458 research outputs found


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    BP LNG Tangguh adalah salah satu Multi National Corporation yang saat ini melakukan kegiatan ekplorasi gas alam cair (liquid natural gas) di Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni Provinsi Papua Barat. Kehadiran BP LNG Tangguh di Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni terhitung sejak tahun 2002 hingga saat ini. Kampung Tanah Merah adalah salah satu dari beberapa kampung di Teluk Bintuni yang terkena dampak dari kegiatan operasional BP LNG Tangguh karena areal tersebut dijadikan sebagai lokasi pembangunan kilang gas. Pembangunan kilang gas alam cair di areal Kampung Tanah Merah menjadi salah satu alasan kunci bagi BP Tangguh untuk merelokasi warga Tanah Merah dari kampung mereka ke lokasi baru yang dipilih. Pemilihan lokasi bagi masyarakat Tanah Merah dilakukan berdasarkan persetujuan dari berbagai pihak dengan menentukan lokasi seluas 200 Ha disebelah Kali Saengga yang merupakan wilayah Kampung Saengga. BP Tangguh memfasilitasi semua proses perpindahan penduduk mulai dari pembangunan pemukiman, sarana pra sarana dan memfasilitasi proses perpindahannya. Perpindahan masyarakat Tanah Merah dari kampung lama ke kampung baru tentunya menimbulkan permasalahan dimana lokasi yang dipilih tidak memiliki potensi baik lahan pertanian maupun areal melaut bagi masyarakat. Masyarakat mengalami perubahan pada kondisi sosial ekonomi karena sebelum direlokasi mereka bekerja sebagai nelayan penangkap udang dengan penghasilan yang sangat cukup bagi mereka. Setelah dipindahkan ke kampung baru mereka tidak lagi dapat menangkap udang namun mereka dipaksa bekerja sebagai petani. Kondisi tanah dan luasan lahan yang disediakan untuk lokasi pertanian tidak memadai sehingga tidak memberikan hasil pertanian yang baik bagi masyarakat. Masyarakat tidak dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan pekerjaan sebagai petani dan sebagai akibatnya mereka mengalami penurunan tingkat pendapatan


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      RESUMENEl álbum ilustrado es uno de los principales materiales impresos a los que acceden los niños y las niñas en sus primeras etapas del aprendizaje. Al ser una manifestación literaria en la que el texto y las ilustraciones tienen la misma entidad, es instrumento de educación literaria, artística, y también social, por su potencial para introducir a los niños y las niñas en el imaginario propio de una sociedad. De ahí su importancia como agente educativo en tres niveles: literario, artístico y social. En este trabajo exploraremos cómo cumple esas tres funciones el álbum Mamá, de Mariana Ruiz Johnson.Palabras clave: álbum ilustrado; maternidad; educación artística; roles de género; educación literaria.


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    Kapitalisme adalah satu pola pandang manusia terhadap kegiatan ekonomi, yang mana pertumbuhannya tidak selalu menuju kearah positif seperti yang bayangkan oleh kebanyakan orang. Kritik terhadap keberadaan kapitalis sebagai bentuk penindasan terhadap masyarakat kelas bawah adalah salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan aliran ini dikritik. Namun, tidak hanya kritik yang mengancam kapitalisme, tetapi juga ideologi lain yang ingin menghilangkannya, seperti komunisme.Kapitalisme atau Capital adalah suatu paham yang percaya bahwa pemilik modal dapat melakukan upaya untuk mencapai keuntungan yang maksimal. Prinsip yang paling mendasar adalah bahwa pemerintah tidak bisa campur tangan dalam rangka untuk mencapai pasar bersama-sama, namun intervensi pemerintah hanya akan membuat keuntungan besar bagi kepentingan pribadi.  Oleh sebab itu kapitalisme tidak benar-benar memiliki definisi universal yang bisa diterima secara luas.Kata Kunci : Globalisasi, Kemiskinan, Gramsc

    Building a New Understanding of Changing Patterns of Community Interaction, Social Behavior, and Conflicts of Interest: A Theoretical Study

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    This theoretical study focuses on developing new understandings of changing patterns of community interaction, social behaviour, and conflicts of interest. This topic is important to study because changes in social interaction and conflicts of interest can have a significant impact on the structure and functioning of society. The methods used in this study include in-depth literature analysis by analyzing various relevant sources and theories. This research also provides observation and interpretation of social phenomena that develop in digital society. The results of this study are expected to provide a deeper understanding of how patterns of social interaction and conflicts of interest develop and change over time, as well as their impact on society. This knowledge is important to assist policymakers and practitioners in understanding and responding effectively to these changes.Keywords: changes in community interaction patterns, social behavior, conflicts of interest, theoretical studies, literature analysis.

    Le phonème face à la théorie du langage de J. R. Firth

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    La position singulière de Firth face au phonème laisse entrevoir une théorie du langage alors naissante. Elle repose sur sa formation universitaire, son expérience en Asie et des concepts déjà muris, comme celui du contexte, hérité de Malinowski. Afin de palier ce qu’il considère être les défauts du phonème, il a développé certains aspects de sa théorie linguistique (la phonesthésie, notamment) et une logique centrale qui allait caractériser sa pensée. De là est née une théorie complète et autonome du langage connue sous le nom de Théorie contextuelle du sens, caractéristique d’une école de pensée autonome, l’Ecole de Londres de linguistique générale, qui devait influencer plusieurs générations de linguistes britanniques.Firth’s idiosyncratic reaction to the phoneme sheds light on his then emerging theory of language. It stemmed largely from his academic formation, his experience in Asia and already matured concepts, such as that of context of situation inherited from Malinowski. This led to the constitution of a comprehensive theory of language known as the Contextual theory of meaning. It eventually resulted in the creation of an independent school of thinking, the London School of Linguistics, that was to influence many generations of British linguists to come

    Inner Triplet Corrector Package MQSXA for the LHC

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    The eight Inner Triplets of the LHC will each house a combined corrector magnet assembly, MQSXA, which comprises a skew quadrupole (MQSX) in line with nested skew octupole (MCOSX), octupole (MCOX), and skew sextupole (MCSSX) windings. These superconducting single-aperture magnet assemblies have a bore of 70 mm diameter, and the complete MQSXA assemblies are 530 mm long, have an outer diameter of 180 mm and an approximate mass of 90 kg. In the Inner Triplets the MQSXA assemblies are flanged to the end plate of the high gradient quadrupoles (MQX). This paper presents the main design features of the MQSXA and the experience gained with the prototype of the nested part of this magnet assembly, which has been built at CERN. The results of the training tests at 4.3 K and 1.9 K together with the cold magnetic measurements are given

    Targeting Receptor-Type Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases with Biotherapeutics: Is Outside-in Better than Inside-Out?

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    Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), of the receptor and non-receptor classes, are key signaling molecules that play critical roles in cellular regulation underlying diverse physiological events. Aberrant signaling as a result of genetic mutation or altered expression levels has been associated with several diseases and treatment via pharmacological intervention at the level of PTPs has been widely explored; however, the challenges associated with development of small molecule phosphatase inhibitors targeting the intracellular phosphatase domain (the “inside-out” approach) have been well documented and as yet there are no clinically approved drugs targeting these enzymes. The alternative approach of targeting receptor PTPs with biotherapeutic agents (such as monoclonal antibodies or engineered fusion proteins; the “outside-in” approach) that interact with the extracellular ectodomain offers many advantages, and there have been a number of exciting recent developments in this field. Here we provide a brief overview of the receptor PTP family and an update on the emerging area of receptor PTP-targeted biotherapeutics for CD148, vascular endothelial-protein tyrosine phosphatase (VE-PTP), receptor-type PTPs σ, γ, ζ (RPTPσ, RPTPγ, RPTPζ) and CD45, and discussion of future potential in this area

    Plaza de la Sinagoga en el centro histórico de Onda

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    The idea was designed from an inclusive perspective, to improve the quality of life of people in the neighborhood. The project tries to reconnect the different levels of the place, building a floor with a continuous paving of anti-slipping stone as an adaptation of the traditional paving system. The connections with the streets are solved with soft ramps and with stairs of small height, to facilitate the daily displacements of the elderly people. The historical Valencia Street had been lost when the archaeological area was opened up and is connected from the historical center. A large wooden platform that adapts to the natural topography with steps, recovers this historic access road. The floating plaza is a continuity of the public space of the surrounding streets, which overflies the archaeological space. A floating pavement of iroko wood slats, with details of handcrafted placement, on a steel structure that allows it to adapt to the topography. An urban space made of wood promotes the tactile sensation of small scale in urban spaces.La premisa inicial del proyecto fue dual al tener que realizar un proyecto de regeneración urbana, tratándolo con una perspectiva inclusiva para mejorar la calidad de vida de gente del barrio, y poner en valor los hallazgos arqueológicos de época andalusí (S.X-XII) y época cristiana (S.XIII-XV). El proyecto se centra además en reconectar los diferentes niveles del espacio urbano incluyendo un pavimento continuo de piedra adaptando el sistema de pavimentación tradicional local. Las conexiones con las calles se resuelven con rampas suaves y con peldaños reducidos para facilitar los desplazamientos diarios de los peatones.Peer Reviewe


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    In the mountainous regions of Papua, there is a system of warty leadership (big people) or influential people in a group. This leadership style certainly impacts policy making, which is sometimes not done in the appropriate planning mechanism. The Assolokobal community is one of the many local communities in the Jayawijaya Regency that adheres to the typology of influential community leaders of this kind of leadership style so that it has an impact on their lives, especially access to development programs. This research examined how the role/type of traditional leadership of these influential people affects community participation in development in the Jayawijaya Regency, especially in the Assolokobal community