225 research outputs found

    Методика системно-ориентированного анализа городского ландшафта как инструмент планирования

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    The article discloses the analysis technique of a concept “townscape” based on universal properties of systems that makes it possible to examine such properties of the townscape as base categories, structural elements, and reference norms. The system-oriented analysis of various types of the townscape is also provided; their characteristic peculiarities and properties have been revealed in the article.Статья раскрывает методику анализа понятия «городской пейзаж» на основе универсальных свойств систем, что делает возможным исследование таких свойств городского пейзажа, как основные категории, структурные элементы и соответствие нормативным требованиям. Выполнен системно-ориентированный анализ различных типов городского ландшафта, его характерных особенностей и свойств

    I cambiamenti ambientali nella steppa Crimea per tutto il periodo romano di storia antica e di là

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    Insieme con l'integrazione di paleo suolo riferimento e archeologia, che permette efficiente ricostruzione paleogeografica dell'ambiente naturale nell'Olocene, ques ta zona integra lo studio del suolo in superficie, risalente metodi archeologici, e lo studio dei paesaggi antichi geoarcheologicayesБелгородский государственный университе

    Effect of carbon on recrystallised microstructures and properties of CoCrFeMnNi-type high-entropy alloys

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    The effect of carbon content (x = 0, 0.5, and 2.0 at.%) on the phase composition, microstructure, and mechanical properties of thermomechanically processed CoCrFeMnNi system high-entropy alloys was studied. The molar fraction of Cr in the program Co₁Cr₀.₂₅Fe1Mn1Ni1 alloy was reduced to 0.25 compared with the equiatomic alloy to increase the solubility of carbon in the face-centred cubic solid solution. The as-cast alloys were cold rolled to 80% thickness reduction and then annealed at 600e1000 C for 1 h. The addition of carbon to the CoCrFeMnNi alloys resulted in an increase in the temperature at which recrystallisation starts and in the precipitation of the Cr-rich M₂₃C₆ carbide particles. The volume fraction of the second phase increased with an increase in the carbon content and decreased with increasing annealing temperatur

    Effect of carbon content on cryogenic mechanical properties of CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy

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    The effect of the carbon content (0-2 at.%) on the structure and mechanical properties at room and cryogenic temperatures of CoCrFeNiMn-based high entropy alloys with reduced Cr concentration was studied. The as-cast alloys were cold rolled to a thickness reduction of 80% and annealed at 800°C for 1 hour. As a result, a fully recrystallized microstructure with a grain size of 6.4 μm was produced in the carbon-free alloy. The recrystallized grain size was much smaller (1.5 μm in the alloy with 2.0 at.% of C) due to the pinning effect of the precipitated M₂₃C₆ carbide

    B2 precipitates formation in Al-containing CoCrFeMnNi-type high entropy alloy

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    The non-equiatomic Al₇.₅Co₂₁.₇₅Cr₅.₅Fe₂₁.₇₅Mn₂₁.₇₅Ni₂₁.₇₅ high entropy alloy was studied. After cold rolling and annealing at 700-900 °C, a dual-phase ultrafine-grained structure composed of the partially recrystallized fcc matrix and B2 particles was produced; complete recrystallization of the fcc phase was observed after annealing at 1000 °C. The B2 precipitates formation provided a significant strengthening of the alloy in comparison with the single-phase state. The alloy demonstrated an attractive combination of mechanical properties, presenting yield and ultimate tensile strengths of 900 MPa and 1200 MPa, respectively, along with a ductility of 22%

    Effect of nitrogen on mechanical properties of CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy at room and cryogenic temperatures

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    Specimens of a CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy with different content of nitrogen (0.5e2.0 at.%) were prepared by induction melting. Microstructure and tensile mechanical behavior of the alloys in the ascast condition were analyzed. The alloys with a low amount of N (0.5e1.0 at.%) had a single fcc phase coarse-grained microstructure. An increase in the content of N to 2.0 at.% resulted in the precipitation of a small amount (~1%) of Cr-rich M₂N nitride particles. The yield strength of the alloys increased in proportion to the percentage of nitrogen by 117 MPa/at% N at 293 K or by 316 MPa/at% N at 77 K. The observed increase in strength was attributed to solid solution hardenin

    Внутрипеченочная гемодинамика у детей с функциональными и воспалительными холепатиями

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    Ultrasound dopplerography can reveal minimal disfunctions of intrahepatic hemodynamics. Linear speed of hepatic artery and hepatic vein (peak S and D) rises in the presence of dynamic and to a greater extent organic (inflammatory) cholepathias. The increase of blood flow speed occurs when vessel radius expands. This phenomenon can be explained by dilation of intrahepatic vessels which is more defined when the matter concerns inflammatory cholepathias and less defined among dynamic ones. Indices of intrahepatic hemodynamics may serve as indirect signs of given diseases among children and may reveal pathology on the earliest stages of its development.Ультразвуковая доплерография способна выявлять минимальные нарушения внутрипеченочной гемодинамики. Линейная скорость в печеночной артерии и печеночной вене (пики S и D) увеличивается при функциональных и особенно при органических (воспалительных) холепатиях. Повышение скорости кровотока происходит при увеличении радиуса сосуда. Данный феномен может быть объяснен дилатацией внутрипеченочных сосудов, выраженной в большей степени при воспалительных изменениях и в меньшей — при функциональных. Показатели внутрипеченочной гемодинамики могут служить косвенными признаками данных заболеваний у детей и способствовать выявлению патологии на самых ранних этапах ее развития

    Engineering of strong and hard in-situ Al-Al₃Ti nanocomposite via high-energy ball milling and spark plasma sintering

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    In this work, ab initio modeling, DSC, and in-situ XRD experiments were used to formulate a strategy for rapid fabrication of Al-Al₃Ti nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical properties (ultimate tensile strength up to 437 MPa at room temperature and up to 109 MPa at 500 °С, ~6% elongation before failure), resulting from a mixed ductile-fragile deformation behavio