10,592 research outputs found

    Reality in the Classroom: Teaching Critical Thinking with Scenarios

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    One of the challenges for hospitality educators is to develop critical thinking skills in the future leaders of the industry. It is often thought that students will develop this skill as a by product of course work, but research indicates that it must be explicitly taught.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/btp_expo/1077/thumbnail.jp

    Expanded Parameters in the Self-Organized Critical Forest Fire Model

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    The forest fire model has frequently been used as a way to test the theory of Self-Organized Criticality, which is a model of complexity. The model analyzes commonalities in randomly generated forest fires using a computer simulation. In previous models, only the nearest neighbors to a tree on fire catch on fire, and it has been assumed that if further neighboring trees also catch on fire, then it will still exhibit self-organized criticality. Testing this assumption aids to the exploration of the applicability of self-organized criticality because the model is the most useful when it applies to a large range of systems, as closely related to nature as possible

    Offending White Men: Racial Vilification, Misrecognition, and Epistemic Injustice

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    In this article I analyse two complaints of white vilification, which are increasingly occurring in Australia. I argue that, though the complainants (and white people generally) are not harmed by such racialized speech, the complainants in fact harm Australians of colour through these utterances. These complaints can both cause and constitute at least two forms of epistemic injustice (willful hermeneutical ignorance and comparative credibility excess). Further, I argue that the complaints are grounded in a dual misrecognition: the complainants misrecognize themselves in their own privileged racial specificity, and they misrecognize others in their own marginal racial specificity. Such misrecognition preserves the cultural imperialism of Australia’s dominant social imaginary—a means of oppression that perpetuates epistemic insensitivity.Bringing this dual misrecognition to light best captures the indignity that is suffered by the victims of the aforementioned epistemic injustices. I argue that it is only when we truly recognize difference in its own terms, shifting the dominant social imaginary, that “mainstream Australians”can do their part in bringing about a just society

    Precision Weak Gravitational Lensing Using Velocity Fields: Fisher Matrix Analysis

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    Weak gravitational lensing measurements based on photometry are limited by shape noise, the variance in the unknown unlensed orientations of the source galaxies. If the source is a disk galaxy with a well-ordered velocity field, however, velocity field data can support simultaneous inference of the shear, inclination, and position angle, virtually eliminating shape noise. We use the Fisher Information Matrix formalism to forecast the precision of this method in the idealized case of a perfectly ordered velocity field defined on an infinitesimally thin disk. For nearly face-on targets one shear component, γ×\gamma_\times, can be constrained to 0.00390I025npix0.003\frac{90}{I_0}\frac{25}{n_{\rm pix}} where I0I_0 is the S/N of the central intensity pixel and npixn_{\rm pix} is the number of pixels across a diameter enclosing 80\% of the light. This precision degrades with inclination angle, by a factor of three by i=50i{=}50^\circ. Uncertainty on the other shear component, γ+\gamma_+, is about 1.5 (7) times larger than the γ×\gamma_\times uncertainty for targets at i=10i=10^\circ (5050^\circ). For arbitrary galaxy position angle on the sky, these forecasts apply not to γ+\gamma_+ and γ×\gamma_\times as defined on the sky, but to two eigenvectors in (γ+,γ×,μ)(\gamma_+, \gamma_\times,\mu) space where μ\mu is the magnification. We also forecast the potential of less expensive partial observations of the velocity field such as slit spectroscopy. We conclude by outlining some ways in which real galaxies depart from our idealized model and thus create random or systematic uncertainties not captured here. In particular, our forecast γ×\gamma_\times precision is currently limited only by the data quality rather than scatter in galaxy properties because the relevant type of scatter has yet to be measured.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 17 pages, 14 figures. Diff from v1: added Sec 3.1 on degeneracies and Appendix with simulations confirming Fisher result


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    This paper begins with the presumption that rapid economic development requires an effective state. An effective state is able to act independently of powerful interest groups with the aim of allocating resources so as to maximize long-term economic growth. It will be argued that such states are more likely to arise in situations within which the state must earn its income. That is, it must construct an institutional apparatus to extract the revenue that it needs and it is dependent upon the bulk of its agricultural producers to produce this revenue. The higher agricultural productivity within a region, the more dependent the state will be on revenues from the bulk of its agricultural producers. This dependency will lead, through a dialectical process, to a state whose activities will be constrained, a state which will be able to effectively commit itself to long-run development. This proposition is tested using time series/cross-sectional data for a sample of diverse countries from the 1960¡¯s through 1990¡¯s.Agricultural Productivity, State Effectiveness, Institutional Quality

    Pictorial Socratic dialogue and conceptual change

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    Counter-examples used in a Socratic dialogue aim to provoke reflection to effect conceptual changes. However, natural language forms of Socratic dialogues have their limitations. To address this problem, we propose an alternative form of Socratic dialogue called the pictorial Socratic dialogue. A Spring Balance System has been designed to provide a platform for the investigation of the effects of this pedagogy on conceptual changes. This system allows learners to run and observe an experiment. Qualitative Cartesian graphs are employed for learners to represent their solutions. Indirect and intelligent feedback is prescribed through two approaches in the pictorial Socratic dialogue which aim to provoke learners probe through the perceptual structural features of the problem and solution, into the deeper level of the simulation where Archimedes’ Principle governs

    An investigation of volcanic gases and dust (aerosols) in the stratosphere

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