153 research outputs found

    Slope stability monitoring from microseismic field using polarization methodology

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    International audienceNumerical simulation of seismoacoustic emission (SAE) associated with fracturing in zones of shear stress concentration shows that SAE signals are polarized along the stress direction. The proposed polarization methodology for monitoring of slope stability makes use of three-component recording of the microseismic field on a slope in order to pick the signals of slope processes by filtering and polarization analysis. Slope activity is indicated by rather strong roughly horizontal polarization of the respective portion of the field in the direction of slope dip. The methodology was tested in microseismic observations on a landslide slope in the Northern Tien-Shan (Kyrgyzstan)

    Energy deposition in air by moderately focused femtosecond laser filaments

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    Filamentation of high-power femtosecond laser pulses in air is accompanied by a fairly strong release of optical energy into the propagation medium due to laser-induced ionization of air molecules and production of an underdense plasma of charged species. We present the results of our laboratory experiments and numerical simulations aimed to the estimation of energy deposition amount by laser filament upon propagation in air depending on the conditions of spatial focusing, pulse energy, and radiation wavelength. For the first time to our knowledge, our study reveals a more than 50% decrease in the filament energy deposited in air in the range of moderate numerical aperture values, approximately from 0.003 to 0.007, at the carrier wavelengths of 740 nm and 470 nm. We attribute such a considerable reduction in the laser pulse energy release for femtosecond plasma to the competing effects of Kerr self-focusing and geometric divergence of focused laser pulse

    Development of algorithm for calculating properties of water and steam on IAPWS-IF97 equation system for modeling thermal schemes HPP

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    In this paper, developing an algorithm for calculating the properties of water and steam on current formulation of IAPWS-IF97 for use the obtained data in automated calculations in the simulation of heat schemes are considered. The basic equations for calculating the thermodynamic parameters of water and water vapor are considered.В работе рассмотрен процесс разработки алгоритма расчета свойств воды и водяного пара на основе действующей формуляции IAPWS-IF97 для использования полученных данных в автоматизированных расчетах при моделировании тепловых схем. Рассмотрены основные уравнения для вычисления термодинамических параметров воды и водяного пара

    Comparative Analysis of Obtained Values of Water and Water Parameters Based on Formulation of IAPWS-IF97 in Water-Steam Calculator Program

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    The paper presents the results of estimating deviations in the computation of water and steam parameters in the proprietary Water-Steam Calculator (WSC) program. The results are compared with the water and water vapor properties tables and the WaterSteamPro program. The errors are estimated, and the metrological accuracy of application in engineering calculations of the dynamically connected library in the basis of the Water-Steam Calculator is proved.В работе приведены результаты оценки отклонений вычисления параметров воды и водяного пара в собственной программе Water-Steam Calculator (WSC). Произведено сравнение результатов с таблицами свойств воды и водяного пара и программой WaterSteamPro. Оценены погрешности, и доказана метрологическая точность применения в инженерных расчетах динамически подключаемой библиотеки в основе Water-Steam Calculator


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    The paper describes the process of developing an algorithm for calculating thermodynamic parameters in the near-critical region of the IAPWS-IF97 formulation in order to enhance the capabilities of the Water-Steam Calculator. The basic equations describing this area of the diagram are studied. Found solutions to identify the near-critical region in the library of the Water-Steam Calculator.В работе рассмотрен процесс разработки алгоритма расчета термодинамических параметров в околокритической области формуляции IAPWS-IF97 для повышения возможностей собственной программы Water-Steam Calculator. Изучены основные уравнения, описывающие данную область диаграммы. Найдены решения для идентификации околокритической области в библиотеке Water-Steam Calculator