77 research outputs found

    Natural Products For Infectious Diseases

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    Editorial introduction to Natural Products For Infectious Diseases, the 2016 special issue of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, including 7 research articles and 1 review article addressing the efficacies of natural products for treating infectious diseases, such as infection by multidrug-resistant bacteria, viral influenza, coccidiosis, leishmaniasis, infectious septic shock, and biofilm formation. These articles represent pharmacological activity tests, investigation of action mechanisms of natural products, clinical trials with scientific statistical analyses, and phytochemical analyses of bioactive components in medicinal plants, which are important for scientific validation of the use of natural products in alternative and complimentary medicine

    Olive Oil Production in Albania, Chemical Characterization, and Authenticity

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    Olive tree is present to the Western and Southern regions of Albania, alongside Adriatic and Ionian Sea, two body waters of the Mediterranean basin. Genetic studies have revealed the existence of 22 native olive cultivars, while several introduced foreign olive cultivars are present. Two most important olive cultivars respectively, exploited in the olive oil production, and table olive, are Kalinjot and Kokërrmadh Berati. Olive fruit production ranks the country 20th in the world. Olive tree comprises an important permanent crop with considerable potential for the Albanian economy. Principal component analyses (PCA) of fatty acids in OO displays their differentiation according to the cultivar and their region. Chemometric analysis gives support to the differentiation of OO according to the olive cv. in terms of phenolic compounds. Secoiridoids are found in abundance, 3,4-DHPEA-EDA and p-HPEA-EDA as dominant compounds, especially in Kalinjot olive oils. Albanian OO shows high levels of aroma compounds with (E)-2-hexenal as the principal aroma compound. Its concentrations reach up to 40411 μg/kg in Kalinjot cv., much higher compared to Bardhi Tirana cv (27542.7 μg/kg). The authenticity of OOs constitutes an opportunity for domestic production and certification according to the geography or origin and present an important resource to the development of a sustainable economy

    Characterization of Berry Aromatic Profile of cv. Trebbiano Romagnolo Grapes and Effects of Intercropping with Salvia officinalis L

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are secondary metabolites responsible for the aroma of grapes and the quality of wine. Apart from genetics, agronomic practices may impact the aroma composition and the concentration of volatiles in grape berries. The possible influence of intercropping with medicinal aromatic plants (MAPs) on the VOCs in grape berries’ profile has been poorly explored. Trebbiano Romagnolo is a white Vitis vinifera cultivar cultivated within the Italia region Emilia-Romagna. The study investigated, for the first time, the volatile organic profile of Trebbiano Romagnolo berries as well as the possible influences of intercropping with sage (Salvia officinalis L.) on the volatile composition of grape berries. A total of 48 free and bound aroma compounds were identified using solid phase extraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPE-GC-MS). In the free aroma fraction, the main classes were C6 derivatives, alcohols, and benzenes, while in the bound aroma fraction, the major classes were benzenes, C13 norisoprenoids, and terpenes. The results obtained in this experiment indicate that intercropping with Salvia officinalis may influence volatile compounds in grape berries, an interesting result in cultivars considered neutral such as Trebbiano Romagnolo, providing new insights for exploring the complexity of the terroir and the role of agroecological strategies

    Protective effects of pomiferin isolated from Maclura pomifera on ischemia-reperfusion injury of rat ovary: biochemical and histopathologic evaluation

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of pomiferin, a prenylated flavonoid was purified from Maclura pomifera by thin layer chromatography method, on oxidative stress, sterile inflamation and ovarian tissue damage caused by ischemia-reperfusion model. Methods: Thirty female Wistar albino rats were divided into five groups. In the group CN only laparotomy operation was performed. In group CNPomiferin, rats received 200 mg/kg pomiferin. In group IRVehicle, reperfusion for 3 h performed after an ischemic period of 3 hours. In groups IRPomiferin100 and IRPomiferin200 rats received 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg doses of pomiferin, by oral gavage 1 houes before reperfusion. After the experiments, tissue level of malondialdehyde (MDA) and activities of myeloperoxidase (MPO), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) were determined, and histopathological changes were examined in all rat ovarian tissue. Results: It was determined that irreversible cell damage such as apoptotic and necrotic deaths and reversible cell damage occurred in follicular, endothelial and stromal cells due to oxidative stress in the group IRVehicle. In this group, it was determined that the LPO level exceeded the cellular antioxidant capacity (SOD and CAT enzyme activities) and the PMNL infiltration and activity (MPO), an indicator of sterile inflammation, increased. It was determined that oxidative stress sterile inflammation and irreversible cell damage decreased in a dose-dependent manner with pomiferin treatment. Conclusions: Pomipherin treatment strongly protects ovarian follicles and vascular structures against ischemia-reperfusion injury, thus it may prevent the reduction of ovarian follicle reserve, which is an indicator of female fertility

    Kalecik karası, bornova misketi ve narenciye üzümlerinin aroma maddeleri ve bu üzümlerden elde edilen şarapların aroma maddeleri üzerine kabuk maserasyonu ve glikozidaz enziminin etkileri

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    TEZ5095Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2004.Kaynakça (s. 143-164) var.ix, 179 s. ; res. ; 30 cm.

    Kozan yerli portakallarından elde edilen şaraplarda durultma işleminin kalite üzerine etkisi

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    TEZ2888Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1998.Kaynakça (s. 43-49) var.vi, 49 s. ; res. ; 30 cm.

    Kalecik Karası Şırasında Serbest ve Bağlı Aroma Maddeleri

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    Bu çalışmada, 1998 ve 1999 yıllarında Kalecik Karası üzürrlünden elde edilen şıraların serbest ve bağlı aroma maddeleri belirlenmiştir. Şıradan, serbest aroma maddeleri diklorometanla (CH2CI2), bağlı aroma maddeleri ise Amberlit XAD-2 reçinesiyle ekstrakte edilmiştir. Aroma maddelerinin analizi gaz kromatografisinde gerçekleştirilmiş ve bu maddelerin tanısında gaz kromatografisi-kütle spektrometresi kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizlere göre, 1998 yılında şırada 4'ü altı karbonlu bileşik, 4'ü yüksek alkol, 1'i ester, 5'1 uçucu asit olmak üzere toplam 14 serbest ve 3'ü altı karbonlu bileşik, 2'si terpenol, 7’si yüksek alkol, 2'st ester ve 5’1 uçucu asit olmak üzere toplam 19 bağlı aroma maddesi; 1999 yılında ise, 4’ü altı karbonlu bileşik, 1'i terpen bileşiği, 4’ü yüksek alkpl, 4'ü ester, 5'1 uçucu asit olmak üzere toplam 18 serbest ve 3’ü altı karbonlu bileşik, 2'si terpenol, 6'sı yüksek alkol, 2'si ester ve 5'i uçucu asit olmak üzere toplam 18 bağlı aroma maddesi belirlenmiştir

    Evaluation of volatile compounds in chicken breast meat using simultaneous distillation and extraction with odour activity value

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    WOS: 000337664600005Limited information is available about the volatile components of raw chicken meat; therefore the current study was aimed at chicken meat volatiles. In addition, odour activity values (OAV) were used to evaluate potent volatile components of the chicken meat. Simultaneous distillation and extraction with dichloromethane was used to obtain volatile components. The volatile compounds were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A total of 33 compounds were identified and quantified in the sample. Volatile acids, esters and alcohols were the dominant volatiles in the chicken breast meat. On the basis of OAV, the most important aroma compounds identified in the extract were hexanal and (E)-2-heptenal, which were described as the green-fresh odour and green-cheesy-fatty odour, respectively