283 research outputs found

    Parents Views and Rules about Technology: As Told by\ud teir middle School Children in Hungary and India

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    To help us explore parental attitudes towards and usage of technology, we interviewed students ages 10-15 in Hungary and India in focus groups regarding their technology use. This paper focuses on the preliminary results of these students’ perceptions of parental limitations on their technology use. Parents in both countries limited children’s technology use; however, there were differences in the way these limitations were defined and expressed among our\ud participants. The students from Hungary stated that in many situations their parents have a negative attitude toward technology, however, they prescribed fewer rules and gave more freedom to their children to use the technology items\ud discussed. In India, the students indicated that their parents thought technology was useful, a helpful tool, and spent time using technology with their children and in front of their children. Yet the Indian parents limited their children’s use of technology more than the Hungarian parents

    Művészi szemléltetés az irodalomtanításban

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    Non-Invasive Diagnostics in Acute Compartment Syndrome

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    Diagnosis of acute compartment syndrome (ACS) of the extremities is based on clinical signs with or without complementary measurement of muscle compartmental pressure. However, in cases of imminent compartment syndrome, unconscious patients or children the appropriate diagnose remains challenging. Despite all efforts to improve technical devices to objectify the signs by measurements of numerous parameters, needle compartment pressure measurement is to date accepted as the gold standard to facilitate decision making. But its invasiveness, the controversy about pressure thresholds and its potentially limited validity due to a single measurement support the need for further developments to diagnose ACS. Numerous technical improvements have been published and revealed promising new applications for non-invasive diagnostics. Since the pathology of an ACS is well characterized two approaches of measurements are described: to detect either increasing compartmental pressure or decreasing perfusion pressure. In the following, currently known investigations are reviewed and related to their pathophysiological principals, modes of clinical application, value and reliability


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    Нові публікації останнього часу про формування ідейних та теоретичних засад української історичної науки дають підстави для переконливих висновків про тяглість і цілеспрямованість історіографічного процесу в Україні, а також про роль у ньому як окремих, справді видатних особистостей, так і істориків „другого плану”. Важливе значення для їх становлення мало навчання і залучення до наукової діяльності під егідою і за уважним сприянням фундаторів вітчизняної історичної науки. Переважну більшість серед них склали регіональні школи наукових досліджень, які ввели до наукового обігу величезний комплекс архівних джерел, даних топографії, археології, статистики, етнографії

    Open Posterior Reduction and Stabilization of AO Spine C3 Sacral Fractures.

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    AO Spine C3 sacral fractures are defined by separation of the spine including S1 from the pelvic ring and are usually result of a high-energy injury. Besides their high biomechanical instability and high rate of associated neurological impairment, these fractures are often extremely difficult to reduce due to severe bony impaction and dislocation. Additional difficulties in management of these fractures arise from only a thin-layer of soft-tissue coverage overlying the injured area

    What Features of Assessments Do Higher Education Students Find Most Engaging?

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    Assessment design offers a critical lever for enhancing higher education students’ engagement. To understand what students find most interesting/engaging, we surveyed students (N=668) across arts/humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Students described their most engaging/interesting assessment and then rated three assessment design features, nine emotions, and two perceived learning outcomes associated with it. Students described various assessment types. Few systematic relationships existed between types and features, suggesting that a range of typical assignments can be adapted to include effective features. On regression analysis, the features of authentic assessment and support predicted positive emotions while lack of support predicted negative emotions. Authentic assessment and support also predicted students’ perceived achievement on the assessment and boost to self-confidence. Implications for practice are discussed

    Akutes Kompartmentsyndrom der Extremitäten

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    Acute compartment syndrome of the extremities is a surgical emergency and a rapid diagnosis and immediate surgical treatment are essential for the outcome. The cause is an increase in the tissue pressure inside a muscle compartment enclosed by fasciae and the resulting disruption of microperfusion. This can have potentially disastrous consequences, such as loss of the extremity due to extensive tissue necrosis or a threat to life due to infectious complications. Although mostly triggered by trauma, a multitude of other causes can lead to the formation of a compartment syndrome, so that a basic knowledge of this condition is of great importance not only for trauma surgeons. This is particularly true because a timely treatment necessitates rapid diagnosis and evaluation of the indications. This article provides an overview of the underlying pathophysiology, the causes, the symptoms and the treatment of acute compartment syndrome