217 research outputs found

    Competitive potential of trade organization : theoretical and methodological foundations of formation and realization

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    Problematics of competitive potential of organization does not have any multi-disciplinary limitations of research. Study of competitive potential in connection with factors of its formation and conditions for realization, including competition, competitiveness, and competitive advantages of organization, was conducted by many scientists. At that, in view of sectorial specifics, there is domination of works devoted to study of competitive potential of production, not trade, organizations. Idea of sense, content, and structure of competitive potential, factors and conditions of its dynamics are not characterized by integrity of opinions, which leads to necessity for specification of theoretical aspects of formation of competitive potential. Methodology of study of competitive potential of organization in part of substantiation of evolutional approach and development of methodological tools which ensure its realization in analytical practice requires further development. Trade organizations have a need for concept and tools of development of competitive potential which correspond to modern realia of development of competitive relations in consumers market. These problems on the whole determine hypothesis of research and predetermined formulation of its goal and tasks. The purpose of the research consists in setting and solving scientific problem in the sphere of specification of theoretical aspects of formation of competitive potential in regard to specifics of activities of trade organizations, development of methodology, and methodological provision of its study, concept, and tools of development. In the conducted research, the authors distinguish the main aspects of treatment of competitive potential of organization and perform structuring of competitive potential of trade organization and determined conditions for provision of its dynamics; methodological approaches to study of competitive potential of organization are generalized, and evolutional approach and its methodological instrumentarium are substantiated; factors and conditions of realization of competitive potential of trade organizations are studied. Recommendations, formulated in the article, could be used for solving problems related to creation of new competitive advantages of enterprises and their effective realization.peer-reviewe

    Optimization of analitycal control over residues of active ingridients of modern pesticides in reservoirs water.

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    A highly sensitive and selective method of pyraclostrobin, boscalid, tebufenpyrad and prohexadione-calcium determination under their combined presence in water sample, using high-performance liquid chromatography was developed. On the base of mentioned active ingredients (combined fungicide Bellis, insecto-acaricide Masai and plant growth regulator Regalis) pesticides may be used in one vegetation season for fruit trees protection. Method of co-determination of these substances is based on the preparation of water samples for extraction, extraction of pyraclostrobin, boscalid, tebufenpyrad and prohexadione-calcium, concentrating of extract of substances mixtures and chromatographic deter­mination with ultraviolet detection. A distinctive feature of this method is changing of ratio of components of mobile phase (mixture of acetonitrile and 0,1 % aqueous solution of phosphoric acid) in the process of chromatographic analysis, which allowed to clearly visualize test substances in case of their joint presence in one sample. Imple­mentation of developed and patented method into practice optimizes control over application of pesticides in agri­cul­ture and their monitoring in reservoirs water by significant acceleration of analysis and reduction of expenses in its carying out

    Післяопераційне знеболення у травматологічних хворих з ендопротезуванням кульшового суглоба

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    Дослідження проводилися у двох групах хворих (n = 82), оперованих під спинномозковою анестезією (СА) в стандартному виконанні. Дизайн передбачав створення двох рандомізованих груп пацієнтів: досліджувана група складає 42 хворих з ендопротезуванням кульшового суглоба, що підлягали оперативному втручанню, яким у комплекс терапії було включено препарат декскетопрофен за схемою: 1­ше введення в дозі 50 мг декскетопрофен внутрішньом’язово за 40 хв до оперативного втручання; 2­ге введення в тій же дозі (50 мг в/м) через 8 год від 1­го введення і 3­тє – в тій же дозі (50 мг в/м) через 8 год від 2­го введення. Добова доза лікарського засобу не перевищувала 150 мг/добу згідно з інструкцією до лікарського засобу. Група порівняння (група “Контроль”) складала 40 пацієнтів з аналогічними нозологіями та оперативними втручаннями з боку опорно­рухової системи. Пацієнти отримували стандартну терапію без планового застосування препарату декскетопрофен. Виявлено, що застосування декскетопрофену в плановому порядку у складі мультимодальної аналгезії в післяопераційному періоді у травматологічних хворих дозволяє досягти більш якісного знеболювання порівняно з аналгезією “за потребою” опіатами чи іншими НПЗЗ


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    This paper considers features of the formation and microstructure revealing of profound n- and p-type silicon monocrystals. Influence of hole and electron conductivity in semiconductors on the pattern of anodic etching is determined. Correlation among silicon microstructure, dislocation density and minority carriers’ lifetime has been studied. Influence of impurity diffusion from the surface into the space of the crystal on electrical properties’ changes of the semiconductor is shown

    Effect of self-consistent electric field on characteristics of graphene p-i-n tunneling transit-time diodes

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    We develop a device model for p-i-n tunneling transit-time diodes based on single- and multiple graphene layer structures operating at the reverse bias voltages. The model of the graphene tunneling transit-time diode (GTUNNETT) accounts for the features of the interband tunneling generation of electrons and holes and their ballistic transport in the device i-section, as well as the effect of the self-consistent electric field associated with the charges of propagating electrons and holes. Using the developed model, we calculate the dc current-voltage characteristics and the small-signal ac frequency-dependent admittance as functions of the GTUNNETT structural parameters, in particular, the number of graphene layers and the dielectric constant of the surrounding media. It is shown that the admittance real part can be negative in a certain frequency range. As revealed, if the i-section somewhat shorter than one micrometer, this range corresponds to the terahertz frequencies. Due to the effect of the self-consistent electric field, the behavior of the GTUNNETT admittance in the range of its negativity of its real part is rather sensitive to the relation between the number of graphene layers and dielectric constant. The obtained results demonstrate that GTUNNETTs with optimized structure can be used in efficient terahertz oscillators.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Biochemical blood parameters and level of endogenous intoxication in cows suffering from hepatopathies under heat stress

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    Global warming results in increased extreme weather  events, including heatwaves,  droughts and floods, which exceed plants’and animals’tolerance thresholds, thus posing a threat to the economy and agriculture. Under these conditions, heat stress becomes a vital problem for animal husbandry. The paper presents the study results of biochemical blood parameters and endogenous intoxication in cows suffering from hepatopathies  under heat stress. Based on the calculated temperature-humidity  index, it was established that during the summer season in the conditions of the Krasnodar  Krai lowlands, cows are under heat stress. Using the method of paired comparisons, two groups of animals (n = 10) were formed: the first group was a healthy livestock; and the second group consisted of animals suffering from hepatic pathologies.  Blood was sampled from all cows at the beginning of the experiment (the first decade of May) and at the end (the last decade of July). Laboratory tests of blood revealed that as the heat stress develops healthy cows show the increase in the protein concentration in blood, and, on the contrary, animals with hepatic pathologies demonstrate the inhibition of protein synthesis. The higher activity of aminotransferases and alkaline phosphatase in the bovine serum in the summer season when compared to the spring season was established. The study of the endogenous intoxication level dynamics in cattle during the development of heat stress, showed that in both groups the concentrations of middle molecules (ММ) increased relative to the background data: in the first group (healthy cows) MM 237 – by 11.8%,  MM 254 – by 14.4%,  MM 280 – by 16.9%; in the second group (cattle with liver pathology)  MM 237 – by 16.9%,  MM 254 – by 20.3%,  MM 280 – by 33%. Thus, under heat stress, the endogenous intoxication in healthy livestock was almost 1.5 times less intense as compared to the animals suffering from hepatopathies


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    The results of the studies of the combined active filter of a sequential type with a continuous control system for direct current traction substation traction are presented. In the structure under consideration the aperiodic passive LC-filter operates in conjunction with the active one, the operation principle of the latter is being based on the formation of the channel feedback system of automatic voltage regulation of compensation of the variable component of the output voltage of the substation. The structure of a control system of a combined active filter of the series type has been proposed, which specific feature is the use of two parallel running circuits of feedback. The first one generates a signal for compensation of the variable component in a wide range of frequencies. The second one is built with the use of selective links that are configured to low frequency, including the non-canonical harmonic voltage with large amplitude. As a result of analytical studies the expression of the transfer function of the control system of the active filter of the series type with selective link has been obtained. The logarithmic amplitude-frequency characteristics of the combined active filter with and without selective link that had been determined clearly demonstrated the higher efficiency of suppression of the non-canonical harmonics in the second case. In order to confirm the reliability of the analytical results of the control system of the active filter a simulation model in MatLab has been developed. The analysis of the combined active filter of the series type with selective links demonstrated that its use is expedient for quality improvement of the supply the electric rolling stock with direct current energy, also achieving the desired level of electromagnetic compatibility of traction network with systems of railway automatics and communications.Приведены результаты исследований комбинированного активного фильтра последовательного типа с непрерывной системой управления для тяговых подстанций постоянного тока. В рассматриваемой структуре пассивный апериодический LC-фильтр работает совместно с активным, принцип действия которого основан на формировании по каналу обратной связи системы автоматического регулирования напряжения компенсации переменной составляющей выходного напряжения подстанции. Предложена структура системы управления комбинированного активного фильтра последовательного типа, особенностью которой является использование двух параллельно работающих цепей обратной связи. Первая формирует сигнал для компенсации переменной составляющей в широком диапазоне частот. Вторая построена с применением селективных звеньев, которые настроены на низкочастотные, в том числе неканонические, гармоники напряжения с большими амплитудами. В результате аналитических исследований получено выражение передаточной функции системы управления активного фильтра последовательного типа с селективным звеном. Построенные логарифмические амплитудно-частотные характеристики комбинированного активного фильтра без селективного звена и с ним наглядно показали более высокую эффективность подавления неканонических гармоник во втором случае. Для подтверждения достоверности результатов аналитических исследований системы управления активного фильтра разработана его имитационная модель в среде MatLab. Проведенный анализ комбинированного активного фильтра последовательного типа с селективными звеньями показал, что его применение целесообразно на тяговой подстанции для улучшения качества питающей электрический подвижной состав энергии постоянного тока, при этом также достигается необходимый уровень электромагнитной совместимости тяговой сети с системами железнодорожной автоматики и связи

    The role of active herpesvirus infection in the formation of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis

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    The results of previous studies suggest the involvement of herpes viruses in the development of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, but there is no convincing evidence. Aim of the study was to evaluate the role of active herpesvirus infection in exacerbation of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Material and methods. The analysis of the incidence of infectious mononucleosis, genital herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis in Russia in 2000–2020 was carried out. 92 blood donors and 97 patients with skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases (44 with atopic dermatitis and 53 with psoriasis) were examined for the presence of immunoglobulins M and G to herpes simplex viruses (HSV1,2), Epstein-Barr (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), human herpes type 6 (HНV6). Results and discussion. A significant strong direct correlation was revealed between the incidence of genital herpes and diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (p = 0.85), atopic dermatitis (p = 0.85); infectious mononucleosis and psoriasis (p = 0.85). The frequency of detection of IgM to HSV1,2, in total, IgG EA and IgM VCA EBV in the group of patients is significantly higher than in donors (p < 0.05). In patients with atopic dermatitis, IgM to HSV1 were detected significantly more often than in individuals with psoriasis, and markers of active EBV infection were significantly less common. The presence of IgM HSV-1 statistically significantly increases the incidence of atopic dermatitis (relative risk (RR) = 2.3, 95 % confidence interval (95 % CI) 1.6–3.3)), IgM VCA and IgG EA EBV – the incidence of psoriasis (RR = 2.3, 95 % CI 1.5–3.3). Conclusions. It has been shown for the first time that active HSV1,2 infection is a trigger factor for the development of atopic dermatitis, EBV infection is psoriasis