922 research outputs found

    Spheroidisation Treatment for Steels

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    The materials used in components are now highly diversified with many applicationshistorically reserved for steels now taken by plastics, composites, and ceramics. There are, ofcourse, many applications for which steels are still the most suitable material. Presently, it isimportant that the type of steel chosen for a given application and the heat treatment given toit be critically examined to justify its use. This study highlights the selection of steels forspheroidisation treatments and their commercial uses

    Interpolation for nonlinear BVP in circular membrane with known upper and lower solutions

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    AbstractA successive nonextrapolatory linear interpolation is described to solve a singular two-point boundary value problem arising in circular membrane theory. The problem is associated with a second-order nonlinear ordinary differential equation for which the upper and lower bounds of the solution is analytically established/known. The importance and the scope of these bounds in solving the problem is stressed. Also depicted graphically are the lower and upper solutions as well as the true and iterated solutions. In addition, discussed are the reasons why linear interpolation, and not nonlinear interpolation or bisection which are possible procedures, has been employed

    Integration of biocontrol agents with fungicide, weedicide and plant growth regulator for management of stem and root rot of jute

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    Combination of chemical fungicides (viz., Carbendazim 50 WP and Tebuconazole 250 EC) and biocontrol agents (viz., Pseudomonas fluorescens Psfl1, P. striata Pst1, Azotobacter chrococcum Azbc3, Bradyrhizobium japonicum Brj4, Trichoderma aureoviridae S12, T. harzianum JTV2, T. virens JPG1, Aspergillus niger AN15 strains respectively either singly or in consortium) were used to counteract Macrophomina phaseolina, the causal organism of stem and root rot of jute. In addition, suitable plant growth regulator viz., Indole-3-acetic acid (100-1.0 Āµg/ppm) and herbicide Quizalofop ethyl 5 % EC were used to augment the activity of Trichoderma. T. aureoviridae strain S12 was found to be the best among the eight isolates screened for tolerance against the two fungicides and herbicide at a concentration of 10000 - 500 Āµg respectively as well as against M. phaseolina (Inhibition=72.33 %) in-vitro. This strain showed best compatibility with other strains and highest tolerance to fungicide i.e., Carbendazim 50 % (up to 500 ?g). Highest number (13.7Ɨ106) of active spores was recorded at a concentration of 25 ppm of IAA under in-vitro condition. S12 recorded a biocontrol efficiency of 61.8 % against stem rot of jute along with significant plant growth promotion and fibre production. Plant biomass also increased up to 7.5-12.1 % and fibre production 37.0-39.9 % with fungal and bacterial consortium + carbendazim seed dressing and soil drenching. These biocontrol fungi and PGPR consortium with high tolerance to fungicide, weedicide and plant growth regulator up to certain extent may be potentially exploited in IDM which may be a low cost technology in jute and allied fibre crops

    Enhancement of Jc by Hf -Doping in the Superconductor MgB2: A Hyperfine Interaction Study

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    Measurements of the critical current density (Jc) by magnetization and the upper critical field (Hc2) by magnetoresistance have been performed for hafnium-doped MgB2. There has been a remarkable enhancement of Jc as compared to that by ion irradiation without any appreciable decrease in Tc, which is beneficial from the point of view of applications. The irreversibility line extracted from Jc shows an upward shift. In addition, there has been an increase in the upper critical field which indicates that Hf partially substitutes for Mg. Hyperfine interaction parameters obtained from time differential perturbed angular correlation (TDPAC) measurements revealed the formation of HfB and HfB2 phases along with the substitution of Hf. A possible explanation is given for the role of these species in the enhancement of Jc in MgB2 superconductor

    Time for Statistical Model Checking of Real-Time Systems

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    Abstract. We propose the first tool for solving complex (some unde-cidable) problems of timed systems by using Statistical Model Checking (SMC). The tool monitors several runs of the system, and then relies on statistical algorithms to get an estimate of the correctness of the entire design. Contrary to other existing toolsets, ours relies on i) a natural stochastic semantics for networks of timed systems, ii) an engine capable to solve problems that are beyond the scope of classical model checkers, and iii) a friendly user interface.

    D-brane anti-D-brane effective action and brane interaction in open string channel

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    We construct the effective action of a DpD_p-brane-anti-DpD_p-brane system by making use of the non-abelian extension of tachyonic DBI action. We succeed the construction by restricting the Chan-Paton factors of two non-BPS DpD_p-branes in the action to the Chan-Paton factors of a DpDĖ‰pD_p\bar{D}_p system. For the special case that both branes are coincident, the action reduces to the one proposed by A. Sen. \\The effective DpDĖ‰pD_p\bar{D}_p potential indicates that when branes separation is larger than the string length scale, there are two minima in the tachyon direction. As branes move toward each other under the gravitational force, the tachyon tunneling from false to true vacuum may make a bubble formation followed by a classical evolution of the bubble. On the other hand, when branes separation is smaller than the string length scale, the potential shows one maximum and one minimum. In this case, a homogeneous tachyon rolling in real time makes an attractive potential for the branes distance. This classical force is speculated to be the effective force between the two branes.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, 1 figure, the version appears in JHE

    Non linear equation of state and effective phantom divide in brane models

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    Here, DGP model of brane-gravity is analyzed and compared with the standard general relativity and Randall-Sundrum cases using non-linear equation of state. Phantom fluid is known to violate the weak energy condition. In this paper, it is found that this characteristic of phantom energy is affected drastically by the negative brane-tension Ī»\lambda of the RS-II model. It is found that in DGP model strong energy condition(SEC) is always violated and the universe accelerates only where as in RS-II model even SEC is not violated for 1<Ļ/Ī»<21 < \rho/\lambda < 2 and the universe decelerates
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