456 research outputs found

    Column drop: making CNNs invariant to image cropping

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    We introduce a new regularization technique column drop which uses inner structure of CNNs for classification to make its output invariant to random crops of input image. Use of this regularization eliminates need in data augmentation by random image cropping under some conditions on architecture of CNN. We show that application of column drop to pooling layers leads to improvement in generalization compared with use of dropout for pooling layers.В статті описано новий метод регуляризації column drop для навчання згорткових нейронних мереж для класифікації, що робить їх інваріантними до вибору підзображення. Використання такої регуляризації відкидає необхідність в розширенні навчальної вибірки зображень за допомогою вибору випадкових підзображень, за певних умов на архітектуру мережі. Застосування column drop до pooling шарів мережі призводить до покращення точності класифікації на тестовій вибірці у порівнянні з використанням методу dropout для pooling шарів

    Daily dynamics of cellulase activity in arable soils depending on management practices

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    The daily dynamics of cellulase activity was studied during 27 days by the cellophane membrane method on soils managed using the conventional high-input farming system (application of mineral fertilizers and pesticides) and the biological conservation farming system (application of organic fertilizers alone) in a microfield experiment. The regular oscillatory dynamics of the cellulase activity were revealed and confirmed by the harmonic (Fourier) analysis. The oscillatory dynamics of the cellulase activity had a self-oscillatory nature and was not directly caused by the disturbing impacts of both the uncontrolled (natural) changes in the temperature and moisture (rainfall) and the controlled ones (the application of different fertilizers). The disturbing impacts affected the oscillation amplitude of the cellulase activity but not the frequency (periods) of the oscillations. The periodic oscillations of the cellulase activity were more significant in the soil under the high-input management compared to the soil under the biological farming syste

    On the Parameters of the QCD-Motivated Potential in the Relativistic Independent Quark Model

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    In the framework of the relativistic independent quark model the parameters of the QCD-motivated static potential and the quark masses are calculated on the basis of the 11^{--} meson mass spectra. The value of the confining potential coefficient is found to be (0.197±0.005)GeV0.197\pm 0.005) GeV{}^2.forquarkantiquarkinteractionindependentlyontheirflavours.ThedependenceofthequasiCoulombicpotentialstrengthontheinteractiondistanceareconsistentwiththeQCDmotivatedbehaviour.The. for quark- antiquark interaction independently on their flavours. The dependence of the quasi-Coulombic potential strength on the interaction distance are consistent with the QCD-motivated behaviour. The q\bar qseparationsareevaluatedandthe-separations are evaluated and the e^+e^-$ decay widths are estimated with the help of relativistic modification of the Van Royen-Weisskopf formula.Comment: 10 pages, LaTex; added references for the beginning, changed the last paragraph at the end, made a few stylistic correction

    A new hybrid method for solving variational inequalities

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    We introduce a new method for solving variational inequalities with monotone and Lipschitzcontinuous operators acting in a Hilbert space. The iterative process based on the well-known projection method and the hybrid (or outer approximations) method. However, we do not use an extrapolation step in the projection method. The absence of one projection in our method is explained by a slightly different choice of sets in the hybrid method. We prove the strong convergence of the sequences generated by our method.Запропоновано новий гiбридний метод для розв’язання варiацiйних нерiвностей з монотонними i лiпшицевими операторами, що дiють у гiльбертовому просторi. Iтерацiйний процес базується на двох добре вiдомих методах: проективному та гiбридному (або зовнiшнiх апроксимацiй). Причому не використовується екстраполяцiйний крок у проективному методi. Вiдсутнiсть однiєї проекцiї досягається шляхом iншого вибору наборiв множин у гiбридному методi. Доведено сильну збiжнiсть породжених методом послiдовностей.Предложен новый гибридный метод для решения вариационных неравенств с монотонными и липшицевыми операторами, действующими в гильбертовом пространстве. Итерационный процесс основан на двух хорошо известных методах: проективном и гибридном (или внешних аппроксимаций). Причем не используется экстраполяционный шаг в проективном методе. Отсутствие одной проекции достигается путем иного выбора наборов множеств в гибридном методе. Доказана сильная сходимость порожденных методом последовательностей

    Compact laser probe for surface acoustic waves

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    Our compact laser probe for surface acoustic waves (SAW) is designed to study properties of SAW substrates and control technological processes of their manufacturing. These substrates are widely used in device manufacturing, controlling systems, consumer electronics, etc. In this probe, we use the Bragg modulator in the double-pass scheme, which provides its compactness and multifunctionality

    Development of technology of pulverized coal injection in Ukraine’s blast furnaces in variable liquid and gas dynamic conditions

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    The aim of the work is to study the features of the use of pulverized coal (PCI) in the conditions of the blast furnace (BF) No. 5 of Metinvest Holding Ltd (Ukraine).Целью работы является изучение особенностей использования пылеугольного топлива (ПУТ) в условиях доменной печи (ДП) № 5 компании "Метинвест Холдинг Лтд" (Украина).Метою роботи є вивчення особливостей використання пиловугільного палива (ПВП) в умовах доменної печі (ДП) № 5 компанії "Метінвест Холдинг Лтд" (Україна)

    Перевод: анализ и синтез

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    Contemporary translation can be viewed as analytical and synthetic process with the primary instrumental technique of this process being contrastive analysis.Современную переводческую деятельность можно представить как аналитико-синтетический процесс. Основной технологический прием аналитико-синтетического процесса - это контрастивная текстология

    Correlation of Beam Electron and LED Signal Losses under Irradiation and Long-term Recovery of Lead Tungstate Crystals

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    Radiation damage in lead tungstate crystals reduces their transparency. The calibration that relates the amount of light detected in such crystals to incident energy of photons or electrons is of paramount importance to maintaining the energy resolution the detection system. We report on tests of lead tungstate crystals, read out by photomultiplier tubes, exposed to irradiation by monoenergetic electron or pion beams. The beam electrons themselves were used to measure the scintillation light output, and a blue light emitting diode (LED) was used to track variations of crystals transparency. We report on the correlation of the LED measurement with radiation damage by the beams and also show that it can accurately monitor the crystals recovery from such damage.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX2

    The Ukrainian war and the pandemic: the impact on public health and the need for new health digital tools and the next level of intelligence.

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    Against the background of the war in Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic has waned from public consciousness as the threat of the virus to health is outweighed by safety concerns during the war. Pandemic restrictions in the European region are being lifted despite low vaccination rates in Central and Eastern European countries and a lack of effective containment strategies. However, Central and Eastern European countries are influenced most by the flow of refugees from neighboring Ukraine where a triple health crisis occurs: an overloaded health system, an ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the war. The aim: to review the progress regarding viral surveillance technologies that use genomics, digital, and informational tools, to find the gap in the literature and formulate policy recommendations for continuing surveillance in the context of permacrisis. Unstructured search was conducted through scientific (PubMed and Google Scholar databases) and grey literature using the keywords. The paper highlights aspects of war-related problems of infectious diseases control in Europe, new challenges in healthcare connected with COVID-19 pandemic and war in Ukraine and provides discussion on the role of innovative surveillance systems in tackling infection outbreaks (with COVID-19 pandemic as an example). The paper overviews perspectives of the implementation of the discussed measures. Future COVID-19 outbreaks and new variants are possible. Complex adaptive system models, new tools, and the next level of health and digital intelligence are needed to provide timely and valuable insights. Combining lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, the threat of war, and the need for continuous outbreaks surveillance, new public health and digital intelligence tools must be designed and implemented at regional, European, and global levels

    Comparison of Radiation Damage in Lead Tungstate Crystals under Pion and Gamma Irradiation

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    Studies of the radiation hardness of lead tungstate crystals produced by the Bogoroditsk Techno-Chemical Plant in Russia and the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics in China have been carried out at IHEP, Protvino. The crystals were irradiated by a 40-GeV pion beam. After full recovery, the same crystals were irradiated using a 137Cs^{137}Cs γ\gamma-ray source. The dose rate profiles along the crystal length were observed to be quite similar. We compare the effects of the two types of radiation on the crystals light output.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, Latex 2e, 28.04.04 - minor grammatical change