22 research outputs found

    Fetomaternal outcome following labour induction in oligohydramnios and borderline liquor: a retrospective study in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Amniotic fluid provides a protective milieu for the growing fetus in pregnancy and labour. A decrease in the amniotic fluid volume has been associated with increased maternal morbidity and fetal morbidity and mortality. The purpose was to compare the effect of labour induction on the fetomaternal outcome in women with oligohydramnios, borderline liquor and normal liquor at term.Methods: A retrospective study of all the labour induction in women with oligohydramnios, borderline liquor and normal liquor volume at 37-42 weeks gestation in a tertiary care teaching hospital. The demographic characteristics, maternal outcomes like mode of delivery, indication for operative delivery, meconium stained liquor and perinatal outcomes were compared in between the three groups. Parametric data was compared by chi-square test and non-parametric data by students’-test. A p-value less than 0.05 was taken as significant.Results: Among the 2338 deliveries during the study period, labour was induced in 266 women (11.3%). Out of which, 109 cases (40.9%) in oligohydramnios group, 111cases (41.7%) in borderline liquor group and 46 cases in normal liquor group. The incidence of meconium stained liquor, the number of operative deliveries and fetal distress was significantly higher and significantly lower birth weight (<2.5 kg) in the group with oligohydramnios and borderline liquor (p <0.05). Low Apgar score and admission to neonatal intensive care unit was higher in the oligohydramnios group (p<0.05).Conclusions: Induction of labour on detecting borderline liquor at term may help in reduction of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality

    Therapeutic evaluation of homeopathic treatment for canine oral papillomatosis

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    Aim: A study was conducted to evaluate the ameliorative potential of homeopathic drugs in combination (Sulfur 30C, Thuja 30C, Graphites 30C, and Psorinum 30C) in 16 dogs affected with oral papillomatosis which was not undergone any previous treatment. Materials and Methods: Dogs affected with oral papillomatosis, which have not undergone any initial treatment and fed with a regular diet. Dogs (total=16) were randomly divided into two groups, namely, homeopathic treatment group (n=8) and placebo control group (n=8). Random number table was used for allocation. Homeopathic combination of drugs and placebo drug (distilled water) was administered orally twice daily for 15 days. Clinical evaluation in both groups of dogs was performed by the same investigator throughout the period of study (12 months). Dogs were clinically scored for oral lesions on days 0, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, and 150 after initiation of treatment. Results: The homeopathic treatment group showed early recovery with a significant reduction in oral lesions reflected by clinical score (p<0.001) in comparison to placebo-treated group. Oral papillomatous lesions regressed in the homeopathic group between 7 and 15 days, whereas regression of papilloma in the placebo group occurred between 90 and 150 days. The homeopathic treated group was observed for 12 months post-treatment period and no recurrence of oral papilloma was observed. Conclusion: The current study proves that the combination of homeopathy drugs aids in fastening the regression of canine oral papilloma and proved to be safe and cost-effective

    A bibliometric analysis of the 100 top-cited systematic review and meta-analysis in Orthodontics

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    ABSTRACT Objective: This bibliometric study aimed to analyze the citation metrics, journal and author characteristics, and subject domains of the 100 top-cited Systematic Reviews (SR) and Meta-Analysis (MA) in orthodontics. Material and Methods: An electronic database search was conducted for SR and MA in the Web of Science on 16th July 2023, without language and time restrictions. Of the 802 hits returned, the 100 top-cited orthodontic articles were shortlisted. They were analyzed for citation metrics, journal characteristics (journal, year of publication, impact factor-IF), author and affiliation characteristics (number, primary and corresponding author’s affiliation, and country), study domain, and keywords. Results: These articles were published from 1996 to 2021 in 20 journals, with an impact factor of 1.9 to 10.5, by 351 researchers affiliated with 104 universities. Their citations ranged from 45 to 344, and 34 poised to be classified as classic (≥ 100 citations). The maximum number of articles was published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (n=38), the European Journal of Orthodontics (n=18), and the Angle Orthodontist (n=8). The authors for individual papers ranged from 1 to 10, with 5 being the most common (n=58). Europe had the highest contribution regarding the number of corresponding authors, institutions, and citations. Bone anchorage and orthodontic tooth movement/Biomechanics were the most frequently researched domains (n=11 each). The most common keyword used was Orthodontics (n=19), followed by Systematic Review (n=16) and Meta-analysis (n=9). Conclusion: In general, the top cited SR and MA were published in high-impact orthodontic journals, were multi-authored, and reflected the collaborative work from different universities

    Protective effect of Toddalia asatica leaf extract on Mild steel in 1.0N HCl

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    A study has been made on the Novel corrosion inhibitor on mild steel in 1.0N HCl. Commonly deterioration of steel is caused due to various environmental and other chemical factors. It is unavoidable but protectable using inhibition methods. Here the usual inhibitor is replaced by green inhibitors to evade toxicity, easy availability, and to minimize the waste. This work seeks out to analyze the dried leaves of Todalia Asiatica as an inhibitor on mild steel in 1.0N HCl.&nbsp; The anticorrosive effectiveness of this inhibitor is studied by using non- electrochemical and electrochemical techniques. Non -electrochemical studies such as the effect of time (87.6%) and temperature (93.0%) at optimum concentration show the maximum inhibition efficiency of the inhibitor due to the formation of an inhibited layer by the inhibitor on the metal surface. Langmuir isotherm most closely fits into the info data obtained suggesting the physical adsorption between the extract and the mild steel substrate. Electrochemical such as potentiodynamic polarization studies proved that extract of Todalia Asiatica dried leaves is a cathodic type of inhibitor and 85.12% inhibition efficiency provided by the inhibitor. Charge Transfer Resistance (Rct) value increased and also Double-layer capacitance (Cdl) value decreases by EIS studies. The observed inhibitor efficiency at optimum inhibitor concentration is 84.05%. Surface and corrosion product Analysis (EDX/FTIR)&nbsp; was carried out to determine the corrosion-inhibitive properties of the samples

    Кореляція резельтатів тонкоголкової аспіраційної цитології з данними отриманими гістопатологічними методами в діагностиці набряків щитовидної залоби

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    The aim of the study: the present study is to evaluate the accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of thyroid swellings and to correlate with histopathological findings to avoid unnecessary surgeries for benign lesions. Methods: this is a prospective study. A total of 55 cases were studied in the Department of Pathology at A.C.S Medical College and Hospital. Fine needle aspiration cytology was done and correlated with histopathological examination. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were calculated. Results: majority were noted among 41-50 years (60 %). Females i.e., 78.1 % (43/55) outnumbered males 21.8 % (12/55). Solitary nodule thyroid in Right lobe is 54.5 % (30/55) and left lobe is 45.4 % (25/55). In the present study 65.4 % (36/55) presented with symptoms for 1month – 1 year. Non neoplastic lesions constituted 76.3 % (42/55) in our study on FNAC. Among non-neoplastic lesions, nodular goiter was most reported and constituted 36.6 % (20/55). Neoplastic lesions constituted 23.6 % (13/55) and among neoplastic lesions follicular neoplasm occupied 9.09 % (05/55). Nodular goiter was most reported and constituted 29.0 % (17/55). Follicular adenoma occupied 20 % (11/55), 9.09 % (05/55) as PTC and 5.4 % (02/55) reported as follicular carcinoma. 1.8 % (01/55) each reported as medullary carcinoma and anaplastic carcinoma. Non-neoplastic lesions constituted 76.3 % (42/55) in our study on FNAC and neoplastic lesions constituted 23.6 % (13/55). Conclusion: FNAC is a minimally invasive, highly accurate and cost-effective procedure. FNAC helps the clinician to diagnose malignant lesions with confidence. It has high rates of specificity and accuracy but comparatively has less sensitivity to diagnose the solitary thyroid nodule. However, it is an important diagnostic tool for further management of patients with thyroid swellingМета дослідження: дане дослідження полягає в оцінці точності тонкоголкової аспіраційної цитології (FNAC) набряків щитовидної залози та кореляції з гістопатологічними результатами, щоб уникнути непотрібних операцій при доброякісних утвореннях. Методи: це проспективне дослідження. Загалом було вивчено 55 випадків у відділенні патології медичного коледжу та лікарні A.C.S. Тонкоголкову аспіраційну цитологію було проведено та співвіднесено з гістопатологічним дослідженням. Розраховували чутливість, специфічність і точність. Результати: більшість відзначено серед 41-50 років (60 %). Жінки 78,1 % (43/55) кількісно переважали чоловіків, яких було 21,8 % (12/55). Одиночний вузлик щитовидної залози в правій частці діагнастовано у 54,5 % (30/55) випадків, а в лівій – 45,4 % (25/55). У цьому дослідженні 65,4 % (36/55) мали симптоми протягом 1 місяця – 1 року. Непухлинні ураження становили 76,3 % (42/55) у нашому дослідженні FNAC. Серед непухлинних уражень найчастіше повідомлялося про вузловий зоб, який становив 36,6 % (20/55). Неопластичні ураження становили 23,6 % (13/55), а серед неопластичних уражень фолікулярні новоутворення займали 9,09 % (05/55). Найчастіше повідомлялося про вузловий зоб, який становив 29,0 % (17/55). Фолікулярна аденома займала 20 % (11/55), 9,09 % (05/55) як PTC і 5,4 % (02/55) як фолікулярна карцинома. 1,8 % (01/55) кожна зареєстрована як медулярна карцинома та анапластична карцинома. Непухлинні ураження становили 76,3 % (42/55) у нашому дослідженні FNAC, а неопластичні ураження становили 23,6 % (13/55). Висновок:&nbsp;FNAC є мінімально інвазивною, високоточною та економічно ефективною процедурою. FNAC допомагає клініцисту впевнено діагностувати злоякісні ураження. Він має високі показники специфічності та точності, але порівняно менш чутливий для діагностики солітарного вузла щитовидної залози. Однак це важливий діагностичний інструмент для подальшого лікування пацієнтів із набряком щитовидної залоз

    Seroprevalence of Human Brucellosis in and Around Puducherry: Application of an Immunocapture Agglutination Technique (Brucellacapt)

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    The objective of the present study was the serological diagnosis of human brucellosis in and around Puducherry by application of Immunocapture-agglutination technique (Brucella Capt), which has been validated and found to be quite satisfactory. The study has included febrile patients, patients with chronic back pain/arthritis, healthy pregnant women, personnel exposed to domestic livestock and voluntary blood donors. Prevalence of brucellosis in these different categories was studied. Overall seroprevalence of brucellosis among different categories of individuals from Puducherry is very low, viz., 3.27%. Among febrile patients, the prevalence is almost the same with 3.33% positivity. Among 100 healthy pregnant women, only one had antibodies to Brucella abortus (1.00%). The category of animal handlers as expected had higher seroprevalence rate of 8.00%. All the 45 voluntary blood donors were seronegative for brucellosis

    Unreliability of three commercial Coxiella burnetii phase II IgM ELISA kits for the seroscreening of acute Q fever in human cases

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    Background & objectives: Seroprevalence of Q fever (QF) caused by Coxiella burnetii has been reported from different parts of India. Usually serological/molecular tests are employed for detection of infection. The present study was undertaken to verify the validity of three different QF phase II IgM ELISA kits for acute QF diagnosis by comparing with the gold standard indirect fluorescent antibody assay (IFA). Methods: Fifty eight serum samples collected from 42 patients (26 patients provided acute sample only and 16 both acute and convalescent samples) which were examined by all three commercial kits, were cross-checked with QF Phase II IgM IFA for confirmation. Results: Eleven patients were positive for C. burnetii antibodies by IFA in acute and/or convalescent serum samples. Taking IFA as a reference, percentages of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for Virion-Serion/Vircell/NovaTec were 36.36, 61.29, 25.00, 73.08; 81.82, 35.48, 31.03, 84.62 and 100, 25.81, 32.35, 100 per cent, respectively. Interpretation & conclusions: The three different ELISA kits exhibited poor agreement amongst them and unacceptable level of false positivity. IFA remains to be the only option for diagnosing acute QF. Discrepancy between the clinical findings and IFA/ELISA results needs confirmation by C. burnetii DNA detection in real-time polymerase chain reaction

    Anesthetic techniques and haemodynamic control for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: A retrospective analysis and review of literature

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    Introduction: Bleeding from mucosal edges is known to decrease surgical visibility and increase the risk of complications in Endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS). A variety of strategies, including modifying anesthetic techniques have been proposed to create a bloodless field. A recent survey in anesthesiologist revealed that a vast majority neither use controlled hypotension nor believe that modifying the anesthetic techniques will improve the outcome of ESS. This study investigates the different anesthetic techniques used for ESS and their effect on the haemodynamic variables achieved intra-operatively. Methods: Data were retrospectively collected from an electronic anesthesia database on 233 consecutive adult patients who underwent endoscopic sinus surgery in a tertiary hospital in Singapore from January 2014 to August 2015 and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS. Results: Inhaled anesthetics (IA) were used for 93% (49% with morphine or fentanyl, 42% with remifentanil) and total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) for 7% of the cases respectively. The airway was secured with endotracheal tube in 94.6% and the rest were having LMA. Average Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) lower than 70 mmHg was achieved in 74.4%. Antihypertensive drugs were used only in 5 cases (2.3%). Distribution of intra operative MAP and Heart rate (HR) were similar among different anesthetic techniques. Lowest MAP and HR achieved were significantly lower in IA with remifentanil use. Conclusion: Inhaled anesthesia is the preferred maintenance technique used for ESS. The desired MAP range was achieved in about 75% of the cases without needing anti hypertensives. Use of remifentanil reduces the MAP and HR further which might potentially improve the quality of surgical field and the outcome

    Cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    The peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase from M. tuberculosis has been crystallized in three closely related forms, two orthorhombic and one monoclinic, and X-ray diffraction data have been collected from them