13 research outputs found

    Market Potential and Regional Per Capita GRP Differentials : Application of the NEG Model to Indonesian Provinces

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    This study is conducted in order to examine the inter-provincial per capita GRP (Gross Regional Product) disparities in Indonesia under the NEG (New Economic Geography) framework. The coefficient of variation shows that the disparities are decreasing in the period of 1993-1997 and increasing in the period of 1998-2004. On the basis of the disparities trends, those two different periods are examined in our analysis. By utilizing wage equation which developed by Fujita, et al.(1999)we make use of panel data analysis in estimating the role of domestic market access, foreign market access, urbanization and human capital on interprovincial per capita GRP. The findings suggest that domestic market access, foreign market access and human capital play important roles on inter-provincial per capita GRP disparities, while urbanization shows reverse role because of excess of urban labor


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    Dalam kurun 3 tahun terakhir, terjadi beberapa banjir besar di wilayah Kota Manado. Tim Pelaksana PKM dan kedua Mitra yaitu SDN 36 dan SDN 70 menyepakati bahwa harus ada upaya pengendalian banjir dari berbagai pihak untuk menghindari dampak bencana yang ditimbulkan. Sementara, masih rendahnya tingkat pendidikan konservasi dari masyarakat menjadi salah satu kendala menggalang sikap, perilaku, dan partisipasi terkait pengendalian banjir. Pendidikan konservasi tentang pengendalian banjir diperlukan untuk menumbuhkembangkan pemahaman dan kesadaran masyarakat dalam hal ini siswa SD, sebagai generasi penerus bangsa, di bidang pengelolaan lingkungan, memotivasi mereka untuk memecahkan atau mencegah masalah lingkungan tertentu dalam hal ini banjir. Diharapkan melalui PKM ini kelompok siswa SD kedua sekolah (sasaran utama) serta guru dan mahasiswa yang dilibatkan (sasaran tambahan) bertambah pemahamannya tentang masalah banjir dan dapat mempraktekkan tindakan-tindakan praktis pengendalian banjir. PKM dilaksanakan di SDN 36 dan SDN 70 Kelurahan Kleak Kecamatan Malalayang Kotamadya Manado. Pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan dalam beberapa kegiatan sebagai berikut 1) Inventarisasi situasi lingkungan sekolah dan perilaku siswa berkaitan interaksi mereka dengan lingkungan hidup; 2) Penyusunan program bersama mitra; 3)  Penyiapan modul pengajaran, serta persiapan alat dan bahan demonstrasi dan praktek siswa; 4) Pelaksanaan kegiatan penyuluhan dalam bentuk diskusi dan demonstrasi dengan pelibatan kelompok siswa SD secara aktif; dan  5) Penyusunan laporan dan penulisan artikel untuk publikasi ilmiah.Keywords: Pendidikan konservasi, pengendalian banjir, pengelolaan lingkungan, manajemen penanggulangan kebencanaan, tindakan praktis konservasi

    The Determinants of Neighborhood Based Development Policy Implementation in Manado City

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    Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the determination of neighborhood-based development policies in the city of Manado by using a phenomenological qualitative agreement. Data collection techniques are: observation in several Neighborhood, semi-structured in-depth interviews and documents obtained from the Community Empowerment Agency and the Village Government. Data analysts performed through technical analysis of Miles and Huberman. The results of the study show that the determinant of the implementation of the Neighborhood-Based Development policy in Manado City are: 1). Disposition or commitment of the Manado City government that sets policy as a top priority and tends to be weak, 2). The standards and objectives of the policy are too ideal (utopian), very difficult for the implementers to realize, 3). Erroneously setting the allocation of resources on capital expenditure, should be included in goods and services expenditure and implementation of the policy awaiting changes in the regional income and expenditure budget changes in November, 4). Changes in the Central Government's policy, namely Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 32/2011, which has not been anticipated, 5). Communication and socialization have not been carried out systematically, directed 6). The social conditions of the community have not been prepared to support policy implementation. For that reason: 1). The Manado City Government should have a genuine disposition or commitment in implementing a Neighborhood Based Development policy that has been set as a top priority and superior, 2). Policy standards and targets should be measurable and can be implemented, 3). Research in determining the allocation of resources for implementation, 4). Anticipating changes in Central Government policies, 5). Communication and socialization are carried out systematically, directed by broadcasting through print and mass media, 6). The social conditions of the community are carefully prepared, through community meetings, confessions, making brochures, stickers, and policy songs on neighborhood-based development


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    This paper analyzed the regional characteristic and the output growth. Using panel data analysis on 33 provinces in Indonesia, the result shows that the labor growth and net export positively affect the output growth. Surprisingly, the inflation and human capital were found to be insignificant on output growth. Keyword : economic growth, panel data, regional characteristicsJEL Classification: O47, C23, R1

    The Economic Growth and the Regional Characteristics : The Case of Indonesia

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    This paper analyzed the regional characteristic and the output growth. Using panel data analysis on 33 provinces in Indonesia, the result shows that the labor growth and net export positively affect the output growth. Surprisingly, the inflation and human capital were found to be insignificant on output growth.   Keyword : economic growth, panel data, regional characteristics JEL Classification: O47, C23, R1

    Manajemen Kinerja Pegawai Pada Biro Hukum Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    Manajemen kinerja adalah alat pengendalian manajemen perusahaan atau suatu proses yang dilakukan oleh manajer untuk memantau dan mengevaluasi kinerja karyawan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan jumlah informan sebanyak 7 orang menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi melalui 3 indikator penelitian yang diperoleh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan kinerja di Kantor Hukum Sekretariat Sulawesi Utara masih kurang dalam intensitas kerja dan tindakan, serta kinerja dan beberapa program yang tidak terlaksana dengan baik. Sehubungan dengan evaluasi kinerja ini, sangat membantu untuk melihat sejauh mana hasil yang diharapkan sesuai dengan realitas yang ada


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    The purposes of this study were (1) to identify main factors that influence customers in opening current account,'(2) to analyze target market perception about Primagiro Super 9, and (3) to formulate marketing strategy of Primagiro Super 9 at Bank Danamon - Bogor Branch Office for target achievement. This study was done using case-study method within four months. Results of study are exclusively for Primagiro Super 9 marketing issue in Bank Danamon – Bogor Branch Office. The primary data were collected by interviewing Bank Danarnon top managers and customers based on questionnaires. The secondary data were collected mostly from company files and also centers of business data. Analysis tools were STP, marketing mix, marketing values, External and Internal Evaluation Matrix (EFE and IFE), Internal - External Matrix, TOWS Matrix, and Totaling Weighted Scores Method. The result of EFE-IFE and IE Matrix dictates that the company should performs Hold and Maintain Strategy, which is product development and market penetration were the most likely strategies use to perform it. Regarding this kind of strategy, some marketing strategy alternatives were made by using TOWS Matrix. Then, followed by determination of priority of marketing strategy using Totaling Weighted Scores Method. Conclusion of this study was: Bank Danamon should open new branches, increase promotion, and also develop product and senice

    Market Potential and Regional Per Capita GRP Differentials : Application of the NEG Model to Indonesian Provinces

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    Digitization of Health Services at Kakaskasen Health Center, North Tomohon District, Tomohon City

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    This study aims to describe the digitization of health services at the Kakaskasen Health Center, North Tomohon District, Tomohon City. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, the number of informants is 5 people with data collection techniques namely observation, interviews, and documentation, with data analysis techniques through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that the Digitization of Health Services at the Kakaskasen Health Center had not yet run well because it was found that according to the research data, the community did not fully understand the online queuing procedure, how to access it, the completion time was often delayed by up to one hour and the online queue only accelerated the taking of queue numbers but for the time of service there are still frequent delays, service products are not as expected with those that have been set, facilities and facilities are not 100% complete and officers are not good or friendly to the community