617 research outputs found

    Color Intensity Projections: A simple way to display changes in astronomical images

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    To detect changes in repeated astronomical images of the same field of view (FOV), a common practice is to stroboscopically switch between the images. Using this method, objects that are changing in location or intensity between images are easier to see because they are constantly changing. A novel display method, called arrival time color intensity projections (CIPs), is presented that combines any number of grayscale images into a single color image on a pixel by pixel basis. Any values that are unchanged over the grayscale images look the same in the color image. However, pixels that change over the grayscale image have a color saturation that increases with the amount of change and a hue that corresponds to the timing of the changes. Thus objects moving in the grayscale images change from red to green to blue as they move across the color image. Consequently, moving objects are easier to detect and assess on the color image than on the grayscale images. A sequence of images of a comet plunging into the sun taken by the SOHO satellite (NASA/ESA) and Hubble Space Telescope images of a trans-Neptunian object (TNO) are used to demonstrate the method.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. The quality of figure 1 been improved from the previous posted versio


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    Purpose of study: In this study, fiduciary accountability and sustainable business growth are examined. There is an inadequate study on the fiduciary accountability of directors in which directors are accountable for their actions such as approving expenditure on innovation, which results in low profit. As such this study will look into the innovation and sustainable business growth and how the fiduciary accountability of directors moot innovation technologically, encouraging innovative knowledge through social-media among the employees, product innovation to meet customers’ needs and, ensuring sustainable business growth. Methodology: In order to have more reliability of the aforesaid a comparative study is made between one of the public listed companies and SMEs. Semi-structured interview methods are used in which open-ended questions are preferred to find out the particular areas. Results: The results show that this study has triggered academic vigour in the future because of the new concept of “fiduciary accountability”, which is introduced in this literature. Applications of this study: It has practical significance for corporations, directors, and academicians on fiduciary accountability of directors in harnessing profit to the corporation and enduring sustainable business growth. This is necessitated by the current trade restrictions. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study on fiduciary accountability in relation to sustainable business growth is not scholarly explored and any study would go a long way in academic pursuance

    Ayurvedic perspective of water, its pollution and purification

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    According to Ayurveda water is considered as one among the Panchamahabhootas and Prana/life of the entire universe. The 5000 year old classics, of India like Sushruta Samhita and Charaka Samhita have analyzed the issues related to water its pollution, causes, effects, its impacts on the body and universe, and the measures to purify the polluted water and also the prevention of water pollution. Even several thousands of years before, the great sages of India had envisaged the issue of water pollution, its hazardous effect on health, community and environment and the measures to purify them. A lion share of these organic methods of purification still remains virgin to the field of researches. A combination of one or more of these measures when applied in a systematic manner can sometimes be more effective than the most advanced chemical methods of purification. For that this holistic science and its treasures are to be explored and unveiled to its best

    Potential Reduction of Lung Dose via VMAT with Jaw Tracking in the Treatment of Single-Isocenter/Two-Lesion Lung SBRT

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    Purpose/objectives: Due to higher radiosensitivity, non‐target normal tissue dose is a major concern in stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) treatment. The aim of this report was to estimate the dosimetric impact, specifically the reduction of normal lung dose in the treatment of single‐isocenter/two‐lesion lung SBRT via volumetric modulated arc therapy with jaw tracking (JT‐VMAT). Materials/methods: Twelve patients with two peripherally located early‐stage non‐small‐cell‐lung cancer (NSCLC) lung lesions underwent single‐isocenter highly conformal non‐coplanar JT‐VMAT SBRT treatment in our institution. The mean isocenter to tumors distance was 5.6 ± 1.9 (range 4.3–9.5) cm. The mean combined planning target volume (PTV) was 38.7 ± 22.7 (range 5.0–80.9) cc. A single isocenter was placed between the two lesions. Doses were 54 and 50 Gy in three and five fractions, respectively. Plans were optimized in Eclipse with AcurosXB algorithm utilizing jaw tracking options for the Truebeam with a 6 MV‐FFF beam and standard 120 leaf millennium multi‐leaf collimators. For comparison, the JT‐VMAT plans were retrospectively re‐computed utilizing identical beam geometry, objectives, and planning parameters, but without jaw tracking (no JT‐VMAT). Both plans were normalized to receive the same target coverage. The conformity and heterogeneity indices, intermediate‐dose spillage [D2cm, R50, Gradient Index (GI), Gradient Distance (GD)], organs at risks (OAR) doses including normal lung as well as modulation factor (MF) were compared for both plans. Results: For similar target coverage, GI, R50, GD, as well as the normal lung V5, V10, V20, mean lung dose (MLD), and maximum dose received by 1000 cc of lungs were statistically significant. Normal lung doses were reduced by 8%–11% with JT‐VMAT. Normal lung dose increased as a function of tumor distance from isocenter. For the other OAR, up to 1%–16% reduction of non‐target doses were observed with JT‐VMAT. The MF and beam‐on time were similar for both plans, however, MF increased as a function of tumors distance, consequently, delivering higher dose to normal lungs. Conclusion: Utilizing jaw tracking options during optimization for single‐isocenter/two‐lesion lung SBRT VMAT plans reduced doses to the normal lung and other OAR, reduced intermediate‐dose spillage and provided superior/similar target coverage. Application of jaw tracking did not affect delivery efficiency and provided excellent plan quality with similar MF and beam‐on time. Jaw tracking is recommended for future clinical SBRT plan optimization

    The relationship of the parotid duct to the buccal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve; an anatomical study with parameters of clinical interest

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    There have been studies concerning the protection of the facial nerve during plastic surgery intended for the parotid gland. The close relationship between the parotid duct and the buccal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve is studied here. The dissections were performed on 10 fixed cadavers at the Anatomy Dissection Laboratory of Ankara University in 2004. The reference points used for surgery of this region were taken into consideration as the landmarks for morphometric measurements. In 7 of the cases the zygomatic branch was double and in 3 it was single. In 4 of the 7 cases with a double zygomatic branch both superior and inferior branches crossed the parotid duct. In the remaining 3 cases the superior branches of the zygomatic nerve coursed through the zygomatic major and minor muscles. In 9 of all the cases the zygomatic branch of the facial nerve crossed the duct anteriorly and in one it did so posteriorly (case 10). The buccal branch was single in 4 of the cases and double in 6. Among these one of the most precise measurements was the distance between the lateral canthus and the intersection point of the zygomatic branch and the duct with a coefficient of variation of 9.9%. With the use of this reliable measurement the intersection point of the zygomatic branch and the duct may be estimated to be within 5.16 ± 1.01 centimetres of the lateral canthus. Facial nerve paralysis is the most important complication of superficial face surgery and the anatomy of this region must thus be taken into detailed consideration by surgeons

    May the inclusion of a legume crop change weed composition in cereal fields? Example of sainfoin in Aragon (Spain)

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    Onobrychis viciifolia (Scop.) (sainfoin) is promoted in the Spanish Aragón region through the Agro-Environmental Schemes (AES) since 2007 with the aim of enhancing biodiversity. Also, in other countries, the interest in this legume crop is growing due to its rusticity and beneficial effects on the soil and livestock. However, the effect of the crop on weed flora in the subsequent cereal crops has hardly been investigated yet. With this aim, weed flora has been characterised in 2011–2014 in sainfoin fields in the second and third year of establishment (S2 and S3), in cereal monocrop (CM), in cereal after sainfoin (CS) and in organic cereal fields (OC). Additionally, the soil seedbank was determined in two years in CM and S3 fields. Weed species richness of emerged flora and of the soil seedbank was highest for sainfoin and lowest for CM, being intermediate for OC and CS regardless of the sampling year. The most feared weed species in winter cereal did not increase by growing sainfoin or in CS compared to CM. Curiously, summer annuals dominated in the soil seedbank. Sainfoin fields cause thus a shift in the weed flora, which does not seem to damage subsequent cereal crops provided fields are mouldboard ploughed after sainfoin
