63 research outputs found

    Pre Grow-out Rearing Systems in Farming Operations

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    Marine finfish production is a promising industry all over the world and has significantly increased over the years and currently accounts for 394,580 tonnes, valued at nearly US$ 512 million, with China being the largest producer (FAO, 2009). Currently, salmons are the dominant species of temperate waters for cage culture. Tropical marine finfish cage culture is relatively new but is expanding, particularly in Asia. Marine finfifsh species like cobia, grouper, pompano, snappers, seabreams and seabass represent the major potential candidate finfish species for mariculture in Asian countries. In India, the production of marine finfish through aquaculture has started from 2003 onwards and gradually being increased by the introduction of several species of marine finfish having great potential in International market. Cage culture in India has been initiated by Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Govt. of India during 2007 by introduction of high value marine finfsihes and could succeed in large scale production of Asian seabass, cobia, grouper, pompano and snappers. In order to scale up the culture activities all over India and commercialization of the cage industry, availability of fish seed and also rearing them upto stockable size in cages is the most essential part before introducing into cages

    Protecting Children from Harmful Audio Content: Automated Profanity Detection From English Audio in Songs and Social-Media

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    A novel approach for the automated detection of profanity in English audio songs using machine learning techniques. One of the primary drawbacks of existing systems is only confined to textual data. The proposed method utilizes a combination of feature extraction techniques and machine learning algorithms to identify profanity in audio songs. Specifically, the approach employs the popular feature extraction techniques of Term frequencyтАУinverse document frequency (TF-IDF), Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and Doc2vec to extract relevant features from the audio songs. TF-IDF is used to capture the frequency and importance of each word in the song, while BERT is utilized to extract contextualized representations of words that can capture more nuanced meanings. To capture the semantic meaning of words in audio songs, also explored the use of the Doc2Vec model, which is a neural network-based approach that can extract relevant features from the audio songs. The study utilizes Open Whisper, an open-source machine learning library, to develop and implement the approach. A dataset of English audio songs was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The results showed that both the TF-IDF and BERT models outperformed the Doc2Vec model in terms of accuracy in identifying profanity in English audio songs. The proposed approach has potential applications in identifying profanity in various forms of audio content, including songs, audio clips, social media, reels, and shorts

    Seasonal and annual variations in fish and macro-crustacean fauna in the shore seine fishery of Karwar, Karnataka

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    Karwar coast of Karnataka is known for sandy beaches, and these beaches apart from providing the aesthetic beauty, are supporting traditional fishermen of the coast for finding their livelihood avenues. Traditionally the beaches of Karwar is known for shore-seine operations, known as rampani fishery. Rampani nets were made of coir ropes and the nets were operated from October to March, exclusively targeting mackerel and sardines

    Sillago sihama (Forssk├еl, 1775)

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    Body elongated with a pointed snout, upper head profile slightly convex; mouth small and terminal, villiform teeth present in jaws and on vomer; 2 or 3 (usually 2) series of scales on cheeks; a small sharp spine on opercle; gill rakers on lower limb of first arch 7-9. Two dorsal fins; first dorsal fin higher than second and with 11 weak spines and second dorsal fin with 1 spine and 20-23 soft rays; anal fin with 2 spines and 21 or 23 soft rays. Lateral line scales from 66-72. Vertebrae are 34

    Observations on a bumper catch of oil sardine by Rampan nets in Goa

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    During the past decade Sardinella longiceps hascontributed about 30 to 50% of the total fish catchalong the Goa coast. The annual oil sardine landingsin Goa during the year 2015 and 2016 was 16,212and 24951 tons (t) respectively. There are 20 landingcentres on the South Goa district and 14 landingcentres in the North Goa district. At Pale LandingCentre (150 22" 017тАЩ N 0730 52" 552тАЩ E) fishing 20shoreseine (Rampan) units are engaged in fishing

    Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forssk├еl, 1775)

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    The body of Lutjanus argentimaculatus is moderately deep (maximum depth 2.5 to 3.1 times in standard length), snout is slightly pointed, pre-orbital bone is relatively broad and is wider than eye diameter. The pre-opercular notch and knob are poorly developed, vomerine tooth patch is crescentshaped without a medial posterior extension and the tongue has a patch of granular teeth

    Lutjanus johnii (Bloch, 1792)

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    This fish is characterized by a large black blotch situated below the anterior dorsal-fin rays, on the upper part of the body. The head is steeply sloped and the pre-orbital width is equal to or larger than the eye diameter. Pre-opercular notch and knob are poorly developed. Scale rows on back parallel to the lateral line. The scales have a dark sport in the centre which gives the overall appearance of horizontal lines on the fish

    Broodstock development and induced spawning of the JohnтАЩs snapper Lutjanus johnii (Bloch, 1792) under controlled conditions

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    Broodstock of the JohnтАЩs snapper Lutjanus johnii were raised in sea cages from wild collected juveniles of the species. Individual fishes were tagged using passive integrated transponders (PIT), cannulated and gonadal biopsies were examined periodically for assessing the maturity status. The matured fishes were shifted from cages and maintained in indoor FRP tanks. Females were given two doses of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and ovaprim @ 800 - 900 IU kg-1 and 1.25ml kg-1 respectively. Males were given only hCG in a range between 400 and 600 IU kg-1. Two successful spawning were obtained with 80-85% fertilisation rate. In both the trials, embryonic development was observed to be arrested before hatching which could be attributed to nutritional deficiency of the broodfishes and high water temperature in the spawning tank

    Training manual on Open sea cage culture

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    Training manual on Open sea cage cultur

    Marine cage farming of Asian seabass under participatory mode - A success story

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    Karwar Research Centre of ICAR-CMFRI in association with the Directorate of fisheries, Govt. of Goa identified Polem village ( 14┬░ 54' 21.12" N ; 74┬░ 04' 32.20" E) in south Goa for the cage culture demonstration under the proejct 'National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)'. Awareness programmes were conducted for the fishermen communities in the village regarding the present status of marine fisheries resources of India and future prospects
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