subjective sleepiness and insomnia symptoms. Cortical thickness, cortical surface area, and subcortical volumes were measured by magnetic resonance imaging. The brain morphometric measures were compared between the groups, and interaction analyses using the brain morphometric measures as the dependent variable were performed to test the interactions between the study group and measures of sleep disturbance (i.e., subjective sleepiness and insomnia symptoms).ResultsNo differences in cortical thickness, cortical surface area, or subcortical volumes were detected between shift workers and non-shift workers. A single cluster in the left motor cortex showed a significant interaction between the study group and subjective sleepiness in the cortical surface area. The correlation between the left motor cortex surface area and the subjective sleepiness level was negative in shift workers and positive in non-shift workers. Significant interaction between the study group and insomnia symptoms was present for the left/right putamen volumes. The correlation between the left/right putamen volumes and insomnia symptom levels was positive in shift workers and negative in non-shift workers.ConclusionLeft motor cortex surface area and bilateral putamen volumes were unique structural correlates of subjective sleepiness and insomnia symptoms in shift workers, respectively

    Ticks Collected from Wild and Domestic Animals and Natural Habitats in the Republic of Korea

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    Ticks were collected from 35 animals from 5 provinces and 3 metropolitan cities during 2012. Ticks also were collected by tick drag from 4 sites in Gyeonggi-do (2) and Jeollabuk-do (2) Provinces. A total of 612 ticks belonging to 6 species and 3 genera were collected from mammals and a bird (n=573) and by tick drag (n=39). Haemaphyalis longicornis (n=434) was the most commonly collected tick, followed by H. flava (158), Ixodes nipponensis (11), Amblyomma testudinarium (7), H. japonica (1), and H. formosensis (1). H. longicornis and H. flava were collected from all animal hosts examined. For animal hosts (n>1), the highest Tick Index (TI) was observed for domestic dogs (29.6), followed by Siberian roe deer (17.4), water deer (14.4), and raccoon dogs (1.3). A total of 402 H. longicornis (adults 86, 21.4%; nymphs 160, 39.8%; larvae 156, 38.9%) were collected from wild and domestic animals. A total of 158 H. flava (n=158) were collected from wild and domestic animals and 1 ring-necked pheasant, with a higher proportion of adults (103, 65.2%), while nymphs and larvae only accounted for 12.7% (20) and 22.2% (35), respectively. Only 7 A. testudinarium were collected from the wild boar (6 adults) and Eurasian badger (1 nymph), while only 5 I. nipponensis were collected from the water deer (4 adults) and a raccoon dog (1 adult). One adult female H. formosensis was first collected from vegetation by tick drag from Mara Island, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do Province.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2014-01/102/0000051105/1SEQ:1PERF_CD:SNU2014-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000051105ADJUST_YN:NEMP_ID:A077262DEPT_CD:551CITE_RATE:.881FILENAME:07(kjp52-3)13-284-final version.pdfDEPT_NM:수의학과SCOPUS_YN:YCONFIRM:

    Satori 2018

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    The Satori is a student literary publication that expresses the artistic spirit of the students of Winona State University. Student poetry, prose, and graphic art are published in the Satori every spring since 1970. The Satori 2018 editors are Sajda Omar (Editor-in-Chief), Kylie Hoff, Keyanna Hultman, Audrey Sitte, Elyse Hoffmann. Art Director and Designer by Elyse Hoffmann. The 2018 Faculty advisor is Dr. Elizabeth Oness, Professor of English.https://openriver.winona.edu/satori/1012/thumbnail.jp