657 research outputs found

    Posterior composite restoration update: focus on factors influencing form and function

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    Restoring posterior teeth with resin-based composite materials continues to gain popularity among clinicians, and the demand for such aesthetic restorations is increasing. Indeed, the most common aesthetic alternative to dental amalgam is resin composite. Moderate to large posterior composite restorations, however, have higher failure rates, more recurrent caries, and increased frequency of replacement. Investigators across the globe are researching new materials and techniques that will improve the clinical performance, handling characteristics, and mechanical and physical properties of composite resin restorative materials. Despite such attention, large to moderate posterior composite restorations continue to have a clinical lifetime that is approximately one-half that of the dental amalgam. While there are numerous recommendations regarding preparation design, restoration placement, and polymerization technique, current research indicates that restoration longevity depends on several variables that may be difficult for the dentist to control. These variables include the patient's caries risk, tooth position, patient habits, number of restored surfaces, the quality of the tooth–restoration bond, and the ability of the restorative material to produce a sealed tooth–restoration interface. Although clinicians tend to focus on tooth form when evaluating the success and failure of posterior composite restorations, the emphasis must remain on advancing our understanding of the clinical variables that impact the formation of a durable seal at the restoration–tooth interface. This paper presents an update of existing technology and underscores the mechanisms that negatively impact the durability of posterior composite restorations in permanent teeth

    IL10-driven STAT3 signalling in senescent macrophages promotes pathological eye angiogenesis

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    Macrophage dysfunction plays a pivotal role during neovascular proliferation in diseases of ageing including cancers, atherosclerosis and blinding eye disease. In the eye, choroidal neovascularization (CNV) causes blindness in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Here we report that increased IL10, not IL4 or IL13, in senescent eyes activates STAT3 signalling that induces the alternative activation of macrophages and vascular proliferation. Targeted inhibition of both IL10 receptor-mediated signalling and STAT3 activation in macrophages reverses the ageing phenotype. In addition, adoptive transfer of STAT3-deficient macrophages into eyes of old mice significantly reduces the amount of CNV. Systemic and CD163(+) eye macrophages obtained from AMD patients also demonstrate STAT3 activation. Our studies demonstrate that impaired SOCS3 feedback leads to permissive IL10/STAT3 signalling that promotes alternative macrophage activation and pathological neovascularization. These findings have significant implications for our understanding of the pathobiology of age-associated diseases and may guide targeted immunotherapy

    Allozymic and chromosomal similarity in two Drosophila species.

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    Physical Modelling and Similitude of Air Bubble Entrainment at Vertical Circular Plunging Jets

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    When a plunging jet impinges into a pool of liquid, air bubble entrainment takes place if the inflow velocity exceeds a threshold velocity. This study investigates air entrainment and bubble dispersion in the developing flow region of vertical circular plunging jets. Three scale models were used and detailed air-water measurements (void fraction, bubble count rate, bubble sizes) were performed systematically for identical inflow Froude numbers. The results highlight that the modelling of plunging jet based upon a Froude similitude is affected by significant scale effects when the approach flow conditions satisfied We1 1E+3. Bubble chord time measurements showed pseudo-chord sizes of entrained bubbles ranging from less than 0.5 mm to more than 10 mm with an average pseudo-chord size were between 4 and 9 mm. However bubble size data could not be scaled properly

    Anévrismes de l’aorte abdominale sous-rénale rompus: aspects chirurgicaux à Dakar: à propos de 6 observations

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    La rupture des anévrismes de l'aorte est une situation catastrophique. La chirurgie ouverte et le traitement endovasculaire sont débattus comme option. Dans cette étude sont évaluées les modalités du traitement chirurgical et ses résultats sur 6 malades opérés pour rupture d'un anévrysme de l'aorte abdominale sous-rénale. Dans 4 cas, il s'agissait d'une « rupture contenue » dans le péritoine pariétal postérieur, avec un hématome péri vertébral. Dans les 2 autres cas, il s'agissait d'une rupture en péritoine libre. Tous les malades avaient bénéficié après contrôle de l'hémostase d'une mise à plat de l'anévrisme suivie de greffe d'une prothèse aortique. Des complications précoces étaient notées chez 2 patients à type d'insuffisance rénale aigue et de poussée hypertensive. La mortalité opératoire était de 16,66%. La morbi-motalité des anévrismes rompus de l'aorte abdominale est particulièrement élevée, d'où la nécessité d'un dépistage précoce des patients à risque et l'introduction de la chirurgie endovasculaire

    The relationship between serum vitamin D level and premenstrual syndrome in Iranian women

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    Background: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is among the most unfavorable problems in women in reproductive age; however its pathophysiology is still not fully confirmed. Vitamin D as an immunomodulator could prevent inflammatory state before and during menstruation. Objective: The aim was to investigate whether there is any relationship between serum vitamin D levels and PMS. Materials and Methods: In total, 82 women participate in this case-control study which was conducted in Shahid Akbar-abadi hospital from November 2013 to March 2015. Categorization was based on an Iranian version of the premenstrual symptoms screening tool (PSST). Levels of 25 hydroxy-vitamin D3 (25OHD) were determined by using 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA kit in luteal phase. Characteristics of participants and vitamin D levels were compared between two groups by using independent sample t-test. Results: Menarche age of women with PMS was significantly lower than normal women (p=0.04). Body mass index was not statistically different between groups. We observed a high rate of vitamin D deficiency and also its severe deficiency in both PMS and non-PMS groups. However, our study demonstrated no significant difference in the levels of serum 25OHD between the two groups. Conclusion: It seems there is no association between PMS and serum levels of vitamin D3; however, the high rate of vitamin D deficiency among young Iranian women emerges special health care considerations in this group. � 2016, Research and Clinical Center for Infertitlity. All rights reserved