5 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Populasi Wereng Hijau dan Predatornya pada Beberapa Varietas Padi

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    The population of green leafhopper Nephotettix sp. from seedling until to the end of the vegetative phase needs to be controlled to avoid the incidence of tungro. Integrated pest management based on bioecological management of natural enemies has the potential to sustainable agroecosystems. The purpose of the study was to find out the population dynamics of green leafhopper and various species of predators on several rice varieties. Field study was conducted in a rainy season of 2013 at The Tungro Disease Research Station (Tundres), Lanrang, South Sulawesi. Observational methods were used to study development of the green leafhoppers population and their predators in five rice varieties: Inpari 4, Inpari 7, Inpari 9, IR 64, and TN1. The results showed that the population density of green leafhoppers increased during the vegetative stage and decreased in the generative stage. It was not affected by the resistance of varieties. Generally, the predators population density did not follow their prey. Shannon-Wienner (H') diversity index of predators showed up to 0.91. It suggested that identifying predator functional traits improve opportunities of the practice of conservation biological control. INTISARIPopulasi wereng hijau Nephotettix sp. sejak persemaian hingga akhir fase vegetatif perlu dipantau dan dikendalikan untuk menghindari dan menekan insidensi tungro. Pengendalian hama terpadu yang berbasis bioekologi dengan menekan penggunaan pestisida, kesesuaian varietas dan pengelolaan musuh alami mempunyai potensi dalam membangun agroekosistem yang berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola perkembangan populasi wereng hijau dan berbagai jenis predatornya pada beberapa varietas padi sehingga menjadi informasi penting dalam penentuan jenis dan proporsi varietas, pemantauan kepadatan populasi wereng hijau dalam kaitannya dengan insidensi tungro. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kebun percobaan Loka Penelitian Penyakit Tungro, Lanrang, Sulawesi Selatan pada musim hujan 2013, dengan mengunakan metode observasi untuk mengetahui keberadaan dan perkembangan populasi wereng hijau dan predatornya pada lima varietas padi yang berbeda umur (kegenjahan) dan ketahanannya terhadap wereng hijau, yaitu Inpari 4, Inpari 7, Inpari 9, IR 64, TN1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola populasi wereng hijau meningkat selama fase vegetatif (tiga hingga enam MST) dan menurun pada fase generatif (tujuh hingga delapan MST). Tingkat kepadatan populasi wereng hijau tidak dipengaruhi oleh ketahanan varietas. Secara umum, pola fluktuasi kepadatan populasi predator tidak mengikuti pola fluktuasi kepadatan populasi wereng hijau di setiap varietas. Berdasarkan nilai indeks Shannon-wiener, keragaman predator berada diatas nilai indek 0,91 menunjukkan peluang konservasi musuh alami dalam pengendalian biologis dengan memfokuskan identifikasi tanggap fungsional predator terhadap hama sasaran

    Bio-ecology of Slender Black Rice Bug, Paraeucosmetus pallicornis in South Sulawesi

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    A study on the bio-ecology of slender black rice bug, Paraeucosmetus pallicornis, was conducted in the research farm of Lolit Tungro, Lanrang, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This pest is considered as new rice pest, attacking rice plant especially during generative stage. This pest inserts its stylet and then sucks the sap of the developing rice grain. Light trap was used  to catch this pest. Yellow sticky trap and pitfall trap were used to determine the insect population and to find out when the pest infests the plant. Fifteen yellow sticky traps were set diagonally on rice field, and 10 pitfall traps were placed on the ground. The traps were placed on three plots as replication. On the first week of the study, it was found that the number of captured insects from the light trap during harvesting was 193. On the 2nd to 4th weeks, during fallow stubble, the captured insects were 135 -740. In the early of May, the field started to be ploughed as preparation for the next planting season. As the result,  the number of insects captured decreased to 53 – 152 insects. The 2013 planting season was started in June. During this period, the bugs captured were only 1 – 3. This indicates that the bugs have already moved or migrated out of the rice field. The average number of eggs laid were 53.3 (1 pair), 124.8 (2 pairs), 142.5 (3 pairs), 202.3 (4 pairs), and 284 (5 pairs) and the average of hatch rate was 29.9%. The damaged rice grain was 38% grains/panicle (ranged 24.2-57.4%). This level of damage indicates that the P. pallicornis contributes to the reduction of  rice yield. Keywords: Paraeucosmetus pallicornis, rice pes

    Pengaruh Eradikasi Gulma terhadap Perkembangan Populasi Wereng Hijau dan Kejadian Penyakit Tungro pada Padi

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    Tungro is one of the important diseases in rice that is still a constraint to increased productivity. Tungro disease caused by a tungro viruses that is transmitted by green leafhoppers in a semi persistent manner. The presence of weeds can cause yield losses of rice and is a potential host plant of tungro viruses. Eradication of weeds is an attempt to eliminate the source of inoculum of tungro viruses. The research objective was to determine the effect of weed eradication on the development of green leafhopper population and the incidence of tungro disease. The study was conducted in an experimental field of Tungro Disease Research Station, Lanrang Village, Sidenreng Rappang District, South Sulawesi at rainy season and dry season 2014. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with 8 eradication treatments and 4 replications. The parameters include the observation of weed species that grow in each plot and embankment planting, green leafhopper population density and the number of infected plants by tungro viruses. Observations in the planting is done at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks after planting (WAP). The observations of weeds and green leafhopper population was also conducted on the field before eradication. The results showed that the weeds potential as a source of inoculum were Cyperus rotundus, C. iria, Fimbristylis miliacea, and E. colonum. Eradication of weeds before and after planting through both mechanical and herbicide applications tended to suppress the green leafhopper populations and tungro disease incidence

    Dynamics of weeds and main pests in different rice planting systems supplemented with biodecomposer

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    Biodecomposers are used as an alternative in pest and weed management by utilizing antagonistic microbes. This study aimed to identify the optimal treatment for suppressing weed growth and controlling the main rice pests, promoting environmentally friendly agricultural practices. Observations were made on three phases of rice growth on land that used biodecomposer and did not use biodecomposer. Weed sampling used a quadrant, which represents each treatment. All weeds were analyzed for density and summed dominance ratio. Pests were observed from the sweep net method. Pests were analyzed with the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’). Ten species of weeds are found; the most common and dominant was Cyperus difformis, while the least were Ipomoea aquatica and Ludwigia octovalvis. There were seven pest species; the most common was Nephothettix virescens, while the least was Valanga nigricornis. Using bio-decomposers combined with a two-row planting system was effective in suppressing the development of weeds and pests with a decreasing trend as the rice growing phase increases. Biodecomposers are environmentally friendly even though the process is slow, and have the potential to reduce weeds and pests.Keywords: biodecomposers, Jarwo 2:1, Tegel, trichoderm

    Petunjuk Teknis Pengendalian Tungro Terpadu Secara Alamiah, Konservasi Musuh Alami, dan Varietas Unggul Padi Tahan Tungro

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    Dalam buku ini dijelaskan tentang pengendalian penyakit tungro pada tanaman padi. Penjelasannya meliputi pengenalan penyakit tungro dan wereng hijau; 9 tahapan pengendalian penyakit tungro dengan teknik konservasi musuh alami mulai dari tahap mengolah lahan pertama 3 minggu sebelum tanam, penggunaan varietas tahan tungro hingga pengeturan ketersediaan air; deskripsi varietas tahan tungro; serta peta tingkat virulensi dan kesesuaian varietas tahan tungro pada tanaman padi di Indonesia tahun 2014.vi, 30 hlm.; ilus.: 22 c