84 research outputs found

    Does institutional quality affect the level of entrepreneurial success differently across the entrepreneurship distribution?

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    The phenomenon of entrepreneurship has driven much of the attention of academics, practitioners and policy makers. A correct and deep understanding of all the different conditions affecting entrepreneurship rates will advance in the establishment of useful measures that increase entrepreneurial success. The vast majority of the literature on the effect of institutional quality on entrepreneurship has been investigated based on average effects. However, how the impact of institutional quality on the level of entrepreneurship varies with the conditional distribution of entrepreneurship is still poorly understood. The present study attempts to fill the research gaps in this field. In order to examine the impact of institutional quality on entrepreneurship at different entrepreneurship levels, the fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis approach is employed. Results show that entrepreneurial success is determined by the combination of the following conditions of institutional quality: voice accountability, political stability, regulatory quality and rule of law. Implications and future research directions are discussed. It would be interesting to analyze in future studies the motivation to become an entrepreneur, both theoretically and empirically, differentiating between opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship

    Environmental discourse in natural disaster scenarios

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    This research analyses crisis communication and intends to compare the content of the messages issued by environmental nongovernmental organisations (N.G.O.s) in the context of natural disasters, to determine the way in which they manage communication in crisis situations. This includes the content analysis of messages posted on the social network Twitter in 2017, during the course of hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, by environmental NGOs

    Las acciones de comunicación, la web 2.0 y la actividad promocional

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    This research addresses an understudied area of knowledge in Academia: the communication actions, Web 2.0 and promotional activities. All these areas have been widely studied separately, but the relationships between them has not been addressed so extensively and from a global perspective.La presente investigación aborda un área de conocimiento poco estudiado en el ámbito académico: las acciones de comunicación, la web 2.0 y la actividad promocional. Si bien es cierto que todas estas áreas han sido estudiadas por separado, no lo han sido tanto respecto a la interacción que se produce entre ellas, ni desde una perspectiva de globalidad

    Towards an Analysis of Daylighting Simulation Software

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    The aim of this article was to assess some of the main lighting software programs habitually used in architecture, subjecting them to a series of trials and analyzing the light distribution obtained in situations with different orientations, dates and geometry. The analysis examines Lightscape 3.2, Desktop Radiance 2.0, Lumen Micro 7.5, Ecotect 5.5 and Dialux 4.4

    CO2 Concentration and Occupants’ Symptoms in Naturally Ventilated Schools in Mediterranean Climate

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    A large part of the school building stock in Andalusia lacks ventilation facilities, so that the air renewal of the classrooms is achieved through the building envelope (air infiltration) or the opening of windows. This research analyses the airtightness of the classrooms in Andalusia and the evolution of CO2 concentration during school hours through in situ monitoring. Pressurization and depressurization tests were performed in 42 classrooms and CO2 concentration was measured in two di erent periods, winter and midseason, to study the impact of the di erent levels of aperture of windows. About 917 students (11–17 years of age) were surveyed on symptoms and e ects on their health. The mean n50 values are about 7 h-1, whereas the average CO2 concentration values are about 1878 ppm, with 42% of the case studies displaying concentrations above 2000 ppm with windows closed

    Método mixto para la determinación del consumo de climatización en viviendas. Aplicación a Andalucía.

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    Energy characterization of the residential building stock is a main objective within the energy efficiency research field. The final-energy consumption profile in households represents the distribution of the actual energy consumed therein. Obtaining this profile from various sources and studies shows major differences depending on the methodology used in each case, when contrasting actual final-energy figures versus prediction based figures. In this research, we focus on the final-energy consumption fraction for household air-conditioning in Andalusia, where the higher cooling demand has become a typical distinctive feature of warm climates. To this end, a new mixed method has been developed as an alternative to other approximations, such as those of the final report of the SECH SPAHOUSEC project. As a result of its application, final-energy consumption in households is obtained by means of the integration of data from various sources: sectorial statistics of energy consumption, statistics of habitual use and domestic equipment or results of energy models simulations, representing the whole residential building stock of Andalusia.La caracterización energética del parque residencial colectivo es un objetivo marcado en el ámbito la investigación sobre eficiencia energética en los edificios. El perfil del consumo de energía final en las viviendas representa una distribución del uso de la energía que realmente se gasta en ellas. La obtención de dicho perfil a partir de distintas fuentes y estudios ofrece una gran dispersión de valores según el enfoque metodológico empleado en cada una de ellos, al confrontarse datos de consumo de energía final real frente a valores basados en estimaciones predictivas. En el presente trabajo se particulariza para el caso de la fracción del consumo energético destinado a la climatización de las viviendas en Andalucía, donde la elevada demanda de refrigeración constituye un elemento diferenciador típico de regiones de clima cálido. Para ello se plantea un nuevo método mixto como alternativa a otras aproximaciones, como las realizadas en el informe final del proyecto SECH SPAHOUSEC

    La utilización de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación y su impacto en la actividad promocional. Un estudio sobre los conceptos de eficacia y eficiencia.

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    La medición del impacto promocional ha sido, en las últimas décadas, un estudio de interés constante para los ejecutivos de marketing y ventas y para los investigadores de mercados, en su intento  por entender la repercusión que tiene la actividad promocional en las ventas y en la lealtad de marca. Las investigaciones coinciden en que existen dos corrientes de  estudio sobre el impacto promocional. Una, toma como medida de análisis al comprador y la otra, toma como medida de análisis la elasticidad de la marca.  En el análisis al comprador se estudian, principalmente, la elección de marca, la incidencia de compra y la cantidad comprada.  En el análisis de la elasticidad de marca se estudian las percepciones del comprador, básicamente, sobre lo atractivo de la promoción, sus percepciones sobre la relación calidad-precio de la marca y el perfil económico de ese consumidor. Las dos corrientes, sin embargo, coinciden en que las mediciones del impacto promocional obedecen, por un lado, a la eficacia y eficiencia de dicha actividad,  y por otro, cómo la utilización de las TIC hacen que la promoción de marca sean eficaz o eficiente o ambas a la vez; éste último precepto se constituye en la finalidad del presente estudio

    Las acciones de comunicación, la web 2.0 y la actividad promocional

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    La presente investigación aborda un área de conocimiento poco estudiado en el ámbito académico: las acciones de comunicación, la web 2.0 y la actividad promocional. Si bien es cierto que todas estas áreas han sido estudiadas por separado, no lo han sido tanto respecto a la interacción que se produce entre ellas, ni desde una perspectiva de globalidad

    The Implementation Of Ict In Education: A Systematic Literature Review

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    [EN] Innovation in education through the use of ICT plays a very important role on human evolution. The use of ICT innovation in education breaks up existing barriers and expands knowledge frontiers, opening the possibility of developing a more skilled labour force once students end their studies. For this to take place, the existence of ICT champions, defined as those who actively promote and foster the use of technology in institutions, and competent teacher training programs are essential so that information is transmitted efficiently to students. The objective of this research is to analyse existing publications related to ICT innovation in education to understand better the impact and benefits on society of the implementation of ICT in education, as well as getting to know the keys to implementing it successfully. The methodology applied is bibliometric analysis, this is a systematic literature review which consists of analysing a large number of papers and extracting relevant conclusions related to the topic. The Web of Science database was used to select the papers to be reviewed. The keywords: Education, Innovation and ICT were combined using the Boolean operator ¿AND¿ to conduct the search. Papers which we considered that best fitted the topic were selected from the Web of Science search result conducted previously.Martínez Climent, C.; Veciana-Belmonte, M.; Botella-Carrubi, D.; Sendra-García, FJ. (2021). The Implementation Of Ict In Education: A Systematic Literature Review. IATED Academy. 1-10. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19065911

    The determinants of social CRM entrepreneurship : An institutional perspective

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    Despite a growing interest in social media adoption by corporations, there is minimal knowledge about the drivers of social customer relationship management (SCRM). This study examines the determinants of SCRM entrepreneurship from an institutional perspective and specifically from the banking sector. Data on 19 banks were obtained from 183 responses to a questionnaire. These data were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) path modeling. The findings show that organizational and technological contexts have a significant positive impact on SCRM entrepreneurship. The results also reveal a significant impact of institutional normative and coercive pressures on SCRM entrepreneurship. The findings of this study provide researchers and practitioners with a deeper understanding of how external institutional pressures and internal organizational and technological contexts can interact to create SCRM entrepreneurship. Furthermore, this study contributes to knowledge about the motivations and methods of SCRM adoption and evaluation