
CO2 Concentration and Occupants’ Symptoms in Naturally Ventilated Schools in Mediterranean Climate


A large part of the school building stock in Andalusia lacks ventilation facilities, so that the air renewal of the classrooms is achieved through the building envelope (air infiltration) or the opening of windows. This research analyses the airtightness of the classrooms in Andalusia and the evolution of CO2 concentration during school hours through in situ monitoring. Pressurization and depressurization tests were performed in 42 classrooms and CO2 concentration was measured in two di erent periods, winter and midseason, to study the impact of the di erent levels of aperture of windows. About 917 students (11–17 years of age) were surveyed on symptoms and e ects on their health. The mean n50 values are about 7 h-1, whereas the average CO2 concentration values are about 1878 ppm, with 42% of the case studies displaying concentrations above 2000 ppm with windows closed

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