24 research outputs found

    Analyses of organic matter with a new mass spectrometer based on CosmOrbitrap in the framework of a new space mission

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    La spectromĂ©trie de masse joue un rĂŽle clef dans l’exploration spatiale, notamment dans la caractĂ©risation de la matiĂšre organique prĂ©sente sur de nombreux objets du SystĂšme Solaire. Dans ce manuscrit, l’accent est particuliĂšrement mis sur Titan, prĂ©sentant une chimie organique complexe initiĂ©e dans son ionosphĂšre et se rĂ©percutant jusqu’à sa surface. Les spectromĂštres de masse embarquĂ©s Ă  bord de la mission Cassini-Huygens ont permis de nombreuses dĂ©tections de composĂ©s organiques. Cependant, les limites instrumentales d’un point de vue analytique poussent la communautĂ© scientifique Ă  se pencher sur de nouvelles techniques de spectromĂ©trie de masse dites Ă  haute rĂ©solution (HRMS).Mon travail de thĂšse s’est inscrit dans le dĂ©veloppement d’un nouveau type d’analyseur en masse basĂ© sur la technologie Orbitrap, instrumentation HRMS de laboratoire, pour une application spatiale. Ce projet se nomme CosmOrbitrap. L’objectif s’est ainsi concentrĂ© sur les possibilitĂ©s d’analyse de la matiĂšre organique avec une configuration instrumentale simple et compacte couplant directement l’analyseur CosmOrbitrap Ă  une ionisation par ablation laser (LAb-CosmOrbitrap), dans un contexte de future mission spatiale. L’identification univoque de composĂ©s organiques purs ou formant des mĂ©langes complexes, la dĂ©monstration des performances en termes de rĂ©solution, de prĂ©cision en masse et d’étude des rapports isotopiques mais Ă©galement l’influence de la pression sur la rĂ©solution en masse obtenue sur des composĂ©s organiques sont dĂ©taillĂ©es dans ce manuscrit. L’analyse de la matiĂšre brute d’analogues d’aĂ©rosols de Titan synthĂ©tisĂ©s en laboratoire (tholins) montre un cas d’étude concret sur les capacitĂ©s du LAb-CosmOrbitrap Ă  permettre une analyse chimique profonde des Ă©chantillons reprĂ©sentatifs d’un environnement d’intĂ©rĂȘt exobiologique.Mass spectrometry is a key tool in space exploration, for the analysis of organic matter of many Solar System bodies. In this dissertation, we mainly focus on Titan. This amazing object in the Solar System shows a very rich organic chemistry from the ionosphere to the surface. Mass spectrometers aboard the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft have allowed the detection of many organic compounds. However, instrumental limits in terms of analytical performances lead scientists to develop new high resolution mass spectrometry techniques (HRMS).My PhD is rooted to the development of a new high resolution mass analyzer based on the Orbitrap technology, for a space application. This project is named CosmOrbitrap. The efficiency of a simple and compact instrumental version of CosmOrbitrap coupled with a laser ablation ionization process (LAb-CosmOrbitrap) is demonstrated on organic matter analyses in the framework of a future space mission. Univocal identification of pure organics compounds and complex organic mixtures, analytical performances such as mass resolving power, mass accuracy and isotopic abundances determination as well as the impact of the pressure on the mass resolution of organics are part of this dissertation. The study of laboratory analogs of Titan aerosols (named tholins) shows capabilities of the LAb-CosmOrbitrap to provide a deep chemical analysis of exobiological environment

    Optimisation de l'analyse de la matiÚre organique à l'aide d'un nouveau spectromÚtre de masse basé sur le CosmOrbitrap dans un contexte de future mission spatiale

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    Mass spectrometry is a key tool in space exploration, for the analysis of organic matter of many Solar System bodies. In this dissertation, we mainly focus on Titan. This amazing object in the Solar System shows a very rich organic chemistry from the ionosphere to the surface. Mass spectrometers aboard the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft have allowed the detection of many organic compounds. However, instrumental limits in terms of analytical performances lead scientists to develop new high resolution mass spectrometry techniques (HRMS).My PhD is rooted to the development of a new high resolution mass analyzer based on the Orbitrap technology, for a space application. This project is named CosmOrbitrap. The efficiency of a simple and compact instrumental version of CosmOrbitrap coupled with a laser ablation ionization process (LAb-CosmOrbitrap) is demonstrated on organic matter analyses in the framework of a future space mission. Univocal identification of pure organics compounds and complex organic mixtures, analytical performances such as mass resolving power, mass accuracy and isotopic abundances determination as well as the impact of the pressure on the mass resolution of organics are part of this dissertation. The study of laboratory analogs of Titan aerosols (named tholins) shows capabilities of the LAb-CosmOrbitrap to provide a deep chemical analysis of exobiological environment.La spectromĂ©trie de masse joue un rĂŽle clef dans l’exploration spatiale, notamment dans la caractĂ©risation de la matiĂšre organique prĂ©sente sur de nombreux objets du SystĂšme Solaire. Dans ce manuscrit, l’accent est particuliĂšrement mis sur Titan, prĂ©sentant une chimie organique complexe initiĂ©e dans son ionosphĂšre et se rĂ©percutant jusqu’à sa surface. Les spectromĂštres de masse embarquĂ©s Ă  bord de la mission Cassini-Huygens ont permis de nombreuses dĂ©tections de composĂ©s organiques. Cependant, les limites instrumentales d’un point de vue analytique poussent la communautĂ© scientifique Ă  se pencher sur de nouvelles techniques de spectromĂ©trie de masse dites Ă  haute rĂ©solution (HRMS).Mon travail de thĂšse s’est inscrit dans le dĂ©veloppement d’un nouveau type d’analyseur en masse basĂ© sur la technologie Orbitrap, instrumentation HRMS de laboratoire, pour une application spatiale. Ce projet se nomme CosmOrbitrap. L’objectif s’est ainsi concentrĂ© sur les possibilitĂ©s d’analyse de la matiĂšre organique avec une configuration instrumentale simple et compacte couplant directement l’analyseur CosmOrbitrap Ă  une ionisation par ablation laser (LAb-CosmOrbitrap), dans un contexte de future mission spatiale. L’identification univoque de composĂ©s organiques purs ou formant des mĂ©langes complexes, la dĂ©monstration des performances en termes de rĂ©solution, de prĂ©cision en masse et d’étude des rapports isotopiques mais Ă©galement l’influence de la pression sur la rĂ©solution en masse obtenue sur des composĂ©s organiques sont dĂ©taillĂ©es dans ce manuscrit. L’analyse de la matiĂšre brute d’analogues d’aĂ©rosols de Titan synthĂ©tisĂ©s en laboratoire (tholins) montre un cas d’étude concret sur les capacitĂ©s du LAb-CosmOrbitrap Ă  permettre une analyse chimique profonde des Ă©chantillons reprĂ©sentatifs d’un environnement d’intĂ©rĂȘt exobiologique

    Laboratory studies of organics with Cosmorbitrap, a new HRMS analyser, in the framework of future missions to Titan and other organic worlds

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    International audienceThe Cosmorbitrap is a development of a space mass analyzer, based on the OrbitrapTM technology. In the context of Titan future exploration, we have addressed two important questions using it: first, to show that the instrument was able to identify the structure of complex organic molecules, then to characterize the evolution of the instrument performances when increasing the background pressure as it can be critical when exploring Titan's dense atmosphere. These questions are relevant in the framework of a future space exploration of an organic world like Titan environment

    Laboratory studies of organics with Cosmorbitrap, a new HRMS analyser, in the framework of future missions to Titan and other organic worlds

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    International audienceThe Cosmorbitrap is a development of a space mass analyzer, based on the OrbitrapTM technology. In the context of Titan future exploration, we have addressed two important questions using it: first, to show that the instrument was able to identify the structure of complex organic molecules, then to characterize the evolution of the instrument performances when increasing the background pressure as it can be critical when exploring Titan's dense atmosphere. These questions are relevant in the framework of a future space exploration of an organic world like Titan environment

    Laboratory studies of organics with Cosmorbitrap, a new HRMS analyser, in the framework of future missions to Titan and other organic worlds

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    International audienceThe Cosmorbitrap is a development of a space mass analyzer, based on the OrbitrapTM technology. In the context of Titan future exploration, we have addressed two important questions using it: first, to show that the instrument was able to identify the structure of complex organic molecules, then to characterize the evolution of the instrument performances when increasing the background pressure as it can be critical when exploring Titan's dense atmosphere. These questions are relevant in the framework of a future space exploration of an organic world like Titan environment

    Uracil evolution under Mars surface-like UV radiation conditions with the MOMIE (Mars Organic Matter Irradiation and Evolution) experiment

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    International audienceThe detection and identification of organic molecules at Mars are of primary importance for astrobiology, as some of these molecules are life precursors and components. While in situ exploration missions are searching for them at the surface of the planet, it is essential to understand how organic molecules evolve and are preserved at the surface of Mars. Indeed the harsh conditions of the environment of Mars, such as ultraviolet (UV) radiation or oxidative processes, due for example to perchlorate ions, could explain the low abundance and diversity of organic molecules detected so far [1][2]. The MOMIE (Mars Organic Matter Irradiation and Evolution) experiment has been set up to study the evolution of organic matter under simulated martian radiation within the laboratory [3]. Organic samples are exposed under a wide range UV lamp (200-400 nm) as thin homogenous solid films (a fraction of Όm thick), by a mean temperature of -55°C and a mean pressure of 6 mbar, close to Mars surface conditions. Most of the organic molecules studied so far were quickly destroyed under Mars surface-like UV radiation conditions [4]. Uracil is a one-ringed heterocyclic compound, a nucleobase found in RNA, and has been detected in meteorites thus is likely to be found at Mars [5]. Pure uracil samples were irradiated for several weeks in the MOMIE experiment, as well as uracil mixed with perchlorate salts. To characterize the evolution of uracil samples, analyses by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were performed all along the experiment. These analyses allowed determining whether uracil is preserved or photodegraded, and if so, its photolysis rate. The FTIR successive analysis showed new absorption band appearance and increase along the UV irradiation. High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS) analysis of irradiated uracil samples has shown that uracil seems to form polymers under martian-like UV radiation. These polymers are far more resistant to UV radiation. The effect of perchlorates salts on uracil evolution and preservation has been investigated as well. The MOMIE experiment allows to understand which organic molecules in situ missions should target, as some of them are quickly destroyed in Mars surface-like conditions while others are likely to form new compounds. Uracil polymers, formed by uracil molecules under Mars surface-like radiation conditions, would be very relevant compounds to search for at the surface of Mars

    Uracil evolution under Mars surface-like UV radiation conditions with the MOMIE (Mars Organic Matter Irradiation and Evolution) experiment

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    International audienceThe detection and identification of organic molecules at Mars are of primary importance for astrobiology, as some of these molecules are life precursors and components. While in situ exploration missions are searching for them at the surface of the planet, it is essential to understand how organic molecules evolve and are preserved at the surface of Mars. Indeed the harsh conditions of the environment of Mars, such as ultraviolet (UV) radiation or oxidative processes, due for example to perchlorate ions, could explain the low abundance and diversity of organic molecules detected so far [1][2]. The MOMIE (Mars Organic Matter Irradiation and Evolution) experiment has been set up to study the evolution of organic matter under simulated martian radiation within the laboratory [3]. Organic samples are exposed under a wide range UV lamp (200-400 nm) as thin homogenous solid films (a fraction of Όm thick), by a mean temperature of -55°C and a mean pressure of 6 mbar, close to Mars surface conditions. Most of the organic molecules studied so far were quickly destroyed under Mars surface-like UV radiation conditions [4]. Uracil is a one-ringed heterocyclic compound, a nucleobase found in RNA, and has been detected in meteorites thus is likely to be found at Mars [5]. Pure uracil samples were irradiated for several weeks in the MOMIE experiment, as well as uracil mixed with perchlorate salts. To characterize the evolution of uracil samples, analyses by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were performed all along the experiment. These analyses allowed determining whether uracil is preserved or photodegraded, and if so, its photolysis rate. The FTIR successive analysis showed new absorption band appearance and increase along the UV irradiation. High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS) analysis of irradiated uracil samples has shown that uracil seems to form polymers under martian-like UV radiation. These polymers are far more resistant to UV radiation. The effect of perchlorates salts on uracil evolution and preservation has been investigated as well. The MOMIE experiment allows to understand which organic molecules in situ missions should target, as some of them are quickly destroyed in Mars surface-like conditions while others are likely to form new compounds. Uracil polymers, formed by uracil molecules under Mars surface-like radiation conditions, would be very relevant compounds to search for at the surface of Mars