1,694 research outputs found

    Transition from anticipatory to lag synchronization via complete synchronization in time-delay systems

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    The existence of anticipatory, complete and lag synchronization in a single system having two different time-delays, that is feedback delay τ1\tau_1 and coupling delay τ2\tau_2, is identified. The transition from anticipatory to complete synchronization and from complete to lag synchronization as a function of coupling delay τ2\tau_2 with suitable stability condition is discussed. The existence of anticipatory and lag synchronization is characterized both by the minimum of similarity function and the transition from on-off intermittency to periodic structure in laminar phase distribution.Comment: 14 Pages and 12 Figure

    Lenalidomide-based combined therapy induced alterations in serum proteins of multiple myeloma patient: a follow-up case report and overview of the literature

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    Aim : Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignant neoplasm of plasma cells (PC) derived from the bone marrow (BM) origin. The present case report was aimed to monitor the efficiency of lenalidomide-based combined therapy (LBCT) induced alterations in serum proteins of 42-year-old female MM patient. Besides, in the context of case report we also present an overview of the literature describing LBCT. Study design: Serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP) was performed in three visits (V1-V3) to monitor the disease status of the patient and her treatment response to LBCT. Level of monoclonal protein (M-protein) was measured through cellulose acetate zone electrophoresis and quantified by densitometer in follow-up investigations after therapy intervals. Results: A significant reduction of M-protein in γ-globulin region was observed (P < 0.007) after receiving LBCT. However, the condition depicted hyper γ-globulinemia. β-globulin (P < 0.002) and α2-globulin(P < 0.047) was suppressed from the initial visit and subsequent follow-up also indicated the status of hypoglobulinaemia. Although, serum albumin level was found to be increased after therapy (P < 0.016), hypoalbuminaemia was also noticed before and after LBCT. Conclusion: On the basis of this case report and pertinent literature, we conclude that LBCT is more efficient in the treatment of MM and has significant role in serum protein alterations especially in the reduction of M-protein in the MM patients

    Approaches of material selection, alignment and methods of fabrication for natural fiber polymer composites: A review

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    The recent superiority of the composite materials is cautiously focusing on environmental adoption of natural fiber composites. The major source of the natural fiber materials covered in the globe, especially natural fibers, is plant-based, animal-based and mineral-based. Eco friendly based material can save the environment and recycling of the material is possible, as well as important criteria. Hence engineers ultimately focused on natural fiber polymer matrix materials to save the environment, pollution control, plastic manipulation, etc. The literature work was studied to identify natural fiber material possession. The major goal of the present review was to identify material characterization and appropriate application, mainly offering to enhance mechanical properties, flexural strength, electrical properties, thermal properties etc. The major consequence of the natural fiber is hydrophilic treatment. There is poor interfacial adhesion between the addition/filling substances and poor mechanical characteristics. All of these shortcomings constitute a critical issue. This review presents numerous sorts of  natural and synthetic polymers, natural fibres such as jute, ramie, banana, pineapple leaf fibre, and kenaf, etc.; short and long fibre loading methods, fibre fillers in micro and nanoparticle, American society of testing and materials (ASTM) standard plate dimensions, fabrication methods such as hand lay-up process, spray lay-up process, vacuumed-bag, continuous pultrusion, and pulforming process, etc.; industries and home appliances such as automotive parts, building construction, sports kits, domestic goods, and electronic devices. The review lists various material combinations, fibre loading, fillers, and matrix that can aid in the improvement of material properties and the reduction of failures during mechanical testing of composites.                

    Change in the room temperature magnetic property of ZnO upon Mn doping

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    We present in this paper the changes in the room temperature magnetic property of ZnO on Mn doping prepared using solvo-thermal process. The zero field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) magnetisation of undoped ZnO showed bifurcation and magnetic hysteresis at room temperature. Upon Mn doping the magnetic hysteresis at room temperature and the bifurcation in ZFC-FC magnetization vanishes. The results seem to indicate that undoped ZnO is ferromagnetic while on the other hand the Mn doped ZnO is not a ferromagnetic system. We observe that on addition of Mn atoms the system shows antiferromagnetism with very giant magnetic moments.Comment: 5 figure


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    In the present study, the integrated organic fertilizers were used to estimate the growth and yield of pearl millet. The treatments consisted of application of increased levels of recommended dose of fertilizer with organic manures for pearl millet. The treatments were; T1-100% RDF,T2-125%RDF,T3-75%RDF, T4-100% RDF + FYM @ 12.5 t ha-1, T5-100% RDF+Poultrymanure@5tha-1,T6-100 % RDF + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1, T7-100 % RDF + Pressmud@5tha-1, T8-125% RDF + Poultry manure @ 5 t ha-1, T9-125 % RDF + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1, T10-125 % RDF + Pressmud &nbsp;@ 5 t ha-1, T11-75% RDF + Poultry manure @ 5 t ha-1, T12-75 % RDF + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1 and T13-75 % RDF + Pressmud @ 5 t ha-1. The experiments were laid out in randomized block design (RBD) and replicated thrice. The result of the experiment revealed that the application of 125% recommended dose of fertilizer + vermicompost@5tha-1(T9), significantly increased the growth, yield, quality and nutrient uptake of pearl millet followed by, T10 (125% recommended dose of fertilizer + Pressmud @ 5 t ha-1) respectively

    Sucrose and Maltose as Carbon Sources for Fermentative Production of Polysaccharide by Aspergillus niger van tiegh.

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    Two carbon sources viz., sucrose and maltose were used to induce extracellular polysaccharide production in Aspergillus niger. Maximum production of polysaccharide 513 mg/100ml of culture filtrate was observed at pH 7, 10% sucrose concentration, 15 days of incubation.  Polysaccharide production was increased with increase in growth of mycelium of A. niger in both the substrates.  The optimum pH and incubation periods for the maximum production of polysaccharide were pH 7 and 15 days respectively.  The polysaccharide produced by A. niger was the polyol of 3,4,6 tri-o-methyl D glucose with b-1-3 glycosidic linkage commonly known as glucan.  The polysaccharide produced by this species may be composed of glucose and little amount of galactose and other oligosaccharides.  Polarimetric studies revealed that the fractions containing glucose gave laevorotatory values of the optical rotation.ÂÂ

    Entomopathogenic Fungi for the Management of Calopepla leayana on Gmelina arborea

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    Entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae were isolated and identified as natural pathogens of Calopepla leayana. Both the species of fungi were effective against the larval and adult stages of C. leayana causing white and green muscardine diseases respectively. It was also found that B. bassiana was more pathogenic to the pest as compared to M. anisopliae.  The susceptibility of larvae and adults was negatively associated with the age and positively associated with the fungal spore concentration. In all the stages from I instar to adult, the highest mortality was observed in 10% of 1x109 spores/ml concentration of B. bassiana among 1, 2.5, 5 & 10% of 1x109 spores/ml concentration.  It was also reflected in probit analysis that the concentration of spores required to kill fifty percent of the population was ranges from 0.09% to 5.98% of 1x109 spores/ml concentration of B. bassiana and 1.02% to 9.72% of 1x109 spores/ml concentration of M. anisopliae. The larvae of I instar have shown highest mortality, which gradually decreased with the increase in age or decrease in the concentration of fungal spores. Mass production of B. bassiana using different substrates was attempted to harvest ample amount of spores. This study revealed that spore production was directly proportional to the mycelial weight and incubation period. From the seven substrates tested, wheat flour was identified as one of the suitable substrates for the mass production of B. bassiana.  A field trial was conducted to test their efficacy under field conditions. 72-93% mortality was observed in field conditions.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Division of Bioprospecting, Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore-641002, Tamilnadu, India*Corresponding author, Email: [email protected] This Article As: N. Senthilkumar and S. Murugesan. 2010. Entomopathogenic Fungi for the Management of Calopepla leayana on Gmelina arborea. J. Ecobiotechnol. 2(3): 01-0

    Studies on genetic divergence for fruit yield in Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.] genotypes under coastal eco-system

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    A study was conducted for identifying the genetic divergence in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) genotypes.&nbsp; Fifteen genotypes were evaluated with the objective of selecting superior genotypes namely, Arka Anamika, Varsha Upahar, Thunder, Dhanya, Pusa-7, Basanthi, S-51, Thanvi-66, CO-2, Akshaya, N-U-Lakshmi, Namadhri, PHS, Villupuram Local, and Karur Local for fruit yield traits. The degree of divergence among 15 genotypes was computed using Mahalanobis’ D2 analysis to assess the genetic diversity. For this programme, morphological characters viz., days to first flowering, plant height, inter node distance, days to fruit maturity, number of immature seeds per fruit, fruit length, fruit girth, number of branches per plant, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight, and fruit yield per plant were studied. Analysis of variance for 15 genotypes of bhendi revealed that all the genotypes were&nbsp;&nbsp; significantly differed among themselves for all the eleven traits studied. The results revealed that the mean performance for fruit yield per plant was maximum in the genotype namely Basanthi(465 g),&nbsp; followed by Dhanya(438 g), and S-51(433 g). The genotypes which recorded high mean performance for fruit yield per plant also exhibited significant per se performance for the traits namely inter node distance, number of fruits per plant and average fruit weight

    Cellulolytic activity of gut extract of subterranean termite, Odontotermes obesus Rambur: A pretreatment tool for conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to fermentable sugar for biorefinery industry

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    Lignocellulosic biomass is a chief and cheap raw material for bioethanol production. However, pretreatment is a critical and most expensive step in lignocellulosic biomass to biofuel conversion. Biological pretreatments offer an alternative for lignocellulosic biomass conversion using enzyme hydrolysis. Termites are well known for the ability to digest lignocelluloses, using it as a sole food source. To effectively digest ligonocellulose/wood, termites produce an array of enzymes along with the help of microbial and protist symbionts. Subterranean termite, like Odontotermes obesus, devoid of protist symbiont in their hind gut capable of digesting cellulose using endogenous cellulases produced naturally by them. The cellulolytic activity of gut extracts of O. obesus was evaluated with commercially available carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) for their efficacy in conversion of cellulose to fermentable sugar. It is found that the gut extracts of O. besus potentially convert 49 to 75% of CMC into glucose. Hence, we look for novel hydrolytic enzymes in the gut extracts of O. obesus for efficient conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to fermentable sugars.Key words: Termite gut, Odontotermes obesus, enzymes, lignocelluloses, hydrolytic enzymes

    Neuro-Protective Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Trombidium Grandissimum Koch Against Aluminium Chloride (Alcl3) Induced Neurotoxicity in Albino Rats

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    The current goal of this investigation is to assess the ethanolic extract of T. grandissimum (EETG) against AlCl3-initiated neurotoxicity, where AlCl3 (100 mg/kg/p.o) is administered for 42 days by provoking oxidative stress followed by neurotoxicity. The evaluation of behavioural parameters such as locomotor activity, elevated plus maze, and motor incoordination, as well as biochemical parameters such as reduced glutathione, lipid peroxidation, Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Catalase (CAT), total Protein, and Acetylcholinesterase in the brain, was performed. According to the study report, behavioural changes such as dropped locomotor movements, enhanced transfer latency, and muscle weakness were often noted. Significant rising of lipid peroxides and AChE activity in rat brain tissue was observed, and activity of antioxidant enzymes like SOD, Catalase, and Reduced Glutathione decreased substantially in alcl3 treated rats compared to control, whereas EETG at both dose and standard treated rats showed a significant reduction in LPO, AChE activity and significant elevation in SOD, CAT, and GSH in brain tissues compared to AlCl3 treated rats. The findings are further supported by histopathology of the brain. This is due to the extract's enormous amount of bioactive components. Through in-silico analysis, isolation, and characterisation, future research will be required to pinpoint the chemical component responsible for the extract's observed biological effect