188 research outputs found

    An expert system for air traffic control system

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    The objective was to design a control logic which automates all or part of the guidance function for air traffic control systems. Particular interest was focused on automation of the terminal area control system. A preliminary study was done on the development of an expert system. The system may be used to assist controllers by providing them with feasible options in guiding each aircraft in the control area to its desired destination

    Evolution of Clusters of Galaxies: Mass Stripping from Galaxies and Growth of Common Halos

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    We investigated the evolution of clusters of galaxies using self-consistent NN-body simulations in which each galaxy was modeled by many particles. We carried out simulations for about 20 cases using different initial conditions. In all simulations, clusters were initially in virial equilibrium. We found that more than half of the total mass escaped from individual galaxies within a few crossing times of the cluster, and that a diffuse halo was formed. The growth rate of the common halo depended on the size of individual galaxies only weakly. The stripping of the mass from galaxies was mainly due to the interaction of galaxies, not due to the effect of the tidal field of the cluster potential. The amount of stripped mass was larger for galaxies in the central region than for those in the outer region, since the interactions were more frequent in the central region. As a result, a positive correlation between the distance from the center and the mass of the galaxy developed. The volume-density profile of the common halo is expressed as ρr1\rho\propto r^{-1} in the central region. This mass distribution is consistent with the mass distribution in clusters estimated using X-ray observations.Comment: 12 pages with 12 figures; accepted for publication in PAS

    Frontier in the Far East: George H. Kerr’s historical narrative of the Ryukyu Islands

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    George H. Kerr (1911–1992) is an American historian who authored Ryukyu: Kingdom and Province before 1945 (Kerr 1953a), the sole general history of theislands in English; he was also a Taiwan specialist in the military and government whose book won him the reputation as the ‘father of Taiwanese independence’ (Lu 2006). He rearranged fragmented memory and recorded it in such a way as to justify a separate people, the Ryukyuans or the Taiwanese, from the nation-state to which they may belong—Japan or China—so that the United States could strategically exploit their home islands. While mainly focusing on Kerr in the Ryukyus and unveiling the process of his writing, this paper offers a bridge to Kerr in Taiwan and addresses the question of a common interpretive framework underneath his historical narratives.   Keywords: Cold War, historiography, politics of collective memory, Ryukyu (Okinawa), Taiwan (Formosa

    A Numerical Study on Assessing Sustainable Development with Future Genuine Savings Simulation

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    This paper presents a numerical examination of sustainability from the perspective of "Genuine Savings," using a data set provided by the World Bank. Unlike previously-used criteria of sustainability that focuses on observed paths of genuine savings rates, we consider future sustainability by simulating future paths of genuine savings. This analysis shows that some countries that had been classified as being sustainable by previous studies, using observed paths, are, in fact, not sustainable from the perspective of future sustainability. We provide information on capital components which should be targeted by policymakers in order to maintain future sustainability.

    The effects of non-assertion of patents provisions: R&D incentives in vertical relationships

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    Using a simple downstream duopoly model with vertical relations and downstream R&D, we investigate the effect of non-assertion of patents (NAP) provisions. A monopoly upstream firm decides whether to employ NAP provisions. If it does so, it freely incorporates the R&D outcomes into its inputs. Incorporation improves the efficiency of the downstream firms' production. We have interpreted the introduction of NAP provisions as a source of technology spillover. Using the technologies of two downstream firms is optimal for the upstream firm if and only if the degree of technology spillover is small. In addition, if the ex ante cost difference between the downstream firms is significant, such technology spillovers erode both the profit of the efficient downstream firm and social welfare. We interpret our result in the context of an actual antitrust case related to this model.

    倫理的消費の経験と態度 ─婚姻の有無・職業による検討─

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    In recent consumer behavior, it is interesting in ethical consumption which is aiming for earthquake disaster reconstruction assistance and poverty support, for example, cause related marketing and support consumption. The purpose of this study is to examine that the marriage and the occupation influence ethical consumption. This study used the questionnaire data of 800 men and women in their 20s to 60s. The results show that the people who are married, particularly in the men, increase ethical consumption, but donʼt increase the attitude in the women. And the results show the self-employed increase the attitude of ethical consumption, but housewife, temporary employees, contract employees, and regular employees donʼt increase. It is reasonable to suppose that the attitude of ethical consumption is different in the cluster of consumers