1,744 research outputs found

    Probing the two-scale-factor universality hypothesis by exact rotation symmetry-breaking mechanism

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    We probe the two-scale factor universality hypothesis by evaluating, firstly explicitly and analytically at the one-loop order, the loop quantum corrections to the amplitude ratios for O(NN) λϕ4\lambda\phi^{4} scalar field theories with rotation symmetry-breaking in three distinct and independent methods in which the rotation symmetry-breaking mechanism is treated exactly. We show that the rotation symmetry-breaking amplitude ratios turn out to be identical in the three methods and equal to their respective rotation symmetry-breaking ones, although the amplitudes themselves, in general, depend on the method employed and on the rotation symmetry-breaking parameter. At the end, we show that all these results can be generalized, through an inductive process based on a general theorem emerging from the exact calculation, to any loop level and physically interpreted based on symmetry ideas.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Forest Development over a Twenty-Year Chronosequence of Reforested Urban Sites

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    Urbanization causes a variety of negative ecological impacts, impairing forests, streams, and other ecosystems. While urban forests are the subject of increasing research attention, planted urban forests are less well-understood than remnant forests; however, these systems may be distinct in terms of ecosystem structure and function. The current study investigates a chronosequence of reforested urban sites in Lexington, KY, USA, with a focus on overstory and understory woody plant community characteristics. Monitoring plots were established in each of the 20 sites; tree height, dbh, and species were surveyed for the overstory, and species and height were surveyed for the understory. Canopy height increased non-linearly with time since planting, rapidly increasing in years 6–10, but remaining relatively steady after year 15. While the overstory was dominated by planted native species, the understory was predominately non-native species, some of which are considered invasive. Overall, the nonlinear logistic relationship of canopy height to time since planting may be driven by species-specific effects—with trees such as ash (Fraxinus spp. L.) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) important during the early years after planting, but declining over time due to pests and other pressures. Alternatively, this complex relationship of canopy height with time may be driven by uncontrolled factors such as site quality, landscape position, planted species, etc. The significance of invasive species in the understory suggests that the long-term health of these sites will be compromised without intentional ongoing maintenance to ensure continued forest development toward desired native community characteristics

    Quality and validity of large animal experiments in stroke : a systematic review

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    An important factor for successful translational stroke research is study quality. Low-quality studies are at risk of biased results and effect overestimation, as has been intensely discussed for small animal stroke research. However, little is known about the methodological rigor and quality in large animal stroke models, which are becoming more frequently used in the field. Based on research in two databases, this systematic review surveys and analyses the methodological quality in large animal stroke research. Quality analysis was based on the Stroke Therapy Academic Industry Roundtable and the Animals in Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments guidelines. Our analysis revealed that large animal models are utilized with similar shortcomings as small animal models. Moreover, translational benefits of large animal models may be limited due to lacking implementation of important quality criteria such as randomization, allocation concealment, and blinded assessment of outcome. On the other hand, an increase of study quality over time and a positive correlation between study quality and journal impact factor were identified. Based on the obtained findings, we derive recommendations for optimal study planning, conducting, and data analysis/reporting when using large animal stroke models to fully benefit from the translational advantages offered by these models

    Yes, they can! Three-banded armadillos Tolypeutes sp. (Cingulata: Dasypodidae) dig their own burrows.

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    It is believed that the two species of Tolypeutes Illiger, 1811are the only armadillos that do not dig their own burrows, and that these species simply re-use burrows dug by other species. Here, we show that Tolypeutes matacus (Desmarest, 1804) and Tolypeutes tricinctus (Linnaeus, 1758) dig their own burrows. We describe the burrows and three other types of shelters used by them, and provide measurements and frequency of use of the different types of shelter. We have studied free-ranging individuals of T. matacus in two locations in Central Brazil and individuals of T. tricinctus in semi-captivity in the Northeast of Brazil. Individuals of T. matacus were found primarily in small burrows (76%), straw nests (13%), shallow depressions covered with leaf-litter (7%) or in straw nests made on shallow depressions (4%). Adult males and females of T. matacus did not differ in frequency of use of different types of shelter. Sub-adults T. matacus used shallow depressions and nests more often (40%) than adults (22%) and nurslings (10%). Nurslings of T. matacus reused the shelters more frequently (66%), than sub-adults (46%) and adults (35%). Adult females reused burrows and other types of shelter more frequently than adult males. Tolypeutes tricinctus rested mainly in burrows and under leaf-litter, but did not dig depressions or build nests. Tolypeutes tricinctus occasionally used burrows dug by Euphractus sexcinctus (Linnaeus, 1758), but T. matacus never used burrows dug by other species. Nursling T. matacus always shared shelter with an adult female therefore, both used shelters with similar frequency. Adult females and nurslings of T. matacus reused shelters in higher frequency. That can be explained by the fact that adult females with offspring tend to remain for consecutive nights in the same burrow when cubs are recently born. Due to their smaller body size, subadult T. matacus used shelter strategies that require less energetic effort more frequently than adults and nurslings. The habit of covering the burrow entrance with foliage and the burrow?s reduced depth, indicates that Tolypeutes use of burrows is more likely to be related to parental care behavior and thermoregulation strategies than to defense mechanisms. We are confident that the burrows used for resting were indeed dug by Tolypeutes because, besides the direct observation of armadillos digging burrows, the measures of the burrows are very distinctive from those presented as characteristic for the co-occurring burrowing species and are congruent with Tolypeutes size and carapace shape. The newly acquired knowledge that species of Tolypeutes dig burrows can be used to increase the well-being of individuals kept in captivity by adapting enclosures to enable their digging behavior. In addition, this information contributes not only to the study of the ecology and natural history of the species, but can shed new light on the study of the anatomy of specialized diggers. Tolypeutes spp. can comprise the least fossorial of all living armadillo species, but they can no longer be classified as non-diggers

    Guardiões da Comunidade Tanque Novo (Casa Nova-BA).

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    Esse trabalho teve como objetivo identificar os guardiões de variedades locais da Comunidade Tanque Novo, em Casa Nova?BA. A metodologia consistiu na aplicação de ferramentas participativas e questionários com agricultores familiares. Foi registrada a existência de 21 guardiões de 78 variedades locais, conservadas há pelo menos 10 anos, de abóbora (1), capim (10), feijão (10), leucena (2), mandioca (29), melancia (13), milho (5) e palma forrageira (8). Constatou-se que 79,5% das sementes tiveram como origem os parentes, amigos ou vizinhos e que as principais utilizações são para alimentação da família e de animais

    \u3cem\u3ePhytophthora cinnamomi\u3c/em\u3e Colonized Reclaimed Surface Mined Sites in Eastern Kentucky: Implications for the Restoration of Susceptible Species

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    Appalachian forests are threatened by a number of factors, especially introduced pests and pathogens. Among these is Phytophthora cinnamomi, a soil-borne oomycete pathogen known to cause root rot in American chestnut, shortleaf pine, and other native tree species. This study was initiated to characterize the incidence of P. cinnamomi on surface mined lands in eastern Kentucky, USA, representing a range of time since reclamation (10, 12, 15, and 20 years since reclamation). Incidence of P. cinnamomi was correlated to soil properties including overall soil development, as indicated by a variety of measured soil physical and chemical parameters, especially the accumulation of soil organic carbon. P. cinnamomi was detected in only two of the four sites studied, aged 15 and 20 years since reclamation. These sites were generally characterized by higher organic matter accumulation than the younger sites in which P. cinnamomi was not detected. These results demonstrate that P. cinnamomi is capable of colonizing reclaimed mine sites in Appalachia; additional research is necessary to determine the impact of P. cinnamomi on susceptible tree species at these sites

    Metformin induces apoptosis and alters cellular responses to oxidative stress in Ht29 colon cancer cells: Preliminary findings

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    Accumulating evidence suggests that metformin, used as an antidiabetic drug, possesses anti-cancer properties. Metformin reduced the incidence and growth of experimental tumors in vivo. In a randomized clinical trial among nondiabetic patients, metformin treatment significantly decreased the number of aberrant crypt foci compared to the untreated group with a follow-up of 1 month. In our study, HT29 cells were treated with graded concentrations of metformin, 10 mM/25 mM/50 mM for 24/48 h. We performed immunofluorescence experiments by means of confocal microscopy and western blot analysis to evaluate a panel of factors involved in apoptotic/autophagic processes and oxidative stress response. Moreover, HT29 cells treated with metformin were analyzed by a flow cytometry assay to detect the cell apoptotic rate. The results demonstrate that metformin exerts growth inhibitory effects on cultured HT29 cells by increasing both apoptosis and autophagy; moreover, it affects the survival of cultured cells inhibiting the transcriptional activation of Nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (NRF-2) and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-\u3baB). The effects of metformin on HT29 cells were dose- and time-dependent. These results are very intriguing since metformin is emerging as a multi-faceted drug: It has a good safety profile and is associated with low cost and might be a promising candidate for the prevention or the treatment of colorectal cancer

    Efeito do filtrado de Epicoccum sp. na formação de apressórios por Magnaporthe oryzae.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ação do filtrado de Epicoccum sp., integrante da microflora do arroz, na inibição da germinação de conídios e na formação de apressórios de M. oryzae

    Avaliação de métodos automáticos de limiarização para imagens de plantas de milho atacadas por Spodoptera frugiperda.

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    Um dos passos fundamentais no processamento de imagens para um sistema de visão artificial é a segmentação dos objetos de interesse na cena, e um dos métodos mais utilizados é a limiarização, em especial quando o objetivo é agrupar os pixels em duas classes. Neste método, o valor do limiar determina o número de pixels atribuídos a cada classe, além de influenciar a dimensão e a forma dos objetos nas imagens segmentadas. A utilização de métodos automáticos para definição do limiar, não só evitaria a influência de operadores mas, também, tornaria mais rápida a escolha dos limiares no campo, onde a variação da iluminação influencia os valores dos pixels. Este trabalho objetivou implementar e avaliar dois métodos automáticos de limiarização para identificação de plantas de milho atacadas pela lagarta do cartucho. Foram utilizadas imagens de plantas atacadas e não-atacadas, em três épocas, correspondendo a diferentes dias após a infestação. As plantas foram reunidas em três grupos de 10, sendo as imagens de cada grupo obtidas sob uma intensidade luminosa diferente. As imagens processadas com o índice do excesso de verde normalizado foram limiarizadas, automaticamente, e comparadas com a limiarização manual das mesmas imagens. Os resultados obtidos pelos dois métodos automáticos de limiarização foram satisfatórios, apresentando média acima de 99% de exatidão global, evidenciando-se, portanto, que ambos os métodos têm potencial para serem utilizados em um sistema de identificação de plantas de milho atacadas pela lagarta do cartucho

    Evolução e perfil distributivo das aplicações do Fundo Constitucional de Financiamento do Norte (FNO) na pecuária leiteira paraense no período 2000-2009.

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    O crédito rural é uma política importante para viabilizar o desenvolvimento regional, pois propicia aos produtores recursos para custeio, investimento e comercialização, contribuindo para o fortalecimento das cadeias produtivas. O crescimento da demanda por produtos lácteos tem realçado a necessidade de medidas visando ampliar a produção leiteira em todo o país. Nos últimos anos os estados da Região Norte têm exibido um importante crescimento nessa atividade. No estado do Pará, um importante instrumento de apoio tem sido os recursos de crédito rural do Fundo Constitucional de Financiamento do Norte (FNO). Este trabalho analisou a evolução e o perfil distributivo das aplicações do FNO na pecuária leiteira paraense no período 2000-2009. Neste período foram alocados R519,2milho~esnaatividade,distribuıˊdosentre119municıˊpios.Essasaplicac\co~escresceramaumataxade10,61 519,2 milhões na atividade, distribuídos entre 119 municípios. Essas aplicações cresceram a uma taxa de 10,61% ao ano, correspondendo a uma aplicação média de R 52 milhões por ano