148 research outputs found

    Desarrollo del mercado de derivados en Colombia evolución y nuevos métodos de inserción de las empresas PYMES

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    El presente trabajo de grado busca conocer las principales razones por las cuales las empresas PYMES pactan instrumentos derivados. Se encontró que las empresas encuestadas presentan una baja educación financiera, la cual determina el uso de los mismos. Otros hallazgos interesantes fueron las posibles problemáticas ante el uso de productos derivados, como lo es la relación costo-beneficio del producto, los costos de transacción y razones de índole contable. Los instrumentos derivados han tenido una fuerte tendencia al alza, no solo por la ampliación del mercado colombiano, sino también por el aumento de los niveles de educación por parte de los clientes para el cierre de los mismos. Es por ello que se hace primordial tener diferentes planes educativos para desarrollar el mercado en términos de productos y volumenThis paper seeks to understand the main reasons why PYMES agreed to use derivatives. It was found that the surveyed companies have low financial knowledge, which determines the use of the use of them. Other interesting findings are the possible problems that arise by using derivatives, such as the cost-benefit of the product, the costs of such transaction and accounting reasons. Derivatives have had a strong upward trend, not only for the expansion of the Colombian market, but also by the increased level of education of the consumers. This is why it is vital to have different educational plans to develop the market in terms of products and volume.Administrador (a) de EmpresasPregrad

    Development of Clonal Micropropagation Technology for Ludisia Discolor (Ker Gawl.) A. Rich. In Vitro Conditions

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    The features of clonal micropropagation in three variations of Ludisia discolor were studied. Brood buds, apical shoot meristems, immature seeds and mature seeds were used as explants. They are grown using Murashige & Skoog modified medium. A special technique has been developed for the sterilization and planting of microscopic mature seeds. Mature seeds germinated for 60-70 days. Seeds from 25-day-old capsules showed the best results among immature seeds. They gave mass shoots already on the 25-30 day after planting. The roller of the future first leaf of the protocorms was laid in the dark 2 months after germination. Switching to the light mode induced rapid gemmorizogenesis - the formation of the first green leaves, stem and adventitious roots. Seeds from 15-day-old capsules did not germinate at all. Planting with immature seeds is the most effective method of clonal reproduction of L. discolor in vitro


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    В статье представлены результаты исследования, целью которого явилось изучение представлений мальчиков и девочек старшего подросткового возраста о семье, описанных припомощи ассоциативного ряда.Методы исследования. Анкетирование (анкета направлена на изучение представлений о семье), контент-анализ открытых вопросов, методы математической статистики.Результаты. В статье обсуждается проблема описания образа семьи, складывающегося в старшем подростковом возрасте, при помощи ассоциаций, формулируемых мальчиками идевочками при упоминании о семье. Указывается особая роль эмоционально-психотерапевтической функции семьи, а также таких характеристик как принятие и поддержка,взаимопонимание, любовь и т.п. Отмечается, что представления подростков о семье основаны на полученном в родительской семье опыте и отражают возрастно-психологическиеособенности (эгоцентризм, чувство «взрослости», потребность в принятии и поддержке).Прослеживается и определенная гендерная специфика образа семьи. Так, девочки чаще формулируют ассоциации, связанные с эмоциональной сферой и качественной характеристикойотношений, тогда как мальчики акцентируют внимание на ролевой структуре семьи, упоминают категории, соотносящиеся с традиционной маскулинной ролью.Область применения результатов. Подготовка и реализация программ подготовки старшеклассников к семейной жизни в рамках школьной психологической службы. Использование вучебном процессе профессиональной подготовки и переподготовки практических психологов и, в частности, психологов системы образования в ходе преподавания учебных дисциплин«Психология развития и возрастная психология», «Психология подросткового и юношеского возраста», «Психология семьи», «Гендерная психология».The article presents the results of a study which objective was to explore conceptions of boys and girls, older adolescents on the family, described with the associative series.Research methods. The survey (the questionnaire aims to explore conceptions of family), content analysis of open questions, methods of mathematical statistics.Results. The article discusses the problem of describing the image of the family emerging in the late teen years, with the help of associations, created by boys and girls at the mention of the family. Thespecial role of the emotionally-psychological role of the family is indicated, as well as such characteristics as acceptance, support, understanding, love, etc. It is noted that the conceptions of adolescentsabout the family are based on the parental family experiences and reflect the age and psychological characteristics (self-centeredness, a sense of «maturity», the need for acceptance and support).The gender-specific image of the family is noted. Thus, girls are more likely to formulate associations connected with the emotional sphere and qualitative characteristics of relationships, while boysfocus on the role structure of the family, mention categories that correlate with traditional masculine role.The scope of the results. Preparation and implementation of training programs for high school students for family life within the school psychological service. Usage in educational process ofprofessional training and retraining of practical psychologists, particularly psychologists of the education system in the teaching of academic subjects such as «Developmental Psychology», «Psychology of adolescence and youth», «Psychology of family», «Gender psychology»

    Transcription regulation of the EcoRV restriction–modification system

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    When a plasmid containing restriction–modification (R–M) genes enters a naïve host, unmodified host DNA can be destroyed by restriction endonuclease. Therefore, expression of R–M genes must be regulated to ensure that enough methyltransferase is produced and that host DNA is methylated before the endonuclease synthesis begins. In several R–M systems, specialized Control (C) proteins coordinate expression of the R and the M genes. C proteins bind to DNA sequences called C-boxes and activate expression of their cognate R genes and inhibit the M gene expression, however the mechanisms remain undefined. Here, we studied the regulation of gene expression in the C protein-dependent EcoRV system. We map the divergent EcoRV M and R gene promoters and we define the site of C protein-binding that is sufficient for activation of the EcoRV R transcription

    Human involucrin promoter mediates repression-resistant and compartment-specific LEKTI expression

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    Gene-modified skin grafts, produced through gene transfer to human keratinocyte stem cells, offer the possibility of therapeutic benefit for inherited skin diseases. We have previously described efficient lentiviral vector–mediated gene transfer to keratinocyte stem cells and the generation of human skin grafts for the inherited skin disease, Netherton syndrome, which arises due to mutations in serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 5 (SPINK5). Vectors incorporating an internal murine retroviral–derived promoter [spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV)] in combination with a codon-optimized SPINK5 transgene supported high levels of reconstitution and robust correction of skin architecture. Subsequent longer-term experiments have uncovered unanticipated silencing phenomena, with loss of SPINK5 gene expression over time. The inadvertent introduction of CpG sites during codon optimization appears to have rendered vectors susceptible to silencing due to methylation across the promoter–transgene boundary. Substitution of the methylation-susceptible SFFV promoter with a 572-bp minimal human involucrin promoter (INVOp), which encodes very few CpG sites, prevented repression of the SPINK5 transgene and resulted in durable and highly compartment-specific reconstitution of lympho-epithelial Kazal-type–related inhibitor (LEKTI) in human skin grafted onto immunodeficient mice.We conclude that skin grafts modified with lentiviral vectors encoding INVOp offer a suitable platform for therapeutic gene therapy in Netherton syndrome, and our experience highlights unanticipated effects of transgene codon optimization