552 research outputs found

    Optical activity in the Drude helix model

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    An old classical one-particle helix model for optical activity, first proposed by Drude, is reconsidered here. The quantum Drude model is very instructive because the optical activity can be calculated analytically without further approximations apart from the Rosenfeld long wavelength approximation. While it was generally believed that this model, when treated correctly, is optically inactive, we show that it leads to optical activity when the motion of the particle is quantum mechanically treated. We also find that optical activity arises even in the classical regime at non-zero energy, while for zero energy the model is inactive, in accordance with previous results. The model is compared with other one-electron models and it is shown that its predicted optical activity is qualitatively different from those of other one-electron systems. The vanishing of optical activity in the classical zero-energy limit for the Drude model is due to the localization of the particle at the equilibrium position, whereas in the analogous model of a particle moving freely on a helix without a definite equilibrium position, optical activity does not vanish but the spectrum is rescaled. The model under study leads to interesting predictions about the optical properties of e. g. helicene derivatives

    Changes in Cognitive Functions of Pupils under Conditions of Iodine Deficiency

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    Clinical and physiological examination of 38 children which latent hypothyroidism (the main group) and 176 apparently healthy persons of intact region (the control group) at the age from 8 to 17 years living in endemic region was carried out. To determine the functional state of the thyroid gland in blood serum the content of total triiodothyronine (Т3), total and free thyroxin (Т4, fТ4), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) of adenohypophysis were determined as well as urinary iodine level was examined. The cognitive functions were characterized by the indices of attention as the result of correction test and rate of sensomotor reactions which were evaluated using modified Schulte tables. It was detected that in all children with latent hypothyroidism regardless of age work accuracy rate decreased, attention span increased slowly, fatigue developed early and rate of information analysis significantly reduced already within the first 5 minutes in comparison with analogical data in healthy children. When being tested children of the control group made fewer mistakes, the tempo of doing tasks remained higher for 5 minutes. There was a correlation between the indices of correction test, sensomotor reactions and data of thyroid status of pupils


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    Parasitic infections are one of the most acute problems of the modern society as this group of diseases is met in all countries of the world. According to the World Health Organization around 1.2 billion people are infected with diverse parasitic infections each year. Helminthiases of digestive system, primarily nematodosis, constitute a group of special risk, since a particularly sensitive audience for them are children of younger and middle age. Phytotherapy, which is based on the centuries-old experience of folk medicine, promises to be a solution to this problem, enabling to create effective complex medicines for nematodosis prevention and treatment. Thus, the herbal mixture was prepared on the basis of the offered composition of medicinal plant raw material. The research of antimicrobial activity of the studied herbal mixture was conducted in vitro by the method of diffusion into agar at the Biotechnology Department of the National Pharmaceutical University under the direction of Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, prof. Strelets O.P. The obtained results of the carried out research of the antimicrobial properties of the herbal mixture samples allowed examining the level of antimicrobial activity. The further research of the investigated herbal mixture and the offered phytocomposition is promising for creation of new effective medicines with the complex action including anthelminthic (specific to nematodes), antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, laxative, antiallergic, antispasmodic, analgesic, sedative activitie

    Дослідження антигельмінтної активності та гострої токсичності препарату комбінованого складу

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    Aim. The aim of the work is to investigate the anthelmintic activity and acute toxicity of the drug containing albendazole and praziquantel in the ratio (1:4) in relation to pathogens of ascariasis in pigs, toxocarosis and dipylidiosis in dogs. These pathogens belong to the class of nematodosis (ascariasis, toxocarosis) and cestodoses (dipylidiosis).Materials and methods. The studies were carried out in the coproscopic laboratory of the parasitology department of Kharkov State Zooveterinary Academy and by the standardized method of Füllbourne and the ‘Method for the quantitative determination of helminth eggs’ (patent No. 9265). Samples for the study in dogs were obtained in the CP “Center for Animal Welfare”. In order to study the degree of toxicity of the proposed combination of albendazole and praziquantel, blood samples of pigs before and in 24 hours and 72 hours after the drug administration were taken for carrying out morphological and biochemical studies.Results. The results obtained indicate the presence of anthelminthic activity of the studied drug in relation to pathogens of ascariasis, toxocarosis and dipylidiosis. The parameters of hematological studies in pigs free from intestinal helminthes before and after 24 and 72 hours after intake the drug were within the limits of the physiological norm. Findings of the clinical examination of the animals of the two experimental groups showed that the behavior of the animals did not change (natural), the intake of food and water was normal, the visible mucous membranes were pale pink, the skin was intact, without damage and elastic.Conclusion. Thus, the proposed drug shows high level of anthelminthic activity in relation to pathogens of ascariasis, toxocarosis and dipylidiosis. The degree of its toxicity corresponds to “low toxic”. The obtained results indicate the advisability of the further researchЦель. Целью работы является изучение антигельминтной активности и острой токсичности препарата, содержащего альбендазол и празиквантел в соотношении (1:4) в отношении возбудителей аскаридоза у свиней, токсокароза и дипилидиоза у собак. Данные патогены принадлежат к классу нематодозов (аскаридоз, токсокороз) и цестодозов (дипилидиоз).Материалы и методы. Исследования проводились в копроскопичной лаборатории кафедры паразитологии ХГЗВА стандартизированным методом Фюллеборна и «Способом количественного определения яиц гельминтов» (патент № 9265). Образцы для исследования на собаках были получены в КП "Центр обращения с животными". Для изучения степени токсичности предложенной комбинации альбендазола и празиквантела у поросят отбирали пробы крови перед приемом препарата, через 24 ч и 72 ч после начала терапии для проведения морфологических и биохимических исследований.Результаты. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о наличии антигельминтной активности исследуемого препарата по отношению к возбудителям аскаридоза, токсокароза и дипилидиоза. Показатели гематологических исследований у свиней свободных от кишечных гельминтов до и через 24 и 72 ч после приема препарата находились в пределах физиологической нормы. Результаты клинического обследования животных обеих экспериментальных групп показали, что поведение животных не изменилось (естественное), прием корма и воды в норме, видимые слизистые оболочки – бледно-розового цвета, кожный покров – целостный, без повреждений, кожа эластичная.Выводы. Таким образом, предложенный препарат демонстрирует высокий уровень антигельминтной активности в отношении возбудителей аскаридоза, токсокароза и дипилидиоза. Степень его токсичности соответствует показателю «малотоксичен». Полученные результаты указывают на целесообразность дальнейших исследованийМета. Метою роботи є вивчення антигельмінтної активності та гострої токсичності препарату, що містить альбендазол та празиквантел у співвідношенні (1: 4) щодо збудників аскаридозу у свиней, токсокарозу та дипілідіозу у собак. Ці патогени належать до класу нематодозів (аскаридозу, токсокороз) та цестодозів (дипілідіозу).Матеріали та методи. Дослідження проводили у копроскопічній лабораторії кафедри паразитології ХДЗВА за стандартизованим методом Фюллеборна і «Способом кількісного визначення яєць гельмінтів» (патент № 9265). Зразки для дослідження на собаках були отримані в КП "Центр поводження з тваринами". Для вивчення ступеня токсичності запропонованої комбінації альбендазолу і празиквантелу у поросят відбирали проби крові перед прийомом препарату та через 24 год і 72 год після початку лікування для проведення морфологічних і біохімічних досліджень.Результати. Отримані результати свідчать про наявність антигельмінтної активності досліджуваного препарату по відношенню до збудників аскаридозу, токсокарозу та дипілідіозу. Показники гематологічних досліджень у свиней вільних від кишкових гельмінтів до та через 24 і 72 год після прийому препарату знаходились у межах фізіологічної норми. Результати клінічного обстеження тварин обох дослідних груп показали, що поведінка тварин не змінилася (природня), прийом корму і води в нормі, видимі слизові оболонки – блідо-рожевого кольору, шкірний покрив – цілісний, без пошкоджень, шкіра еластична.Висновки. Таким чином, запропонований препарат демонструє високий рівень антигельмінтної активності щодо збудників аскаридозу, токсокарозу та дипілідіозу. Ступінь його токсичності відповідає показнику «малотоксичний». Отримані результати вказують на доцільність подальших досліджен

    Critical parameters of the production process of oromucosal drug for the treatment of helminthiases in children

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    Introduction. Troches are very popular in children due to their high compliance, pleasing organoleptic characteristics and easiness of administration. Nevertheless, the expanding range of drugs in this dosage form still lack anthelmintic products.  In order to introduce the new anthelminthic drug in the form of chewable troches under the conditional name “Albenpast”, there were conducted the studies over selection the optimal gel-forming agent and flavorings as correctors of taste characteristics. The purpose of this work is to develop the technology of chewable troches under the conditional name “Albenpast” and to establish the critical points of the production process. Materials & methods. As the objects of research the pure substances (albendazole, gelatin, glycerol, purified water, glucose syrup, fructose, citric acid, fruit flavoring, food coloring) and samples of troches on their basis were used. The research methods used are reflected in the State pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. Results & discussion. Research was conducted against the chewable troches “Albenpast” to the composition of the components of which the patent is claimed. Compositions of troches 1 and 2 differ in the type of sweetness flavoring: 1 contains glucose syrup, 2 contains fructose. Composition 2 is offered for the use in children who need to control the level of glucose.  The production process offered includes 9 stages with critical points in 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. Additionally, for each stage the possible types of quality control are described. The further quality control of the obtained by the offered technology samples of chewable troches showed their full correspondence with the requirements of SPhU. Conclusion. The technological process of production of chewable troches is offered and the technological scheme of their production is given. Critical parameters of the production process and their values are identified and described. The results of the quality evaluation of obtained chewable troches according to the main quality indicators in accordance with the requirements of SPhU are presented

    Analysis of priority sectors of the economy in the policy of import substitution

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    In this paper, the authors considered the priority sectors of the economy in the policy of import substitution. Analyses were carried outthe work of foreign and domestic scientistproposed the author's interpretation of the import substitution policy, presentedthe scheme of work of the industry of import substitution in the Russian Federatio

    Immunogenetic Status of Children with Mild Iodine Deficiency, Latent Iron Deficiency and Their Combination

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    Due to the prevalence of microelementosis (including iodine and iron deficiencies), cytogenetic abnormalities in children with microelement imbalance were studied.The objective of the research was to assess the abnormalities in the immunogenetic status of the organism by the frequency and spectrum of chromosomal aberrations, associations of acrocentric chromosomes and to determine the frequency of micronuclei in peripheral blood leukocytes in children with mild iodine deficiency, latent iron deficiency and their combination.Materials and methods. There were examined 68 boys and 65 girls at the age of 6 to 18 years. In the analysis of indicators, the main attention was paid to the age- (6-11 and 12-18 years) and gender-related peculiarities.Results and discussion. In all the children, associations of acrocentric chromosomes of two chromosomes were most commonly observed: in the control group, this indicator was 73.74%; in iodine deficiency, it was 67.72%; in iron deficiency, it was 67.68%; in combined microelementosis, the indictor was 68.68%. Chromosomal abnormalities were recorded in 56.03% of children. However, in the control group, this indicator was 40.94%, while in microelement imbalance, it was 71.13%. The most significant changes in the spectrum of chromosomal aberrations were identified in iodine and iron deficiencies (increase in the frequency of paired fragments, dicentrics, translocations, and the presence of a ring chromosome).Conclusions. Changes in the frequency and characteristics of the number of chromosomes in associations of acrocentric chromosomes, the frequency and spectrum of chromosomal aberrations, and the number of micronuclei indicated genotype instability, especially in iodine deficiency and combined microelement imbalance

    View on the history of electromagnetics of metamaterials: Evolution of the congress series of complex media

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    This article describes some of the paths through which electromagnetics research of complex media and metamaterials has reached the present active state. In particular, events of a period in 1990s will be illuminated during which new scientific contacts between Former Soviet Union and the West were established. The series of chiral and bianisotropic meetings between 1993 and 2006 appear as a precursor to today's series of metamaterials congresses.Non Peer reviewe

    Broadband reflectionless metasheets: Frequency-selective transmission and perfect absorption

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    Energy of propagating electromagnetic waves can be fully absorbed in a thin lossy layer, but only in a narrow frequency band, as follows from the causality principle. On the other hand, it appears that there are no fundamental limitations on broadband matching of thin absorbing layers. However, known thin absorbers produce significant reflections outside of the resonant absorption band. In this paper we explore possibilities to realize a thin absorbing layer which produces no reflected waves in a very wide frequency range, while the transmission coefficient has a narrow peak of full absorption. Here we show, both theoretically and experimentally, that a wide-band-matched thin resonant absorber, invisible in reflection, can be realized if one and the same resonant mode of the absorbing array unit cells is utilized to create both electric and magnetic responses. We test this concept using chiral particles in each unit cells, arranged in a periodic planar racemic array, utilizing chirality coupling in each unit cell but compensating the field coupling at the macroscopic level. We prove that the concept and the proposed realization approach also can be used to create non-reflecting layers for full control of transmitted fields. Our results can have a broad range of potential applications over the entire electromagnetic spectrum including, for example, perfect ultra-compact wave filters and selective multi-frequency sensors.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure