177 research outputs found

    Food price dynamics and inflation in Sri Lanka

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    Food price contributes the largest share in the general price index in developing countries. Consequently, the nature of food price dynamics, global and domestic food price and volatility transmission influence the general price inflation. The main objective of the study is to examine food price dynamics and inflation in Sri Lanka for the period of 2003M1-2014M12 by focusing on two perspectives: i) long memory of food price inflation and ii) food price transmission. This study attempts to examine specifically (i) the long memory properties of food price dynamics, (ii) the transmission of global food price dynamics to domestic prices, (iii) the transmission of global food price volatility to domestic prices, and (iv) the spillover effects of domestic food prices on overall consumer price. Rescaled range statistic, Geweke and Porter–Hudak statistic, Local Whittle estimator, autoregressive fractional integrated moving average model and fractional integrated generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model were used to estimate the long memory parameter of the food price series. Cointegration technique, error correction models, Granger causality analysis, and impulse response function analysis (IRF) were employed to investigate the price transmission effects. The long memory analysis shows that all food price and volatility series possess long memory. The cointegration and causality analysis show that the global food price and volatility transmit significantly to the domestic prices. In addition, the results also reveal that the domestic food prices influence positively and significantly the overall consumer price. IRF analysis also shows that there is a positive shock of global food price on the domestic prices which lasts for longer periods. Hence, the policy makers are recommended to take into account food prices in computing core inflation which is used for monetary policy in Sri Lanka

    BV-equivalence between triadic gravity and BF theory in three dimensions

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    The triadic description of General Relativity in three dimensions is known to be a BF theory. Diffeomorphisms, as symmetries, are easily re- covered on shell from the symmetries of BF theory. This note describes an explicit off-shell BV symplectomorphism between the BV versions of the two theories, each endowed with their natural symmetries


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    The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of playing chess on cognitive skills in schools under the chess association of Ampara district. A quantitative research approach was followed to analyze that respective objective under the chess association of Ampara district and identify the strategies chess players and coaches can take to improvise the impact of playing chess among the school students. Thirty students as an experimental group and thirty students as an control group from schools participated in this study. The experimental group underwent a ninety minutes of chess practice three-day per week over three months and the control group student’s regularly attended school activities after class. The experimental group’s performance on the test was not different from the control group’s performance. However, as per the statistical analysis control group, students achieved 50.13 on average while the experimental group students achieved 51.47 on average in the pre-test exam. In the post-test exam control group, students achieved 51.20 on average while in the experimental group students achieved 64.27 as on average. Based on the result there is a significant improvement in the cognitive skills of the experimental group after the chess training (p=0.000) and there is no significant improvement in the cognitive skills in the control group (p=0.174). Which shows the improvement in the cognitive skills of the students who are playing chess compared to the non-playing chess students. Moreover, all chess-related pupils should concentrate on the publicity of chess among the school students and give their full support to the best outcome for chess-playing students for their development of cognitive skills. Hence, the investigator successfully identified the impact of playing chess on the development of cognitive skills in schools under the chess association of Ampara district.  Article visualizations

    Endorectal Ultrasound Scan

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    Peat Characteristics and its Impact on Oil Palm Yield

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    AbstractThe yield potential of oil palm planted on peat land has always been a controversial subject. Most past soil research on oil palm yield on peat land was mainly based on the depth and drainability. Little attention was given to the impact of peat characteristics on oil palm from a yield perspective. This study tests the hypothesis that physical soil properties such as peat maturity, presence of wood, depth and nature of underlying substratum affects oil palm yield. The initial study involved the evaluation of soil mapping units on estates in Sibu, Sarawak, East Malaysia and from this exercise of four organic soil mapping units which reflected the different characteristics of soils were selected. Data on peat depth, presence and absence of decomposed and undecomposed wood, nature of underlying substratum and peat maturity (fibric, sapric and hemic) were collected, analyzed and interpreted. Comparisons were also made on mineral soil found at the same location. Yield data were analyzed from primary sources from oil palm estates. Results show that different types of peat have significant effect on oil palm yield ranging between 9.47 - 22.92mt/ha. Peat maturity has the most significant effect on yield. Sapric peat showed a yield range of 19.48-22.92mt/ha as compared to hemic peat ranging between 9.47- 13.37mt/ha. Palms planted on soils with sandy substratum showed significant 18 -142% higher yields compared to those over marine clay as underlying material. No significant differences were observed in the yields due to the different depths and presence/absence of wood as a single factor. However, a combined factor of peat maturity and presence with nature of wood do have significant impact on yield.The study further confirms that sandy spodosol like Bako series perform 30 - 40.44% lower yields compared to peat soils such as Telong and Naman series.The results are important as peat areas with specific physical soil properties and showing poor yields can been left for conservation prior to development. Thus selective development based on semi detailed soil surveys producing maps giving peat characteristics and its impact to oil palm yield is possible. However, a more balanced view and future research should be emphasised to other issues such as cost of development of peatland compared to the price of crude palm oil in the world market, biodiversity, social issues, Green House Gas (GHG) emissions and potentials of improving productivity on existing organic and mineral soils need to be further explored. The study therefore challenges the existing believe that peat depth is very significant in determining oil palm yield. The study also enhances the need for soil surveys for land use decisions and wise use of peatlands. Further research is recommended to narrow the knowledge gaps and uncertainties on peatland

    La phylogénie moléculaire du genre nord-américain Eurybia (Asteraceae : Astereae) et ses proches parents (Oreostemma, Herrickia, Triniteurybia)

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    Eurybia et ses proches parents Oreostemma, Herrickia et Triniteurybia sont appelés le grade des eurybioïdes. Comprenant 31 espèces vivaces, ce grade appartient au clade Nord-américain de la tribu des Astereae. Les analyses moléculaires antérieures ont montré que ce groupe est à la fois paraphylétique aux Machaerantherinae et un groupe frère aux Symphyotrichinae. Les relations infragénériques partiellement résolues et faiblement supportées empêchent d’approfondir l'histoire évolutive des groupes et ce, particulièrement dans le genre principal Eurybia. Le but de cette étude est de reconstruire les relations phylogénétiques au sein des eurybioïdes autant par l'inclusion de toutes les espèces du grade que par l’utilisation de différents types de régions et de méthodes d'inférence phylogénétique. Cette étude présente des phylogénies basées sur l'ADN ribosomal nucléaire (ITS, ETS), de l'ADN chloroplastique (trnL-F, trnS-G, trnC-ycf6) et d’un locus du génome nucléaire à faible nombre de copie (CNGC4). Les données sont analysées séparément et combinées à l’aide des approches de parcimonie, bayesienne et de maximum de vraisemblance. Les données ADNnr n’ont pas permis de résoudre les relations entre les espèces polyploïdes des Eurybia. Les analyses combinées avec des loci d’ADNnr et d’ADNnr+cp ont donc été limitées à des diploïdes. Les analyses combinées ont montré une meilleure résolution et un meilleur support que les analyses séparées. La topologie de l’ADNnr+cp était la mieux résolue et supportée. La relation phylogénétique de genres appartenant au grade des eurybioïdes est comme suit : Oreostemma (Herrickia s.str. (Herrickia kingii (Eurybia (Triniteurybia - Machaerantherinae)))). Basé sur la topologie combinée de l’ADNnr+cp, nous avons effectué des analyses de biogéographie à l’aide des logiciels DIVA et LaGrange. Ces analyses ont révélé une première radiation des eurybioïdes dans l’Ouest de l’Amérique du Nord, suivi de deux migrations indépendantes dans l’Est de l’Amérique du Nord chez les Eurybia. Due au relatif manque de variabilité de l’ADNnr, l’ADNcp et CNGC4, où le triage de lignés incomplet était dominant, l'origine du grade est interprétée comme récente, possiblement du Pliocène. La diversification du groupe a été probablement favorisée par les glaciations Pléistocènes.Eurybia and it relatives, Oreostemma, Herrickia, and Triniteurybia, are collectively called the eurybioid grade. Comprising 31 perennial species, this grade belongs to the North American clade of the tribe Astereae. Early molecular analyses had inferred that this group is paraphyletic to the Machaerantherinae and sister to the Symphyotrichinae. The partially resolved and poorly supported relationships at the infrageneric level within the group, particularly within the core genus Eurybia, is preventing further insights into the evolutionary history of the group. The aim of this study is to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships among the eurybioids by including all species of the grade and by using both different types of regions and multiple phylogenetic inference methods. The present study provides phylogenies based on nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS, ETS), chloroplastic DNA (trnL-F, trnS-G, trnC-ycf6), and a low-copy nuclear locus (CNGC4), in separate and combined datasets analyzed using maximum parsimony, Bayesian and maximum likelihood approaches. In a separate analysis of the nrDNA dataset, the relationships of polyploids in Eurybia proved to be impossible to resolve. The nrDNA and nr+cpDNA combined analyses therefore were restricted to diploids. The combined analyses provided greater resolution and support than separate analyses. The nr+cpDNA phylogeny was the best resolved and supported. The phylogenetic relationship of genera belonging to the eurybioid grade is as follows: Oreostemma (Herrickia s.str. (Herrickia kingii (Eurybia (Triniteurybia – Machaerantherinae)))). Based on the nr+ cpDNA combined topology, we performed biogeographical analyses using DIVA and LaGrange. These analyses revealed an initial radiation of the eurybioids in western North America, with two independent migrations to eastern North America within Eurybia. Based on the relative lack of variation in nrDNA, cpDNA and CNGC4, where incomplete lineage sorting was dominant, the origin of the grade is interpreted as recent, probably from the Pliocene. Diversification of the group was probably favored by the Pleistocene glaciations

    Critical speeds and unbalance response of cantilever-sleeve rotors using finite elements with efficient higher order basis functions

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    Design of industrial rotor-bearing systems requires an understanding of their dynamic behavior, which involves the determination of their critical speeds and unbalance response. Dynamic behavior of simple rotor systems can be studied using analytical techniques. However, for complex rotor systems it is necessary to use approximate techniques. The finite element method is one such approximate technique and has been in use as a computational method for solving these problems. In most cases finite element method requires a fine discretization of the rotor model and this leads to setting up and solving a large number of simultaneous and coupled linear differential equations for the unknown displacements. With such large systems the calculation becomes very time consuming, which may not be economically feasible. The prime objective of the present investigation is to develop an efficient and economical technique for the determination of the critical speeds and the unbalance response of complex rotorbearing systems such as cantilever-sleeve rotor. The technique is based on higher order finite elements. By using this technique the size of system equations can be significantly reduced without affecting the dynamic characteristics of the system. The technique also incorporates all the natural and essential boundary conditions right in the basis functions at element formulation. Thus, this element adequately represents all the physical situations involved in any combination of displacement, rotation, bending moment and shearing force boundary conditions. The dynamic behavior of a cantilever-sleeve rotor with a disk at the end is studied using such higher order finite elements. More accurate results are obtained using a coarse mesh that has increased number of degrees of freedom. Further no errors are introduced-during post processing for stresses, strains, etc

    An evaluation of a community pharmacy based, pharmacist-led intervention package targeted to the patients’ adherence status, to achieve and maintain target blood pressure (BP) control by optimising antihypertensive medicine adherence

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    Antihypertensive pharmacotherapy is associated with poor adherence. No validated method exists to establish patients’ likely adherence level. A systematic review and a single, Swedish community pharmacy practice-based pilot study were undertaken investigating blood pressure (BP) optimization from pharmacist-led, community pharmacy based antihypertensive adherence interventions titrated to individual patients. The systematic review showed generic interventions are often used for optimizing BP. Different intervention outcomes vary: positive, negative and no effect has been demonstrated. Pilot study participants (n=153) were categorised into adherence subgroups (A=Adherent, IR=Intentionally non adherent rational, II=Intentionally non-adherent irrational, U=Unintentionally non-adherent) based on responses to questionnaire format adherence screens. Interventions were designed intuitively to optimize adherence for each subgroup: changes in blood pressure and adherence attitudes were assessed. A significant reduction in mean systolic BP (SBP) (3 mmHg, P<0.05), with no change in mean diastolic BP (DBP) was seen overall. However, outcomes varied with subgroup: adherence was enhanced in the U subgroup (decreased SBP: 3 mmHg; DBP: no change), but indications of a detrimental effect were observed in the II subgroup (SBP: no change; increased DBP: 3 mmHg). It is feasible to assign patients to different adherence subgroups in community pharmacy, which may optimize medicines adherence through personalization of interventions

    The Management of the Primary Tumor in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

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    Over the past decade, the role of surgery in stage IV colorectal cancer (CRC) has evolved, yet the optimal surgical management of the primary tumor in patients with metastatic CRC that is not amenable to curative resection is unknown. A high rate of surgical resection of the primary tumor has been reported in patients with unresectable metastatic disease. Resection of the primary tumor in patients with metastatic CRC is often performed to deal with presenting primary tumor symptoms and or to prevent future primary tumor complications. Nevertheless, with access to novel agents and their efficacy in the primary tumor as well as lack of major complications related to an intact primary tumor, surgery is less commonly performed today. Although the data regarding survival advantages of resection of the primary tumor are inconsistent, overall the evidence suggests potential survival benefit of removal of the primary tumor in patients with both symptomatic and asymptomatic primary tumors even with access to more effective combination chemotherapy. However, the published literature favoring surgery mostly comprises retrospective observational studies. Consequently, the survival benefit related to surgery has been attributed to selection bias, and in the absence of randomized controlled trial no definite conclusion can be drawn. Currently, two randomized controlled trials are enrolling patients to answer this important question in the management of metastatic CRC

    Global food price pass-through in Sri Lanka: A causality analysis

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    Food prices have been increasing sharply since 2003 in Sri Lanka as well as in the world.In the globalized world, the transmission of global food price increases to domestic market determines the decision of economic agents and policy makers of a domestic economy.Thus, this study examines how international food price increases affects domestic inflation dynamic process in Sri Lanka. To assess this purpose, the study uses the VAR Granger causality/Block Exogeneity Wald Tests. The empirical statistical results are derived by using parametric and non-parametric econometric techniques.The data span for this study is from 2003M1 to 2013M12.Granger causality reveals unidirectional causal relationship running from global food price to domestic prices and the past changes of global food price help to explain current changes of domestic prices over and above the study period in Sri Lanka.Therefore, Sri Lankan government needs to develop a safety net program for the poor and a longer term poverty reduction strategy.The results of this study have various policy implications for monetary policy, food and agricultural policy and trade policy for Sri Lanka
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