818 research outputs found

    The process orientation. The roots and scale of use in the world

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    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję orientacji procesowej oraz jej popularność i zastosowanie w różnych regionach świata. Materiał do opracowania stanowią źródła literaturowe, szczególnie te przygotowywane w ośrodkach naukowych, które zajmują się badaniami nad rozwojem orientacji procesowej, takich jak: Aalborg University, Graz University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Queensland University of Technology, University of Potsdam , University of Innsbruck, Institute of Databases and Information Systems, Ulm University, Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, oraz raporty takich firm, jak: Capgemini, Gartner, BPM&O Akademie, BPtrends. Studia literaturowe zostały wzbogacone przez analizy wykonane przy wykorzystaniu narzędzia analitycznego Google Trends.The following paper provides an overview of the concept of the process orientation and its popularity and use in the different regions of the world. The main methods to collect the information was desk research of scientific papers, reports or research data an results from scientific institutions around the world, particularly those that do research on the process orientation, such as: Aalborg University, Graz University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Queensland University of Technology, University of Potsdam, University of Innsbruck, Institute of Databases and Information Systems, Ulm University, Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology and companies such as Capgemini, Gartner, BPM & O Academy, BPtrends. Literature studies have been enriched by the analysis made using analytic tools Google Trends

    It\u27s All In How You Look At It

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    Improvement of the risk management in an organization hierarchized in the context of sustainability

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    Purpose: The goal of the research is to identify the critical variables for improvement of the risk management in an hierarchized organization in the context of the implementation of the sustainability concept. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research was conducted in 100 organizations organized and represented by the Prison Service in the area of expertise of the District Inspectorate of the Prison Service in Warsaw. The study was attended by officers of different levels of command and decision-making, who were serving or still are serving in prisons and pre-trial detention centers. The methods used are: document research method, diagnostic survey method, observation method, and CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviews). Findings: As a result of the study it was specified that the main condition for improving risk management is to concentrate the organization on realizing economic, social and environmental goals and striving to increase efficiency in these three areas. Results of the study showed that the maturity level of the researched organizations in the area of risk management is insufficient, however has a growing tendency. It has been noted that the awareness level in the area of risk management and analysis is low even though the researched institutions are endangered by inside and outside threats. Practical Implications: Identified critical variables for improving risk management in the Penitentiary Service in the context of implementing the concept of sustainable development will contribute to improving internal security in penitentiary units. Identification of internal and external threats and the right approach to risk management is a key determinant of improving organization security. Originality/Value: Risk management is still an actual and important trend in research, because it contributes to improvement of effectiveness and realizing goals of the organization, increasing awareness in need of action, identification and proceeding with risk, identification of chances and threats in the organization, fulfilling legal requirements and improvement of voluntary reports. It is especially important to analyze this matter in the Penitentiary Service as an institution endangered by a whole variety of inside and outside threatspeer-reviewe

    Investigation of vibro-acoustic properties of modern lathe collet chuck

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    Manufacturing industry has been attempting to attain the required cutting performance in order to achieve high precision, fast productivity and lower maintenance costs. Vibrations generated during machining can be a serious problem degrading component quality, precision, tool service life, lathe performance and cutting rates. This paper is concerned with analysis of cutting process by using modal testing. Static and dynamic deformations of lathe collet chuck have a significant impact on cutting process stability, which affects workpiece quality and production output. Modal analysis was applied to develop a mathematical model of chucks dynamics, which consist of a number of mode shapes each with natural frequency and modal damping. Modal analysis and experimental measurements were performed on a collet chuck of CNC lathe installed in metal working company UAB “Stevila”

    The efficiency of the modern organization as a result of the process of management by value

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    Współczesny pracownik nie oczekuje już tylko satysfakcjonującego wynagrodzenia i poczucia bezpieczeństwa pracy, ale także szansy dla rozwoju i samorealizacji. Zaspokojenie tych potrzeb wymaga od menedżerów, by stworzyć niepowtarzalne warunki pracy. Sposobem aby tak się stało jest wdrożenie przez menadżerów zarządzania przez wartości, które przyniosą wymierne rezultaty tylko, wtedy jeśli angażuje pracowników w aktywny sposób.The contemporary employee no longer expects only satisfying remuneration and a sense of job security, but also an opportunity for development and self-realization in a company. Satisfying such needs requires managers to create a unique workplace. The way to make it happen is the implementation of managing by values that will only yield rational results, however, if performed through a thought-out process that involves employees in an active manner. Starting from a accurate diagnosis of the environment, through workshops, all the way to implementation and constant improvement, the process will allow to introduce the organization to a new and more effective management system

    Regional diversification of the effects of support for agricultural producer groups in Poland

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    Celem artykułu jest analiza absorpcji środków finansowych oraz proces powstawania grup producentów rolnych funkcjonujących w warunkach członkostwa Polski w UE w ujęciu regionalnym. Analizowano ich liczbę wg okresów utworzenia, tj. w latach 2004-2013 oraz 2014-2017, rodzaj prowadzonej działalności z podziałem na produkty roślinne i produkty zwierzęce, wypłacone kwoty wsparcia w ramach działania 142 – Grupy Producentów Rolnych [działanie 142] Programu Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich. Określono województwa dominujące na rynku pod względem absorpcji wsparcia oraz stopień koncentracji rynku wykorzystując indeks Herfindahla–Hirschmana [HHI]. W ujęciu regionalnym zaobserwowano zjawisko znacznego zróżnicowania uczestnictwa rolników w procesach integracji poziomej w ramach grup producentów rolnych. Najwięcej grup producentów rolnych powstało na terenie województwa wielkopolskiego, najmniej zaś na terenie województwa małopolskiego, gdzie rolnictwo jest najbardziej rozdrobnione na tle kraju. Wysoka aktywność rolników w tworzeniu grup producentów rolnych implikowała uzyskanie wysokich kwot wsparcia że środków unijnych. Rolnicy z województwa wielkopolskiego, dolnośląskiego oraz opolskiego uzyskali dominującą pozycję na rynku w absorpcji środków pieniężnych w ramach działania 142 PROW pośród rolników z wszystkich województw w Polsce. Łącznie pozyskali blisko połowę całości środków [47%]. Stopień koncentracji rynku w zakresie absorpcji unijnych środków określony za pomocą indeksu Herfindahla–Hirschmana był umiarkowany, wynosił bowiem 1220. Był to więc poziom nie zagrażający procesom konkurencji w aplikowaniu o wsparcie unijne dla grup producentów rolnych.The aim of the article is the analysis of quantitative data describing groups of agricultural producers operating under the conditions of Poland's membership in the EU. Their number was analyzed according to the creation periods, i.e. in the years 2004-2013 and 2014-2017, the type of activity broken down into plant products and animal products, paid out amounts under measure 142 - Agricultural Producers Group [measure 142] of the Rural Development Programme. The voivodship dominating the market in terms of absorption of support and the degree of market concentration were determined using the Herfindahl-Hirschman index [HHI]. In terms of region, the phenomenon of significant diversification of farmers' participation in horizontal integration processes within agri-cultural producer groups was observed. Most groups of agricultural producers were established in the Wielkopolskie voivodship, and the least in the Małopolskie voivodship, where it is the most fragmented in the country. High activity of farmers in establishing agricultural producer groups implied obtaining high amounts of support from EU funds. Farmers from the Wielkopolskie, Dolnośląskie and Opolskie voivodships achieved a dominant position on the market in the absorption of funds as part of the 142 PROW action among all voivodships in Poland. In total, they acquired nearly half of all funds [47%]. The degree of market concentration in terms of absorption of EU funds determined using the Herfindahl-Hirschman index was moderate, as it amounted to 1220. It was therefore a level that did not threaten the competition processes in applying for EU support for agricultural producer groups

    Exploring the Causal Relationship among Green Taxes, Energy Intensity, and Energy Consumption in Nordic Countries: Dumitrescu and Hurlin Causality Approach

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    Improving energy efficiency and minimizing environmental concerns through environmen tal laws and green taxes are regarded as the primary motivating factors of climate change policy. This analysis clarifies the significance of green taxes in lowering energy use and intensity from 1994 to 2020. As part of our contribution to the literature on energy economics, this study examines how green taxes interact with energy intensity and consumption in four Nordic nations. Environmental policies and sustainable development goals (SDGs) are driving new research into the effects of green taxes on energy consumption and intensity. According to the outcomes of fully modified ordinary least square (FMOLS), panel dynamic ordinary least square (PDOLS), and panel quantile regression, a green tax helps to reduce total energy consumption. It increases energy efficiency by motivating governments, companies, and citizens to encourage innovation in environment-related technology. When it comes to creating a more sustainable environment, the study argues that regulations that ensure the displacement of non-renewable resources while increasing energy efficacy should be implemented

    Skala oraz determinanty stosowania systemowego zarządzania w Polsce na tle wybranych krajów Unii Europejskiej, USA, Australii oraz Nowej Zelandii

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    The system management, that includes some of: quality and environmental management systems is in the recent years, very popular and these systems are the most deployed in the world. Therefore, the article focuses on the presentation of the scale deployment of these systems. Results and themes of implementing the quality and environment management systems in enterprises in Poland, the USA, Australia and New Zealand were also presented. When the certified quality management system according to ISO 9001 is concerned one could see the downward trend, which may be caused by the fact that organizations often seek alternatives that are more appropriate to profile of their activities. The literature identified more than 50 industry-specific quality management systems and alternatives. In addition, one can specify another reason why falling popularity implementation of management systems according to the requirements of iSo 9001, which requires continuous improvement tools, but does not provide for continuous monitoring, According to the data contained in the report ISO Survey 2012, interest in certification of environmental management systems is the prospect for future development in the coming years due to the growing popularity and promotion of environmental protection among international organizations and local governmentsSystemowe zarządzanie, którego jednymi z najważniejszych elementów są systemy zarządzania jakością oraz środowiskiem, jest w ostatnich latach bardzo popularne, a wymienione systemy należą do najczęściej wdrażanych na świecie. Dlatego też w artykule skupiono się na przedstawieniu skali wdrażania tych systemów. W artykule przedstawiono efekty oraz korzyści wdrażania systemów zarządzania jakością i środowiskiem w przedsiębiorstwach w Polsce, USA, Australii oraz Nowej Zelandii. Liczba wdrożonych i certyfikowanych systemów zarządzania jakością według normy ISO 9001 wskazuje na tendencję malejącą, czego przyczyną może być fakt, iż organizacje często poszukują rozwiązań alternatywnych, które bardziej odpowiadają profilowi ich działalności. W literaturze można zidentyfikować ponad 50 systemów zarządzania jakością branżowych i alternatywnych. Ponadto można wskazać drugi powód, dla którego spada popularność wdrażania systemów zarządzania według wymagań standardu ISO 9001, standard ten wymaga ciągłego doskonalenia, lecz nie daje narzędzi do ciągłego monitorowania. Według danych zawartych w raporcie ISO Survey 2012, zainteresowanie certyfikacją systemów zarządzania środowiskiem stanowi perspektywę rozwojową w najbliższych latach w związku z rosnącą popularnością i promowaniem ochrony środowiska wśród organizacji międzynarodowych oraz rządów lokalnyc

    Žiupsnelis prisiminimų apie paskutines J. Jablonskio gyvenimo ir darbo dienas

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    Evaluation of perception of accountant`s role at the enterprise in Latvia and Lithuania

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    The development of an accountant`s profession is quite a widespread subject in scientists` researches in different countries. It topicality has especially been underlined recently in connection with international conditions affecting the above profession, for example, Framework for International Education Standards for Professional Accountants and Aspiring Accountants (2015). This refers to the need of the investigation of accountant’s role at the enterprise. Following the research methodology carried out at Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) in 2016 to find out the students' point of view as regards the accountants` role in Estonian enterprises has been aggregated in Latvia and Lithuania. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the perception of accountant’s role at the enterprise and the skills required for the profession in Latvia and in Lithuania. A questionnaire-based study among practicing accountants working in Latvian and Lithuanian enterprises and students of the accounting study program at both the University of Latvia and University of Vilnius was used. The study is based on the hypothesis that on these issues the views of accountants – practitioners as to the role of accountants in an enterprise, the scope and character of their daily work functions as well as the necessary knowledge and skills are different from those of students. The conclusions made at the end of this research regarding the connection of the survey data with the knowledge and skills accounting students will gain at completing the university study program allowed us to identify the directions for improvement in accounting study programs.peer-reviewe