12 research outputs found

    Patterns of genomic change in residual disease after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for estrogen receptor-positive and HER2-negative breast cancer

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    Background: Treatment of patients with residual disease after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer is an unmet clinical need. We hypothesised that tumour subclones showing expansion in residual disease after chemotherapy would contain mutations conferring drug resistance. Methods: We studied oestrogen receptor and/or progesterone receptor-positive, HER2-negative tumours from 42 patients in the EORTC 10994/BIG 00-01 trial who failed to achieve a pathological complete response. Genes commonly mutated in breast cancer were sequenced in pre and post-treatment samples. Results: Oncogenic driver mutations were commonest in PIK3CA (38% of tumours), GATA3 (29%), CDH1 (17%), TP53 (17%) and CBFB (12%); and amplification was commonest for CCND1 (26% of tumours) and FGFR1 (26%). The variant allele fraction frequently changed after treatment, indicating that subclones had expanded and contracted, but there were changes in both directions for all of the commonly mutated genes. Conclusions: We found no evidence that expansion of clones containing recurrent oncogenic driver mutations is responsible for resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The persistence of classic oncogenic mutations in pathways for which targeted therapies are now available highlights their importance as drug targets in patients who have failed chemotherapy but provides no support for a direct role of driver oncogenes in resistance to chemotherapy. ClinicalTrials.gov: EORTC 10994/BIG 1-00 Trial registration number NCT00017095.SCOPUS: ar.jDecretOANoAutActifinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Inwiefern erweitert die Ausbildung zu Care-Berufen die Freiheit der Berufswahl in der Île de France und in Nordrhein-Westfalen?

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    La thĂ©orie des effets sociĂ©taux des politiques d’éducation sur l’organisation industrielle a prĂ©valu dans la recherche française des annĂ©es 1970 Ă  nos jours sous l’impulsion de l’école d’Aix menĂ©e par les chercheurs du Lest François Sellier, Marc Maurice et Jean-Jacques Silvestre (1982). Les mĂ©tiers du soin et de l’aide Ă  l’enfant et Ă  la personne ĂągĂ©e dĂ©pendante appris sous statut scolaire en Allemagne et en apprentissage en France tĂ©moignent de l’effet nĂ©gatif de l’apprentissage sur le parcours des jeunes apprentis.The theory of societal effects of the education policies on the industrial organisation prevails in the french research from the seventieth to today at the instigation oft he researcher oft he labor Lest Franços Sellier, Marc Maurice and Jean-Jacques Silvestre (1982). The profession of the care to children and old people wich is as pupills in Germany and apprentice in France learns gives evidence to an negative effect on the educational path of the young apprentice.Die Theorie der gesellschaftlichen Effekten der Bildungspolitiken auf die Industrieorganisation vorherrschte in der französische Forschung von den siebziger Jahren bis heute unter der Schwung der von Forschern des Lestlaboratorium geleiteten Schule von Aix François Sellier, Marc Maurice und Jean-Jacques Silvestre (1982). Die Pflege- und Hilfsberufe zur Kinder und Alten, die in Deutschland in Berufskollegs und in Frankreich als Lehrling ausgebildet sind beweisen einen negativen Effekt auf der Bildungslaufbahn der jungen Lehrlingen

    Wilfried Nippel, LibertĂ© antique, libertĂ© moderne. Les fondements de la dĂ©mocratie, de l’AntiquitĂ© Ă  nos jours

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    La dĂ©mocratie athĂ©nienne, sans thĂ©orie ni intention missionnaire, tient lieu de cas particulier dans le monde grec. Or ce systĂšme politique, mis au point dans le cadre d’états de petite taille – selon les critĂšres modernes – a fascinĂ© la postĂ©ritĂ© jusqu’à nos jours, tantĂŽt comme un repoussoir (l’ochlocratie, tyrannie de la majoritĂ© tant redoutĂ©e) tantĂŽt comme un modĂšle exemplaire d’autodĂ©termination collective dĂ©passant nettement toutes les formes de dĂ©mocraties indirectes et reprĂ©sentatives...

    Wilfried Nippel, LibertĂ© antique, libertĂ© moderne. Les fondements de la dĂ©mocratie, de l’AntiquitĂ© Ă  nos jours

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    La dĂ©mocratie athĂ©nienne, sans thĂ©orie ni intention missionnaire, tient lieu de cas particulier dans le monde grec. Or ce systĂšme politique, mis au point dans le cadre d’états de petite taille – selon les critĂšres modernes – a fascinĂ© la postĂ©ritĂ© jusqu’à nos jours, tantĂŽt comme un repoussoir (l’ochlocratie, tyrannie de la majoritĂ© tant redoutĂ©e) tantĂŽt comme un modĂšle exemplaire d’autodĂ©termination collective dĂ©passant nettement toutes les formes de dĂ©mocraties indirectes et reprĂ©sentatives...

    Data from Sentis et al. (2015) for main publication

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    Functional response data provided by Arnaud Sentis and colleagues (https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.12931). “Daphnia_density” is the initial prey number; “Daphnia_eaten” is the number of eaten prey individuals after the experiment. Please see the original publication by Sentis et al. (2015, https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.12931) for details and also cite their paper if using these data! These data appear only in the main publication (D1) published in MEE

    Multigenerational exposure to temperature influences mitochondrial oxygen fluxes in the Medaka fish ( Oryzias latipes )

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    International audienceThermal sensitivity of cellular metabolism is crucial for animal physiology and survival under climate change. Despite recent efforts, effects of multigenerational exposure to temperature on the metabolic functioning remain poorly understood. We aimed at determining whether multigenerational exposure to temperature modulate the mitochondrial respiratory response of Medaka fish. Methods We conducted a multigenerational exposure with Medaka fish reared multiple generations at 20 and 30°C (COLD and WARM fish, respectively). We then measured the oxygen consumption of tail muscle at two assay temperatures (20 and 30°C). Mitochondrial function was determined as the respiration supporting ATP synthesis (OXPHOS) and the respiration required to offset proton leak (LEAK(Omy)) in a full factorial design (COLD‐20°C; COLD‐30°C; WARM‐20°C; WARM‐30°C). Results We found that higher OXPHOS and LEAK fluxes at 30°C compared to 20°C assay temperature. At each assay temperature, WARM fish had lower tissue oxygen fluxes than COLD fish. Interestingly, we did not find significant differences in respiratory flux when mitochondria were assessed at the rearing temperature of the fish (i.e., COLD‐20°C vs. WARM −30°C). Conclusion The lower OXPHOS and LEAK capacities in warm fish are likely the result of the multigenerational exposure to warm temperature. This is consistent with a modulatory response of mitochondrial capacity to compensate for potential detrimental effects of warming on metabolism. Finally, the absence of significant differences in respiratory fluxes between COLD‐20°C and WARM‐30°C fish likely reflects an optimal respiration flux when organisms adapt to their thermal conditions

    Acinar-to-Ductal Metaplasia Induced by Transforming Growth Factor Beta Facilitates KRASG12D-driven Pancreatic TumorigenesisSummary

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    Background & Aims: Transforming growth factor beta (TGFÎÂČ) acts either as a tumor suppressor or as an oncogene, depending on the cellular context and time of activation. TGFÎÂČ activates the canonical SMAD pathway through its interaction with the serine/threonine kinase type I and II heterotetrameric receptors. Previous studies investigating TGFÎÂČ-mediated signaling in the pancreas relied either on loss-of-function approaches or on ligand overexpression, and its effects on acinar cells have so far remained elusive. Methods: We developed a transgenic mouse model allowing tamoxifen-inducible and Cre-mediated conditional activation of a constitutively active type I TGFÎÂČ receptor (TÎÂČRICA) in the pancreatic acinar compartment. Results: We observed that TÎÂČRICA expression induced acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM) reprogramming, eventually facilitating the onset of KRASG12D-induced pre-cancerous pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia. This phenotype was characterized by the cellular activation of apoptosis and dedifferentiation, two hallmarks of ADM, whereas at the molecular level, we evidenced a modulation in the expression of transcription factors such as Hnf1ÎÂČ, Sox9, and Hes1. Conclusions: We demonstrate that TGFÎÂČ pathway activation plays a crucial role in pancreatic tumor initiation through its capacity to induce ADM, providing a favorable environment for KRASG12D-dependent carcinogenesis. Such findings are highly relevant for the development of early detection markers and of potentially novel treatments for pancreatic cancer patients. Keywords: Pancreas, Cancer, TGFÎÂČ, Acinar-to-Ductal Metaplasia, KRASG12