105 research outputs found

    An Example of the Endeavor to Comprehend or Reify The Hadith Text: The Shape That the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) Has Drawn About the Relationship between Ambition (Amal) and Fate (Ajal)

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    Beşer olarak hayatını idame ettireceği ve kendisi olmadan yapamayacağı (kasr-ı) emel insanoğluna fıtrî mevhibe olarak verilmiştir. Niteliği ve hedefi farklı olmakla birlikte her insanda emel bulunur. Bunun yanında Kur’an-ı Kerim’de ve hadis kaynaklarında dünyanın geçici olduğu beyan edilerek insanlar ahireti unutturacak (tul-i) emel konusunda uyanık olmaya çağrılmıştır. Bunlardan biri de Hz. Peygamber’in (s.a.v.) yere bazı çizgiler çizerek insan-emel-ecel ilişkisini anlattığı meşhur Abdullah b. Mes’ud rivayetidir. Hz. Peygamber’in (s.a.v.) bir muallim olarak farklı vasıtalardan nasıl istifade ettiğini gösteren bu rivayetin muhtevasını ve merkezini oluşturan kare ve içindeki çizgiler farklı dönemlerde şarihlerin dikkatini çekmiştir. Tekrarlanma imkanı bulunmayan bu hadiseyi tasvir etmeye çalışan hadis yorumcuları muhtelif şekiller resmederek metni nasıl anladıklarını ortaya koymuşlardır. Bu şekillerden her birinin bir tür yorum faaliyeti olduğu ve hadis metinlerini anlama faaliyetinin her dönemde süreklilik arzettiği, bu makalede insanın emelleri ve ecelinin anlatıldığı tablolar üzerinden ortaya konulmaya çalışılacaktır

    Sharaf ad-Din at-Tibi and His Works

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    H. VIII. asır müelliflerinden Hatib et-Tebrizî’nin tasnif ettiği Mişkâtü’l-Mesâbîh’e ilk şerhi eserin telifine de vesile olan hocası Şerafüddin et-Tîbî yazmıştır. Tîbî talebesi Tebrizî’nin eserine, telifinden hemen sonra yazdığı el-Kâşif isimli bu şerhinin yanında Zemahşerî’nin el-Keşşâf’ı üzerine yapmış olduğu çalışma ile de meşhurdur. Diğer taraftan Tîbî, İslâm dünyasının siyasî ve sosyal açıdan krizde olduğu, İlhanlılar idaresindeki Tebriz ve çevresinde Şiîlik faaliyetlerinin baş gösterdiği bir dönemde yaşamış ve eserlerini telif etmiştir. Mişkâtü’l-Mesâbîh ve Tîbî’nin esere yazmış olduğu ilk şerh bu dönemde sünneti/ sünnetle “ihya” çabalarının semeresidir. VIII. Asır Tebriz bölgesinde Olcaytu Han döneminde yürütülen Şiîlik faaliyetleri başta olmak üzere “bid’atçı” akımlara karşı ‘sünnî” düşünceyi müdafaa eden âlimlerden biri olması hasebiyle Şerafüddin et-Tîbî’yi, talim-tedris faaliyetlerini ve eserlerini kısaca tanıtmak gayesi ile bu makale kaleme alınmıştır.Sharaf ad-din at-Tibi had written the first commentary to Mishkat al-Masabih which was classified by Khateeb at-Tabrizi who is one of the authors of the eighth century after Hijra. Tîbî is well-known with the work that he did about al-Keshaf of Zemahshary in additon to the commentary work, named as al-Kaasheef, which he wrote just after the work of his student “Tabrizi”. On the other hand, Tibi had lived and compiled his works in a period which the Islamic world was in crisis in terms of politics and society and that was a period when the activities of Shiite had appeared in and around of Tabriz under the administration of Ilkhanate. Mishkat and the first commentary work written by Tibi are the products of revivification efforts of Sunnah or with Sunnah. This article had been written with the aim of introducing Sharaf ad-Din at-Tibi who defended the Sunnah against bid’ah and the activities of Shia during the reign of Olcaytu Khan in the eighth century after Hijra in Tabriz, and also to introduce his era, teaching activities and works of him

    Sahâbenin Rol Model Olmasında İdeolojik Ve Parçacı Okuma Ebû Zer El-Gıfârî Örneği

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    Dinî-siyasî-sosyal tartışmalarda haklılığı gösteren unsurlardan biri de söz konusu meselenin sahâbe kaynak gösterilerek ele alınmasıdır. Sahâbe ile ilgili sadece ilk nesillerde karşımıza çıkmayan bu durumu günümüzde de görmek mümkündür. Erken dönemden itibaren farklı vesilelerle kendisinden bahsedilen Ebû Zer el-Gıfârî (r.a.) de bu konuda dikkat çekici örneklerden birisidir. Onun zenginlerin zekatıyla ilgili görüşü, kenz âyetine getirmiş olduğu yorum, Muâviye ile yaşadığı tartışma, halife Osman (r.a.) tarafından Medine’ye çağrılması, Rebeze’ye sürgüne gönderilmesi ve nihayet burada vefatı gibi konular vesilesiyle kaynaklarda ondan çokça söz edilmiştir. Ebû Zer’in bu meseleler karşısında takınmış olduğu tavrın, son yüzyıldaki ideolojik ve toplumsal olaylarla nasıl irtibatlandırıldığını görmek açsından hakkında yazılan kitap ve makalelerin başlıklarına bile bakmak yeterlidir. Ebû Zer’den bahsedilirken emek, mal, sermaye, özel mülkiyet gibi konulara girilmesi, İslâm sosyalizmi ve Marksizm gibi kavramların gündeme gelmesi, kapitalizm karşıtı bir kimse olarak sunulması, “devrimci”liğinden söz edilmesi son derece dikkat çekicidir. Bu makalenin konusu, onun hakkında kaynaklarda yer alan bilgilerin, bu konuda kanaat belirtmek için yeterli olup olmadığını tartışmaktır. Bu da yakın dönemde yazılmış popüler eserlerdeki anlatımların bazılarının mukayeseli tahlili ile yapılacaktır

    Hadith Listening of Children in Terms of Methodology, Opportunity and Necessity

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    Hadis usûlü kaynaklarında, çocukların hangi yaştan itibaren hadis dinleyebilecekleri ya da alt sınır olarak hangi yaşta dinlemiş olduğu hadisleri nakledilebilecekleri bir mesele olarak ele alınmıştır. Hadis gibi farklı özellikleri bulunan ve zabt merkezli olan bir ilmin, temyiz döneminde de olsa çocuklar tarafından nasıl öğrenileceği dikkat çekici bir mevzudur. Öte yandan Hz. Peygamber dönemine yetişen çocuklar başta olmak üzere çocukların bulûğdan önceki dönemlere dair nakillerine kaynaklarda yer verilmiştir. Bundan dolayı çocukluk döneminin mahzurları ve imkânları dikkate alınarak usûl kaynaklarının bu konuyu nasıl değerlendirdiğinin ele alınması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada gerek yoğun katılımların olduğu hadis meclislerinde gerekse muhaddislerin bire bir yakın muhitinde özel ilgilenmesi suretiyle bir şekilde karşımıza çıkan çocukların hadis talebesi olma imkânı üzerinde durularak bunun bir gereklilik hatta zaruret olduğu ortaya konulmaya çalışılacaktır.From what age of children could listen to hadith or at what age they could narrate ahadith that they had heard is an issue in the books of usul al hadith. It is a remarkable matter how the hadith which is dabt/registration based and has different characteristics will be learned by the children just before puberty. Moreover, mainly the children lived in the age of Prophet Mohammed, the narrations by the children before puberty had been included in the sources. Therefore, taking the objections and opportunities of childhood into account, it must be studied how this issue evaluated in the books of methodology. The opportunity of children as narrators will be evaluated in this article, moreover, it will be emphasized as a necessity

    Non-Surgical Causes of Acute Abdominal Pain

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    Abdominal pain constitutes 5% of the causes of emergency admissions and is an important part in the practice of emergency services in all centers. Patients may suffer from acute surgical abdomen, acute abdomen with nonsurgical diseases or acute problems of chronic diseases. Abdominal pain is sometimes associated with acute trauma. Clinical assessment is a process where diagnosis and treatment must be done quickly and must be well managed. We have tried here to discuss the non-surgical causes of abdominal pain

    Modified quadruple therapy or bismuth-containing quadruple therapy in the first-line treatment of Helicobacter pylori in Turkey

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    Aim: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication is still an important issue in countries with high antibiotic resistance. This study aimed to compare the efficacy and safety of two bismuth-containing treatment modalities in H. pylori treatment in Turkey. Material and methods: subjects with H. pylori infection who were treated with either bismuth-containing quadruple therapy (pantoprazole 40 mg bid, tetracycline 500 mg qid, metronidazole 500 mg tid, bismuth subcitrate 262 mg qid daily) (BQT group) or modified quadruple therapy (pantoprazole 40 mg bid, amoxicillin 1g bid, metronidazole 500 mg tid, bismuth subcitrate 262 mg qid daily) (MBQT group) for 14 days were compared, retrospectively. The eradication success rate, adverse events related to the medications and compliance were investigated. Results: a total of 128 patients in the BQT group and 102 patients in the MBQT group completed the treatment. The overall rate of adverse events was significantly higher in the BQT group compared with the MBQT group (39.4 % vs 18.6; p: 0.001). Among the adverse events, nausea-vomiting and abdominal discomfort was significantly more frequent in the BQT group than in the MBQT group (p: 0.001). The adverse events were mild-moderate in both groups and life threatening adverse events were not present in any of the patients. Conclusion: although both regimens were highly effective and safe in H. pylori eradication, both intention-to-treat (ITT) and per-protocol (PP) eradication rates were higher and adverse events were lower in the modified quadruple therapy group. Modified quadruple therapy should be kept in mind for the first-line treatment of H. pylori in regions with high clarithromycin and metronidazole resistance

    The Brain Ischemic Volume Correlation with the Ischemic Modified Albumin Level

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    Objective:Cerebrovascular disease is a frequent cause of emergency department visits, and early diagnosis can reduce mortality and morbidity. It was aimed to evaluate the relationship between diffusion-weighted-magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) and blood ischemic modified albumin (IMA) levels of cerebrovascular diseases in terms of demographic characteristics, mortality, and morbidity.Method:This prospective cohort study included 44 patients diagnosed with ischemic stroke in the emergency room between January and July 2014 and 44 people in the control group. Age, gender, vital signs, co-morbid disease states, neurological deficit levels, IMA levels, DW-MRI involvement volumes, and mortality rates were analyzed in patients who were diagnosed with stroke and who had DW-MRI restrictions. Also, a control group of 44 volunteers who applied to our emergency department was added to compare the IMA level.Results:The median age of the patients was 71 years (24 males, 20 females, range 47 to 83 years) and the median age of the control group was 68 (25 males, 19 females, range 52 to 79) years. The median age of the control group was close to that of the patient group, the two groups were also similar in terms of gender distribution. The most common co-morbid disease was hypertension 28 (63.6%), atrial fibrillation (AF) 14 (31.8%), diabetes mellitus (DM) 10 (22.8%) and coronary artery disease 10 (22.8%). The median value of the IMA level was 13.84 in the patient group and 8.66 in the control group. While the patients’ NIHSS stroke score was high, the area of involvement in MRI and also IMA levels increased. Besides, diffusion involvement area and IMA levels were positively and moderately correlated.Conclusion:IMA level can be considered as a parameter that can be used in acute ischemic stroke and as an indicator of the diffusion restriction area in MRI

    Genetic and phenotypic variation of the malaria vector Anopheles atroparvus in southern Europe

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a growing concern that global climate change will affect the potential for pathogen transmission by insect species that are vectors of human diseases. One of these species is the former European malaria vector, <it>Anopheles atroparvus</it>. Levels of population differentiation of <it>An. atroparvus </it>from southern Europe were characterized as a first attempt to elucidate patterns of population structure of this former malaria vector. Results are discussed in light of a hypothetical situation of re-establishment of malaria transmission.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Genetic and phenotypic variation was analysed in nine mosquito samples collected from five European countries, using eight microsatellite loci and geometric morphometrics on 21 wing landmarks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Levels of genetic diversity were comparable to those reported for tropical malaria vectors. Low levels of genetic (0.004 <<it>F</it><sub><it>ST </it></sub><0.086) and phenotypic differentiation were detected among <it>An. atroparvus </it>populations spanning over 3,000 km distance. Genetic differentiation (0.202 <<it>F</it><sub><it>ST </it></sub><0.299) was higher between the sibling species <it>An. atroparvus </it>and <it>Anopheles maculipennis </it>s.s. Differentiation between sibling species was not so evident at the phenotype level.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Levels of population differentiation within <it>An. atroparvus </it>were low and not correlated with geographic distance or with putative physical barriers to gene flow (Alps and Pyrenées). While these results may suggest considerable levels of gene flow, other explanations such as the effect of historical population perturbations can also be hypothesized.</p

    Production, characterization, and luminescent properties of Eu3+ doped yttrium niobate-tantalate films

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    Monoclinic yttrium tantalate (M'-YTaO4, M '-YTO), and two different kinds of yttrium niobium-tantalate (M '-YTa0.85Nb0.15O4 (M '-YTNO) and Eu3+ doped M '-YTa0.85Nb0.15O4 (M '-YTNO:Eu3+)) were produced by sol-gel method and grown on single crystalline Si (100) substrate by spin coating approach. Structural properties and thermal behaviours of the films were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA). Systematic Steady-state photoluminescence and lifetime measurements in a series of yttrium niobium-tantalate with varying amounts of Eu3+ were presented. The photoluminescence spectra of the films exhibited strong blue (380-400 nm) and red (614 nm) emissions upon ultraviolet excitation. Emission intensities were strongly dependent on the host lattice composition and film morphology. 1.5% Eu3+ doped films exhibited the brightest luminescence and long lifetime extending to 1.22 ms when excited at 254 nm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt in the production of M '-YTO, M '-YTNO, and M '-YTNO:Eu3+ films on single crystalline Si (100) substrate via sol-gel spin coating

    High temperature thermopower of sol-gel processed Zn1-x-y Al (x) Me (y) O (Me: Ga, In)

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    In this study, dually doped samples of Zn1-x-y Al (x) Me (y) O (Me: Ga, In) were prepared by sol-gel process followed by hot isostatic pressing for high temperature thermoelectric applications. Material characterizations were performed with differential thermal analysis-thermogravimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction on the target phases. Successful doping of the samples was confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Thermopower values of the samples are found to be relatively high in analogy to semiconducting behavior in which negative values indicate electrons are the dominant charge carriers (n-type). Substitution of Zn2+ by Ga3+ and In3+ for Zn1-x-y Al (x) Me (y) O (Me: Ga, In) increases electron concentration in the samples and thereby decreases the thermopower values compared to Zn0.98Al0.02O. Considering the absolute values, In doped samples have higher thermopower (alpha (max) = -162 A mu V/K at 585 A degrees C for Zn0.96Al0.02In0.02O) compared to the Ga doped sample. Al and In dually doped Zn0.96Al0.02In0.02O could be considered as a promising n-type thermoelectric material for high temperature applications